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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

"Mantis!" (Sure, I'd love to play!)

"Ruff! Rock Ruff!" (Yes, yes that would be great! Make this less awkward...I mean more fun!)

Duke smiled at the Pokemon, before he had a hand on his chin and had a look that was one of deep thought over something.

Have to start working a routine with Fomantis. Then I'll need to work on a new team pose with the full party. So much work, so little time...
"Teiran...can we keep in touch? I want to go to Melemele Island for my first trial against Kahuna Hala!" He told her. Akio was exited to see what gyms had become! All of a sudden Akio spotted a strange figure in the distance that looked like a Vespiquen, the figure turned red and disappeared. Just like a captured Pokémon. Akio turned back around and walked with the group still wondering who's it was.
"Does anyone have a Vespiquen?" He asked.
Daniel rolled his eyes at the display. Was it really such a good idea for everyone to be travelling together, if no one could agree on where to go? He had to wonder...

"What say we go to Lush Jungle, and then we go somewhere nice for dinner?" he offered.

Kemen planted a kiss atop Daniel's forehead. "Name your restaurant, and it's all on me!"
"Akio, could we stay together? I haven't done my Melemele trials either, and it would be best that we go together, as a group." she said to him, her voice fearful, of losing him again. Then she turned to Daniel. "I don't have a restaurant in mind, and thanks for paying!" she said, as she nodded respectfully to Kemen, and gave a thumbs up to Daniel.

Meanwhile, Brionne touched Rockruff with her nose, saying, "Tag, you're it!" in Pokemon speak, before running around, taking the outdoors.
( @Akio and Cubone please reply to the Adventure in Johto Role-play?)
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"Think nothing of it," Kemen answered,"Money's no object to me!"

Daniel, meanwhile, focused on the situation at hand. "Agreed. We're not leaving Akala island until Teiran's done her trials here."
"Thanks, Daniel." Teiran said, with another respectful nod, before looking at her text messages again, to see Trinity's response. "Why do you ask? Oh, and now I'm in a creepy looking house, owned by Skull and Flare." Teiran gave the Pokegear a strange look, before closing it, and slipping it into her backpack pocket.
Akio walked with Teiran questioning the Vespiquen before, probably nothing to worry about. Cubone walked up to the others
"Are you seriously playing tag?" Asked Cubone, "Alright then" Cubone joined in with them running from the tagger.
Rockruff chased after Brionne outside, and Fomantis follow, before it ran in another direction to avoid being tagged. Once the Cubone joined in the fun only increased, Duke watching with a smile.

"Something wrong Teiran?" Duke asked. Duke noticed Teiran's odd look at her Pokegear, but failed to hear what she said.
"No, my sister just texted something...odd. Take a look." Teiran said, as she pulled her Pokegear out again, and flipped to the text messages, showing what Trinity had sent. "Y'know, she's pretty scared it says...reminds me of the egg incident." Teiran said with a frown, as she waited for him to read the texts.
Duke took a moment to read the text, a frown on his face before he turned to Teiran.

"Do you know where she is? Where that house might be?" Duke asked, speaking with an unusually serious tone.
Last text said she was on Ula'Ula' island, and she couldn't have gotten to a whole new island in a couple minutes." Teiran said, taking Duke's serious face into mind. Was he worried about Trinity, a girl that he'd never met? He's very caring, for sure. Teiran thought to herself. Meanwhile, Brionne had gotten tagged by Rockruff, and was now chasing after Cubone, as his target.
Duke gave a nod, before he called out his Charizard. Duke jumped on Charizard's back before he faced Teiran and the others.

"I'm sorry. But I cannot ignore someone who might be in need of help. I would offer you all the chance to come with me, as I respect and appreciate the aid, but I don't want to take away from your own journey. Once I confirm she is okay I will return. That's a promise." Duke said giving Teiran and the others a thumbs up. Duke turned to Rockruff and Fomantis, having fun playing and gave them a minute to enjoy themselves before he would make the move to recall them.
"I don't know what's going on, but it doesn't sound good," Daniel added, "Maybe we should go looking for"--

"No, we'll alert the authorities," Kemen interjected, "It's too dangerous for us to go chasing after Team Flare! Besides, they can handle it better than we can!"

"But Kemen"--

Kemen knelt down in front of Daniel, taking his hands. "No, babe, I don't want you to get hurt," he insisted, "Team Flare are dangerous people. They'll kill you, if they get the chance!"
Teiran blushed at the sight, Kemen being so protective of his future fiance. Then she turned to Duke. "Trinity is one of my triplet sisters. I want to help out." she said to him, as Brionne left the tag game, and hopped upon Teiran's shoulder, a look of determination on its face.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I'm helping as well...though i don't get why Team Flare, whoever they are, would be in Alola. Either way, We're making it through this together." Glacier said. Salamence heard the group say "Team Flare" and slightly growled at the name. Dartrix landed on Glacier's shoulder and stayed there for further instructions. Totodile and Zoroark hopped on Steelix's head while Steelix, on the other hand, was eager for a battle and was tired of training in Unova. Should I tell them why Salamence growled at that name? Glacier thought quietly. He recalled a quick memory that when Salamence was just a Bagon that was being abused by Team Flare. Glacier remembered that day and his smile turned into a frown that was angry and full of hate, then back to grin. I'm glad i saved him and he was willing to save me in any way.
Realising that he had no choice, Kemen finally gave in, adjusting Daniel's wheelchair.

"Then I guess it's settled. We're going," Daniel decided.

Kemen gripped the handlebars of the wheelchair, clearing his throat. "Fine. But I'm warning you, if Daniel is hurt in any way, I will use my influence and power over the leagues to remove your trainer licences," he warned.
"We'll protect Daniel, you, and everyone. I swear it." Teiran said, as she nodded to Kemen, as a sign of promise. "Now, how do we get to Ula'Ula'..." Teiran asked herself, as she paced back and fourth. Brionne did the same thing as her trainer, but got side tracked by a Pokepuff that was in her pocket, snatching it and eating it.
"Well, I had simply planned on flying on Charizard. But now that we are to travel as a group that complicates things. Anyone have a boat or something?" Duke said, half joking as he thought over the best way to get the group to Ula'Ula.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier sighed and returned Steelix, Totodile, Dartrix and Zoroark. "I'm willing to have someone else fly on Salamence with me and Professor Kukui can use his boat to get there." He said. "Though I got a bad feeling about going to that Island." Salamence looked worried as well as Glacier, so he nudged his trainer with all the comfort he could give Glacier. Glacier was reassured that he had his friends and his Pokemon with him so they could beat anyone that stands in their way.
"Hmm..." Teiran said, in deep thought. "I'll go with Glacier, and don't worry, everything will be fine. Akio will also, and if there is any room, Duke, Kemen and Daniel should go with you." Teiran said, hoping she wasn't forgetting anyone. Teiran felt it a bit dangerous to have Daniel on Charizard. "Daniel, are you okay with that? I don't want you having an unexpected flare or something." Teiran said, as she made sure it be okay with Daniel. And Kemen.
"I should be fine with that," he answered, "As long as I'm careful, I'll be fine."

"But you will let me know if you don't feel well, right?" Kemen insisted, "If you seize up, I'm taking you to hospital."
"I agree with Kemen here!" Teiran said, chuckling. Teiran then mounted Salamanca, pulling Akio on, and Brionne, who jumped on after Teiran, cuddled in Teiran's lap, for he was scared of heights. Teiran comforted him, by petting him on the head, and on the antlers, where he liked it most.
(@Akio and Cubone )


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"We better get a move on..."He said, pointing to the sky, "Dusk is close by." Salamence tilted his head at Teiran and got up and ready to fly, even though he was unsure of her. Glacier relaxed his body and climbed on Salamence's back. "Just to warn you guys...Salamence is a little playful when flying so tap me on the shoulder if something is close to happening." Glacier explained. Salamence emphasized his point by roaring and hovering a bit.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence flapped his wings and started ascending in the air. "Could you show me the map of the Alola Region Teiran?" Glacier asked. He wasn't sure where Ula'Ula Island was but he had to guess it was East. I should've had Tropius to help with Daniel. Glacier thought as he looked down at Kemen, Daniel and Duke. Charizard has to be strong enough to carry them across the Alolan sea under the Alolan sun. Glacier smiled as Salamence went to about 20 feet in the air. "Prepare yourselves...those Team Flare guys might be strong." He said.
"I'll be fine. Akio?" Teiran said, turning to see her boyfriend, for she called it that. Brionne shuddered at the thought, and in a ray of light, it was gone. "Pokeball. I'll send him out later." Then Teiran, upon hearing Glacier's request, took out her Pokegear, and showed him the map of Alola.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier saw that Ula'Ula Island was Southeast and was satisfied. "Thanks..Hey Duke! Head Southeast!" Glacier yelled at Duke. "Salamence...fly southeast and keep going till you see an island with two mountains on it." He commanded. Salamence roared with delight and flew fast toward Ula'Ula. You'd better get ready Team Flare...you too Team Skull...because we're coming for you...He thought, determined.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence carried Glacier, Akio and Teiran across the sea at a slower speed so Charizard could catch up. Glacier grinned as he felt the wind go through his hair and laughed. This is what its supposed to be like. Flying over a large sea with Salamence. He thought. "The Totems at Ula'Ula Island are Vikavolt and Mimikyu, two very strong Pokemon." Glacier explained to Teiran as he looked out at the ocean and saw many water type Pokemon jumping up and splashing back down.
(Oh my god! I've missed out on SO MUCH!!!! SORRY!)

Kyle, along with his Torracat, easily beat Totem Lurantis and got the Z-Crystal from there, and during their one-on-one with Olivia, Decidueye beat Lycanroc with a barrage of Leaf Blades! Kyle still hadn't regained all of his confidence from when he lost to a total noob in his last contest, but..... he shouldn't pout! He had three ribbons and had two left! Now, as he followed the group for leaving Akala Island, he grabbed a PokeBall of one of the Pokemon he had caught during his stay on Poni Island: Altaria. He released it from its PokeBall and hopped onto it, nudging for it to go straight on to Ula'Ula Island!


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Ula'Ula was just up ahead because of its largest mountain, Mt. Hanakila. "We're coming up on Ula'Ula Island, prepare for landing Salamence." Glacier commanded. Salamence saw the Island and went for it. He sped up to 50 mph and was aiming for Tapu Village. "Get ready, Teiran...It looks like we might have company." He said, pointing to a group Team Skull grunts that were messing with an Oranguru.
"I don't think you should be telling Teiran to get ready!" exclaimed Kyle, as he launched himself from Altaria, along with Decidueye, and sped towards Team Skull. Altaria gave him a cushioned landing, and he then shouted, "Team Skull! Is my father too scared to bully Pokemon, so he sent you?"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence landed a little rough but stood his he ground. "You're right...I shouldn't...I should just let her sister be captured and not do anything about it..It could be these dopes behind it along with Team Flare." Glacier replied ,a little offended. He was glad Kyle was safe and well...but it was a little troubling when he said "my father to scared to bully Pokemon." Only one conclusion:Guzma is Kyle's father...but...I have a champion for a father...so I guess its no big deal. Glacier thought. The Team Skull grunts repiled, " our boss is busy at the moment, so you'll have to deal with us!"
Akio turned to Teiran from a distance and walked over.
"I keep seeing strange Pokémon turning red and disappearing..." He told her confused by all of this. "Let's keep going."
Charizard soon enough arrived and landed on the ground, gently, as Duke got off before he turned to Daniel and Kemen.

"You guys ready?" Duke asked, making sure the two were prepared before they moved forward.
Kemen hopped off, carrying Daniel in his arms.

"As ready as we'll ever be," Daniel answered, putting his arms around Kemen's waist.

"I'll have to carry him, for now," Kemen decided, "He'll need his pokemon in battle, and we can't risk him damaging his wheelchair."