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Open Eevee School

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Midnight smiled at wht Moku said. She finished her soup and put the bowl in the sink and went back to the couch and sat down. "Zenix do you want to watch a movie while we wait go Moku?" She asked Zenix.
Zenix blushed a little from Midnight's request. "Um, sure," he said and sat down next to Midnight, "So what movie do you want to watch. I'm okay with anything you want."
Midnight blushed. "Um well how about-" she started to think. "Um I don't know what do you want to watch?" She asked, having no clue what to watch.
Midnight fell asleep during the movie as her head fell to the side. "Eclipse" she whispered in her sleep and jumped up. She was breathing heavily then she realized it was just a dream and layed down on the couch, she fell back asleep.
Moku burst in the door, carrying the medicine in a pocket-like bag. She closed the door and walked up to the couch, and began poking Midnight. "Wake up, I've got the meds!" She whispered loudly, and took the medicine out.
Zenix noticed that Midnight fell asleep and smiled a bit. He decided to let Midnight be. He walked outside to get some fresh air and saw Moku go inside with medicine. He let her be and continues with his walk.
"I passed him earlier, he's on a walk or something." Moku replied, putting the medicine in a kitchen cabinet. She walked back to the couch and sat where she was before.
Midnight sighed. "Ok thank you for the medicine" she said and sent a smile at Moku. "I'm feeling better" she said and drank some more of the tea that Zenix made her.
Zenix continued on his walked and through a bunch of trees and bushes. He eventually arrived to a lake that has very clean water. Zenix smiled as this was his happy place. He goes here to relax and forget about his worries. He drank some of the lake's water and layed down on the grass.
"I think I need some fresh air. I'm going to go out on a walk. And don't worry I feel much better now" she said to Moku getting up. She walked out the door and stared to walk to her cave.
"Okay." Moku started pacing after a few minutes. She had an idea, so she sat down and started playing music on her phone, and hummed to the tunes.
The movie had ended."Well I should get started on my homework."Mia said looking at the big pile of homework she had.She put on a cloak to keep her warm in the snow.She got her pile of homework and climbed up a tree,she ALWAYS did her homework there.
Midnight walked to her cave and sat in it. She smiled at a picture with her and her brother in it. Then she grabbed her bag and put the stuff in it. She walked out of the cave and walked to the nearby lake and drank some water. She looked around and saw Zenix and walked to him. "Hey" she said to Zenix.
Moku got tired and put her belongings under the couch, the music still playing. She changed it to a playlist with quieter music and crept under the couch to rest.
Mia was really cold she thought she going to get frost bite.She ran quickly to Midnight with all of her homework in her hands."My house is a long way from here and I'm pretty shore I gonna get frost bite!"She said to Midnight quickly.
Midnight smiled at Zenix. "Well I had to get my stuff from the cave and I was thirsty so I headed here" she explained to him. "I feel better now so I wanted to come and be in the wild and I've always lived here so I wanted to be here some more" she explained a little more about her past with him. She didn't know why but she thought she could trust him with anything.
(Okay this is Mia's backstory:When Mia was an egg she did have parents.But something happened.When she hatched she was on a log in the middle of a river. She had a trainer for a couple of months....then the trainer abused Mia and was abounded.So she has NO parents.)
"Oh, I see," Zenix said. He figured since Midnight told him about her past, he might share a bit of his too. "I come here to relax and get away from reality," he said with a smile, "I found this place a year after being separated from my mother. Ever since then, I would come here every now and then to relax." He then turned to see Mia.
Midnight looked a little sad at what Zenix said. "Well lets go back to the house, you too Mia" she said and started to shiver. "It's getting cold" she said, still shivering.
Zenix stood up and said, "Alright, let's go then. We don't want you to get even more sick." He started walking back to the house.
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