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Private/Closed Eli in Dragnos

Flarea smiled and nodded. She jumped off of the cliff edge and flew around the others. Yuro nodded as well and looked up at Flarea. He then clumsily got up and then became more graceful the higher he got. Only Wind Dragons jumped off the edge like that to get the falling boost. Shui flew onto Flarea's back.

Ragenrok glared at the two and motioned for them to answer. The two got fearful expressions and looked at Muel. The Fire Dragon spoke up first. "Um, we couldn't find it. It might not be Volcain. If it isn't, we sware we don't know where!" The Fire Dragon closed his eyes as he said the last part.
"We were intercepted. We tried to get there, but our tails were hit by something that slowed us down, then we were knocked out of the sky and were threatened," the male Wind Dragon told Muel, shaking in fear.
Ragenrok looked at the two. "I'll let you decide what to do with them, other than something that will permanently injure them. This was your plan after all. Besides, these six dragons are some of my best, I don't want to lose them," he told Muel before walking towards another party of dragons. "Where is the Shadow Team?"
"Gone sir. We found no trace of them. Seems like they just disappeared."
"WHAT?!" The great brown dragon shouted. His team, just gone like that? Impossible! They were trained for everything on Dragnos! Unless they fell by the outside forces.

The icy mother looked at her calmly after she provided an explanation. "You must forgive me, I am kinda on edge right now. I have three whelps to keep safe. Not exactly the most relaxing job to do alone. Now about that person you are speaking of. He just left. He went to what he called the coldest place on earth. They might be there, and he would be with them," she said gently.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli walked back to the paralyzed dragon, taping a few buttons on the disc "You'll be free by morning" he picked up the cards and caught up

Muel waved his hand at the fire team "You did not fail, you did what you were told" he looked at the wind dragons "You stay here, until I say, don't fall asleep, or I might consider something worse"

The figure sighed "Ok" she then took of, to where she was told Eli had went
"Mout. Phyross! You know, the tallest mountain, and has a decent dragon population," Flarea shouted to Frostbite. He didn't seem that intelligent, or maybe he was a fight first, think later kind of dragon. She started to fly to the southeast, the direction of Phyross.

The Fire Dragons nodded and flew off while the trio of Wind Dragons stayed. Hopefully, he would let them go before nightfall. Dragons always felt sleepy under the moon's light, and to resist the call of sleep from the moon was unheard of. No dragon has ever escaped the lull of sleep before.
"I don't know at this speed, I usually go faster," Flarea answered. She looked back at the other two, Yuro and Frostbite. The ice dragon looked nervous. Was it about Phyross? "Um, Ragenrok lives in Volcain, not Phyross. You do know that, right?" she told Frostbite

Ragenrok nodded. "I've been thinking about going out soon. As for the second group, I'll send Windraza, she is the best Wind Dragon that flies the skies. She is also to be respected, for she is my hier and my nice, understood?" Ragenrok told Muel. He didn't like throwing Windraza out like that, be she was speedy and ruthless. She wouldn't let some interception stop her.
A white dragon landed behind Ragenrok. "Sir," she reported, "The mission was a success. We have placed the rod down. Also, we saw Flarea and she has two new allies. An Ice Dragon and Yuro."
"And they have a police with them, he demanded the rod. He also said-" she stopped there due to her leader's new ally being right there. She didn't want to have them think this was her idea. She was only playing messenger.
Ragenrok smiled. "If she knows, then she will be heading to Phyross as well. I'll get Windraza myself, then we will all leave," Ragenrok decided and he flew off to get the pale blue Wind Dragon. The white Ice Dragon followed him. "He said you are being tricked," she whispered to him before flying off to do her duties. Ragenrok was stunned. He couldn't be tricked like that! However, a seed had been planted in his mind. He entered Windraza's cave. "Come on, my cloud. We have to do a job," he said sweetly, in a fatherly tone. Windraza glared at him after he said that due to the fact she hated to be called a cloud.

Flarea nodded and led the way.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel walked up to his ship and ejected the escape pod, so he could fly around in a relatively small manner, He leaned on it, waiting for his new ally

The figure arrived at the rods location, spotting the dragon she asked "Where is he? the one that looks like me?"
Windraza flew to Muel, after getting her amour on. Her uncle was right behind her, landing next to the pale blue dragon. "I think it would be best if I fly ahead. That way if they beat you two to it, then the mission will already be completed," she suggested. She looked down at Muel, a slightly proud expression on her face. She was the kind of dragon who got what she wanted and when she didn't, she took it.

Blizzard looked at the girl and growled. "He went to Phyross, tallest mountain. Trapped me here," he said, sharing as few words as possible.
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The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Muel nodded "Good plan"

*a while later*

Eli could see the top of the mountain now, he heard a alarming beep on his watch as he scowled "We need to hurry, they are there" he blasted off, landing in front of windaza "Hey, how about you hand that over?"
Windraza smiled and replied, "How about no." She glanced over at Flarea and frowned. Oh, how much she hated that red dragoness! She saw her barreling towards her and her eyes widened. Flarea was going to make them both fall! However, that was not Flarea's plan. Instead, she quickly raised up and snatched the rod out of Windraza's claws. It was still a bit difficult to get out due to the fact Windraza was strong, but she placed most of her strength into the claws that were gripping the rock so then she didn't fall. Windraza roared in anger and flew after Flarea, who then threw the rod away from her and the Wind Dragon.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The figure sighed "I just came from there!" she started running back where she came

Eli snatched the rod out of the air "Thank you!" he flew up away from the two

Muel was admiring his new piece of metal in his pod, just in case, he looked over at Ragnorok, considering him as he flew, before going back to it
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Frostbite was unsure what to do. He wouldn’t be able to do melee combat against a Wind Dragon, and he was not comfortable enough with his Frost Breath to not hit Flarea... the two were to close for a clean shot. He would be easily outmaneuvered. However, when he saw Eli fly up and away with the strange rod, he flew forward to intercept pursuit.
Windraza saw that Flarea's weird friend caught the rod and that the Ice Dragon was going to try to stop her from chasing. "To bad, for him," she thought. She was trained for battle, so dodging would be easy. She flew after Eli, claws outstretched, ready to fight both him and the Ice Dragon, if he was drake enough. Yuro was a little ways below Eli, Shui was next to a large rock a little ways from Flarea.
As the Wind Dragon drew closer, he prepared his attack. Even though he was a pretty clumsy flier, he had something he was good at. His tail, covered with icy spikes whipped out as soon as he thought he had a chance of hitting Windraza.

There was a growl deep in his throat. He was worried about that armour... if it came to a fight, he would be in trouble if that armour was at all tough. Eli three the rod like a spear... hopefully the Wind Dragon would be distracted and he could land a hit.
Flarea almost missed the rod, but she caught it. Windraza, wanting the rod, not a fight, dove down, then tried to go after Flarea from below. Flarea saw this and quickly tossed the rod to Yuro, who looked happy that he even managed to catch it. Then Windraza went after him. The timid black dragon tossed the rod behind him, Windraza followed the rod.
Windraza breathed heavily. Her eyes widened with shock at the realization at how high she was. Any higher and she would be in danger. She let herself fall a ways before her eyes rested on Shui, who was now near a rock due to her thinking that Eli had this. She expanded her wings out and went after the blue sprite. Shui's eyes filled with fear as the pale blue dragon was coming after her. Shui was smashed into a rock before Flarea noticed. "SHUI!" Flarea roared with worry.
Windraza grinned and said, "Now hand the rod to me, our the sprite gets it!" She hoped that her voice carried enough for Eli to hear.
Still holding onto Shui, Windraza walked over to the rod. "I am a dragon of my word. She will not be harmed. But I am not stupid. I will be holding onto her until my job is completed," She said as she picked it up. Shui stuggled to get out, but to no avail. Flarea glared at her sister and Yuro looked at her in fear.
Windraza ignored Eli. She didn't want to be lectured, and talking back would push the stranger to talk more. She glanced down at the sprite in her talons. Her sister was so foolish. To befriend something so weak that it could get her killed! The small sprite glared back at her. At least it had some sort of fight in it.
Flarea glared at Windraza. "I want you to promise that you will give her back," she growled.
Windraza smiled. This was the perfect time to stall them. "Of course, I wouldn't dream of not keeping my word! I'll give her back when I am ready."
A knot clinched in Shui's stomach. She looked at Eli with a worried look and nodded. He has only helped them since they met him. Why wouldn't she? Besides, she trusted him much more than her current captor. He wouldn't try to eat her if anyone acted up. Or maybe dragons only ate sprites that matched their element. Shui would have continued the thought normally, but Windraza cliched a bit harder on her. Shui winced, but it didn't pierce her thick skin. It was as if Windraza was getting a better hold.
Shui looked at Eli with a worried look. She didn't want to be in this dragon's cutches anymore. Heck! She didn't even want to be here in the first place. Windraza was taking her sweet time to the top of the mountain, probably waiting for something. But what? It couldn't be good for them. Maybe for her, but not for this group.

Ragenrok could see the mountain in the distance. Soon he would be able to stop Flarea, once and for all! There were no tight spaces for her to escape to anymore.
Frostbite was dizzy from his tail swipe spin, which had apparently missed entirely. He was too dizzy to notice what was going on at first, and then had to focus on staying in the air. Basically, he didn’t really notice anything until he saw that the sprite had been captured. He followed Flarea’s lead to the best of his ability, ready for any action nessescary.
Shui eyes widened as she saw the gem being thrown. Windraza looked at it curiously and tried to knock it away, but she had her talons full. Shui fumbled with the gem for a bit before she secured it. Flarea looked at Eli then at Shui, what would a small black gem do? Last time she checked, gems were not magical, at least they didn't boost strength or anything. Though they did hold enchantments better, according to what she was taught.
(I'll let you do the magicy soul thing Eli)

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
The very moment the gem touched both of them, a black net of energy spread across them both, ripping them apart and holding them so Windraza was about a foot of the ground, the gem floating between them, they had a few seconds to react and speak before they were knocked out as two glowing orbs came out od Shui, and two black orbs came out of Windraza
The two orbs entered the opposite bodies. Flarea looked on with worry and confusion. "What is going on?" she asked, glancing at Eli then setting her eyes on the two again. Windraza stirred then looked down at the sprite below her. "Hm, interesting. Hey, mister secrets! I didn't know you could make this happen! Oh, here's the rod, I don't need it," she said as she threw the rod away from her. It was weird to see her sister talk like Shui did. Sure it sounded like Windraza, the regal, thinking voice, but the speech pattern was like Shui's quick and teasing tone.
Then Shui looked up at Windraza, or the body of Shui that is, "What did you do?" she said angerly, almost like a growl if she was a dragon.
"Nothing!" Windraza replied, using Shui's typical response. The pale blue dragon stretched her wings out, like she took offense at that. Flarea just cocked her head in confusion.

The Dark Fairy

Previously Eliiiscool
Eli held back laughter as he went and picked up the gem "Sometime I hate you, but sometimes I love you" he walked over to Shui's body and picked her up, and pinning her arms, careful to hold her away from the gem, holding up the gem he said "May I present the Crystal of identity!" he placed it back in his jacket "It's basically a soul/mind/body swap devise, built by a advanced civilization a few time periods ago"