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Open Eevee School

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"Actually I... don't know yet...," Zenix replied to Midnight. He's going have to give her an answer to that question sooner or later.
Midnight smiled lightly and nodded. "We don't need your answer right away, we'll wait" she said and finished her pizza. "Well does anyone want to watch a movie or something?" She asked.
Midnight looked at Lunar surprised. "Really? And which one are you?" She asked curiously. "It also depends on how popular you are on there" she said.
"Look dad! I have... 6000 subscribers? Wow this numbers is growing fast..." Cerol replied to his dad
"I see nothing in this numbers." Replied Cerol's dad.
"This is how many guys looking my videos!" Cerol said
"Oh, okay... My son is popular?..." Cerol's dad asked himself.
Zenix almost chocked when he heard that, but luckily he didn't. "I knew you sounded familiar!" he said when Lunar told them her channel. "30,000,000 already?!"
Midnight gasped. "Your LunarAlpha?!" She yelled surprised. "I don't know how to help you there. Your the most popular person on YouTube. I even follow you..." she trailed off.
"Huh. LunarAlpha. Best channel in YouTube. I need to see some videos... Wait a minute.. I know that voice?... Maybe no... Wait, undertale genocide 2! I MUST look at it!" *looks video to the end* "Really? REALLY? REALLY!? How is that even possible?"
The more Zenix learns about them, the more he contemplates about staying with them. Midnight has a decent job, and Lunar is a billionaire YouTuber. 'Should I really stay with them?' he thought to himself.
Midnight checked the time. "Oh moons I'm going to be late for work" she said to herself. "Ok bye guys I have to go to work I'll see you when I get home" she said then rushed out the door, down the street and into the restaurant the she worked in.
yawn* "ill eat first" after blaze ate "time to watch youtube!..... WHA...WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?! lunar has the best channel in youtube?!"
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Cerol send message to Zenix, Midnight, and Lunar.
"OMG! My channel have 6500 subs! LunarAlpha helped me! OMG!!! He said my nickname on YouTube, and now... I have 6500 subs!!! Yay!" (Lel.)
"why do others already have a job? how about.... i do cooking show on youtube im great at cooking anyways I'll name it Blaze's Kitchen!" so blaze started a cooking channel and cooked and cooked and COOKED! until he got a lot of videos!
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Midnight felt her phone vibrate and looked at it. 'lol you know that Lunar is LunarAlpha right?' She texted him on her break. Then she was called back in and she went back to work.
and blaze made his own recipes too "got 20,000 Suscribers beacause of my mouth watering recipes! SWEET AS BERRIES!"
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Midnight looked really tired and walked in the door to the house. "I'm home" she said groggily. Then she went on the couch and fell asleep.
"thanks for watching! suscribe and like my video and keep updated to videos everyday! see you next time, and be very berry awsome!" after blaze finished his video " thats enough for one day! sigh*"
Cerol looks at his subs counter. "7 thousand... Is this is real? I am not sleeping?" Cerol was thinking to himself again. "I need to do something new for my channel..."
Cerol started recording.
"Hello to everyone! Cerol with you! And today we will play some unitale battles! What we are have here... Alphys NEO, Disbelief, and CHARA fight... So, let's start from.... Disbelief!..."
"hey i got 25,000! i need to nake a thank you video!" blaze wnt to his computer "hello everyone! i have very berry good news! i got 25,000 suscribers! thank you for supporting me for such a long time! and beacause of that i will make a very special 25,000 suscriber berry cake!"
Cerol: *Gets Blaze's message.* "Of course I want some! And also, I seen your channel. Let's collab! Okay?" Cerol texted, and send to Blaze.
blaze got the text "sure! you can visit my house anytime and i will make you one of my guest in todays video and also have you seen lunar anywhere i havent seen him for days! anyways how many suscribers do you have i have 25,000 how about yours?" he texted
"I have... Already 10 k? What? Oh, okay. I will come =>" Cerol texted, and stopped recording. "I think disbelief can wait." Cerol replied, and walked outside.
"where is cerol already... i already finished the muffins and bermonade!" (bermonade is lemonade in the pkmn world and created with different kinds of berries)
"lets go" then they started recording "hello everybody this is cerol my friend he will be my guest today please suscribe to him on youtube lets cook berry salad with berry sauce!"
"Heh. That's pretty cool. Everyone loves berries, and berry salad... I think this would be amazing!" Cerol said, and smiled on video.
"lets start with grepa berry for the sauce put out the seeds and squeeze it into a bowl then mix with chopped cheri berries and mix add a chopped oran berry then put in a pan mix it for 10 seconds then wait 2-3 minutes and then turn the fire off. now for the salad we need to put leaves of rawst berry and put chopped petaya,apicot,l lansat, and starf berries and mix then pour the sauce done! would you like to try cerol?"
"fun fact!: petaya apicot lansat starf berries make you strong so those pokemon out the who likes to be stronger try this berrylicious salad!" tries to eat a piece "its deliciously awsome! try it cerol you will be BlOWN AWAY by the flavors!"
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