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Adventures in Unova

"We will protect you Seph don't worry were here for you and leaned to him don't worry, we have your back." Ramona smiled probably at a bad time to."Now lets go eat breakfast."


Formerly pokeLPS
Azure rolled over and kept her eyes closed. "No...." she whispered. Her sheets were tangled and her pillow had fallen off the bed with a thump. She rolled over again and she fell off the bed. Pulling her head out of the sheets she glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. 9:15. She finally changed into her clothes and skipped out of the room and down the stairs to the dining hall. Viri chased her and they found a table near a window.
"Lilly!" "Well it was probably for the best" "HEY LOOK its a bird." Lilly looked at the sky to see nothing Ramona grabbed Sephs hand and ran him over to Dr. Juniper's office Ramona locked the door and Juniper was stairing at us.
"Seph felt guilty ever sense he stole it so there is your Poke Ball good day." We ran back to Lilly.
"I'm super sorry I stole the Pokeball... I was late and I was so stressed I had no Pokémon so I caught this Litwick. I'm sorry I ran off like that. Do you accept my apology?" Seph asked tensely.
Ramona climbed up a tree with no bruise or scratch as usual when she was little Ramona and her sister Bianca would climb up tree and talk and make a tree house.Ramona missed that now Bianca is living in Australia.
Ramona was upset and didn't want to go anymore she climbed back up the tree wishing she didn't ask the question.
"I never get invited my friends aren't really acting like friends and I just-" Ramona was cut of by the sound of the branch breaking. Ramona flipped off the branches down the tree holding Obbish in her arms. Everyone near was impressed but, Ramona was still sad.
In fact aggravated she stormed to her room and sat down on her bed she lay there on the bed suddenly she was calmer she went to her dresser and packed her clothst her poke balls and everything else and fled the building. she walked past the training center and looked through the window "They sure are having fun." she clenched her fists and continued walking. "Who needs them they have fun by there selves she sat down on then bench next to the entrance of the training center holding Obbish.
"Diamond, Kindler, we're doing training, okay?" Seph said, looking down at his Pokémon by his feet. "This will be the first time I think I will do a special activity with my Pokémon." Seph smiled at Lily. "I hope they like it!"
"Focus your feelings of affection... Be at peace with one and your pokemon...." Cheren commanded them. Steph and Lily were meditating with their pokemon. It was supposed to help them find peace. After a few hours, the training was over. She and Steph walked back to the hotel. "So, what did you think of the training?" Lily asked him.
"They didn't even recognize me!" Maybe here wasn't my destiny..."Its not like I ever was no one recognized me or cared for me. I just wanted to help and this is what I get." "Maybe I'm getting worked up I mean its just training, right?" she said a little confused and headed to the hotel.
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"I loved it! My legs are a bit sore from the position, though. Did you like it, guys?" She directed her question to her 3 pokemon. They all nodded in agreement. She could feel their feelings of calmness and calamity still vibrating off of them. "Hey steph, would you like me to train you on how to connect with pokemon?"
Ramona saw Seph and Lilly and asked what they were doing "What are you doing guys, and this time can I join or is it going to be an 'this is an A and B conversation so C your way out of it?!' really!"
"I mean you guys area always together and I feel left out and I'm upset I thought you guys were my friends but it turns out your not." Ramona said and started to walk away with her head hung down.
"I'll just see you at the hotel she put her hood over her head and didn't look back once. When Ramona got to the hotel she asked for the key to her room and entered she put all of her stuff back where it was and lied on her bed she talked to someone who wasn't technically there "Bianca, Sissy do you think I'm like...fun? To hang out with like? Because I don't think I am." She was silent she listened to only the bees humming and the birds chirping outside. "Your right I am no fun." She put her head to the pillow.
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Tears formed in Lily's eyes. She couldn't belive that Ramona was leaving. "I'm sorry... I have to go!!" She sprinted away, ignoring everything else. She sat down, where no one would find her. She cried, wetting her hands.
Seph walked back to the hotel and crawled into the roof again for a while. "I wonder why she seems to have changed." Seph said to himself. "If she's leaving, I might as well say goodbye." He crawled out of the ceiling and walked to Ramona's room.
"No Lilly its not that." she hear Lilly crying and sat next to her "I was just saying I feel left out because you and Seph have been hanging out to much lately I just wanted to be apart of it. And when you told me that your bringing SEph instead of me it just broke my heart." Ramona said starting to cry.