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Ask to Join A Journey in Alola!

"Don't forget about me!" exclaimed Kyle. "I am coming with you! I already finished my trials on Akala Island and I'm ready for more!" Then, he pulled Glacier and whispered, "From ex-villain to ex-villain, you just got to fight for the things you love to keep yourself good and sane!"


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Oh...ok then..." Glacier answered. "Tell me something I don't know." He whispered back. Salamence took flight and spun in a circle and waited. "Unlike you though, I'm only going to defeat Vikavolt..." He told Kyle.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I promised to Teiran that i complete one trail here and make my way back to Akala then to Melemele to watch her beat the trials there." Glacier explained. Zoroark nodded in agreement. Glacier thought back to all his Pokemon in Unova where they are currently staying. I've got to update the photo of us all...He thought quietly.
Teiran then mentally face palmed at Daniels comment. "I agree..." she said before she sweat dropped. "I just allowed me and Akio's ride back the ability to complete a trial." she said, turning to Duke, Daniel, and Kemen, before Brionne and Machop face palmed. Then Teiran turned around and saw the Machop, saying, "Hi there!" but Machop became nervous, returning itself to its Pokeball, confusing Teiran, before she realized it, and glared at Brionne, who gave her a sheepish smile.
"We have our honchkrows," Daniel offered, "I'm sure that they'd happily give us a lift. It would save Charizard the extra cargo, after all."

Kemen sent out Don again, while Daniel sent out his own, bright pink, shiny honchkrow.

"Which colour is it gonna be?" the boys chuckled, as the birds appeared before them.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"Farewell Kemen, Daniel, Duke and Teiran. I wish you luck on the trials you go through and the best of luck against the Organizations." Glacier said. Zoroark waved bye to them as they hopped on Salamence's back.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence took flight and headed straight for Mount Holukani. "Too bad I can't do this in Unova. Too many buildings." Glacier said. Zoroark hugged Glacier tightly. Glacier, on the other hand, blushed when his partner Pokemon held on to him. They saw Mount Holukani up ahead. "Its right there!"" Glacier shouted toward Kyle. Salamence went straight for the front door of the Observatory and waited for Kyle.
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"Well, technically, you'd be a king, if Teiran becomes the Alola Queen," Daniel chuckled.

Kemen pinched the smaller boy's cheek, "I guess that means you're my little king already," he chuckled, "The Princess Bride? No, you're the king bride, aren't you?" and he kissed him on the cheek.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier headed inside the Observatory and found the Totem Pokemon, Vikavolt. Its Z-Power was on the max and it looked strong. "Salamence! You're up!" Glacier commanded. Salamence looked to fight the Totem. Salamence unleashed a Dragon Rush to have Vikavolt flinch then went in for the Fire Fang. Vikavolt, astonished by the speed of the Dragon, countered with X-Scissor but took damage. "Finishing this now..." Glacier said. He did the Firium Z move pose and felt his determination rise in him, along with Salamence. He fired an Inferno Overdrive at the Totem, knocking it down. Captain Sophlecles, hiding like normal, was shocked to see his well trained Pokemon faint. He handed Glacier the Electrium Z Crystal and smiled. Glacier petted Salamence's head and had get ready.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence gave a victory roar so loud that it could be heard all over Aloha, just like when Totem Gumshoos roared. "We won okay...so I get it." Glacier said. "Now the only trials left are the Ghostium Z trial, the Darkium Z Grand Trial, then the trials on Poni Island." Zoroark was happy that there were 4 trials left to complete. "Now...how about we go to Akala to see Teiran and her trials?" Glacier asked. Salamence and Zoroark agreed. They left the Observatory and battled a couple of trainers on the way. Totodile was sent out for all of them and evolved into Croconaw. They all headed to Tapu Village and Salamence prepared for flight.
"Yeah..." Teiran said, blushing embarrassingly at the ground about what she had said. Then she looked at the normal Honchrow. "You don't mind riding a pink Honchrow, do you?" Teiran asked, as she turned to Akio, an embarrassed look on her face, as she scratched behind her head.
(@Akio and Cubone please reply to Johto Journey)
Duke got Charizard ready as he prepared to leave with the others. Duke couldn't help but wonder something however...

I do wonder how will I deal with Rockruff's little crush on Fomantis? I'm not very good with romantic stuff. Perhaps I can ask Teiran about it later...
Kemen helped Daniel onto Charizard's back, glad to finally be on his way back to Akala. He was starting to worry about Daniel's health, seeing as it had been quite an eventful day, and without rest, he'd fall ill again, that he was certain of.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier and Zoroark hopped on Salamence's back and he flew to Akala Island's Heahea City. I've got to train with Steelix a bit more often or I could swap him with Garchomp...I'll swap when I get to a Pokemon Center..He concludedly thought. As they flew over Ula'Ula Island, Glacier and Zoroark saw Teiran and the rest of the group. They watched them from a distance and kept on flying but Salamence's large shadow ran over them.
(The problem is when I don't answer is because I don't get the notifications, sorry also I can't reply in Johto till you do...so here is the link: https://pokecharms.com/threads/the-adventure-in-johto.16760/page-2 )

"No, I don't mind if you ride on a shiny! Besides I can ride my trusty Gyarados." He told her grabbing the whistle around his neck.
Akio was happy for Teiran with a shiny Pokémon.
"Wanna fly by the see because my Gyarados can't fly?" Akio then chuckled.
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Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Salamence flew over Teiran, Duke, Kemen, and Akio and glared. He howled as he flew over the ocean and headed straight for Heahea City. Better get there quick...before she leaves...Glacier thought. His sister, Nova, was visiting the Alola Region to see if it was really tropical as Glacier said it was.
"Sure!" Teiran said, as she hopped on the normal Honchrow. She thought Akio had heard her wrong, but so what? Teiran then felt a jolt, as the Honchrow lifted off the ground, and started flying around. Then she looked at the whistle Akio had blown, and remembered the shiny Gyarados they had ridden that one day.

(Lunar, is it okay that I control Honchrow for now, just since I'm riding it? If not, I will edit this.)


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier had Salamence go faster than normal but as he did, Salamence's speed became too quick and Glacier almost fell off of his back. They had almost reached Heahea City when Glacier saw Nova being attacked by Team Skull. He called Teiran on his C-Gear.
Teiran then felt a buzz from her pocket. She pulled out her Pokegear, and saw that Glacier was calling, so she picked up, and said, "Glacier! How's your trial going? Have you made it there? I saw you fly over our head. Are you okay?" she said, asking a billion questions, just waiting for him to answer.
(What? The running from island to island? If so, I agree.)


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
"I'm fine and Nothing much...I've beaten Vikavolt and I'm flying to Akala now...unfortunately...Team Skull is there trying to steal my sister's Espeon." Glacier said. "I'm intervening their progress just so you know...she knows my secret so...yeah..."
(And certain people are constantly stealing the spotlight, thus distracting from the main story to do their own Team Skull RP. This needs to stop)

Daniel shook his head. The last thing that he or Kemen wanted was this. They'd only come for an innocent journey in Alola, not this. Daniel made a note to leave if this happened again... He wanted to win ribbons, and become top coordinator, not to go on some crazy mission.
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(@UnovaTrainerGlacier We are not fighting Team Skull in this roleplay. You can make a roleplay for that in your own time, but not here.)
"Yeah, Duke" Teiran said to him, while she once again, hung up, distracted from the conversation. She steadied the Murchrow, before having it take off, flying to Akala island.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(Fine then....i can't reunite with my sister then?)

Glacier watched Team Skull retreat at first glance at Salamence. They're not coming back....so that's that..now I have to focus on beating the rest of my trials...He thought sternly. "Lets go..." He said, not waiting for Nova to catch up. "Hold on! You save me and you don't say hi?! Where have you been?" Nova asked him angrily. "Trying to focus on beating dad." He replied.
It wasn't long before everyone was back in Paniola Town, where ot had gotten quite late. Kemen hurried off of Charizard's back, helping Daniel off as well, though he still wouldn't put him back in his wheelchair.

"I'm beat," Daniel yawned.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier hurried into the Pokemon Center and traded his Steelix for his Garchomp back home. You're going to love it in Alola...He thought. Nova and Espeon were curious about Glacier has been doing since he arrived in Alola. "Why become silent now? What happened to the happy, energetic Pokemon Trainer that's my brother?" Nova asked. Glacier looked at his younger sister. "Past relations you wouldn't understand." He said, determined to get out of the conversation.
(Of course you can reunite with your sister. I reunited with mine, did I not?)
Teiran landed onto the ground safely, before getting off of the Honchrow, and stepping onto the ground. She stretched out her arms, before noticing that Brionne and Machop returned to there Pokeballs before the flight. She sent out Brionne, who happily jumped onto her shoulder. "So, I say we go out to eat for today?" Teiran asked, as she looked out at the sea, to see when Akio would show up.
(@Akio and Cubone )
"Sounds good to me," Kemen replied, finally putting Daniel back in his wheelchair, as he returned Don, "I'm covering the tab for everyone, so just name the place, and we'll go there."

Daniel, meanwhile, belted back up as he scanned the town. "I dunno about you guys, but I'd kill for a spicy magikarp roll right now..."


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
(That's fair...thanks)

Glacier and Garchomp, now with Nova and Espeon, traveled to Battle Royale dome. "This is where 4 way battles are held...its quite amazing..." He said. "We really need one back home." Nova said. Garchomp and Espeon agreed on this. They traveled to the trial site of Firium Z, Wela Volcano Park. "This is where those trials are?" Nova asked. "That's right...there are trials all over Alola and they bring powerful Pokemon called Totem Pokemon, who have some sort of aura that boosts their stats." Glacier explained.
"Hmm...how about McPsyducks?" Teiran said, thinking about a juicy cheeseburger and fries, or the fruit, or maybe the fruit smoothies. Teiran hoped no one would mind, but then she started thinking. "Where's Glacier?" she asked the group, as she relaxed her head on the palms of her hands.


Previously UnovaTrainerGlacier
Glacier and Nova headed to Paniola Town to find Teiran and the rest of the group. "Garchomp...run at them to but stop when you get close enough."Glacier whispered to his strongest duel type. Garchomp happily obliged and walked to Teiran and Espeon followed soon after. Glacier and Nova walked slowly and talked about trials and Totem Pokemon.