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Crush a wish!

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(attempt a failure, as usual)
Granted, but to do it, you have to eat a 50 year old meatball (you might encounter side-effects like random cartoons coming out of your brain)

I wish I could form a band for the battle of the bands in a couple of months

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you are a ragtag group that doesn't use real instruments. Instead you have suplimentary instruments like... frying pans and crap. Infact you suck so bad you don't even qualify for battle of the Bands.

I wish I could better organize my time to get as much fun stuff done over winter break as possible
Granted, but it is organized so that I have to do all the boring stuff. Which makes me mad. So I send my chainsaw-wielding Scizors to amputate your head, right arm and left leg from the knee down. Then I do all the fun stuff you planned to do.

I wish I was better at dancing. (school ball on Friday...)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but it's a repeat of an episode you've seen a million times. Coming up next is a brand new episode but you power goes out.

I wish hsyefgvchv was a real word

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, it takes you a full year of constant play without breaks to beat the game.

I wish the boxes that held Christmas decorations weren't infront of the TV and blocking the way to the PS2.
Granted, his wish was edited in but you missed it and now I'm going to grant his and your wish that you didn't wish for. OKAY! Well, cooldude97, the ladies are all over you all the time, so 000aj is very jealous. Because he didn't wish for anything he wants your favorite girl and you have to duel to the death for her. And uh, you end up killing said girl somehow because she somehow loved you both. Somehow. THE END.

I wish I could give epical grants like that all the time.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you are covered in a Certain other body fluid.

Granted, infact I'll give you two Mudkip. You now have to deal with this all day and all night.

I wish I had Christmas cookies!
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Granted, but you're so hot that you enter an extremely high fever and sweat out all of the water in your body. Then die.

I wish I was posessed by Darkrai...

Congrats Brian. You made three things happen: You made my IQ drop abut 30 points *five sec rule*, you made me insane because I now hear those fucking "Kick mom" in head, and now I've watched it three times in a row with sound. Teeheehe I'm insane! *eyetwitch*

Granted, but you take over the world for only a minute before I boot you and your gerbil off the throne with my pyrokinetic fox and into a lake of zombie magikarps.

I wish I would stop hearing those damn Mudkips in my head. (Gods, I just KNOW I'm going to hear them in my sleep now.)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Ahahahahahaha!!! Silly Chibi ;D

Granted, now you hear Tor. Chic! Tor. Chic! *giggles*

I wish I could get amusement like ^that^ more often
Granted. You fly away to a zombie island and annoy the zombies with that. While you have your fun with that, they get angry at you and eat your brains. (Almost typed "grains"...)

I wish that my computer wouldn't be so messed up.
Granted, but you don't have a head anymore. (Wow, that's weird.)

I wish that the next poster would have to yell something really obnoxiously and tell us all about their experience.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but that giant mouth/head thingy that's associated with the phrase sues you for copyright infringement.

I wish I didn't have to be awake so damn early just to wait for a freaking phone call.
Granted but that would create a backwards universe where you would care if it could, making the wish useless to you

I wish i could take over the world
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