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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

"Yes! Go, Daniel!" Jonathan declared. Popplio jumped on the rail and applauded, then Jonathan brought him back to the seat and sat down with Popplio. As the applause died down, Jonathan gave Daniel a thumbs-up.
(Walked? He's in a wheelchair)

Daniel rolled off of the stage, where Lopunny got him, and pushed him back to the lounge, to prepare for round two. He didn't know who he was going to face next, but he hoped that his opponent would give him a fair match.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Awesome job, Daniel." Glacier congratulated Daniel. "Your Serperior is really strong." Salamence opened his jaw and dropped it as if to say, "You won't win when you're up against me." and grinned.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"No...its Kyle's turn. He's going on with Rockruff." Glacier told him. "And also...You'd better get ready...You're better prepare yourself." Salamence growled but smiled.
(Wait, so you're battling me now, Glacier?)

As he saw Glacier talking to Salamence, Kyle went over Rockruff's moves and prepped it for battle. Salamence may have been strong, but Rockruff was strong, too! He walked onstage and waited for Glacier.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier walked onstage and saw Kyle ready to battle him. "The stage is set! Salamence! Go for it!" Glacier said. Salamence went out of the Pokeball with the seal that released shadow dragons that intimidated Rockruff and disappeared. "Get ready..." He told Kyle.
"Always am!" he exclaimed. Rockruff came out of its PokeBall with a seal that covered him with rocks, with flew away from all sides and revealed it. "You're move!" exclaimed Kyle.
(You're not supposed to decide if the move hits my Pokemon or not, or even how badly it affects my Pokemon! Before I state my Pokemon's actions, please change your previous statement!)
(And contest battles are about using your opponent's moves to make your pokemon look good, not knocking them out)

"Salamence vs Rockruff, eh?" Daniel commented, "There's only one way that can go."

As far as he was concerned, Glacier was sure to win this. There was no way that a small rock type could outshine a huge dragon type, especially since dragon types often had a wider, and much prettier movepool.

Meanwhile, Daniel got Lopunny out of her ball, intent on using her in the next battle. He took her vest off, her identifying vest, which read, 'SERVICE POKEMON, DO NOT PET', and groomed her, before placing her back in her ball.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Salamence, use Dragon Rush while using Fire Fang!" Glacier commanded. Salamence used a Fire Fang spinning Dragon Rush on Rockruff. He didn't seem confident in his Pokemon, but Salamence gave him hope.
"Rockruff, use Rock Tomb and make a wall to block it!" exclaimed Kyle as Salamence came hurtling towards Rockruff. Rockruff shot out a series of clean-cut rocks and made a wall to block Salamence's move.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence was willing to break through the rock tomb wall, but that would cost him. "Salamence, fly upward!" He shouted. Salamence flew and saw what Glacier was trying to see. I need an opening somehow, but to lower the defense...I got it! He thought and grinned. "Hydro Pump!" Glacier commanded. Salamence threw a large gulf of water at the wall from his mouth.
Kyle grinned. While Salamence was too busy trying to break down the wall, Rockruff had silently leaped into the air and launched itself behind Salamence. Kyle gave it a look, and Rockruff knew what it had to do. It launched itself towards Salamence with Quick Attack!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence saw the Quick Attack made by Rockruff. "Dodge it!" Glacier shouted. Salamence leaped out of the way and made it in the air. Salamence growled. He was easily fooled by the Rock Tomb. Then, Glacier had an idea. "Salamence, land on the ground on your back and spin while using Hydro Pump!" Salamence landed and spun on its back while using Hydro Pump to form an water twister and a shield from Rockruff.
Daniel shook his head as he watched the display. They really didn't seem to be getting the point of contest battles at all, and were instead, going for the knockout.

He continued grooming Lopunny, making her as pretty as he could


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Man..my points are going down fast...how can I even communicate with a Salamence that's too large...I'm no good with this...This was a bad idea from the start...He thought sadly. Salamence stopped spinning and flung himself in the air. Using that move, it would damage the whole arena and stadium. Good thing I replaced it. "Salamence...attempt your new move...Dragon Tail!" Glacier said, worried. Salamence powered up his tail and charged at Rockruff.
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How could Rockruff counter a move like that? His bar and Glacier's bar were at about equal lengths, so this move would either give him an advantage or give Glacier the advantage! Then, Salamence went back in the air. Now, it was Rockruff's time to show its potential! "Rockruff, use Stealth Rock!" From Rockruff's mane, shimmering rocks came out and landed on the floor below Salamence. Rockruff hopped from rock to rock, showing the audience its elegance and prowess!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence was still charging at Rockruff when Rockruff used Stealth Rock. Rockruff will hop on the rocks then go for an attack. I can attempt to stop it, but at what cost? Glacier thought. Salamence was getting close to Rockruff and Dragon Tail was still waiting to be used. "Wait for it..." Glacier said to himself. He wanted to win. He wanted to stand out of his father's name, but winning is just what he would do. "Just keep waiting Salamence, try to sense it coming." Glacier told his dragon partner. Salamence closed his eyes and waited while flying. His ears lurked from left to right as he tried to hear a sound from Rockruff.
Kyle could sense Salamence was waiting for an attack, and he knew that that was just what Rockruff was going to have to give him! "Rockruff, Rock Blast!" he exclaimed. Rock Blast shot out rocks at Salamence. "Now, jump from rock to rock with Quick Attack!" Showing off its speed, the opponents bar had to be lowered!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Now Salamence!" Glacier exclaimed. Salamence opened his eyes in a jolt and saw the rocks heading toward him. Salamence whacked them back with Dragon Tail, it almost took him down but, Salamence showed his resilience and accomplished what Glacier wanted.
As Rockruff kept jumping and avoiding the rocks being hurled at it, Kyle finally found an opening! "Now, Rockruff, use Ice Fang!" This move showed off Rockruff's sharp teeth that grew and turned into a crystal color. Rockruff leaped at Salamence, ready to finish the battle!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Salamence! Use your tail!" Glacier shouted. Salamence used his tail to block the attack. It would still hurt but it was worth the wait. "Hang tight!" He said. Glacier saw how shiny Rockruff's Ice Fang was, but it didn't distract him for what he was planning.
Rockruff ended up grabbing Salamence's tail, but that was alright. Now, to show off hoe Rockruff could do under a situation like this...... "Rockruff, use Rock Blast now!" Out of Rockruff's mouth, which was on Salamence's tail, came a series of rocks that blasted themselves towards Salamence! They would hit under less than half a second! There was no way this could miss the target!
(@Arsenal42226512 this needs to stop. You can't dodge every attack. This makes your character nonsensical and overpowered, and it's not fair on @JohtoTrainerGlacier Also, tagging @Yellow.anime so she doesn't get left behind)

Daniel was just about satisfied with his preparations, when he put a unique seal on Lopunny's pokeball. This one shot out blooming carnations, and a fireball display, and with it, he planned to make Lopunny look like a flamenco dancer.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence was taking damage quick and his points were dropping, inch by inch. "Hydro Pump on him!" Glacier exclaimed. Salamence turned his head and blasted Rockruff with large amounts of water.
(I never said that Dragon Tail didn't hurt Rockruff! When it used Ice Fang, of course it hit! But I see what you mean. So how about you choose the winner of this battle for us?)

Hydro Pump hit home with Rockruff, sending it down! Rockruff looked beat up, and so did Salamence. This was a close battle, and.... The buzzer rang. The audience's attention turned to the screen.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence landed on the ground and turned to the screen. Glacier was nervous that he had lost. He dared looked at the screen. Rowlet with Terian also looked closely at the screen, hoping Glacier would be victorious. It all comes down to this...Glacier thought.
"Good luck," Kyle whispered to Glacier. "However this turns out, I just wanna say... I think you're an awesome coordinator!" He then turned to Rockruff. "You did great!" Rockruff yapped, and was obviously nervous, but then again, so was Kyle...


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Thanks Kyle...I had a blast...I think you're an awesome coordinator too...You raised Rockruff well..." Glacier said, smiling. "Thank you Salamence for all your hard work." Salamence looked at Glacier and nudged him and Kyle.
(Very well)

"The coordinator advancing to the next round is... Glacier!" the presenter announced, as the coordinator's profile showed up on the screen, "For that amazing performance with Salamence!"
Duke stood and gave a round of applause. Both trainers should be proud and neither had anything to be ashamed of.

If only Charizard could have seen it...


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
No...Way...Glacier thought. He smiled with tears in his eyes and hugged Salamence's head. "Thank you...We've done it." Glacier said, biting back more emotions. Salamence looked at Glacier with intelligent eyes and nudged him in the shoulder. Glacier turned to Kyle and said, "Kyle...I wouldn't have gotten this far...without you tricking me in battle...I thank you...Congrats on making this far."
Kyle looked at the screen, turned away, and said, "I guess I wasn't cut out for this." Then, he turned to Glacier, covering his eyes, and exclaimed, "Come this far?!? I only made it to the second round! If this is how it's going to be, then I've got to forget being a coordinator!" He sprinted away from the stage, disappointed in himself, and left the building, and went to the ports near the Battle Royale Dome. "I would like a ferry to Poni Island," he said. He was done with Contests. He was done with all of it! He needed to find his father and do whatever it took to stop him, because that was all he could do. He let a note for the others, telling them where he was headed and what he was doing. He needed to stop Guzma, he needed to get stronger. There was no hope for him as a coordinator, but there was as a battler. Secretly, he hoped one of his friends would follow him, but they had thing to do on their own. This was a drastic thing he was going to do, but if he became stronger through this, then it was worth it!
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier returned to the lounge area and saw Daniel there with Lopunny's Pokeball. He didn't say anything at first but he did, "Kyle's gone to Pony Island. He going to stop his father." Salamence looked worried about seeing Kyle in trouble. He wanted to protect the group from harm.