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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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Elijah also heard the Professor say something about danger, so he ran over to see what it was. Sadly the battle had to be postponed for the future. Maybe it was for the best... He thought. If destiny decided to stop this battle, then it must mean we are both due a greater battle in the future, a more important battle...


Previously hollowhead_
Suddenly, à white haired man with Team Skull clothes, "Yo! It's your boy Guzma!" Exclaimed Guzma, "The leader of Team Skull who's afraid of nothing and makes you cry and cry!" Exclaimed Guzma. Lao nodded to Elijah. The battle with Guzma had begun, "Hey, Lao. Take this you might need it" Said the professor. He professor gave Lao a strange green marble. Lao received Decidium Z! Lao sent out Decidueye, in its normal form. Lao decided not to over use Battle Bond. Guzma sent out Golisopod. Golisopod used First Impression. Decidueye dodged and used Sucker Punch and Spirit Shackle. Sucker Shackle. Golisopod was greatly damaged, "Your turn! Elijah!" Exclaimed Lao.
"No it's my turn! Incineroar dark pulse!" The dark ball knocked out Golisopod easily. "This is my quest! You don't know things I know!" Daniel said. When he was younger, Daniel would listen to prophecies his mother, Sabrina, would tell him. One of them was: Alola is the cry,
You will have a great role at defeating the bad,
But you will save Alola ...


Previously hollowhead_
"..." Lao looked at Daniel, "Daniel. We wouldn't know anything about you, but we are your friends, and we are wiling to help" Said Lao. Decidueye fist bumped with Incineroar, "Hah. They're just like they're trainers" Said Lao calmly, "C'mon Daniel, let us help" Said Lao. Guzma sent out Ariados. Decidueye turned to Battle Bond form. It's green hood was red, it's beige fur was black and it's orange tie was purple. The green marble was resonating between Decidueye and Lao, "DECIDUEYE! SINISTER ARROW RAID, WITH SUCKER SHACKLE AND SHADOW BALL. LET'S GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Lao loudly, as Decidueye flew into the sky summoned gigantic purple arrows made of beams and threw them all at Ariados and it produced a green, red and purple explosion, "THIS IS OUR TRUE POWER! HRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH" Shouted Lao again as the explosion got bigger. Ariados fainted, no land was harmed and no people were harmed. Lao fell to his knees and gasped for air. Lao retrieved Decidueye. That wasn't our true power. Thought Lao seriously. Guzma had ran away as he lost.
"LOOK! THIS IS MY QUEST! I'M THE ONE TO DEFEAT TEAM SKULL!" Daniel yelled at Lao and Elijah. "Sorry, but my mother gave me a prophecy that I will save Alola and you will help. I shouldn't be so shout-y. Sorry," Daniel said, also falling to his knees. Just then, Mallow ran up to him, with a curious face.
"Are you okay? Daniel? Lao?" She asked. Daniel looked up. She had makeup on. He smiled and nudged Lao.
"Do you see how pretty she is?" Daniel asked, trying to hold the stunned look. Other than being angry, he was also excited, witnessing Battle Bond. It was awesome! Daniel helped Lao up. "We better get you some water..." Daniel pulled Lao up and took him to a Pokemon center... Mallow, of course, behind.


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh my gosh! What happened to him?" Exclaimed Nurse Joy, "I'm not tire, guys" Said Lao quietly. Soon, Lao was on a bed with a wire thingy on his head, "Hm. It appears that he has Battle Bond. A condition when someoneis unUnited with thir Pokemon, the bad side is. The trainer feels the same side effects of the Pokemon. Please heal Decidueye, If Decidueye is healed, Lao will be so too" Explained Nurse Joy
"Yes ma'am," Daniel said. Mallow helped Daniel carry Decidueye. "Be careful for the wings, Mallow." Of course, Mallow hurt herself from the wings. Daniel couldn't hold Decidueye on his own. No. No, no, no, no! He dropped Decidueye on Mallow! Rushing to help her, Daniel grabbed a Hyper potion and poured it into Decidueye's mouth. It woke immediately. Mallow was still hurt, though. "NURSE JOY! WE NEED SOME PEOPLE WHO HELP HUMANS! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" Daniel yelled. He knelt down to Mallow, her breath was shallow. Nurse Joy rushed to Daniel.
"Oh my Arceus! I can heal her, let me take care of this..." Nurse Joy said.
Daniel was sitting in the waiting room for hours. He wondered if Lao was up. The music rang through the center. Nurse Joy came out, signalling Daniel to come and see Mallow. He walked in. She was there, on a bed, her breathing was much better.
"Hey, Forest Female..." Daniel said softly. Mallow smiled and opened her eyes.
"Hey, Fire boy." She hugged him tight.

After a while, Mallow and Daniel went out of the room, and into the hall. They talked a bit about Lao. They went to see him. Mallow was holding Daniel's hand, clasping it tight. "Hey Battle bond guy!" They both said in unison, when they saw Lao. He looked much better. "Decidueye is in perfect health. It will want to see you. Oh, here, I have its pokeball. Nurse Joy took it from you, for a while," Daniel passed the thing containing Decidueye to Lao.
"I got some news from the Professor," Mallow said, "he wants four people to stop Team Skull, and he wants Daniel leading it. Do we agree that I should go?"
"Mallow, no, you can't go. It has to be some other people, maybe Lao and I. But not you. Lao back me up on this." Daniel told Mallow, then to Lao. "And anyway, if I am going to lead this, I should choose. So I would choose Lao, as my first teammate. If he would like to go. Would you Lao?" Daniel asked. Elijah and Luna might be good to come, too. he thought.


Previously hollowhead_
"Yeah. Sure." Said Lao calmly, "Do you guys really think I can help with Battle Bond? It could be chaotic...." Said Lao while looking down, He took off his jacket, showing his black shirt, "Sorry. It's hot in here" He then pulled up his shirt to find a scar on the right part of his chest. He then pulled his shirt back on. He hugged Decidueye, Decidueye hugged back with his wings. Lao wasn't hurt. Lurantis got out of Mallow's Poke ball. Lurantis looked at Decidueye, while blushing. Decidueye also blushed. Lurantis and Decidueye got close up to each other.....Then they both kissed, "I ship it..." Said Lao quietly to himself while having a giant grin on his face.
"That's cute." Daniel said, looking at the two love birds, or should it be love pokemon? The moon shone everywhere. Mallow looked at Daniel. "Lao, I want you to stand over there and take a picture," Mallow said, pointing to a spot where the moon was shining where Lurantis, Mallow, Decidueye and Daniel were standing. Mallow counted down. 3...2...1... They all kissed. The photo should've worked. Mallow was hoping. Daniel and Decidueye were looking at their girlfriends, as if saying: What the heck was that about? Mallow was smiling broadly. Daniel nudged Decidueye. They had a feeling that they would be seeing eachother a lot...


Previously hollowhead_
"And...say cheese!" Said Lao after he wrote something on a paper. He had quickly ran to them to be in their photo with a picture saying 'Them : Lovebirds, Me : Fifth Wheel'. Lao wondered if he would have someone special to his heart someday, "Maybe someday...." Said Lao to himself quietly. Then a pink haired girl with long pigtails walked over to him, blushing. Lao hadn't noticed it, "Um, uh Lao...We uh thank you for choosing the Poke Mon center for medical support. My name is...Angie, Nurse Joy's assistant. H-here's my number if you w-want to come back here. Well, um gotta go!" She exclaimed with her innocent pink eyes and ran away while blushing rapidly. Lao was confused to what just happened.
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Elijah walked up to the rest of the gang taking pictures. "Uh okay..." He said. He turned to Lao who was just greeted by a girl with pink pigtails. He saw the girl blush and Lao as well. He laughed as he walked up to Lao, "I guess you're next on the romance panel." He turned to see Daniel and the Mallow girl also hitting it off. "Guess Alola is full of baseball players... Already hitting second base on the first day..." He muttered to himself.


Previously hollowhead_
"What? No way." Said Lao firmly. Lao hadn't blushed before, so he was confused, "You must be seeing things. Anyway, we beat Guzma and...!" Said Lao as he remembered what happened, it made his head hurt. He told Elijah what happened while battling Guzma. He then looked at Decidueye blushing with Lurantis.
Daniel tried to let go of Mallow. "Look, Mallow, I really need to go to the next trial now. Toucannon, fly!" Mallow jumped on with Daniel, he then shouted down to Elijah and Lao, "YOU GUYS COMING?" Daniel then looked at Decidueye, it nodded for no reason. Daniel nodded back. After a long ride, it started to get cold. The mountain was high, but not like the one on Akala, where the league would be. Mallow was holding Daniel's waist. "Toucannon won't let you fall, you know."
"Yes he will!" Laughed Mallow.
"No he won't, watch," Daniel let go of Toucannon, it just kept on riding. Daniel brushed his hands against Mallow's and gently put her hands up. They weren't holding onto anything! Mallow screamed. Daniel comforted her. "Toucannon, let go of us."
"Mallow calm down." She didn't. Falling, Daniel grabbed Mallow and Toucannon flew right above them. She calmed down a bit. Daniel nodded at Toucannon. The landing killed. Daniel broke Mallow's landing, so she wouldn't be hurt. He got up, laughing.


Previously hollowhead_
"Oh my gosh, those two..." Said Lao as he did a facepalm. The cringe is real. Thought Lao as he got up on Decidueye. Decidueye flew at the speed of light, when it passed Daniel and Mallow. Thy found themselves on Decidueye, "No time to waste, you two" Said Lao. Soon, they were at the peak of the mountain. Lao looked behind him. The girl with pink hair with pigtails ; Angie was boating to Melemele Island, with an Eevee and an Island Challenge amulet. Lao turned back his attention to the mountain, "Wow, it's really high up in this mountain" Said Lao, "Not as big as Lanakila mountain, though." He said as he pointed to Mount Lanakila, highest Mountain in Alola.
Everyone had left and other than Scyther no one else could fly, and Scyther wasn't the most pleasant Pokemon to fly on due to it's spikey things. Just as if on cue, Stufful hopped out of it's Pokeball and started evolving. "Uh..." Elijah said not really sure what just happened. All of a sudden the newly evolved Beware, grabbed a hold of Scyther and Elijah and started leaping up the mountain.... Beware was unbelievably strong. He soon met up with Lao, who was followed by the two lovepidgeys Daniel and Mallow. He wasn't sure where Luna was or the one girl who Lao had just met, but he was sure they would meet up again eventually.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao looked at Elijah, "Hey, Elijah! Looks like Stufful evolved, right?" Said Said Lao calmly as he looked behind him at Angie, she had arrived to Melemele. She saw Lao and winked at him. Lao suddenly blew up, not literally. He's face was as red as a Flareon, maybe more, "Wha...what..happened..?" Said Lao quietly to himself Did she just wink at me? Am I blushing?! This Iis the first time I had a crush! Thought Lao nervously. He hid his face from the girl, but he looked again for some reason. She is so...cute...?! What am I thinking?! He thought nervously, while his face got even redder.
Mallow was as red as Lao. She clearly didn't like the boys knowing what she just did. Daniel saw the mountain. "There. Just ahead. I will jump off. Incineroar, let's go." Mallow wasn't comfortable with Lao, just on their own. "Mallow, don't start kissing Lao. If you do, Incineroar will burn you," Daniel said. He was joking. Toucannon went to get some food. Oh, it was good to be free falling. Incineroar landed first, making a hole. Daniel second. A boy with a badge saying: Sophocles, came up to Daniel. He stared a while:
"I am Sophocles. The electric trial captain. I have heard about you, fire trial captain..." What?! No one knew that he was a fire trial captain, except for his friends.

Sophocles offered a triple battle. The trial Pokemon vs Daniel's Pokémon. He sent out Incineroar, Lyncaroc and Torchic. . The trial Pokemon were Grubbin, and two Charjabug. Incineroar used Blast Burn, Lyncaroc used Rock Smash and Torchic used Double Kick. Grubbin fainted. They did the same. Charjabug fainted. But the last Pokemon was hard to battle. It took out Incineroar with Thunder and Lyncaroc with Dig. Torchic was blasted back. Nothing could be heard. And then, out came a Combusken! Close combat was learned! It took out the final Charjabug.

The totem, Vikavolt, wasn't happy. It nearly took out Combusken, if it hadn't evolved again. Blaziken used Blaze Kick and defeated Vikavolt. From the baby Torchic I knew, to this bad as thing. He thought. Sophocles was stunned. He gave him an electrinium-Z.
"I want you to have this. It's a Mimikyu. Very rare. Please, take it. I was looking for a Pikachu, and I thought I saw one. But instead it was a Mimikyu." Sophocles announced. The Mimikyu took interest in Daniel.
"I think I'll name it. Hmmm. Hecate. (Hecate is a Greek goddess of ghosts.)


Previously hollowhead_
Lao decided not to blush anymore. He took a deep breath and then exhaled, "Okay, it's my turn now" Said Lao calmly. Sophocles decided he would offer a Triple Trial for each one of them. Lao sent out Decidueye, Rockruff and Charjabug. The Grubbin and two Charjabug came again. Decidueye destroyed one Charjabug with Leaf Storm. Rockruff used Accelerock and Rock Smash. Accelesmash. Rockruff used Accelesmash on Grubbin. Rockruff started shining, it had evolved to a Midnight-Lycanroc. Grubbin fainted. Charjabug used Acrobatics and Dicharge. Acrocharge. The opposing Charjabug fainted. Charjabug started shining it had evolved into a Vikavolt. The totem Vikavolt then came in ad used Spark on Lao's Vikavolt. Lao's Vikavolt used Spark and Discharge. Sparkcharge. Totem Vikavolt fainted, "Wow! Your shiny Vikavolt sure is a doozy!" Exclaimed Sophocles as he gave Lao the Electrium Z, "Elijah, you ready to take on the trial?" Asked Lao curiously.
Elijah watched as Daniel and Lao took in the trial captain, Sophocles. Lao quickly wrapped up his battle and it was soon his turn. Lao asked him if he was ready and he said he was. Sophocles sent out the Grubbin and two Charjabug once again for another Tripple Battle. Elijah used Scyther, Beware, and Greninja to counter them. Beware hit the Gubbin with Hammer Send it flying out of the Trial area, Scyther hit one of the Charjabug with Quick Attack and X-Scissor, Quick Scissor knocking it out, and Greninja used Water Shuriken and easily defeated the remaining Charjabug. Finally, Totem Vikavolt was sent out. Elijah decided to use a combination move with all three of his partners out battling. He told Beware to use Vital Throw to launch Vikavolt in the air, then told Greninja to combine Ice Beam with Scyther's Night Slash. Dealing an extreme amount of damage, Totem Vikavolt was unable to battle. Sophocles handed Elijah an Electrium-Z crystal for his fantastic work. Elijah thanked him and walked back up to the group, he wandered what other trials he had in store for him in Alola.


Previously hollowhead_
"We should set up camp somewhere, it's midnight now." He said as he found a rock, he decided to go down the mountain by sliding on it but it was so low. Lao then did a backflip down the mountain and slid with the rock down the mountain. There was a boulder in the way, so Lao quickly jumped on it and backflipped high in mid air and landed on a rock with only his right hand. Lao just discovered he was a good athlete, he then rolled down the rock and ran off to find a place to set up camp, hoping the others would follow him.
Beware hopoed out of his ball and once again grabbed Scyther and Elijah and took a running start and leaped off the mountain. They landed right infront Lao and where they would set up camp for the night. "Beware seems to be a very handy Pokemon..." Elijah said to Lao. He wondered what other Pokemon awaited him in Alola. Just then, he felt a tug in the back of his shirt. It was a Fomantis! It seemed to looked hungry, so Elijah stood up and grabbed a berry off a tree above him, and handed it to the Fomantis. The Pokemon ate it with Gusto, and curled up next to Scyther to quickly fall asleep. Guess he made new friend, or at least Scyther did...


Previously hollowhead_
"Hi there! My name is Angie! I just finished Akala and Melemele's island challenges!" Said Angie ; the girl with pink pigtails. She had a black jacket, a blue shirt, a pink skirt and blue shoes, "And who's this cutie over here?" Pointed Angie to Lao. What?! She's here?! Lao became redder than a volcano. Soon, the tents were made but there were only two. The gang introduced themselves to Angie. There were only two tents, "Well, how about Elijah and Daniel sleep together and me and Lao sleep together?" She asked while leaning onto Lao. Lao was blushing like lava. Oh no, Elijah, please say no. Please say no. Thought Lao nervously
"I think that sounds like a great idea!" Elijah said smirking at Lao. "Good luck..." He whispered to Lao as he walked to put his stuff in their tent. He sat outside for a while staring up at the sky. He thought about his adventure so far in Alola, and what awaited him in the future. He recounted his previous adventures in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos until he heard a very familliar voice... "Hello!"
Daniel obviously slept. Mallow was in the tent, too. But he woke up and went outside. He heard a voice. Looking at Elijah, Daniel found out that the person was getting closer. He decided to go and catch a Pokemon. The last member. Soon, he encountered a wild SHINY Salamence. Daniel threw an ultra ball. It was caught straight away. Really, he wanted another Pokemon. Strolling, he saw a Frosslass! Caught. Raticate. Caught.
The voice turned out to be from his old friend, Ray, whom he traveled with back in Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. "Hey man, how the heck did you get here, I thought you were helping Professor Oak back in Kanto. Anyways glad you are here it's been forever." Elijah said with a high level of Happiness in his voice. "I've decided that I need to go back on another adventure and live the life again." Ray responded. Just then a Flareon came out of the forest and nuzzled his old friend. "I was about to ask where Flare was." Elijah said as the Pokemon came out if the woods. Like Scyther was to Elijah, Flare was Ray's number one partner. "Yeah, I think he saw some berries back there," Ray responded. He noticed there was more than one tent set up. "Either you bought a tent for all your Pokemon or you have made new friends." "Oh yeah forgot about that, I think Daniel ran off into the woods for something, but his 'girlfriend' is in the tent over there." Elijah responded pointing to the tent he was supposed to sleep in, but it seemed Mallow took his place. "And my other friend Lao is over in the second tent with his 'girlfriend' as well. Don't suppose you brought tent heh..." Elijah ssked really hoping he had one. Thankfully, Ray brought one and he actually had a place to sleep. "Where's Scyther?" Ray asked curiosly while scanning the camp. "He's asleep over there behind the tent." Elijah responded pointing to the tent Lao was sleeoing in. "Ah, well I'm sure he would be happy to see Flare again, but I'll let him sleep, looks like he needs it. Busy day I presume?" Ray asked. "Busy is an understatement..." He responded.
Daniel tapped his watch. It was super cool. It could give you your Pokemon from the pc. Daniel brought out Raticate. Cya Salamence! He went back to camp. Seeing Lao's tent not fully zipped, Daniel peeked inside and saw the girl called Angie holding Lao's hand. Cute. He jumped inside. "Hey guy! And gal." He said excitedly.


Previously hollowhead_
"Wah! What the.." He said as he woke up and saw Angie, holding his hand. He instantly became red. Thank gosh, Angie hadn't woken up. Lao pulled his hand away, "What the heck.." Said Lao as he blushed. Suddenly, he heard Elijah say that Angie is his girlfriend. Lao got out of his tent and playfully slapped Elijah as he inhaled some air and, "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Exclaimed Lao, "You're lucky, you don't have someone" He said quietly. Suddenly he remembered Luna! She was all the way back at Akala! Lao thought she would be a resourceful girl, she would manage, "Uh. How does Daniel withstand this?" He said while putting his hand on his face, "Well, they are pretty cringey" He said quietly to Elijah as he pointed to Daniel and Mallow. He started laying down on the ground, "Hey, Cutie" Said Angie as she looked at Lao. Lao became as red as a volcano and stood up. He ran into the tent and zipped it completely, "Heh. He's so cute." Said Angie to herself.
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(. By the way, my Lyncaroc is a midday Lyncaroc now. I wanted to change his forme)
"Ok... Well, I better go and train. The sun is rising," Daniel muttered. He sent out all his Pokemon. Lyncaroc: Check. Incineroar: Check. Toucannon: Check. Blaziken: Check. Raticate: Check. Mimikyu: Cross. Daniel looked behind him, Mimikyu was there, but it wasn't Mimikyu.

Daniel saw his mum. She was there, eating, staring at Daniel. But her face was different. It was bruised and scratched.
Daniel spun. He was somewhere else.
Sensing a presence, Daniel began to run. It was faster. Grabbing him, it bellowed: "The world is in your hands. It is also in your friends' hands..." Daniel screamed.

Hecate (Mimikyu) had its Pikachu costume back on. Daniel fainted...
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Previously hollowhead_
"Daniel? Daniel wake up!" He said as he shook Daniel, "Sigh. MALLOW!" Shouted Lao, "What?!" Exclaimed Mallow, "Look." Said Lao, "SCREEEEEEEE" Screeched Mallow as she ran to Daniel and kissed him, hoping he would wake up. Cringe. Thought Lao while face palming.
Daniel woke up. Not to the fact that Mallow was kissing him, but the fact that he heard his mum's voice. He pushed Mallow away. He didn't mean it. "Hecate, I need you to do the same thing to Lao." Hecate did so. The costume went off and he thought looked like Lao had spinning eyes.


Previously hollowhead_
"Wait! Wha-?!" He said as he fainted. He was then in a black room, he saw his mother, Sabrina. She looked at him in a strange way, "Save them. Help them. Daniel, Elijah. You're brothers" She said that and disappeared. Those words kept echoing in his head. Suddenly, wicked smiles were all around him, "Hahahahaha, Lao is a sissy. Lao is a sissy." The smiles kept laughing at him and mocking him. His mother appeared again, "Do not worry my child. You will be safe" She said but her voice wasn't.....normal, it looked like it was made up of different voices. Meanwhile, in the outside world, Lao was found on the ground, unconscious.
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Daniel expected that to happen. "Angie!" She came running over. She looked at Lao. Giving him a potion, Angie kissed Lao on the cheek as if saying: stay in there, my brave one. She then turned to Daniel.
"How could you?! He was your friend!" She said angrily. Daniel shrugged. He was still shaken up by what happened to him. Mallow was crying. Angie was crying. Daniel leaned over to Mallow. He kissed her.
He wiped off her tears. She stopped crying. "It is nearly my time. Lao will be healed soon. Elijah, you coming to stop Team Skull?" Daniel asked. He left a note next to Lao saying:
Meet me at the entrance to Team Skull's town. You know where that is. Poe town. That's it. Meet me there...
It's time...
"I don't really have a choice do I" Relpied Elijah. He took a look at Lao, what did he and Daniel see. Whatever it was it didn't look too pleasant. Just then, his friend Ray walked out if the tent next to him. "I'm coming too!" He exclaimed. He may not look it but Ray was an excellent battler and the bond between his Pokemon was very strong. Elijah looked back at Daniel, what did he have in mind in stopping Team Skull. And he wondered if Lao would be alright... Of course he would It's Lao we're talking about. Then he looked off into the distance, he wondered where Luna was, and if she was alright.
After a frantic search, Luna had found Popplio. She had reconciled, and then flown away on a rental Charizard. After that, she had gone to Ula'ula Meadow to train in private. She had been their since sunrise.
"Alright! Everyone is leveled up! Let's go challenge Lao!" she said. Luna noticed something in a corner, though. It was an egg with silver spots on a shining gold surface. "What?!" she exclaimed. Eventually, she took the egg. "Maybe I should tell the others...Where are they?"


Previously hollowhead_
Lao started to wake up, "Huh? What happened?" He looked at Angie, "Angie....what happened..?" He asked curiously. She informed him of what happened, "What?!" He said as he sent out Decidueye and rode on him, "They still Don't know!" He said as he rode on Decidueye and flew away, "Stay safe!" Exclaimed Angie. Soon, he was at Po Town. He saw Guzma hiding in a corner and then Guzma sent out Golisapod to use Water Pulse on them. Suddenly, Battle Bond Decidueye came in and used Sinister Arrow Raid, making Golisapod faint, "I'll tell you what I saw later, but now let's kick some skull butt! Your orders, master!" He said as he looked at Daniel with determined eyes. Suddenly, Lao and Battle Bond Decidueye's green, purple, red auras flared to life and they were in sync.
"Welcome back Lao," Elijah said starting to feel the heat of the battle. Just then, a group of about 50 Team Skull grunts cme out from nowhere and sent out their Pokemon to defend their leader. A horde of Zubat, Salandit, and Garbador were charging towards our heros. "Uh seems the welcome party can wait a little. Grovyle let's go! Use Leaf Blade and end this now!" Elijah exclaimed: Grovyle charged towards the forboading opponents with great power. They didn't last long before Grovyle wiped them out.

Just then, Grovyle was surrounded by the same Blue glow he had seen before. Grovyle had evolved. Elijah then noticed the gliwing in his pocket, It was the green marble Daniel had given him. It seemed to react whenever it closer to Sceptile. Elijah held it up in the air towards Sceptile and it started glowing purple. Sceptile appeared with a different tail and some sort of red outlines around it. "That's Sceptile's Mega Evolution" Ray told Elijah. "Sceptile seems to have an exceptionally strong bond with you." "With me?" Elijah asked. "I haven't even known Sceptile for that long. Just a month now, why me?" Sceptile returned to normal and nodded at Elijah just before feinting on the ground. Elijah looked up to see the next wave of grunts headed towards them.

"You need to get Sceptile to the Pokemon Center, Lao, Daniel, and I can hold them off." Ray said while he took a Pokeball from his belt. (I introduced Ray so he could face Elijah in the League btw) Elijah retrieved Sceptile and took off for the Pokemon Center, leaving his friends behind to fend for themselves.
Luna flew in on the rental Charizard. "Whoa! This is chaos!" she exclaimed. A wave of Team Skull grunts came in. "Go! Persian!" she said.
As the grunts sent out their Zubats, she sighed. "Looks like these guys have been in a dark cave." she muttered. Suddenly, she and Persian's aura flared to life. Persian's eye slits became bright blue, like Luna's eyes. It's gem also became bright blue, and was now heart shaped. Persian's fur became blonde, it's claws silver, and it's tail uncurled.
Luna's mind was confused, but her heart wasn't. "Persian, use Swift!" she yelled, and the Zubats were knocked out. She pet her Synchro Persian, but the suddenly felt weak. She collapsed, and saw Persian do so too. And then everything went black.
Elijah finished up at Pokemon Center after healing his Sceptile back to normal. On the way back to the battle zone, he heard a huge racket to his right. He quickly veered to the right to check it out. He ended up finding Luna and her Persian lying on the ground unconscious. Beware came out of its Pokeball and picked Persian up and hung it over her shoulder. Elijah picked up Luna and carried her as well. They reached the Pokemon Center once again, and he waited as Luna and Persian we being treated. He remebered noticing the white-ish glow between both Luna and Persian. It couldn't be...


Previously hollowhead_
"Good job, Elijah! Go to the Pokemon Center! Make sure Luna is okay!" Exclaimed Lao as Decidueye wiped out 15 grunts. He knew Luna would have an aura with Persian someday, "ULTRA SOUL BOXING MEGA BEAM!!" Shouted Lao as Decidueye fired a beam which one shot 25 Grunts' Pokemon. Decidueye began to fly up in swirls and land downwards, causing an explosion, knocking out 5 grunts' Pokemon. He looked at the others to see if there was any progress.
Ray called out turtonator to use Dragon Pulse knocking out 30 of the grunts Pokemon. Then, he told Flare to use Fire Blast which finished another 30. He wondered if Elijah and Sceptile we alright, but he couldn't think too long because more grunts were pouring out from nowhere. "Ugh this is insane.." Ray muttered. Ray revealed a Z-Ring with a Fireinium-Z crystal attached to it. He called the Z-move Inferno Overdrive with Flare that knocked out about 60 more Pokemon. He looked towards Daniel awaiting his move.
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