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Open Eevee School

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"gotta go to school!" he ate his breakfast and ran as fast as he can and he got in the classroom in time "pant* am pant* i la pant* te?"
the math book was finished so he read a 1999 Cooking book "ooh berry shaped cookies with the same flavor as the shape of the cookie! this is wonderful!"
"in break time ill go to the home economics room and cook berry shaped cookies" but he sighed "if our teacher in home economics agreed'
Moku crawled out of the bush she had rested in. She took some berries left over from yesterday and snuck into school. Battle class already! She sped to the gym after realizing she had missed classes.
"I KNOW THAT, FLAMETHROWER GUY!" She shouted back, and opened the door. The ice on the floor caught her off guard, making her spin halfway across the gym.
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