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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

(OOC: I will be doing this POV thing until things get more understandable. POV stands for Point Of View for those who don't know) BIC:
(Flarea POV)
Flarea looked at Eli, then started to growl when he pinned Shui. But she was a bit off. "Why you Eten! How dare you hold me like this! When I am back to normal I will rip you apart!" she screamed. She also started to shout dragon profanities. Flarea's eyes widened as she called Eli a teritenati, one of the worst things to say. However, WIndraza seemed to greet Eli as a friend. Like Shui would greet a friend. It was strange. When Eli gave an explanation of what happened, Flarea understood. That meant that Shui was Windraza and Windraza was Shui. Wich was weird to Flarea.
(Shui's POV)
Shui looked down at Eli. "You sometimes hate me? But I am the most likable being ever! You don't mean that!" she said as she grinned. She looked at Flarea, who was even more confused. After she heard the dragon cuss word she stared at Windraza. How dare she use her mouth to say such a thing! When Eli started to explain, the pale blue dragon looked at Eli. "Will I become a sprite again? I am kinda grounded right now. Also, is this why dragons resort to violence so often? You just have some sort of burning rage? Now I kinda feel bad for all of you, kinda," she then said as she flicked her, well Windraza's tail.
Frostbite was COMPLETELY stumped. Who had been their enemy was now being friendly, and who had been their friend was now hostile, as far as he could tell. Even Eli’s explanation didn’t help much. So... the dragon was the sprite and the sprite was the dragon? He stiffened as he tried to puzzle it out. He didn’t realize it in his mind yet, but his instincts were warning him of a threat.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli smiled "I was talking to the crystal" when he heard Windraza yelling he said "Yeah, yeah, heard that before" he replaced the gem in his jacket and pulled out a mechanical folding cage, witch unfolded and he locked the new sprite in "So, some warnings, if either of you die, I can't reverse it, the gem will most likely agree to help reverse it, but tends to be mischievous, so no one else touch it" he looked at Windraza "So, any reinforcements coming?"
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Shui looked at Eli for a moment. "Oh," she said, feeling slightly stupid. She then glared at Windraza. Oh how much she wanted to shout at her. But she refrained herself. She looked at Eli. "Um, I am kinda scared about this," she mumbled. It was rare for Shui to tell people that she was frightened. In fact, it was almost unheard of. But she felt like she had to tell Eli about her fear. She then shook herself and asked, "How will this affect my and Flarea's bond?"
Windraza glared at Eli though the cage. "I would never betray my uncle," she said firmly. She glared at both of them. How dare that lowly Water Sprite even think about using her body against Ragenrok! She then turned away from them, sat down, crossed her arms, and gave a 'hmph!'

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged “I don’t really know, this kind of things have a lot of little details that are had to keep track of, best case scenario, no one dies” he smiled down into the cage “so ragnorok himself is coming?”
Windraza glared at Eli. "I never said that! All I said is that I would never tell you his plans," she said angrily. She then turned away once more, not saying another word. Shui looked at Eli and nodded. She hoped that he would understand what she was saying. That he was correct. The way Windraza replied to it gave it all away, to Shui and maybe Flarea that is. Flarea landed next to Shui, trying to be taller than her. Windraza's body was one-foot longer than a normal Wind Dragon, making it when she sat up she stood six inches higher. This did not please Flarea, but the red dragoness let it go quickly and glared at Windraza, who was in the cage.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli smiled "Ok, since we know the big boss uncle guy is coming, I have a plan" he gestured to the cage "I soundproof the cage and hide it" he pointed at Shui "And I'll hold my Sword to your neck to threaten Ragnorok, before we try to fight him, if it does not work, we beat him to kingdom come"
Flarea looked at Eli. "Should I pretend to hold her down?" she asked. The red dragoness knew that Windraza would never let something like that happen to her, so they had to be careful and Shui had to constantly look angry. The smallest slip-up and the facade would be over. That meant that Shui needed to not only look angry but needed to smirk when Ragenrok said something. Flarea didn't know what though.

Shui looked at Eli. "Be careful with that thing, ok? I really want to die as a sprite, a long time from now," she slightly teased. But most of it had a bit of fear. She then looked at Flarea. The red dragoness was not ready for this. Ragenrok didn't look like it, but he was strong. His scales were like diamonds, and his strength was like that of a thousand bulls, of course, this is what Shui thought.

Yuro looked at the three that were planing. How could they think fighting here would be acceptable? Innocent dragons lived here! He looked uneasily at the three. What if Ragenrok went after him? He did betray the brown dragon after all. The black drake lowered his head and looked far below. Down there dragons were starting to take notice of what was happening. Soon they would flock up here. Hopefully, the two dragons and Eli wouldn't take them as a threat.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "Good Idea" he walked over to the cage and pressed a button as the gaps filled in and made it soundproof, he hid it in a creavease and walked back "Frostbite, yuro, work perimeter, Flarea pin down Shui" he pulled out his sword "We have no clue when they are coming"
Shui laid down to make the job easier for Flarea. Flarea then placed her two front paws on Shui's two wings. The pale blue dragon winced. "Sorry," she said to her friend. Shui nodded and looked at Eli, looking angry, though it was an act.
"Does this look angry enough?" she asked.

Yuro looked below once more. The dragons were now whispering to themselves, or at least that is what it looked like. He knew that this would be hard. Not only did he and Frostbite had to keep an eye out for Ragenrok, but they also had to try to keep the curious dragons away.
Yuro looked down at the dragons. They weren't ready to fly up yet, and if Ragenrok came, then they would be too afraid to fly up and would just watch from below. He sighed. These dragons would be too afraid to go up against Flarea, he didn't really have many supporters out here. Like his family. Yuro shook his mind from the thought and looked down again. They were still whispering.

Shui felt uncomfortable. Of course, that is how you feel if you are at knifepoint. "Um, so I know this is a bad time to say this, but now I can't fly. I'm just as helpful in a fight as when I was as a sprite. No dragons fight on the ground. So, that means I can't heal either." She felt Flarea's talons on her wings, yes they did hurt, but it was more out of her claws being sharp instead of her digging them into her wings.
Shui gave a small nod, then started to snarl. She glanced at Eli, to make it a bit more believable. However, she hoped that he didn't take it as anything other than her act. This is what Windraza would do. She was glad she made all of those Windraza impressions now. It would be a bit difficult to talk like the dragoness that tried to kill them multiple times, but she would try.

The sky darkened. Above them was a brown dragon with a snarl. "Why do you have Windraza?" he asked. The Wind Dragon meant a lot to him. She was like his own daughter. He never had a mate of his own, and thus he never had whelps. But he always wanted one. And he got one in Windraza, his niece. Although he killed her parents, she never fought him. At first, she didn't seem to like him, but now, at least he thought, she saw him as a father.
Frostbite had moved behind a small boulder so he would be less visible. As he saw Ragenrok fly down, he cowered lower. He didn’t want to fight Ragenrok unless he had to... he would fight if he had to though... but for now he would stay hidden, and try to keep the element of surprise... if he was forced to fight at all... and hopefully if he was seen Ragenrok would think he was just another sitizen if the mountain.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel landed and stepped out of the pod, narrowing his eyes when he saw Eli "Long time no see" Eli smiled "Back at it again, Eh Muel? anyway I have your niece to threaten you, give up the rods Muel gave you, or else" Muel knew something was up, Eli never threatened hostages
Shui would have agreed with Eli verbally when she was, well, herself but now she was stuck in Windraza's body. And WIndraza would never agree with someone who had her at talonpoint. "Don't do it, uncle!" she shouted as she internally cringed, "I will be fine."
Ragenrok looked at the pale blue dragon. "Don't worry my little cloud. I will save you," he said sweetly.
Shui was sickened by this and would have scrunched up her face in disgust, but she had to keep the act. "Thank you," she mumbled, crying inside of her mind. She swore she would be sick by the time this was over. She looked at Ragenrok, expecting for him to demand the rods from whoever Eli said his name was, but instead he looked angry. She could feel Flarea tense up, ready to fight or fly at top speeds.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH WINDRAZA?" he roared, "THIS IS NOT HER! SHE WOULD NEVER SAY THAT!" Shui felt guilt crash upon her. She blew their cover.
Frostbite crouched behind his boulder. He was ready to fight... but he was having trouble with his Frost Breath. He tried to focus on the cold... but his mind was instead filled with images of the Fire Dragon roasting him and the boulder into ash... he moaned internally. He was frightened... but his battle instinct was aroused, and he would fight to the death.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli stood up, sheathing his sword "Ok, you caught us, this is only kind of your niece" he looked at Muel "You remember the crystal of identity, you caused a lot a chaos with it before I took it from you" Muel snarled "I'll do you a favor Ragnorok, for helping me, we need them all alive now, no telling what he tried with that crystal"
Ragenrok glared at Muel, then nodded. "I want Flarea dead though. Is there any reason to keep her alive?" he asked.
Flarea growled at that. "Hey I'm right here you know! How about you make your evil plans of killing me elsewhere. On second thought, break the beaver dam," she growled. She got off of Shui, who sat up beside her and turned her snarl onto the two villans in front of her. Flarea thougt it was strange for her friend to snarl at others. She also found it strange not to fly away from Windraza's body.
"Oh, might I mention that Windraza failed. I mean that was a pretty fun thing we did to keep the rod away from her. I'm still laughing, in the inside. You brute," Shui said. She saw the flash of regenoition on his face. She was the only one, other than Flarea who callled him that. Flarea only reserved it for underclawed tatics though. Shui used it all the time. It always made him a bit mad.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli laughed "Now where did her mind go? Oh well, we still have our niece captive, while I don't like hurting my prisoners, I don't mind keeping them imprisoned" he drew his sword again "Tell you what, one on one, me and you, I win and you turn over the rods, you win and I release Windraza"
Ragenrok growled. Confident in his abilities, Ragenrok landed and said, "Yes, and I want her back to normal as well, so I will be merciful. This once."
Flarea looked at Eli with worry. "Be careful, he is dangerous. I will give you a few tips," she said before her voice dropped to a whisper, "Ragenrok has a huge ego, you can claw at that while you fight. While it will make him use stronger attacks, he will become reckless. I never tried to flatter him before, but I don't think it would be worth it for me." She then turned away and glanced back at Eli. She hoped that he would be ok.
Shui also gave a worried look at Eli. "You better be alright after this mister secrets! I really need to find a better nickname for you."
Yuro looked at Eli. A look of fear, worry, and sadness was on his face. He walked over to the human. He didn't say a word but hoped that his expression said it all.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "Thank you, don't worry, I've fought worse" he pressed his ear "Send the force shield, just in case" turning to Ragnorok he grinned, pointing his sword at his adversary "Make your move"

The ship loaded and fired the Shield out of a canon to Eli's location
Ragenrok decided to do a ranged attack first. He quickly charged up a fire blast in his maw and released it. It was hot enough to start to melt rocks. The brown dragon rarely ever used this due to its power. But his remembered using it on Flarea's mother, Airtha. She fell almost instantly. He quickly finished her off so she wouldn't suffer. He wasn't a monster! He was just... ambitious.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli dodged the blast and jumped up over Ragnorok with the help of his gloves and boots, swiveling around and swiping at the dragons feet, trying to get his legs damaged

The shield soared through the air
Ragenrok felt an unidentifiable pain rush through his body. He heard a loud cracking noise. He roared in pain and fell to the ground. His breathing quickened as he shook from the immense pain. Where did it come from? He wasn't struck anywhere, but his necklace. Shui's eyes widened as she heard the crack. No one deserved that kind of fate. She felt partially responsible. She should have warned the effects of a cracked necklace. Now Eli had placed Ragenrok to a fate of endless pain. The only thing that would save him was death, who would probably send him to Draferia, dragon hell.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli grimaced, he thought the dragon would have dodged. he sighed as he picked up his sword and sheathed it "I am truly sorry" The shield finally arrived by hitting the ground and skidding to a halt

the figure looked up the mountain and sighed, starting to traverse the side of it again
Ragenrok looked up at Eli and snarled. His eyes were silts and his teeth were bared. Ragenrok wasn't thinking anymore. In fact, he left all of the decision makings to his instincts. He made his head tilt to the side and went to bite Eli with his dagger-like teeth. His maw was stretched wide open as he quickly went to bite Eli in the stomach and back. Flarea became even more scared for Eli. Ragenrok was now fighting on instinct, meaning anything holding him back before was gone.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli fell over in surprise and reached out for the shield and pulling it in front of him, now kneeling, his body started to crackle with energy.

the figure looked up and saw she still had a while to go, sighing, she pushed on
Ragenrok roared in fury. Flarea knew this wasn't the one-on-one fight anymore. Ragenrok was no longer is a state of mind the used rules, only what would work best, that didn't exceed his morals. Unfortunately, threatening others wasn't above his standers. If Ragenrok saw them, he would probably attack them instead. Ragenrok, however, was to busy fighting Eli. He tried to rake Eli with his talons and to throw him to the side.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Any force applied to the shield was instantly absorbed, but he did manage to knock Eli over, he activated his boots and jetted away into the air, shield on the left arm, Sword in the right
Ragenrok roared in pain due to his necklace being cracked. He fell to the ground again, but then got back up, even more furious. He flew up to Eli and used his fire breath. Yuro didn't like the way Ragenrok was acting. He was much more aggressive than normal and he seemed to have let his instincts take over, never a good sign.
Ragenrok growled but landed. He regained control and fell to the ground. He couldn't continue, not without using his instincts, and if he used those he might kill the only one who could bring Windraza back. A dragon he truly cared about was rare nowadays, but it was not impossible. She reminded him of her mother, a dragon he used to love when he was younger. He could look at her and imagine things turning out differently between them and Firos. He could pretend that he was the one Airtha loved instead. But that was impossible. His brother was so perfect, before he killed him. The worst part was, he didn't feel bad about his brother dying, but he still felt the guilt of Airtha. Ragenrok closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.
Ragenrok lifted his head and looked at Muel. "Please," he mouthed. He was a dragon that kept his word, even if he was on the losing end. Windraza also meant almost everything to him. He also knew he was defeated. He didn't know what happened, but every once in a while he would feel a sudden pain. He had a feeling it wouldn't kill him ever, but it would make running a kingdom very difficult. He hoped that he would see his niece one more time before he was left here. He knew he would. Who would help him? He had a feeling that the partnership only did go one way, and not his. Tundra was not known for her lies, but rather her loyalty.
Flarea walked up next to Eli and gave a determined look at Muel. "I suggest you do what he says. I am not afraid to have blood on my talons due to Dragnos being threatened," she bluffed. Shui sighed behind her. They were both glad Ragenrok didn't point out the fact she had a bad habit of giving empty threats.

A bright purple dragon saw the creature. "Hello!" she said happily, "How are you doing today? I mean I know there was fighting on the top of MT. Phyross just now, which is against the rules, but I have never seen Ragenrok so easily defeated! Hey, you look tired! I might be able to take you somewhere, my only question is where to you want to go? Oh my! I forgot my name! Silly me! I'm Nurova."
Ragenrok laid his head down, defeated. Flarea snarled at Muel and blew her fire breath at him. Ragenrok perked up and gave a small grin. Maybe that red dragon would take care of the one who betrayed him for him.

Nerova nodded. "Hop on and we'll be off! Oooh! I just love helping others out! Do you? I bet you do! Helping others, even if you don't know them always feels good! I mean I would never help Ragenrok with any of his plans, but if he was in a life and death situation then I'll lend a talon."