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Open A New Beginning! - The Mythical Arcadia Region!

"You too." Rachel said. She waved to Seth as he ran off. Azalea and Chi Chi played with the two wild Houndours. Chi Chi had started a staring contest with one of the Houndours. Neither of them looked like they were going to back down anytime soon. "Okay, time to go you two." Rachel said to her Pokémon. Chi Chi turned to Rachel and nodded. She recalled the Ralts, called Azalea to her side, and started to walk away. The two wild Houndours waved goodbye to their new friends.
As Seth ran around he stopped under a tree for a small lunch. He and Cynderate sandwiches and took a nap.Seth awoke to the sound of a Pidgeot eating the last sandwich bread.He immediately recognized the Pidgeot because it was former Pokemon that Serh had caught."Hey Cynder wake up look who flew back to us."He said happily while waking up his partner."It's Bolin remember?"
A Braviary flew high above Rachel's head. 'That's odd.' Rachel thought. 'What's a Braviary doing way out here.' Then she spotted the Braviary's opponent. He was fighting a Hawlucha. The two Pokémon seemed to dance in the air as they fought.
Seth watched as the two birds battled in the sky he noticed that the Braviary's actions were slowing down by the second. When the Braviary lost to the Hawlucha Seth sent out Bolin to retrieve the wild Braviary.He used a potion on the Braviary and the Pokemon was healed."There you go big guy."Seth said as he let the Braviary fly away.
The Hawlucha looked down. She saw Azalea and Rachel. Then the Hawlucha spotted yet another Pokémon on her territory, an Espurr. She aimed a Wing Attack at the Espurr. The attack hit. The Espurr hit the Hawlucha with Psybeam. The Flying and Fighting type Pokémon was hit by the attack and fainted. As she fell, Rachel and Azalea rushed over to catch her. Azalea caught the Hawlucha with her vines seconds before the Pokémon could hit the ground.
Later in the day Seth kept training and evolved his Cyndaquil into a Quilava."Alright now we're talking."Seth said when his partner evolved. He hadn't caught any new Pokemon so he just transferred his strongest team from a pc at the poke center.
The Espurr had seen all this and ran off. Azalea gently laid the Hawlucha on the ground. Rachel gave the Fighting and Flying type a potion. The Hawlucha woke up, fully recovered. Rachel continued to walk down the path. The Hawlucha followed her. "Would you like to come with us?" Rachel asked the Hawlucha. "Hawlucha!" the Hawlucha said as she nodded. "Alright then, I'm going to name you Paige. Do you like the sound of that name?" Rachel said to the Hawlucha. "Hawlucha!" the Hawlucha said. Rachel held out a pokeball and the Hawlucha pressed the button. After three clicks Paige was caught. Rachel continued to walk down the path with Azalea at her side.
Kale was talking to some other trainers, just relaxing in the shade of the town when it happened. Again. Kale heard a light growling sound, and turned to see Nina backing away from him. Her eyes had the wild look in them again.
"Oh, no. Nina. Nina! Nina, it's me!" Kale said, trying to calm down his Nidoran Female. She growled and began to back away. Nina looked like she was about to charge any moment.
"Nina, please! It's me! Kale!" Kale said. Shine swooped down and landed in front of Kale, the Emolga ready to defend her trainer.
"Mole!" Shine said to Nina. Nina growled again. Her ear twitched, and she looked back at the forest. Giving a disdainful look at Kale, Nina turned and ran towards the Forest.
"Nina, wait!" Kale said, running after his Pokemon.
Maya watched as Nina ran, surprised by the sudden burst of interaction between traine rand Pokemon. The raven haired girl leaping forward to try and catch the poison type but failing and landing on the ground. Chimchar ran after the duo chattering in anger as he moved past Kale and tried to tackle Nina.
Nina dodged over the Chimchar and kept running towards the forest, Kale right behind her. Shine flew after Nina, gliding right above her.
"Shine, stop her! Thunder W-" Before he could finish his command, Nina jumped off a wall of one of the houses on the street and tackled Shine out of the air.
"Mole!" Shine cried. When the two Pokemon hit the ground, Nina simply rolled to her feet and kept running.
"Shine!" Kale exclaimed. His Emolga struggled to her feet, looking angry and betrayed.
"Mole....!" Shine growled angrily. Small sparks began to shoot from her cheeks, and she flew after Nina again.
Rachel decided to go back to where the trainers with the Chimchar and Emolga were. Azalea had spotted the Nidoran female running while her trainer chased after her. "Alright Chi Chi, you're up." Rachel called out as she threw out a pokeball. The Ralts appeared in a flash of light. "Ralts." Chi Chi said. "Chi Chi, use Confusion on that Nidoran female." Rachel told her. Chi Chi nodded and used Confusion on the Nidoran female.
The sudden attack took Nina by surprise, and knocked her back into a wall. The rage in her eyes seemed to intensify as she shook her head and growled. She eyed the new trainer and her Ralts, then looked back to the other trainers. Before she could decide anything, Shine struck her with an Aerial Ace attack, knocking her back again. This time, Nina was ready. When the Emolga hit her, Nina bit down on it's arm.
"Mole?!" Shine exclaimed. Spinning with the blow, Nina threw the Emolga directly at the Ralts.
"Nina, stop it!" Kale said, finally catching up to his Pokemon. Nina glared at him and growled.
"Nina, this isn't you! What is causing this?!" Kale asked, on the verge of tears. Nina growled again, then turned tail and fled.
Maya picked up Chimchar from where he was and ran toward Shine and Chi Chi, half searching through bag to see if she had any berries left. Chimchar sat on her shoulders, angrily muttering to himself but holding on to her trainer so that he wouldn't fall.

"Is everyone okey? No one's to badly hurt right," Maya slid to a stop still searching through her bag, pulling out some Oran berries for the Pokemon.
Shine got up off the Ralts.
"Mole!" The Emolga said over it's shoulder, apologizing to the Ralts. She went to fly after Nina, but stopped as the Nidoran Female disappeared into the bushes. Kale sat down with a sigh and felt like just giving up.
"No, no one's badly hurt." Kale said, staring at where Nina disappeared.
Why is Nina acting this way? Was it something I did? He thought. A gentle breeze blew through, and Kale noticed something. There was a sickly sweet stench on the wind. Shine noticed it too, and crinkled her nose.
"Uh... What's that smell?" Kale asked the trainers. Kale remembered when he battled a grass type, and it had used sweet scent. But the smell now was defiantly not a Sweet Scent attack. It smelled familiar to him, though...
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"Ralts." Chi Chi said to the Emolga. The apology was accepted. Azalea shook head head moments after the scent had reached her. 'Well, that went well.' Rachel thought. She grimaced at the smell.
Maya scrunched her nose at the smell, Chimchar doing the same as he took one of the berries from his trainer, "what ever that smell is gross. Really gross".

Chimchar grabbed a few other berries and lept down from his perching, offering the food to the other Pokemon before eating his own. The fire type looked around not noticing anything that would produce the smell. The fire type climbed onto a near by house and started to scope out the surrounding area, completely ignoring his trainer as she called for him to get down.
Kale took another sniff of the smell. It seemed to be coming from further in the forest, but he didn't really care. He just felt depressed about Nina. But there was still something kinda familiar about the smell. He could feel a pit forming in his stomach, partially from losing Nina and the other part from the smell.
"This smell..." Kale muttered. "Is kinda making me feel sick."
Shine flew into the air, above the forest, trying to get a sight of Nina or what was making the smell. When she flew high enough, she saw something unusual. It took the Emolga a few moments, but she realized it was a building in the middle of the forest, painted to look like the surrounding forest. She flew down and pointed it out the the Chimchar.
Chimchar nodded in acknowledgment before climbing down and charging toward the building in the forest. The fire type climbing a tree when he got closer and then used the wildlife so that he couldn't be attacked from below.

"Chimchar! Wait! Where are you going," Maya called as she ran after her Pokemon into the woods. She grabbed onto Azalea and Kale's arms as she passed them, " no time to pout we have a mystery to solve and I think the Pokemon have found something."
"Ack! Maya, wait!" Kale said, being dragged by Maya. He was about to try to pull away when Shine swooped down next to him.
"Emole, Mole!" Shine said to him. Although Kale couldn't understand his Pokemon, she was probably trying to say something like "Shut up and keep moving!" Kale sighed and continued to run with Maya. The farther they ran into the forest, the stronger the smell became. After a bit of running, they almost ran right into a tall wire fence. Behind the fence was some sort of building, painted like the forest. Shine began to feel a little nervous from the strength of the smell.
"Whoa... what is this place?" Kale asked. The smell was so strong, he might actually throw up.
"Dunno, but that's disgusting," Maya huffed pulling up her neon blue and white bandana to cover her nose and mouth. She started to climb the fence and looked back at Kale, "come on. An adventure awaits us".

Chimchar jumped onto his trainer's shoulders as she climbed. The fire type pinching his nose as he shook his head at the smell. The two climbed until Maya sat on top of the fence.
"Chika." Azalea said in disgust. Chi Chi stuck out her tongue is disgust. Rachel considered letting Paige out, since the Hawlucha would be able to get a better view of the area than her. Rachel shuddered. She pulled a bandanna over her nose and mouth.
"Well are you guys coming or not," Maya laughed leaping off of the fence so she was on the other side. The raven haired girl beaming as she managed to not hurt anything. Chimchar coughed a little, so Maya pulled out off her bandana and gave it to her Pokemon, pulling her turtle neck to cover were the bandana would have.
"Maya, I really don't think we should be-" Some movement caught his eye. He looked over at the building and saw Nina just turn a corner and out of sight.
"Uhg... Of course, you just had to prove me wrong." Kale grumbled, and began to climb the fence. He tried to not breath in through his nose as he climbed, and Shine flew over to him and hid in his shirt.
Maya just beamed as she saw Kale climb. She pulled out a scarf white scarf from her bag and gave it to Kale when he got over, "see adventure".

Chimchar tied his trainer's bandana on his face. The fire type shook his head at his trainer's antics but only gripped onto her shoulders tighter as she smiled and stood straighter.
Kale reached the other side of the fence and took the white scarf Maya handed him, and tied it around his face. Well, at least this time I didn't fall...
"I'd call this more of trespassing on private property then adventure." Kale grumbled. Then he looked back at Maya.
"Thanks." He said to Maya. Then Kale looked through the fence at the other trainer.
"Are you coming too, uh..." Kale trailed off when he realized he hadn't even asked the trainer's name.
"Rachel." Rachel said. She returned Azalea and Chi Chi to their pokeballs. Rachel pulled out a pokeball and then she threw it. "Paige, lets go." she said. "Hawlucha." Paige said. The fighting and flying type shivered at the smell. "Come on Paige, we're checking this out too." Rachel said to the Hawlucha. "Hawlucha." Paige replied.
Maya fistbumped the air, practical beaming. She also waved to Rachel, "my name is Maya, this is Chimchar. Oh yeah, awesome adventure".

Chimchar face palmed but waved also, keeping his ears tracking sounds around them. The fire type hit the back of his trainer's head softly and the two seemingly started to gently squabble.
Kale turned at a started to take a closer look at the building.
"Well, whoever built this defiantly wanted to keep this secret." Kale said. Suddenly he was struck with a gut feeling, that they were in a lot of danger. He looked around, but couldn't see anything dangerous. Just then, there was a hiss of steam as a door slowly began to slide upward. Kale jumped back a bit, then grabbed Maya's wrist.
"Hide!" He hissed, and pulled Maya around the corner of the building before the man inside could get a look at them. Luckily, the man was distracted and was looking at his phone.
Maya yelped quietly but did as she was told. She followed Kale's line of sight and smiled happily. Chimchar narrowed his eyes but ran out of their spot dodging around the man quietly and into the building, "Chimchat".

"No, get back here. We don't know what's is there," Maya hissed quietly at her Pokemon as it ran away. Once the Pokemon got out of sight, she visibly deflated, "I'm so so sorry about him. He gets his adventurous side from me and can be quite the wanderer when he wants".
"Well, I don't think this was the best time for him to decide to wander." Kale said quietly. He looked at the man that had walked out of the building. He was wearing black clothes and boots, and had a few Pokeballs on his belt. The man looked up to observe the fence, and Kale noticed he was wearing nose plugs. Well, I guess that's one way to bear it. Kale thought.
"Frank, I thought I told you to-" The man stopped speaking into his walkie talkie when another trainer walked up.
"Hey, this is a restricted area! You can't be here!" The man said angrily, walking towards the trainer. As he walked, Kale managed to get a glimpse of the front of the man's shirt. Kale's eyes widened when he realized the man had a large, red R on his shirt.
"I take it back! Your little buddy just snuck into a Team Rocket hideout!" Kale whispered. "What do we do?"
"What I don't know! He's my friend and if they think they can take him away from me then they have another thing coming," Maya whispered harshly, her fists turning white as she clenched them. Her eyes flickered to the man and she narrowed him, "hes getting way to close and we need to get in there".

The raven haired girl seemed to brace herself for a fight, muscles tense and she got ready to run. The trainer pressed closer to wall as the grunt got closer, "should we try and take him down"?
"... I guess. We gotta be fast, though." Kale whispered. He quietly walked towards the Grunt, then tapped him on the shoulder.
"Huh?" The Grunt turned towards Kale, and Kale hit him with the strongest uppercut he could manage, right at the Grunt's chin. The grunt's head snapped back, and he staggered back. Kale, on the other hand, held his fist close to his stomach and groaned in pain from his fist. The Grunt regained his footing, and Kale could see blood beginning to well up around the grunt's mouth.
"Ugh, you-!" The grunt growled, reaching for a Pokeball at his belt.
Maya seeing what was about to happen charged the grunt, tackling him to the ground. She used her legs to pin his arms and covered his mouth, " get his pokeballs. Hurry, I cant keep him from getting up forever".

"Mhmhm! Hmhmmm," the grunt yelled struggling to push the trainer off of him. Maya glared down at him, swing her left foot to hit him in the stomach.
Kale quickly grabbed the Grunt's Pokeballs and tossed them away, then knocked him out with a kick to the head. The grunt went limp Although the fight didn't last that long, Kale was breathing deeply.
"That... was kinda scary." Kale said. "I dunno how the Pokemon do it."
Suddenly, the Grunt's walkie talkie crackled to life.
"What were you saying, Roberts?" The guy on the other end said. Kale gave Maya a panicked look.
Maya shrugged but snatched the walkie talkie up. She coughed and lowered her voice, "nothing, never mind. I'll talk to you at dinner about it".

Maya shot a panicked look at Kale, waving a hand at the knocked out guy, "I dunno! And Pokemon don't have to break into places"!
"OK, OK, OK, calm down." Kale said, trying to calm himself down. He grabbed the unconscious grunt and began to drag him towards the corner of the building.
"Help me hide him!" Kale said to Maya.
(You just have to start)
Maya helped drag the grunt and found a keycard on him. She crept over to the door and pressed it to the space beside the door. Said door slid open and the Raven haired girl peeked her head into the building, "yep, this is where the smell is coming from".

The girl motioned over to the others as she looked in to the corridor that lead further into the building. Grey panels and white lights making up it's components.
When Kale and Maya dragged the Grunt around the corner, Kale took some rope out of his bag and used some of it to tie up the grunt. Kale also looked through the grunt's pockets and took out an ID card.
"This could be useful." Kale muttered, slipping it into his pocket. Kale went back over to Maya and looked into the building.
"Ladies first." Kale said with exaggerated politeness, gesturing at the doorway.

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