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Open A New Beginning! - The Mythical Arcadia Region!

Kale ducked under tree branches and jumped over logs, anything he could do to keep running.
"Shine, try to distract them! But stay safe!" He instructed. Shine nodded and flew off.
"So, does this happen to you a lot?" Kale asked.

Shine flew back towards the Nidoran, and attacked them with her Thunder Wave attack. Since they were running so close together, she managed to Paralyze a few in one attack. Some Nidoran noticed her, and one jumped at her. To Shine's surprise, the jump was powerful enough to just clip her. She somehow managed to keep flying, and quickly gained height. But now, the Nidoran were out of her range of attack.
"My mom is a breeder. So yeah," Maya laughed leaping over a log, ducking under branches and vaulted over bushes, "rattata live in herds sometimes and can be quite territorial. Chimchar use ember".

"Char char," Chimchar turned still grasping onto his trainer and let loose an ember. A few of the nidorans that were close recoiled in pain, falling back a couple paces.
" U ready Sting?!"

As a boy in a Gengar hoodie walked off the plane he almost fell."Veno....." said Sting the Venomoth. "Ok! Bulbasuar cmon out!" "Time for lunch guys." As Sting and Bulbasuar eat the young trainer looks around to find the gyms.
Name: Brandon
Gender : Boy
Partner Pokemon: Venomoth
Maya broke the forest and village border and skidded around some of the buildings, sliding to a stop at village entrance. She passed a couple people before finally ducking around a wall that faced the valley, "you okay, Chimchar"?

"Chim," the fire type sung leaping down to look up at his trainer. Both Maya and Chimchar sat down to relax and catch their breath.
Kale was right on Maya's tail when they ran through the forest and village border. He kept running, and accidental bumped into a trainer in Raichu costume.
"Sorry!" Kale called back. He ran over to where Maya was and laid down on the ground. Nina was still sleeping, curled up on his chest. Shine flew over and landed next to him. He laid for a few moments before turning to Maya.
"You know, when they said this place was wild, I didn't think it was going to be THIS wild." Kale said with a smile.
"Same here but, I guess we should have suspected it, huh," Maya laughed stretching her arms over her head. She laid back against the wall behind her, letting the sun hit her face, "hey we can't say that our adventures here won't be boring".

Chimchar just huffed not interested with the two trainers at the moment. The fire type glared at Nina and bared his teeth at her but, stopped when Maya gave him a sharp look.
Kale gently lifted Nina off his chest and placed her beside him, then sat up.
"Yeah, I guess we should have." Kale said. He looked at Nina and started to worry. What happened to you, Nina? Nina slowly began to open her eyes. "Nina?"
Kale looked close, and saw that the crazy look was no longer there. The poison-type slowly got to her feet and looked around in confusion. Shine cautiously approached Nina.
"Molga?" She inquired.
"She okey? I wonder what's going on with the nidorans. What if this is affecting their evolutions," Maya hummed digging into her bag and pulling out a water flask. She offered it to Kale as she petted Chimchar's head with her other hand. The fire type let out a sigh relaxing against his trainer, both relaxing,"want some water"?
"Oh, yes please." Kale said, accepting the water. He took a long drink, then set it aside. "I dunno what's going on. It's definitely weird. Maybe it's just something about the island?"
Kale sat there for a moment in silence.
"You know, this place is a lot different then where I'm from. The air's so clear here, and the water's so clean. It's so pretty." Nina walked over to Kale, still looking confused.
"Nido?" She asked. Kale scratched her gently behind the ears and she leaned against him.
"What happened to you, huh?" Kale asked Nina.
"Yeah I come Sinnoh," Maya hummed pulling out her sketch book out again and skimmed through the pages. Chimchar, on the other hand crept over to Nina, poking her in the back of the head, "char".

"Stop that. It's not nice," Maya huffed lowering the book onto her lap. She looked around for a moment, "hey, maybe we could ask to see if anyone knows what's going on here. Someone has to know"!
Maya looked up at the new trainer,
Chimchar doing the same. Maya put down her sketch book with a smile and waved, "hello there".

Chimchar let out a huff before climbing onto his trainer's shoulders. The fire type looked at the pyshic type warily before waving as well, "chim Chimchar".
Name: Nash
Gender: male
Partner: Squirts the Mudkip
Age: 12

Nash had shown up to the island after his boat had crashed and he swam to shore
"What is this place?" He said throwing down his pokeball so Squirts could get a look. the mudkip said "Mudkip Mudkip"
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Azalea, Rachel, and Chi Chi spotted two trainers, one with a Shiny Ralts and another with a Chimchar. "Ralts." Chi Chi said. She floated a few feet from the Chimchar. Chi Chi waved at the Chimchar. Rachel joined Chi Chi. "Hello." she said to the two trainers.
Ean: yeah...(looks behind) oh hi there! :D Shiny Ralts: Ralts! :D (waves at chi chi and rachel) My names ean!
its pretty nice to meet you guys :)
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"Well it's nice to meet you guys too i'm just glad i'm not stranded on this island" he says looking around to see bits of the boat on shore.
"You wouldn't by chance have any food would you" He says after hearing his stomach growl.
"Ralts." Chi Chi said. She waved back at the Shiny Ralts. "I'm Rachel. It's nice to meet you." Rachel said to Ean. "Chika." Azalea said. The Chikorita was excited to meet some new Pokémon. It had taken them quite a bit of time to get to were they were at the moment.
I walk out the Professer's lab with my new turtwig

as I come across the end of the road I see a trainer just standing there dressed as a riachu with a charmander

"Hello ma'm"
Maya waved to everyone with a smile. Her partner Pokemon climbed onto her shoulders as it watched the psychic types around him, "it's nice to meet you all. My name is Maya and this is Chimchar".

The dark haired girl looked around letting out a small laugh as Chimchar climbed onto her head, trying to stay away from the type advantage Pokemon in front of him, "words of warning somethings going on with the nidorans around here. Just got chased by a whole pack of them".
"Huh. Sounds like something my father would want to investigate." Rachel said. "Chika!" Azalea said. She waved to the Chimchar with the leaf on her head. Chi Chi floated off for a moment, then came back to Rachel's side when she was called.
Name: Seth
Partner: Cynder the Cyndaquil
"Well we arrived late but we're finally here Cyndaquil." Seth said as he stepped off his plane. His stomach grumbled loudly so he laughed and went looking for some place to eat. Seth got lost in the city and asked people for directions."That was a nice meal right Cyndaquil? Well we better get back on the road and train." Seth put down the amount he need to pay and walked the restaurant with his partner on his shoulder.
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Rachel noticed Azalea waved at the Chimchar. She smiled. "Ralts!" Chi Chi said happily. She smiled at the group of trainers and their Pokémon. Rachel bent down and rubbed Azalea's head. "Chika!" the grass type said happily.
"Hmm where should we go next Cynder?" Seth asked his partner. "Cynda Cynda Cyndaquil." Cyndaquil said."Ok you can go to sleep in my backpack. I'm gonna go explore a bit while you sleep."Seth explained to his partner.
There was a rustling sound coming from a nearby bush. Rachel turned towards the noise. A wild Houndour ran out of the bush, followed by another. The two started playing. They were oblivious to the fact that they were being watched.
Seth poked his head out of the bush and watched in amazement as the two Houndours played."Wow." Seth said in amazement. He looked up and saw another trainer watching the Houndours. Seth smiled and greeted the new face with a smile "Hey there my name is Seth and I'm a trainer." Seth said happily as he saw the Chikorita by the stranger's side."So your a trainer too eh? Well here's my partner."He said while careful not to wake up his sleeping partner when pulling the Cyndaquil out of his back pack
"Oh. Hello. My name is Rachel." Rachel said to the new trainer. She smiled. "Nice Cyndaquil." she said. Chi Chi watched the two Houndours play. It looked like fun to the Ralts. Azalea watched the Houndours as well. The Chikorita had never seen any Houndours before, so this was a new experience for her.
Cyndaquil woke up from the noise "Sorry buddy but now you can play with the other Pokemon if you want." He said to Cynder. Cynder went deeper into the back pack to find some extra berries. "Hey what are you looking for in there?" Seth asked. "So Rachel why did you come to this region?"
"For a few reasons actually. My mother is Professor Whitney Pine. And my father is Marcus Pine, a biologist. So along with doing what pretty much every Pokémon trainer does on their journey, I'm also here to study the Pokémon in this region. Besides, the chance to explore a new region is kind of hard to resist." Rachel said.
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"Yea I totally understand. I mainly came here to explore anything new this place has to offer. Yea my mom is a stay at home mom and I don't see my dad too often since he travels a lot. So I guess I'm traveling like my dad and I'm trying to understand more about Pokemon." Seth explained
Seth got up off the ground and smiled at the sight."Well I gotta get going so I'll see you around I guess.You gonna stay in their Cynder?"Seth asked his partner. With no reply Seth concluded that the Cyndaquil was asleep."Goodluck on your journey Rachel." Seth said as he ran off

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