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Private/Closed Alola Region RP : A Journey Begins

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Previously hollowhead_
Decidueye destroyed 90 more grunts with combination moves, mostly Sucker Shackle, Quick Storm and Spirit Storm. Soon, the grunts stopped pouring in, "They....stopped?" Lao was confused, "Decidueye! Look over for more grunts." Lao said calmly. Lao started to see what Decidueye was seeing because of Battle Bond. Decidueye saw grunts telling something to Guzma and Plumeria. Something like 'These guys are too strong, boss!' Said à Scared grunt. Guzma trash talked the grunts and just went in for himself. Suddenly, Decidueye swooped down. Guzma sent out Golisapod, "Boss, no!" Exclaimed a grunt, "You've done a bad choice" Said Lao. Decidueye shook his head as if saying that too. Decidueye used Leaf Shackle, Golisapod fainted. Guzma sent out Ariados. It tried to use Sucker Punch but Decidueye blocked the punch with his wing and threw Ariados away into a tree and Decidueye used Spirit Shackle, making it faint, "Grrr! How do you battle without a trainer?!" Said Guzma, "What an idiot" Said Lao, Decidueye put it's wing on its face and shaking it's head. Decidueye then flew to the gigantic wall and busted a hole within it. Lao ran inside, "Good job, Decidueye!" Said Lao as he threw a rare candy at Decidueye. Decidueye quickly ate it, "Let's go, kid! I won't lose this time!" Said Plumeria as she sent out her newly evolved Salazzle and her old Golbat. Decidueye was still in the battle field, "Well, I know I can beat her alone, but who wants to battle with me?" Asked Lao, confidently.
Ray stepped up to the plate with Lao. "I'll assist you." He replied. "Flare, you can take a break i this one, you too Turtonator. Charizard, take the stage!" Charizard was Ray's strongest partner, and for a good reason. "Charizard..." Ray said with a smirk. "Mega. Evolve." Charizard transformed into Mega Charizard X. "I'll take Salazzle you take Golbat. Charizard use Dragon Claw!" Ray exclaimed. The attack hit send Salazzle spiraling backwards. Feinted. "You're Lao!"


Previously hollowhead_
"Let's do this." He said as Decidueye used Sucker Storm which knocked out Golbat, "Looks like we defeated you guys. But, that was really easy. Defeating Team Skull just like that." Said Lao calmly, "....I'll let you be....There's nowhere for you guys to go and Iif you just roam around the islands then everybody's gonna Iinsult you. So, why not let you be here..? On one condition, though....disband Team Skull" Said Lao as he walked away and soon rode on Decidueye. He flew away to the professor and told him all what happened.
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Daniel pushed Lao! "This is about me defeating Guzma! Not you!" He then turned to Guzma, who was smiling broadly. He pushed a button and Team Skull vanished. The next battle was on... Daniel pulled everyone out of the town. "Look, after the league, we are going to have to go to Aether paradise and stop them there. But why would they go there?" Exclaimed Daniel. He knew this because one of the grunts dropped a piece of paper saying where the next base was...


Previously hollowhead_
Lao facepalmed, "Daniel. We're a team. You think I stopped Team Skull? If you hadn't started the team, I wouldn't even be here!" Exclaimed Lao, " This is all about you? FINE. I won't do anything, heck I won't even be in the team anymore." He said as he stormed out of the island, "That is even if there WAS a team..." He said as he flew away, while on Decidueye, "When will he grow up?" He said quietly tohimself, as him and Decidueye turned to normal.
Daniel didn't care. Well, he did. Managing to run, Daniel thought about how Angie would feel. He went back to camp. Angie was the first one to greet him, thinking that Lao was there. Mallow right behind. Angie started to cry: "where's Lao!? What have you done to him!?" It was all Daniel's fault. He tapped his watch and the shiny Salamence replaced Raticate. Daniel flew on it until the campsite was out of sight.
Spotting a cave, Daniel flew into it and put out his sleeping bag. The trials were about to meet the new champion...
The haunted store didn't scare Daniel. Accerola was surprised. A Haunter was the first Pokemon to defeat. Mimikyu swiped it with Sucker Punch. Gengar was next. It was hard to defeat. Finally, Mimikyu used Curse and defeated Gengar. They went into a cold, abandoned room with shattered, spiky glass everywhere. A Mimikyu was standing in a corner. Hecate looked like she wanted a fight. They battled for a long time. Hecate was knocked out by a Curse. Toucannon went out. Easy knock out. The ghostium-Z was in reach. Daniel grabbed it. One more trial to go. Two more grand trials...


Previously hollowhead_
Lao entered the ghost trial. He decided to take photos of all Ghost type Pokemon at once. They all wanted to battle him. Lao sent out Bendy (Mareanie) it knocked all of them out with Scald. Lao entered a small room, a mimikyu was there. Bendy destroyed it with Scald. Bendy began shining, Iit had evolved into a Toxapex. He got out of the store to get he Ghostinium Z. He got suddenly hugged by Angie. He was surprised that she was crying and hugged her back. She told him that she was going to do the ghost trial. Lao waved and said goodbye. He then flew on Decidueye to the grand trial.

Lao saw Daniel at the grand trial. Lao pushed Daniel and threw him on the ground, "Get out of my way.." He said with a serious gleam in his eyes, "I've come to challenge you ! " Exclaimed Lao to Nanu, "Fine. Let's get this over with.." Said Nanu with a bored look. Lao sent out Decidueye. Nanu sent out Sableye. Decidueye wrecked Sableye with Spirit Shackle. Nanu then sent out Krokorok. It had used earthquake but Decidueye flew up and swooped down to defeat Krokorok. Nanu then sent out Persian. Decidueye used Leaf Storm and Spirit Shackle. Leaf Shackle. Persian fainted, and Lao acquired the Darkinium Z. He kicked Daniel away from his way and flew off with Decidueye.
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Luna finally woke up. At first, she was confused, but she quickly realized what had happened. Persian sat on her lap, purring. "Wow...That was amazing!
She flew on a rental Charizard to the ghost trial. "Maybe I should get my own flying Pokémon." She noted. When Luna arrived at the trial site, she received a camera and quickly started to snap the ghost Pokemon. She destroyed them with Persian.
After she reached Totem Mimikyu, it knocked out Persian with Moonblast. Luna then sent out Popplio. "Use Water Gun!" she ordered. The disguise had been busted by Persian, so it hit. After a while, Mimikyu was defeated. Popplio began to glow! "Welcome, Brionne!"
Daniel didn't care. He is about to beat this idiot. Lao. He is an idiot. Nanu was there. He was helping Daniel up. "You are interesting. Not like that guy who pushed you over." He said to Daniel. Mallow came running over.
"Go away, Mallow," she started crying. Nanu sent out Sableye. Daniel sent out Raticate. Sableye was knocked out by a Sucker Punch. Krokorok. Daniel returned Raticate. Incineroar went out. Krokorok hurt it by an Earthquake. Incineroar looked at Daniel. It had an angry fire. Suddenly, Incineroar turned green, or at least it's head did. The flames turned blue. Greek fire. "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Daniel punched the air. Incineroar did the same. Battle Bond! Krokorok fainted. There was a hole around the arena! His battle bond was the strongest by far. The next Pokemon was knocked out! Darkinium-Z was obtained. Mallow was staring at Daniel. "Go back to your trial, Forest Female." Daniel smiled. Mallow wiped her tears and smiled. "Just promise me something," Daniel stopped and said.
"Don't go kissing any boys."

Toucannon flew Daniel over onto Poni island. He went straight to the Dragon trial. A Hackamo-o went straight for Daniel. Mimikyu stopped it with Moonblast. A Scizor came. Fainted. Daniel just walked like those spies. He pointed to the Totem Pokemon. Fainted. Mimikyu had knocked them all out. Dragonium-Z. He then rushed to Hapu. She accepted the challenge and sent out Dugtrio. Raticate used Sucker Punch and defeated it. Gastrodon. Bite. Fainted. Flygon. Hyper Fang. Fainted. Musale. Bite. Nope. It was hardly hurt. Raticate used Super Fang. That's better. It was knocked out. The groundium-Z was obtained. The league was next...


Previously hollowhead_
He flew to the dragon trial too. All his team defeated The Jangmo-o and Hakamo-o. Kommo-o, the totem Pokemon was next. Kommo-o didn't even get a chance to hit Decidueye, Decidueye held it and flew up and dropped it. It had fainted. Lao grabbed the Dragonium Z.

He went to Hapu, "Hey there. Come to challenge me, eh? Well, a boy just came past and defeated my Pokemon. He didn't even have fun, he just did it. I'm sure you'll be more interesting." She said, "Alright, Decidueye. Go!" He said as he sent out Decidueye. It had destroyed all of Hapu's team, "Thanks for the awesome battle, hope we meet again. Oh, and Nanu just told me before you got here, that he lied to THAT Daniel guy. He liked YOUR personality instead." She said calmly, "Heh. Thanks, Hapu. Tell Nanu I said thanks too" He said as he flew off to the league.

He was walking up to the stairs to see Daniel. He had tried to ignore him, but he couldn't keep himself hidden. Lao soon found out, his Pokemon were all at level 85 - 90. So, he fed them rare candies until they all reached Level 100. He entered his PC, he inserted his Level 100 Snorlax into his team. I saw Daniel doing Battle Bond. He thinks he's the strongest by far, this child hasn't seen anything ever since Decidueye was a Dartrix, if I were him, I'd be BEGGING for mercy, guess he just wants to be beat. He thought seriously, I still can't believe I'm battling AND having a grudge against my own BROTHER. He thought seriously again. He still remembers his mother secretly telling him, Daniel and Elijah were his younger brothers.
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Daniel ignored Lao, he went back to Hapu and talked to her. "I was lying to that Lao guy. Nanu liked you best, Daniel. That's final." She said. "You should go to the league. Some pokemon are there that you would like." And so Daniel flew up onto the freezing mountain. He saw a wild Ninetales. It was an ice type. Daniel caught it and switched it out with Raticate. The league was starting tomorrow! He hoped that Elijah and Luna would make it on time. Walking up into the league, Daniel saw the time tables. His battle was up first.

The next day... (Elijah and Luna can go back before the league day and just come here on the day. So this is when everyone is here.)

Daniel walked up onto the arena. His first three pokemon were: Ninetales, Incineroar and Toucannon.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao waited until Daniel finishes his battle. Lao's battle was up second. He couldn't wait to give Daniel a piece of his mind. He saw that all Kahunas sat in a corner together. They didn't seem to be cheering anyone, just watching. Lao wanted Daniel to win, but only until he battles with him. Decidueye was standing with Lao. They were storing their power, to let it all out while battling Daniel.
Kayo was sitting in the champions chair and watching the battling sat next to him was the guy who made the league happen "I knew does trainers would come to the league.." the guy looks at him"im keeping an eye on lao down there he looks like he wont hold back at all be prepared kayo this will be a tough match who ever makes it.." kayo smiles and nods and continues to watch


Previously hollowhead_
Lao was watching every move of the battle between Daniel and the other guy, "Come on, Daniel. Win so I can defeat you in the last league match." He said as he continued watching him, "Who's that guy gonna send out?" He asked himself curiously
The opponent sent out Gyarados, Sceptile and Torkoal. He returned Sceptile and Gyarados. Daniel chose to use Toucannon. The two Pokemon clashed. Torkoal used Blast Burn, which burnt Toucannon's wing. She couldn't stay in the air. Falling, Toucannon opened her eyes and tried to lift her bad wing. It held on. "Toucannon, fly!" Toucannon was out of sight then swooped down, but Torkoal dodged.
"Smokescreen!" Cried the boy. Torkoal made the arena into smoke. Toucannon lost balance and fainted. Return.
"Go, Incineroar! Inferno!" This time, they didn't use Battle Bond. The heat wasn't effective against Torkoal but did decent damage. Torkoal fainted.


Previously hollowhead_
"Nice. Defeating a fire Pokémon with a fire Pokémon. Unoriginal but efficient." He said as he analyzed Daniel's strategies, "He can beat me with one thing, though. If he acknowledges it, he can have a chance" He said as he watched Daniel once more, "He needs to learn it by himself, though." He said quietly. The crowd was going crazy.
Elijah finished the last trial and quickly rushed to the last trial. He sent Greninja back to Kanto with his other Pokemon. On the way to the Alolan League, Elijah caught a wild Drampa which he saved from falling off a cliff. And he managed to catch the Fomantis that seemed to like Scyther a lot. He arrived just in time to watch Daniel's battle, it was over in an instant. He took a seat next to Lao, Ray, Angie, and Mallow. He didn't see Luna anywhere. Hopefully she makes it... He thought. He looked over at Lao, he didn't seem to be in a good mood. "What happened?" Elijah asked Lao. Ray gave him a look as if saying, don't ask. He didn't care, he wanted to know. The announcer came on with the list of people for the next matches. Elijah was in the next match, he didn't recognize his next opponent. Elijah stepped up to the battle field, his opponent the same. His opponent sent out an Aggron, and Elijah sent out Beware. He wasn't planning to lose the first match, but neither was his opponent. Aggron charged forward with a Head Smash, but Beware used Hammer Arm and sent Aggron flying out of the Arena. Battle. Over. He walked up to the stands and took his seat. Who was next?


Previously hollowhead_
Lao was next, "My turn." He said as he got out of the crowd and stood in the arena. He buff looking guy with a tan and a beard. Sent out Garchomp. Decidueye was sent out. All the crowd seemed to be cheering for the buff guy. Lao smirked and suddenly, Decidueye turned to Battle Bond form, everybody including the annoncer was blown away, "Decidueye, fly up!" Lao knew flying would be super effective since Garchomp was a Ground Dragon Type Pokemon. Decidueye swooped back down and held Garchomp and flew up again. Decidueye dropped Garchomp, making it lose half of its HP. Decidueye landed. He opponent ordered Garchomp to use Dragon Pulse. Decidueye flew up as fast as he could. He then flew to Garchomp, with the Dragon Pulse still behind him. Decidueye was in front of Garchomp and then waited for the right moment. Decidueye moved out of the way, making Garchomp accidentally hit itself, with Dragon Pulse. Boom. Garchomp. Fainted. Lao walked back to the crowd and sat with the crew again.
Daniel saw Lao going to the other match. He gave him a thumbs up! The other boy sent out Sceptile. Easy. One blast of Inferno an out. "Use Inferno!" Daniel cried. The flames were heading towards Sceptile. Closer. Closer. Sceptile dodged! It mega evolved. The chances of Incineroar winning was a big fat ZERO. Sceptile used Dragon Rush. It was really close to Incineroar. "JUMP!" Incineroar jumped at the last second, turned and used Inferno. Mega Sceptile fainted and turned into Normal Sceptile.
"Go Gyarados!" The boy yelled.
Daniel already knew what to do. The Gyarados was bopping up and down. WHACK! Incineroar used Exreme Speed and knocked out Gyarados. The first battle was over... Daniel went and sat next to Elijah and watched Lao's battle. Then he saw Lao coming back. Daniel slid onto the next seat.


Previously hollowhead_
They told Lao to sit there to come back later when Daniel was finished. Lao jumped down to continue the battle with the other trainer. The opposing trainer sent out Tyranitar. It was SO big! Lao sent out Swampert. Swampert used Hydro Pump and Tyranitar tried to counter it with Fire Blast, but alas. Swampert's Hydro Pump was stronger so it hit Tyranitar. A critical hit! Tyranitar used Pursuit on Swampert. It was also a critical hit! Swampert wasn't hurt that badly though. Swampert used Hydro Pump, which hit Tyranitar and fainted it. The opposing trainer sent out Metagross. Lao sent out Snorlax. Metagross used Dig. Snorlax used, Earthquake. it did a heavy damage. A critical hit, since Metagross was weak to Ground and Earthquake does double the damage. Metagross fainted, Lao fully defeated his opponent, "Easy. Pseudos don't always win, you know.." He said calmly as he went back to sit between the crew. Wonder, what's my next battle. He thought, curiously.
Ray stepped up to his first battle and won with flying colors. He was called up for his 3 on 3 match. His opponent sent out a Venusaur which looked very powerful. Ray then sent out Turtonator to battle it. Then Venusaur used Solar Beam, and with a power herb, took no time at all to charge up. Turtonator responded with Overheat which proved to be more powerful than the Solar Beam. Venusaur was kncoked out.

Next, his opponent sent out an Alolan Dugtrio. The Dugtrio used Earthquake which hit Turtonator very hard. Turtonator continued though and fired back a Dragon Pulse and Flamethrower, Flame Pulse. Dugtrio was knocked out. Next came an Abomasnow. Turtonator used Heat Wave knocking out Abomasnow in an instant. Match was over, Ray had won 3-0. He onc again took his seat in the stands with the group.


Previously hollowhead_
Lao had his mouth wide when he saw Ray battle, "Dude! THAT.WAS.AWESOME!" He exclaimed, "What other Pokémon, besides Flareon, Turtonator and Charizard do you have?" He asked curiously. Lao suddenly knew that Ray was a Fire Type trainer, "I wonder who's next..." He asked himself. The announcer said that Lao and Angie were going versus each other. Lao was surprised. Lao and Angie stepped into the arena. Angie sent out her shiny Vaporeon. Lao sent out Decidueye. Vaporeon used Hydro Pump. Decidueye flew up, "SINISTER ARROW RAID!" Shouted Lao as Decidueye summoned arrows and fired them all at Vaporeon. Vaporeon fainted. Angie sent out Salazzle. Lao retrieved Decidueye and sent out Swampert. Swampert used Surf and Water Pulse. Surf Pulse. Swampert sent out boiling water and made Salazzle faint. Angie sent out Tsareena. Lao retrieved Swampert and sent out Bendy (Toxapex). Tsareena used Trop Kick on Bendy. Bendy almost fainted, but toughed it out at 1 HP. So, Lao couldn't feel sad.

Lao began to know that all his Pokémon have an unbreakable relationship with him, not just Decidueye. Toxapex used Sludge Bomb on Tsareena. It was a critical hit. Toxapex seemed like it had a lot of affection for Lao, well, he DID take care of it since it was a baby. Lao was in deep thought that he hadn't realized Tsareena had fainted. Angie ran across the arena and hugged Lao and pinched his cheek, "Just what I expected from my Spirit Guy!" Exclaimed Angie, "Well, that's was what I expected from my Fairy Gal" Said Lao calmly. Everybody in the league went, "Awwwww!!". Lao walked back to the crowd and sat down, with Angie nuzzling her head on Lao's cheek. Lao put his hand around her neck, while smiling and rolling his eyes. Lao began to wonder where Luna was. He kinda began to worry about her. He soon asked the others about her and where she could be. Last time he saw her, was when she was looking for Popplio. He continued asking them about her.
Daniel smiled. "Little lover boy here is wondering where his crush Luna is..." he probably would regret that decision to say that. "Anyway, I'm sorry about the thing that happened before. Will you still work with me to defeat Team Skull? Please..." Pleaded Daniel. He then heard the announcer:
"Please will Daniel and Freddy come onto the arena!"
"Talk to you later, Lao," Daniel said, running and back flipping across the chairs.

The Pokemon for Daniel's team were: Blaziken, Hecate (Mimikyu), and Lyncaroc. Freddy chose: Dragonite, Eevee and Charizard. He started with Eevee, whilst Daniel chose Blaziken. "Close Combat!" Eevee fainted straight away. Daniel returned Blaziken. Freddy sent out Charizard. Daniel's Lyncaroc. "Diamond Storm!!!" Daniel shouted. Charizard fainted. Lastly, Dragonite. Mimikyu. "Moonblast!" Dragonite fainted. The battle was over, next for Daniel's battle would be the Semifinals. He hoped Lao, Elijah and Luna would also make it through.
The announcer came on calling Elijah and Ray to the battle field. The 6 on 6 battles were beginning now. This was it, the battle they had both feared would come. Only one of them could move on. Elijah's team consisted of Scyther, Sceptile, Lycanrock, Drampa, Beware, and Fomantis. Ray's Team consisted of Flareon, Charizard, Turntonator, Infernape, Simisear, and Talonflame. Ray called out Simisear to battle first. Elijah called out Drampa to counter. Ray won the first move, Simisear used Flamethrower. "Drampa dodge and use Dragon Pulse." Elijah cried. Drampa leaped 10 feet in the air and hit Simisear dead in the face with a powerful Dragon Pulse. Simisear wasn't going to give in that easy though. Drampa used Rain Dance which changed the battle field to better suit him. Simisear tried to use Flamethrower once again, but the Rain Dance severely weakened it, did lmost no damage. Drampa countered with HydroPump which wiped Simisear out.

"Well done, but it's not over yet!" Ray exclaimed. He sent out Talonflame to try and finish off Drampa. Ray knew his attacks wouldn't be affective at all with the Rain Dance up, so he had to get rid of it somehow. He knew just what to do. Ray told Talonflame to fly up in to the Rain Clouds and use Flame Charge in circles. The attack caused the Rain to disapeer and the Sun to ahine brightly down on the arena. Sunny Day.. Fire Type attack were now boosted so this was his chance, and now with the extra speed boost from Flame Charge he could stand a chance. He told Talonflame to use Steel Wing and Flame Charge together, Steel Charge. Drampa wasn't fast enough to react and was defeated. Both teams were evened up now.

Elijah sent in Beware to finish the job. Elijah called out the move Seismic Toss, and Beware grabbed Talonflame and sent it spiraling back down to the battle field at a harsh speed. No ordinary Poke on could survive that. But, Ray was no ordinary trainer. Talonflame burst up with surprising speed. He used Steel Wing, but it bounced off Beware causing no damage. Beware smacked in the head, which most likely felt like being hit in the head with a baseball bat. Talonflame was no more. Ray then sent out Infernape to counter. Infernape used Mach Punch, and Beware Hammer Arm. The attacks seemed equally matched, yet Beware sent Infernape, flying backwards. Being Super Effctive, the attack did a good amount of damage. How was Infernape going to pull through?

The fact is, he wasn't. Beware then used Close Combat doing tons of damage resulting in Infernape being knocked out. Beware was looking exhausted from its battling just now, Elijah though it best to return her for later. The match was now 3-1, Elijah winning for now. Elijah decided to give his new friend a try. He sent in Fomantis. Fomatis had helped him in the past trials, but now he was counting on her. Ray sent in Turtonator to counter. Ray's last 3 Pokmon were his best. Turtonator launched a Dragon Pulse straight at Fomantis. It was for naught because Fomantis moved with great speed to dodge it. Fomatis countered with Razor Leaf doing a little chunk of damage to Turtonator. Ray laughed and told Turtonator to use Flamethrower to wrap it up. Fomatis was hit which caused her to be shot back. The Ref was about to call defeat, but Fomatis managed to barely stand up. "You can do it Fomantis, I believe in you!" Elijah shouted. Just then, Fmoantis evolved in Lurantis.

Elijah tossed Lurantis a Power Herb, which would be very fitting for the move she had just learned. Lurantis used Solar Blade which charged on the first round due to the Power Herb. Turtonator was sent flying. Defeated. Flareon came in to play next. Flareon used Fire Blast which caused Lurantis to feint from being weak due to the last match. Elijah sent in Scyther to counter. Scyther used Quick Scissor, and hit Flare with great speed and power. Flare then countered with Heat Spin which dealt a great deal of damage to Scyther. Scyther turned back to look at Elijah, it was time. "SAVAGE SPIN-OUT!!" Flareon was throw. Backwards unable to battle. Scyther feinted from the loss of energy with the Z-Move, a suicide attempt but it worked.

Ray's last Pokemon was what Elijah had feared the most, Charizard. Elijah sent out Sceptile to face it. Charizard rushed forward with Dragon Claw and Scpetile the same. The attacks were equal and both Pokemon were sent flying back. The crowd went nuts for both trainers. Ray told Charizard to use Blast Burn, but Sceptile leaped over it and countered with Leaf Blade, dealing a good chunk of damage. Charizard used Fire Spin and Sceptile lost a great deal of health too. Elijah looked up at Daniel and Lao, he wanted to face them, so he wasn't going to loose. "I have to admit, i was very worried when I was chosen to face you, Ray. You are one of my greatest friends, and the fact that only one of us can move on saddens me, but I just have to face it. Being here in Alola, I have learned many things i had never known, met great friends, made new rivals, and had the best of battles. It won't end here. Scpetile! MEGA EVOLVE!" Elijah shouted his voice echoing through the stadium. Secptile the. Transformed into Mega Scpetile. Ray responded, "I have to admit as well, I was greatly saddened when i heard we would be battling so early, i thought at least the final four, but you're right. You are my best friend and this battle won't move us apart at all. I won't lose either. Charizard, respond to my heart, Mega Evolve!" Charizard transformed into Mega Charizard X.

Mega Sceptile used Frenzy Plant, a very powerful grass-type move. Charizard was hit hard. Ray countered with Flamethrower doing a heavy amount of damage as well. They both used Dragon Claw, doing an equal amount of damage. Sceptile used Leaf Storm, and Charizard countered with Fire Spin. Sceptile used Leaf Blade and Charizard Dragon Claw. Both Pokemon got hit by the attacks, who would fall first? Sceptile did, but he caught cqught himself with a knee. Charizard however feinted. Elijah would be moving on to the final 4. Elijah and Ray shook hands and went back to their seats with the gang. He wondered what other battles awaited him in the Alolan League.


Previously hollowhead_
"Good job, Elijah." He said to Elijah calmly. They were at the final four?! Lao, Daniel, Elijah and....Luna?! Could Luna be here secretly defeating trainers?! "And now, Lao will battle with our secret battle trainer..." Said the announcer. All the crowd looked around, a trainer was nowhere to be found, "I'm scared. Protect me, Spirit Guy!" Said Angie as she grasped to Lao's hand strongly. Lao became really red. Lao talked to Daniel, 'Sigh, I'm sorry too, Daniel. Sure, I'll help you defeat them." He said calmly.
Daniel nodded at Elijah. The time was nearly here. From the start...

He had arrived, sleeping on the beach. Lao met him there. Rockruff joined the team. Trumbeak had joined for the first grand trial. Litten was hurt. Joined. Evolution on Rockruff. The first battle. Battling Lao...

It had come down to this! All was about to change.

Mallow came running to Daniel. She kissed him. "Good luck Fire boy."
"Thanks Forest Female." They both smiled. Yep. Changing was here...


Previously hollowhead_
Lao began to remember how he met all his friends. Daniel. Found him sleeping on the beach for some reason. Luna. After training with Rowlet for the first time. Elijah. While doing his first trial. Mallow. Obviously, in the grass trial. Angie. In the Pokémon Center. Ray. While camping. For his last battle, he decided to give all he got.
Luna had been training for the league in secret. She wanted to surprise her friends. Her Eevee was now a Sylveon, and she had caught an Alolan Vulpix. Her cousin had traded her a Ralts for her Formantis, and it was now a Kirlia. She just had one step left.
"Where is that stone shop?" she muttered to herself. Eventually, she found it and bought an Ice Stone. She evolved her Vulpix. "Welcome, Ninetales." Luna said.
Then she went to the league. She had defeated four trainers. And her next battle was none other than Lao.
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Previously hollowhead_
Lao stepped into the arena and saw Luna. He sent out Swampert. Swampert was excited as ever. Swampert prepared a special move, "Who are you sending out, Luna?" Asked Lao curiously.
Luna smiled. "How about Hoenn on Hoenn?" she said. "Go, Kirlia!" she yelled. "Use Magical Leaf!". Kirlia obeyed, hitting Swampert super effective. "Good boy, Kirlia!" Luna complemented. She waited for Lao to make his move.


Previously hollowhead_
"Swampert! Use Hydro Pump and Earthquake! Hydroquake!" Swampert used Hydroquake on Kirlia. It was a critical hit! It was guaranteed that Kirlia had fainted, "Good job, Swampert!" Exclaimed Lao, "Pert! Swampert!" Exclaimed Swampert as Lao performed a dance, "HYDRO VORTEX!!!!!!" Shouted Lao as Swampert and Kirlia looked like they were underwater. Suddenly, a whirlpool started to fork around Kirlia. Swampert used Hydroquake on thee whirlpool, making it stronger. Kirlia was badly hurt, "Great Job, Swampert!" Exclaimed Lao.
Elijah was having a great time watching Lao and Luna have it out in their semifinal battle. He looked over at Daniel, what would be the outcome of their match? He started recounting his journey in Alola these past months. He thought back to when in all began. He arrived from Kanto on an Airplane with just Scyther, and Beldum. He met Lao and Luna coming out of the first trial. Then later, Daniel and Kayo. Challenging the Kahunas and other trials. And now, he was here at the league. About to face his new friends.
Kirlia fainted. " No!" Luna yelled. "Well, fine! Go, Sylveon!" she said. "Use Bite and Dazzling Gleam! Dazzling Bite!". The double attack hit Swampert hard. Luna recalled her adventures with her friends. The memories of her and Lao's first battle emerged. "Sylveon! Dodge Swampert's next attack!" she called out.


Previously hollowhead_
"That's exactly what I wanted you to do." He said with a smirk. Swampert had used Mud Slap. A weak move, cause Sylveon dodged, "Now! Hydroquake!" He said as Swampert used Hydroquake again. The ground began shaking and suddenly a load of boiling sharp water sprung up, right under Sylveon. Making it lose half of her HP, "Body Slam! Now!" Swampert jumped up and belly flopped right on top of Sylveon. Sylveon was paralysed.
Daniel watched the battle. A lot was coming out of it. The Swampert was strong, that's for sure. He kept watching. He hoped Luna would win. The chance of her winning was low, though. This might be the end of the first semifinal battle.
"Sylveon! I know you can do it!" Luna yelled. "One last move and I'll heal you!" she said. Luna was waiting a turn to heal Sylveon because she knew Swampert was also getting low on HP. "Use Tackle and Moonblast! Tackle Blast!". The move was powerful. Would Swampert faint?


Previously hollowhead_
Swampert fainted, "You fought well, Swampert have a good rest. Go! Toxapex!" Exclaimed Lao. He knew Sylveon was weak to Poison, "Use Toxic and Sludge Bomb! Toxic Bomb!" Exclaimed Lao as Toxapex jumped on Sylveon and ejected realy effective poison. Sylveon was of course poisoned, "Now! Sludge Bomb and Toxic Spike, Sludge Spike!" Exclaimed Lao as Toxapex threw a big ball of poison on Sylveon. The oison soon turned into a poisonous spike. Could Sylveon faint?
"Sylveon! No!" Luna cried as Sylveon fainted. She sent out her Alolan Ninetales. "Ninetales! Use Dazzling Gleam and Blizzard! Dazzling Blizzard!" she yelled. Bendy was hit by an icy flash of light. Luna knew it wouldn't knock Bendy out, but it would still do damage.


Previously hollowhead_
"Come back, Bendy! Go, Lycanroc!" Exclaimed Lao. Bendy didn't faint but he wanted to make sure Ninetales fainted. Lycanroc used Stone Edge and Rock Tomb. Rock Edge. Large long rocks came out of the ground and harshly hit Ninetales. Lycanroc continued to use Stone Edge repeatedly. Lycanroc began running around really fast so it could dodge Nintales' move. And if Ninetales did manage to hit him, he would block it by a rock wall.
"Wow! That Lycanroc is fast!" Luna exclaimed. "Ninetales, return! Go, Brionne!" she then said. "Use Disarming Voice!". Disarming Voice hit Lycanroc due to it's always hit effect. "Now, use Water Gun!" Luna ordered.
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