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Open A New Beginning! - The Mythical Arcadia Region!

They all walk out of the spa. "That was so relaxing!" Vivian yells. The Pokémon sigh in relief and happiness. They all decide to go tot he flower shop and they did. They looked at the roses, the poppies, and even the violets. They walked out after shopping and skipped through the flower fields.
Seth walked outside and just started running around. Eventually the pokemon in his party tarted racing including Seth. The party of pokemon and the trainer was very exhausted after all the running. They had ran all the way to a strange field. Seth saw a familiar blue light and quickly sprinted towards it. He just missed it though as a Larion evolved from an Aron. To his surprise it was Totakeke.
"It was amazing! And look!" She shows Waddles evolution into Marshtomp. "He evolved all by himself! I'm so proud..." she handed him his Pokémon he asked for to be healed
Totakeke waved. "Ok, I'll see you there later!" Totakeke had his Larion return to its Pokeball and let out Lyko, his Luxio. Lyko purred, thinking it was gonna battle. "C'mon Lyko, lets go train!" Totakeke said, running back into the fields. Lyko followed a few pawsteps behind, a pleased 'mroow!' escaping his throat.
(I agree with @PokemonTrainerKeiko could you please do that?)
By this time, Phoenix(and probably everyone else) had reached Claire's house. "Is this it?" She inquired. (OOC: @Panda Boy has Seth's Pidgeot reached the house?) She was worried about her passed out Pokemon. The sooner they could get medical care, the better.
(Yes. If you are unsure if a thread is open, check the dates.) Phoenix stumbled to the door, rapping on it frantically. "Hello? Is anyone home? We need help! Can you direct us to the nearest hospital or something? It's urgent!" She shouts, cupping her hands to her mouth.
Phoenix gestured to the ragtag group. "What do you think?" she snapped, then softened her tone. "We escaped from that awful base thing and this happened." She pointed at her leg. "I don't know how. Do you know a safe place? I assume you do, because you look so much better."
"Well define better as getting your head bashed and your arm banged up but yea I know a place. Keiko is still there come on." Seth quickly limped/hopped his way back with his Pidgeot flying above the Claire's house.
Maya popped out to look at Seth from behind Phoenix, waving as she did so. The black haired girl tilted her head, "Seth! It's good to see you! Glad you're not dead, you scared me for a bit there".

"Are we going in? We should probably go in," Maya urged, her worry for her pokemon and the injuries everyone had. The girl looked at her pokeballs then the house and place around them, looking for any suspicious figures that might cause trouble.
Phil was an apprentice to a famous cartographer who mapped out where Pokemon could be found in the pokedex. Phil was tasked with mapping out Pokemon habitats in the Arcadia region, and he was determined to find them all. His partner Pokemon was a spheal without a nickname.

"Wow, it is so clear here. This is any cartographer's dream, a fresh area to map, and if I do a good job subs I can be promoted to journeyman."

Phil and Spheal then headed out marking trails as they went.
Maya strolled in and stood off to the side so others could also come in. She then bowed dramatically and introduced herself, "Maya at your service. It's nice to meet you Claire".

She then leaned up against the closest wall and tried to relax her nerves, running a hand through her hair with a loud sigh and shake of the head. She then looked around the house, trying to get fimular with her surrounding.
After two hours of training, Totakeke and Lyko were sitting against a tree resting. "... You've been improving on your speed now, Lyko." Totakeke pet the Luxio affectionately. "You're a good Pokemon." Totakeke said, looking out into the distance. Noticing it was getting darker, Totakeke stood up and stretched. "Ok, we better head to the next route and set up camp..." He said. Totakeke led Lyko to the next route where they set up a fire and pitched the tent.
Phoenix tried to follow, but ended up letting go of Rachel. That was a bad idea, as she stumbled and fell, letting out a cry of pain. She sat up slowly, shaking the stars from her vision. "Really? Now?" She hissed, gritting her teeth. Phoenix didn't know what to do for the moment, so she just sat and tried not to cry.
"Keiko! Seth, sorry I seemed ungrateful. But it's good to see you both!" Phoenix said, struggling to get up. "Uh, can you give me a hand? I'm not sure what happened, but I hurt my leg somehow." She gritted her teeth a bit when she put pressure on her leg, and it almost gave out. She swore.
Phil wandered around quite a bit, making a map of the immediate area before he moved on.

"I can tell that several people have beat me here, I wonder if I'll meet any."
Grant Stone, son of Steven Stone, saw two trainers entering a small hut. One seemed to be injured. Grant, genuinely concerned, walked away from the strange fossils he was studying over to the hut. He called out his Metang and Steelix, just in case these were nasty thugs like those his father had faced back in Hoenn, and entered. He saw a girl named Keiko massaging another trainer name Phoenix, who was hurt. Grant sighed in relief, calling his Pokemon back into their Pokeballs.
Suddenly, Fredleb saw a hut. His instinct told him to go inside. Just in case, he sent out Charmander. He didn't want to get ambushed. He walked inside to see... A girl rubbing another girls back, and a young man? Fredleb went inside, Charmander right behind him...

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