Bean looked over at Samael. He glanced to Mantis, who looked confused. He obviously didn’t understand. Bean glared at the boy a moment. Then, he decided to respond back in the same language. “Отложите немного, не так ли? Во-первых, ты знаешь, что он, вероятно, не поймет, если ты начнешь разглагольствовать по-русски, а во-вторых, он взволнован. Не могу винить ребенка, они не выходят слишком много. И я предупрежу вас сейчас, если вы осмелитесь применить к ним любую силу, которая может причинить вред, я без колебаний обнаружу, в чем ваша слабость, и применю против вас так, что вы пожалеете, что родились.” He said lowly. His Russian was pretty rusty, he only lived there a couple years, but he hoped he conveyed the general idea. “Cielos, ya me pone de los nervios.” He muttered to himself in his birth language, looking over to Mantis.
“Hey, bud, I know your excited, but you need to relax a bit, ok? Some people don’t really like when you barrage em with questions.” He reminded the taller, the student nodding. “Oh…sorry Bean…” They apologized, bowing their head a bit. Bean sighed, waving it off. “It’s cool, just try to keep it down a bit.” He looked back to his textbook. Page 187. Ollie finally reached over, setting the book to the correct page.
Mantis looked back to Samael, awaiting some sort of response to his questions, folding with their hands erratically as their foot tapped at a quick pace. It was hard staying quiet, but Bean had asked, so…they wanted to.
Ollie nudged Bean lightly. “I’m guessing whatever you said wasn’t intended to be kind?” He questioned, Bean nodding silently. Ollie sighed. “Don’t escalate things…I know you care about Mantis, I do too, but we don’t need anymore mad at any of us…”