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Open A New Beginning! - The Mythical Arcadia Region!

Phoenix, being Phoenix, rolled out of bed and made a loud thump. She woke up, on the floor, with a very angry Torchic standing on top of her. Phoenix decided it would be in her best interest to cover her face and pretend to be asleep. Unfortunately for her, Torchic was not fooled. "Tor-torchic-chic!" He scolded. Phoenix groaned. "Yeah, yeah, I woke you up. Sorry." She muttered, climbing back into bed and passing out. Torchic, however goes to investigate Rachel and Torque.
Rachel threw a Mago berry in Torque's direction. The Nidoran Male caught it in midair and joyously munched on it. Rachel then turned to the Torchic. Torque finished his berry and curiously sniffed the Torchic. "Would you like one too?" Rachel asked the Torchic.
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"Maya looked at everyone shaken her head before stretching her arms above her head. The girl not even jumping when her fire type partner joined the group to sit in her lap, "hey Chimchar. Valor asleep or did he kick you out of the bed".

The fire type smiled and curled up in his trainer's lap, slowly fading into sleep as he sat there. Maya sighed enjoying the small space heater now stationed in her lap.
Keiko was already up. She had packed a bag full of supplies and was already dressed and ready to start out on the journey. Although, she didn't know if everyone else was awake. She decided while she waited making the group breakfast would be nice. In a snap, she made pancakes for the whole group. "Guys Breakfast is ready!" She called as she set the table.
"Food," Maya yelled spooking Chimchar out of her lap as the trainer. The girl zooming over the table as her pokemon chased after her. Maya slid into a chair and started to eat, with Chimchar eating the pokefood set out.
Phoenix sat up too quickly and booked her head on the bunk above her. It most definitely did not help her headache. "Wha-what time is it?!" She stuttered. Then, the smell of fresh pancakes brushed her nose. Phoenix got up, dismissing the rush of lightheadedness that greeted her. "Oooo, that looks tasty!" She said, eagerly rubbing her hands together. Torchic abandons his attempt to extricate a snack from Rachel.
"I know right," Maya looked up from stuffing her face. The girl smiling away with her plate filled. Maya passed a few berries to her Pokemon and they started munching away on them, "it's great. Really good".
"Hmm? Oh hay. What's up," Maya smiled before stuffing a pancake into her mouth and munching away on more food. The girl mumbling as she ate as was her pokemon did the same, "really good food".
Phoenix plopped down and dug into her pancakes. "Ish FOOD!" She announced. Torchic, however, looked glumly at the bowl of Pokmon food set out. It looked, frankly, disgusting. He let a woeful "Chiiiiiiic…" and started head butting Rachel.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
All posts by ChrisWeefee have been removed from this (and other) RP threads and their access to this thread has been locked due to a vast number of reports of rule violations. The rest of you, carry on.
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Seth awoke to the smell of fresh pancakes. "Yes breakfast is ready." Seth immediately got up but he fell off the roof. "Oww." He quickly ran inside ignoring the little pain and sat down. "Morning guys." Seth said as he ate a pancake. "Wait I still gotta train." He ran back outside woke up all his pokemon and ran to the forest with them.
"Nido!" Torque said. He happily ran out of the room towards the smell of the food. The Nidoran Male nearly ran over poor Azalea in he process. "Chika." the Chikorita said with a sigh. Azalea took off after the Poison type. Chi Chi breathed in the smell of the food, then woke up Paige.
Phoenix slipped a pancake under the table for Torchic to eat. It was gobbled up immediately. "C'mere you." She muttered, trying to grab the chicken hiding under the table. Torchic giggled and evaded her grasp. Phoenix got bored and returned to her stack of pancakes, which was a stack no more. "Thanks!" She said to Keiko, before running outside. "Pokemon! Here I come!" Phoenix shouted in glee.
Rachel ate her breakfast then walked outside for a bit of air. Torque, Chi Chi, Paige, and Azalea followed her out. Torque playfully chased Azalea. Paige watched in amuzement from on top of Rachel's head. Chi Chi looked like she would've face-palmed if she had hands.
Maya finished hers before stretching and walking outside to what the day was like. The girl smiling as she regarded the weather and weather conditions, her pokemon doing the same as they ran around, "Valor, leave that pidgy alone. You can't fly on its back".
Maya froze at the, one hand slowly falling to scratch the back of her neck. With a sheepish smile she looked at Keiko with a human of thought. The girl thought for a moment before deciding on an answer, "I don't know. Ummmm, well you grew up here, yes? Why don't you decide. I really didn't think the through".
Seth was in the forest training his pokemon. He came back sweaty and exhausted with his party of pokemon. Cynder had evolved from a Quilava to a Typhlosion during the training. "Alright so where are we going to now?" Seth asked the other trainers.
Keiko was shocked that they asked her, she knew the region very well. But knowing what would interest her friends was something that she did not know. "Uh, I have no idea" Keiko explained, her and Sylveon cleaning up from the meal. "Why did you come to this island?" She asked, hoping it would give her a start.
"I came to explore and draw the beauty this region had to offer," Maya smiled pulling out her sketch pad as to show her love for art. The girl smiled when her pokemon started to rough house, "I heard that it had some pretty awesome places".
"I came to take pictures and follow in my dad's footsteps. I'm trying to catch up to my dad since he was one of the first to come here." Seth said. "Oh also to explore and grow stronger."
Keiko's face lit up, "I know!" She exclaimed as she finished the dishes. "Crystal Falls! It's a beautiful water fall and there's tons of caves surrounding it, and the only way to get up close to the waterfall is going through th caves. And guess what?!" She clapped her hands together, "in the caves are crystals! You can actually see them up close!!"
"Really! That sounds amazing, I have to go! That would be a picture of a life time," Maya cheered running up to hug Keiko as she beamed. The girl grabbing the other under her alarms and squeezing in a large bear hug, "you have to show me! It will be great"!
Keiko was shocked at the sudden hug, "Okay!" She grinned. She left Maya's grasp to grab her brown leather, messenger bag. "Alright!" She exclaimed. "So Crystal Falls it is!"
Keiko's Pokemon cheered. "Before we go, I'd like to stop by the daycare to pick up a Pokemon of mine."
"Let's go! Woot woot," Maya yelled and Chimchar jumped onto his trainer's shoulders. Valor standing at his trainer's feet with a prideful expression, the dark type looking sly but trustworthy at the same time. The trainer and pokemon raced out of the house before coming back, "I don't know where that is".
Phoenix was not present, as she had already run off in the frantic search for wild Pokemon. Unfortunately, every Pokemon in a fifty mile radius seemed to have heard her coming and fled. So, Phoenix ended up wandering around, dejectedly. She eventually came to rest in the shade of a large tree.
"Alright let me get refreshed since I'm all sweaty." Seth was still tired from training. "Actually where is the shower?" He left his pokemon outside to relax and get some sleep to regain their energy.
"Yeah, sorry! I'm just a little excited is all," Maya laughed scratching the back of her neck still beaming in happiness. She sat back down at the table, her Pokemon following. Chimchar though didn't let his trainer sit for long as he pulled her out of the house to see a salamance carrying a large package fly up and land in front of her, "Henrey"!
"This is Henrey! He's my moms best bud! I told everyone about the supplies I was getting. Didn't realize it would be this quick though. Mom probably had it on stand by," Maya smiled as she wrapped her arms around the dragon type, who gently head butt her. Chimchar and Valor were already climbing on him, cheerfully making noises. The salamance nodded to Keiko when he noticed the other trainer and Maya started digging into the large crate, "come grab something you want before some else grabs it. Mom packed everything what ever she thought people would like"!
Seth was in the bathroom with his shirt off when he heard a thump outside. He quickly ran outside and saw a Salamance. "Whoa when did he get here?." Seth saw the crate and walked over to it. He totally forgot about his shirt. "Oops. Well I need to be out here anyways." He jumped on to the roof and grabbed his bag. He walked back inside to take a shower.
Keiko's face went bright red as she saw Seth without his shirt, of course as she was treating him she saw him shirtless but, this was different.
Keiko turned her attention back to Maya, she looked into the crate to see a number of items, "Oh Maya, don't worry about me" She said.
"You sure? There's a lot of things in here's for all situations, mountain climbing or covering a cherry red blush," Maya teased lightly nudging Keiko with one of her arms before pulling out a new scarf, this one having multiple colored diamonds at one end. She also pulled out a few other things and put them in her bag, Chimchar pulling out a black bandana and Valour not seeming interested at all, "you might need some of it with how your face looks like razz berry. What's wrong you were fine with seeing him earlier"?
The blond headed girl shook her head, "I'm not usually of guard like that" Keiko explained "I was fine seeing him earlier cause I was focused at the task at hand...ugh... why does even matter to you" Keiko burried her face in her hands. "It was just a blush. It's unspoken of guys to be shirtless unless you're at a beach here"
"It matters to me because I'm teasing you. But really though, only at the beach? My brother and his friends couldn't be bothered to wear shirts when it was as warm as it is out," Maya was now throwing one of the pokepuffs here mother had packed to Henrey. The salamance munching on it happily before nudging Maya and leaping the sky and soaring away with one final roar, "bye, Henrey! Come on I'm just poking at you. Trust me, it's perfectly fine if you decide to blush or even kiss someone but I'll still poke at you. It's what friends do and we are friends now".
Rachel walked up to them. "Did I miss something?" she asked. Azalea hopped up to the box and picked up something with her vines. Chi Chi grabbed something else out of the box. Torque watched the Salamence leave with wide eyes.
"That's Henrey, one of my mom's pokemons. He just dropped off some supplies that I asked for so take what you like my friend," Maya smiled fixing her bag around her shoulder so that was more confortable to carry. The girl smiling gently as she leaned against the box, Chimchar and Valor chasing each other around as they waited, "take what you want. Mom sent enough for everyone. From clothes to gear to maps, everything you could want. Maybe, there's not like a bunch of money, that's not there".
Phoenix sighed. She was horribly lost. "Torchic, we're lost," she told her partner. "Chic, chic," Torchic said sadly. Then, an Aipom dropped out of nowhere and landed on Torchic. It giggled. "Hey. HEY!" Phoenix yelled at it. "Torchic, Ember!" She shouted. Torchic, who was more than mildly miffed, was eager to comply. The little chicken started spitting fire at the Aipom, literally. The Aipom giggled even more, but was hesitant to move, therefore was hit. "Yeah! Good job, Torchic!" Phoenix said, cheering from the sidelines. "Again!" Torchic nodded, and used Ember once more. But the Aipom was on guard and dodged. "Pom!" It shrieked, slapping Torchic with its tail. "Tor-chiiic!" Torchic screamed. He slid backwards, but remained on his feet. "Hang in there!" Phoenix yelled. "Or…" Instead, she threw a Pokeball at the Aipom. She missed, but the Aipom picked it up in curiosity and pressed the button. It was sucked inside and the ball wiggled once… twice… click! Phoenix had made her first catch.