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Open Eevee School

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Midnight went to the forest and texted Cerol. 'Hey, so can you come to the forest or are you busy? Because I don't want to be lonely...' she texted him. She went into her cave and waited for Cerol to text her back.
Midnight waited for Cerol to text her back and decided to walk around in the forest. She went to the lake and sat down in front of it. She saw some movement in the bushes and growled. "Come out whoever you are!" She growled defensively at it. A Jolteon jumped out of the bush and attacked her, luckily it missed and she launched a Shadow Ball at it. It tackled her and she hit the ground hard. It looked at her and she looked at it directly in the eyes.
Lunar jumped into the tree and her claws (which are unusually sharp and more angled for climbing unlike normal eevees whos claws are flat) came out and she darted up like a squirrel
"woah! didn't see you there so im the loser hehehe" he climbs up the tree and sits on the branches "i like seeing the stars twinkling"
"well not really hehe" he slowly gets up the tree "you are really a skillful climber :)" puts out ukelele that he is bringing the whole day "but im a great ukulele player"
Lunar retracted her claws and they went back in her paw "I want to have a tree house to live in one day. So when I go to sleep I can gaze at the stars.."
They stared into each others eyes until they heard some scratching on the trees. "Get off of me" she whispered to him. He growled and pushed his body more down on hers. She winced at the body shift and closed her eyes then opened them back up with confidence. "Cerol! Lunar! Zenix! Mia! Anyone! Help me!" She screamed as loud as she could and that made his body weight shift and she took that as a chance to push him off.
Midnight looked at Lunar thankfully. "All right, I want to know why you didn't finish me off when you could!" She growled at him. He stiffened and looked between the two unusual Eevee's. "I came to bring you back Midnight but the king will be happy if I will bring back a bonus" he purred. She stiffened at what he said. "I'm never going back and your not taking my friends either!" She yelled at him.
Moku crept through the trees, admiring the scenery. She stopped and heard voices ahead, and got closer. What she saw angered her, and she used a swift attack on the Jolteon to distract it. Then she climbed up onto a star like Lunar did, preparing for a difficult battle.
Zenix wandered in the forest and heard Midnight screaming for help. He ran towards the direction of her scream as quickly as possible. When he arrived, he saw a Jolteon attacking Midnight and Lunar. He used swift just when Moku did and prepared to battle.
(I think so)
Midnight looked at Lunar. "No! I have to defeat him and I don't want any of you to get into my problems!" She yelled at them. "Stay back!" She yelled to them. She used Smoke Bomb on everything like when she battled with Moku. The Jolteon stiffened and tried to concentrate. "Moku pretend this is our battle back at the gym! What will you do?!" She asked her and attacked the Jolteon with Shadow Ball.
"Finally some backup." Moku growled. She shot more swifts at Jolteon, thinking. I am so going to refuse the water stone. "Fight like fury!" She shouted to Midnight, hoping the evolved pokemon was getting worn out.
Midnight grunted and got thrown to the ground. "Who in the moons hit me!" She yelled everywhere. Then the Jolteon jumped her. She screamed and threw him off. She used her Shadow Beam everywhere. She stopped when she realized that her friends were still there. She saw a little light in the smoke and gasped.
Zenix was launching Swift at the Jolteon, hoping it would tire it out. He looked at Lunar and witnessed her evolution. "Wow!" he said.
Moku growled fiercer than before and lunged at the Jolteon with a Quick Attack, still furious at it. Realizing what had happened, she turned to stare at Lunar in shock. She shook her head and checked on Midnight, unsure of her ally's condition.
Midnight made a portal and pushed the Jolteon in it, she made the smoke go away after this. "Hopefully that'll keep the king off of me for a while" she said as the portal closed and she closed her eyes then opened her eyes with a new brightness in them. "As long as we're all safe" she said to herself. "So I vote we go to Lunar's house, how 'bout it?" She asked everyone happily, like nothing happened just now.
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