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Open Eevee School

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They finally made it to the house and walked in the warm house. "Oh it's so warm in here" Midnight said then she saw Moku on the couch. "Hey Moku, Mia is here too" she said.
Midnight closed the door of the house when they were all inside. "Ok in going to make some hot chocolate and take my medicine" she said and went into the kitchen.
Zenix walks inside and nodded at Midnight. He thought about what he said. He didn't think he would go as far as to tell Midnight about his mother.
Midnight came out of the kitchen with four cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top. She set one in front of Moku and Mia then gave Zenix his and kept hers in her hands. "Ok there, now we all have something warm to drink" she said and smiled warmly at her friends.
Moku jerked awake and scowled at the resulting head bump. Her attention turned to the music as she frantically turned down the volume. She heard voices and remained still, then crawled out when she saw the hot chocolate.
Midnight's face beamed. "Sure! I'll go find one!" She exclaimed, very excited. She came back a minute later with the game Life in her hands. "How about Life?" She asked everyone.
Moku took a sip, and started waving her tail happily. She finished the mug off quickly. "That works. I'm gonna get some more." She excused herself and went to the kitchen, looking for the biggest cup she could find.
Midnight's tail waved very fast as she set the board game. She took another drink of her hot chocolate. "Ok, you guys ready?" She asked them happily.
Zenix just sat down and was drinking his hot chocolate as they played. "You guys can play," he said, "I'm just going to sit here and watch." He took another sip.
Midnight smiled. "That's ok we can teach you" she said happily. "First you pick any color car then you chose the blue person because your a boy and we chose the pink one because we're girls" she explained.
"Yeah, pink." Moku sneered in disgust at the color, and took a drink from her mug. "Let's start the game already." She was getting impatient.
Midnight laughed at Moku's comment. "I don't like pink either" she said. "Ok well you pick career or college and if you pick college you owe money to the color he with this card-" she help up the little paper with college loan on it "-and if you pick career you get to pick out of three careers" she finished explaining.
"That's okay really," Zenix said with smile, "I appreciate you wanting to teach me but I think I'll just watch." He knows that playing board games can go south sometimes. That also one of the reason why he doesn't want to play.
"Don't laugh at me." Moku frowned and squirmed out from under the couch. "Can we start now?" Her tail thumped against the floor repeatedly.
Midnight looked at Blaze and her eyes went wide. "Hey your the Eevee that helped us get rid of that Jolteon!" She exclaimed, surprise lacing her voice.
Moku looked over at Blaze with a disinterested gaze. After staring for a few moments, she shrugged and turned back to the game. She chugged down the rest of her drink as an an afterthought. "Yeah, it's flamethrower guy." She muttered after hearing Midnight's surprised comment.
Midnight looked at him and the way he spoke Lunar's name was laced with something she couldn't put a finger on. Then she grew defensive over Lunar. "How do you know her, I've never seen you at school" she asked him.
The blue Eevee paced to stand nearly between them, ready to block hits if a fight started. "I'm a girl, just so you know." She hissed at Blaze angrily.
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