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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli grimaced "You get the right idea, but on a universal scale, not a planetary one" he looked back at the rod "The plus side for us is he needs to place these in very specific places, that I have no doubt we can beat them to at least one of them"
"I didn't realize there was a difference," Flarea said to the correction that she was given. The inhabitants of Dragnos never went over the sea due to the dangers of the Great Storm. Something that was created during the forgotten ages, an age when there were no creatures that lived in the world they live on, other than the wild animals that were created of course. Flarea then looked up and asked Eli, "Where are these places?"
Shui looked at Eli then Flarea then back at Eli. She then tapped Flarea's wing and pointed at Eli then her necklace. Flarea sighed and nodded. Shui nodded herself then was quiet, waiting for Eli to finish.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "There is, anyway the places are in two categories, the centerpieces, and the corners, the centerpieces are on this planet, the hottest place, the coldest place, the highest mountain, the deepest sea, the most sacred place, and the most accused of places, two on the moon, the corners are the eight corners of the universe"
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Flarea nodded. "The cursed place is the Great Storm. It was a curse placed on the world soon after it was created due to one half of the Old Magic getting angry. The most sacred place is in the Guardian Forest. The tree of Life and Death. Half dead, half alive, and it will stay that way for as long as our world remains. The highest mountain will be Mt. Phyross and the coldest place isn't far from here. The hottest place will have to be Volcain. Unfortunately, Ragenrok lives there so he already beat us to it. The deepest sea will have to be the Great Sea, which is underneath the Great Storm." Flarea brainstormed. Shui nodded and Yuro watched them.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli nodded "I just sent something into orbit, for multiple reasons, one to double check our locations, and two so we can tell if they've placed the rods yet" he checked his watch "Should be ready within 5 minutes" he looked back up "We should go to the coldest place now then"
Flarea nodded then looked at her sprite friend. Shui nodded and said, "I have something important to tell you as well. About what I and Flarea have been hiding. We can talk about it on the way, but I think we should explain the Dragon Necklaces, and why they are so important."

The Ice Dragons made it to their destination. All three were a bit hesitant, but the fear of Ragenrok was stronger than their common sense. The strongest of the three stuck the rod into the ground then nodded to the other two.
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Shui looked at Eli, forgetting that Yuro was there. "Dragon souls are not inside of their bodies, like sprites or guardians," she started, "They are in their necklaces. Sprites created dragons to be little more than animated statues. They were made to protect sprites from any potental threats. I think Flarea filled you in on the rest. But we also enchanted the necklaces. For one thing, a necklace cannot be removed by normal means. Only sprites can. And we aslo enchnted the necklaces so then only sprites can get rid of them. If a necklace is removed from a dragon, then their entier contance is trapped inside of the pendent, forever. Until a new body can be found that is."

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli rubbed his chin, thinking of the implications that meant, like putting a two necklaces on one dragon, or wearing one himself, but decided it was not important at the moment“Good to know, how fast will be ready to head out?” His watch beeped as he looked down at it
Flarea thought for a moment. "We can head out right now, if you are ready. We will have to fly slower due to Yuro though," she answered. She walked to the mouth of the cave and waited for the rest to come.
Shui forgot about Yuro. "You're still here?" she asked as she flew next to Flarea. "Don't slow us down too much, got it. Good. Now to check out some snowy hills."
Yuro fell silent and looked at the ground. Even Flarea said that he would be slow. He looked at the red dragoness with sorrowful eyes. She glanced back at him and smiled. Yuro smiled back and stood next to Flarea. He still felt the crushing weight of self-doubt and the resentment of others though.
Frostbite was scared slightly by the talk. He had laid down quietly nearby at the beggining of the conversation, and he now stood up after them. He looked at Yuro, seeing his disappointment.

“I doubt it’ll be you slowing them down... I’m not very good at flying.”

He chuckled, and tried to block out the nervousness filling his mind.
Flarea smiled and jumped out of the cave and off of the ledge. She opened her wings and fly upwards. "Come on! Get up into the sky everyone!" she shouted as she felt the wind under her wings. Yuro, who was shivering in the cold, smacked his tail on the ground to get some lift so then he didn't have to do the reckless WInd Dragon flight style. Shui was already up with Flarea.
Frostbite spread his wings, beating them slowly and strongly, pushing the air as he slowly lifted off and flew forward. He was an awkward flier at the best of times, and he would be easily outdistanced by either of the other dragons. He clumsily tried to speed up, managing to go an acceptable speed.
Yuro nodded. "Shadow Dragons don't live in the cold areas. We tend to like to stay around Undi Plains and south from there," Yuro confirmed. He then looked at Flarea "I saw some dragons come this way earlier. They went that way," he said as he pointed further north.
Flarea nodded. "Then that's where we go! Yuro, you can go someplace warmer," Flarea said in response to everyone. Yuro shook his head no. He couldn't leave this new group, he might get scared and go back to Ragenrok. He couldn't let his nerves get to him.
Flarea flew right behind Yuro, who led them to the Ice Dragons. The Ice Dragons were leaving the site of the rod. When they saw Flarea the group looked at each other nervously. They really didn't want to take down there only hope, but they had to if they wanted to stay protected. "Fly back the way you came!" The female ordered.
"Way to go genius, no one here knows what a police is," Shui whispered to Eli. The Ice Dragons looked at each other and started to whisper among themselves.
"I'm afraid that that is not possible. It is kinda stuck now, so we can't get it up. But we could go somewhere else and not bug you anymore. How does that sound?" The female answered. Flarea growled and Yuro glared at the trio. One of the Ice Dragons looked at Yuro and whispered to the one that was sitting next to him.
The female nodded and motioned for the others to follow her. However one didn't budge. "Blizzard, what are you doing?" the female asked.
The huge, strong Ice Dragon glared at the female and said, "Who put you in charge? Why do we have to leave? This is our ground to stand, Tundra."
The female, Tundra shook her head. "We are outnumbered Blizzard, besides you felt the wrongness. I suggest we go back. If you want to stay, be my guest. Come on Flake," she said as she and one of the males flew off. The strongest remained though. He glared at the group as Flarea and Yuro growled at him. Shui glared at the wintery dragon.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli grabbed a small paralysis disk from his jacket and got up, walking to the dragon "Tell you what" he slapped the disc on the dragon, sending a wave of electricity through him "Lay down"
Blizzard would never listen to someone weaker than him, and he was just shocked, so instead, he tried to attack Eli. He couldn't move. He tried again. Nothing. He glanced down at Eli. If he could snarl, he would. His hatred burned through him and made him think of a raging blizzard. If he could do his breath, this would be the strongest it has ever been. Flarea looked at Eli. "What did you do to him?" she asked. Yuro, who was shivering, sat right next to Flarea to feel her warmth. Shui flew over to Eli and narrowed her eyes questioningly at him. "So mister secret has more secrets," she thought.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at Shui "If I told you every job I've had, and every technology at my disposal, we would be talking the better part of a year" looking at Flarea "There are two options, we infiltrate them and learn, or we simply move to the next location"
"Honestly I think they are just as lost as we are, if not more," Flarea answered, "Besides, Ragenrok has never been a good planer. We should keep going. I think we can get to a place that Ragenrok could never reach. Unlike him, I have a positive relationship with the Guardians. If I ask nicely, they might let us in, but this is the last thing. What about that thing you sent up? Has it said anything?" Shui sighed and flew back to Flarea. She didn't like secrets, but she guessed she would have to deal with them due to Eli having so many of them.
Shui smiled for a split second until Flarea shook her head. "We can't let him know that either," she told Shui, matter-of-factly. The sprite sighed and looked around her. She smiled again. "Maybe we can do something else. Flarea, could you b-"
"NO I WILL NOT DO THAT! I sware, you are starting to get twisted!'
"But you remain ever moral," Shui teased.
Flarea then shouted this back, "That is not the point!"
"Well, what is?" Shui asked innocently.
"If you were paying attention then you would know!" Flarea yelled, however it wasn't filled with anger. It was like the two were faking it.
The Ice Dragon started to look uncomfortable from the fighting. The two glanced at the Ice Dragon for a split second then went back to the argument.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli looked at the two, clearly confused "Of all the..." he sighed and put his head in his hands "Computer, come to my location, prepare a cell" he looked back up "In the meantime let's go over there and talk about what I found" walking a bit away he threw a deck of card at thr dragons feet "You can play card if you want"
Shui and Flarea looked at each other then sighed. The faux-argument worked most of the time, unfoundedly Eli was convinced that this was a real argument. Flarea, Shui and Yuro followed the human. "You do realize that I and Flarea were pretending to argue. We do that to scare off dragons. They really don't like the idea of an evil twisted sprite. Anyway, that would-be suggestion sickens me. Not yours, but my fake one," Shui said. Flarea nodded in agreement. The two worked on that stragity for about three months before they tested it. Now it was their go-to plan when dealing with stubborn dragons.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli shrugged "I knew you were faking it, but I don't really care if he stays" he pulled out the watch and pulled out a 3D map of the continent with heat indicators on it "This is the map I presume you used to" the map expanded into a globe "This is what I need"
Shui looked at the world. "Wow, there are places other than Dragnos?" she asked. Flarea looked at the orb with wonder. She never had the urge to leave, but now that she saw a smaller version of her world, she wanted to cross the Great Storm. But then she reminded herself of her duty to her species. Yuro also looked at the map, then the globe, but he didn't have the same wonder as the other two.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli mumered "So that's the volcano" he flipped the globe around and placed his finger on the darkest spot "And that is the hottest place on earth" he pulled out a yellow holographic pin and placed it on the orb, they might notice there's already a blue pin and white pin where they were standing
"So it's not Volcain?" Flarea asked. She was so sure it was the volcano that Ragenrok called home! It made perfect sense! But then again she didn't know about what laid across the Great Storm. She was honestly confused about her homeworld. How could she not know of such important things? Did Wild Magic also reside there? Did the Wild Magic hate that place? She looked at Eli with her confused expression.
Frostbite had contented himself with following the others, and backing them up as best he could. He wasn’t stupid, but he felt like he was missing something... probably because of that human and his strange things... for example, when he had flown even though he had no wings. Frostbite had almost fallen out of the air in surprise.

“Um... so can I help, or should I just...?”
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Yuro looked back at Frostbite still staying close to Flarea. "I honestly don't know what is going on myself," he said to the snow hunter. He shivered in the cold due to a cold wind pushing into them. Flarea and Shui still looked at the globe, but they were both confused now.
"The easiest to get to would be Phyross," Flarea reasoned. Shui nodded, but Yuro looked at Eli. The black drake wondered if they should go after the harder to reach places first. That way they could get there first and not have to fight over peaceful land like Phyross. The mountain was just as peaceful as Undi. To fight a battle over there would be almost treasonous.

Ragenrok looked at his soldiers. "YOU WHAT?" he roared at two of the three group leaders. The Ice group wasn't back yet, but there were on their way. He looked at the Fire and Wind Dragons. One couldn't find the spot, the other didn't even make it. Said they got intercepted. He glared at both of them. Hopefully, one group could do their job right.

The ice mother looked at the newcomer. "Stay back!" She growled, bringing her three whelps closer to her, "I do not know who you are or what you want, but if you even DARE get to close to my whelps, I will freeze you then smack you with my tail!" She threatened. The mother glared at the figure and didn't know who or what it was. She started to get anxious and looked outside of her den then back at the newcomer.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
"That's the only one besides the forest left on the continent" he nodded "Lets go"

Muel was studying his work, finally done, he heard yelling and safely stowed it on the ship, walking back he asked "What's going on? did you finish the mission?"

The figure waved her arms "I do not want to hurt you! I was just looking for someone, someone who looks kind of like me"