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Open Eevee School

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Midnight ran to Lunar. "She needs to get back to her house" she said and started running out of the forest. She followed Lunar's scent to her house and put her down in the couch and ran to get some supplies to wake her up and heal her.
Midnight hugged Lunar and smiled. "I'm so glad your ok" she said to her. "Ok so why don't we do something to pass the time?" She asked Lunar. "Wait you live by yourself?" She asked Lunar. The her face went bright. "Maybe I can live with you!" She exclaimed.
Midnight's smile went brighter. "Ok then lets do something!" She beamed. "Oh sorry am I to loud or am I just too happy?" She asked unsure. "I've always just lived with my brother" she said sadly.
Zenix watched as the others went back to Lunar's house. He planned to go with them but decided not to. Instead he went back to what he called "home". "Well I guess I wouldn't call it home. I mean it's only temporary," he said to himself as he walked.
"It's fine. I'm pretty loud to." Lunar said as she went into her recording room to record for her famous YouTube channel she read through the comments "Face reveal..? No.. not yet.."
Midnight then remembered the others and turned around to see Moku, Cerol, Mia and another Eevee. But she didn't see Zenix. She decided to follow his scent. She spotted Zenix and ran up to him. "Zenix!" She yelled happily at him.
Lunar decided to play Undertales Genoside route due to popular demand "hey everybody what's going on it is I LunarAlpha!" Lunar said "And today we are are playing undertale genoside route episode 1!" Lunar said happily (her channel has 25,000,000 subs. And she doesn't do facecams so no one knows she is lunaralpha.)
Zenix heard someone call for him. He turned to see that Midnight was running towards him. "Hey Midnight, what's up," he said, "I thought you were at Lunar's place."
Lunar finished the hour long episode "and if you enjoy this video like and subscribe, and join the Alpha squad today! And.. I'll see you guys all in the next episode! PEACE!" Lunar said. She started editing the video and finished and uploaded it
Midnight smiled at Zenix. "I live with Lunar now! But I couldn't help but notice you weren't there" she smiled lightly at him. "Where do you live?" She asked him as she stood next to him.
(I can imagine midnight getting a ping on her phone because lunar uploaded the video and midnight and subscribed to her XD) Lunar sighed and watched as the videos views and likes went up already "Arceus..."
Zenix was taken aback by her question, seeing as he doesn't know how to answer it. "Umm well... it's kind of hard for me to answer," he said.
Midnight looked at Zenix sideways. "Well if you don't want to answer then you don't have to but I want to spend more time outside so can I go to you're house with you?" She asked shyly. She never really asked anyone that question. After her brother was taken everyone avoided her. Like she was a thing that couldn't be cured if you paid attention to it.
Zenix just did not know what to say to Midnight. "Well umm... the thing is... umm..." he said, "I... kinda don't... have a home..." He was embarrassed to admit that but it was the truth.
Midnight looked at Zenix surprised. "What?! Then why don't we ask Lunar if you could live with us? It won't be that bad, I'm sure we can figure something out" she said to him.
"It's fine really. I don't want to cause you two any trouble or anything," Zenix said with a faint smile. The truth is that Zenix doesn't want to feel very close to them and then losing them like his mother. He can't handle that feeling again, especially after what happened to Midnight today.
Midnight looked at him worriedly. "But Zenix, you can't be living out on the streets it's unhealthy" she complained to him. "And it's really no problem. I have a job that can provide for us all and we would still have time to have fun. I just don't want you to get hurt and me not being able to do anything about it" she said and was in the verge of tears. "I really don't want you or any of my friends to get hurt" she said and was crying now.
Zenix realized that Midnight was crying and feels guilty about it. "Midnight I..." he said but didn't continue. 'Way to go Zenix,' he thought to himself, 'you've made a girl cry.' He then saw Lunar come and heard her mention she had a job too. "Money and jobs isn't the issue here," he said, "I'm use to living like this... since the age of 5 actually..." He then realized that probably didn't help the situation.
Midnight looked surprised and hugged Zenix. "You poor thing" she said and let him go. She stuffed her face in Zenix's fur. "Why haven't you done anything about it?" She asked with her face in Zenix's fur, her voice muffled. "I mean I did something about my life when my brother got taken but if you still don't have any place to live since you were five... and that's a really long time, why didn't you do anything" she asked him and let go of him, wiping her eyes. "Anyway you know that some people are after me so you can't be out here alone" she said.
Midnight looked at Zenix. "Ya lets go" she looked at him pleadingly. "It's raining so we should get out of the rain" she said but didn't move until Zenix would move.
Cerol done homework, and looked in YouTube, to find out... Is someone plays his unitale battle? "Three people... Progress." Cerol said to himself, and closed the app.
Zenix could only watch and say nothing as Midnight cried on his fur. He then noticed that it started to rain and sighed to himself. "Okay," he said, "I guess I could go with you two." He gets the feeling that he has a lot of explaining to do.
Lunar walked and dragged Zenix to her house and opened the door "Okay guys I have.. work to do.." Lunar picked up a letter from YouTube and opened it to get a paycheck of 5,000,000 dollars
Cerol started to create rom hacks to some games. He made rom hack for mario. "Now there is 99 worlds.",
For sonic "1 sonic vs 1000 Dr. Robotniks",
For Megaman "Like a boss!" And other stuff...
(Is anyone going to be subed to Lunars channel with out knowing its lunar? No one knows about her YouTube channel) Lunar edited more videos after she recorded episode two of undertale the genoside run
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