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Crush a wish!

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Granted, but since you are so un-sensitive, everyone hates you.

I wish those stupid Mudkips would shut the hell up!!!

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, Now I give you this

I wish I didn't spill soda all over my bed. I'm a fool.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, now you're sitting on my feet. I try pounding your back to get you off of me, but you like it thinking I'm giving you so crazy monkey-style massage. I have no choice but to draw my sword and cut you in half.

I wish I could have freed myself with out killing Rayn
Granted, Now I give you this
*screams hysterically and takes refuge behind the Mudkips* [size=1pt]What in the world? A white male with a black voice....NOT being rascist I swear.[/size]

Granted, but the light is so bright you go blind.

I wish I didn't click Psycho's link. (Heck, I couldn't stand the first 20 seconds, but I watched the whole Mudkip thing!)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, you click this link


I wish something interesting would happen in 2009
Granted, you change from Psycho Monkey to Psycho Gorilla. Bye, Bye Infernape, Hello Slaking!

I wish I didn't look like such a dork while doing the Caramelldansen.
Granted, but that's kind of the point. Unless your some adorable little chibi monster/critter. So your a chibi critter now.

I wish that my imagination would come to life.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but that includes your nightmares

I wish my grandparents would buy a condo in Florida so that when I transfer I can get into the college I want for less monkey because I'd go live with them and be considered a Florida resident.
Granted, but when you get there you meet all the things you've summonded in your links to haunt me and everyone else. You scream, and go to mars. But it turns out that the telletubbies live there. They destroy your ship and make you play with them. You commit suicide to escape.

I wish I was one my home computer so I could make more stuff with gimp...

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but your Gimp program crashes deleting everthing you've ever created.

I wish the Evil Space Monkeys would destroy the Telletubbies (then again, I could just orer them to)
Granted, but you'll play the voice of someone that everybody hates, meaning suddenly everybody hates you.

I wish my home computer was faster.
Granted, but then like the book Flowers for Algernon you loose your risen IQ.

I wish my IQ would rise and stay that way.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Granted, but you blow up the planet and kill everything on it including yourself.

I wish Riku 4 wasn't so difficult in Re:Chains of Memory

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Yup! ;D

Granted, but your computer is running very very slow making so that you can't do anything (I will lol so hard if this happens too).

I wish I hadn't tried to eat the year-old chocolate I found while attempting to clean my room. I had to brush my teeth and chew a piece of gum to get that horrible taste out of my mouth.

Start Loling... But I think it's because I used it for to long...

Granted, but you eat a decade only pizza instead.

(speaking of pizza) I wish I had moar (pizza)

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Evil Space Monkeys! The master failed to make a wish! Attack!

I wish I crushed more wishes with the Evil Space Monkeys.
Granted, but I sealed them away in some dimesional portal that traps them in space and can never be opened again because I have no freakin clue how I opened that portal.

I wish I could jump through dimensions (and not come across space monkeys)
Granted, but I sealed them away in some dimesional portal that traps them in space and can never be opened again because I have no freakin clue how I opened that portal.

I wish I could jump through dimensions (and not come across space monkeys)
About the space monkeys... i have a key that opens the freakin portal. ( i release them after you. )
Your wish is granted but then my army of pokechaos attack you while the space monkeys chase you when your not jumping through demensions. MY chao army never betrays me.
I wish my chao army multiplyed so i could rule the world.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Granted, but my bigger army of pyrokinetic foxes eat them all for a midnight snack. (Good foxies ^^)

I wish I wasn't so bored
Granted, you have so many STRESSFUL things to do, It drives you insane (but wait! Chibi's already insane...)


I know! It makes you SANE!!!

*doom music plays*

I wish I didn't have to pay most of the money for our new PS2 ($140 Vs $60, I hate my sister...)

Granted, but my bigger army of pyrokinetic foxes eat them all for a midnight snack. (Good foxies ^^)

1.I wish I wasn't so bored
2.I wish I didn't have to pay most of the money for our new PS2 ($140 Vs $60, I hate my sister...)
For number one, im opening the portal by will. my chaos escaped and multiplyed.
Also, for the number one wish, Granted. but then your boredom becomes a ghost and goes inside you and kills you because you get so god damn bored. for 2, granted. But your sister says that you and your PS2 is so god damn boring. MY chao army! ATTACK!

[attachment deleted by admin]
(@Aura NOOOOOOOOO!!! not the sanity! Anything but that!)

M'kay. Pyrokinetic fox army, pwn him and his chaos for not making a wish! *watches you and your chao army get pwned*

I wish I had one of those blaster things from Ghostbusters to keep that ghost away.
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