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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

Asriel and Finna both need more pokemon as Finna has less than Asriel. And a battle Royal is good once Finna is done being asked questions :3 Depends on the person. Her main tormenter was Angel and well... he's another reference. The character he's based on had such a passion for torture "He made torture into an art".
Asriel and Finna both need more pokemon as Finna has less than Asriel. And a battle Royal is good once Finna is done being asked questions :3 Depends on the person. Her main tormenter was Angel and well... he's another reference. The character he's based on had such a passion for torture "He made torture into an art".
I meant errr.... a different kind of physical abuse... cough

Hmmm, we could also do double or triple battles either 3 persons vs 3 persons or 2 trainers 3 Pokemon each.
Awww lol :p Her dialogue made no sense with what was just barely posted before. It had to go :/ Basic timeline, as she tells it, she received Blitzle at age seven as a pet. She was taken prisoner at age twenty-two. And no she is twenty-six :p
Awww lol :p Her dialogue made no sense with what was just barely posted before. It had to go :/ Basic timeline, as she tells it, she received Blitzle at age seven as a pet. She was taken prisoner at age twenty-two. And no she is twenty-six :p
In that case, I have no clue what I was thinking when I wrote that post.
Agh, I did it again... though I woke up later then I thought.. When someone gets on can they fill me in.. again, I read everything but its so confusing unless your there.. agh I really need to sleep at a better time!
Okay, so Halt was taken to the King by Luke via teleportation. Halt had wanted to walk but Luke said nope, basically. Also, Halt had Lucario attack Kaleb to try to gain trust. The King is now trying to recruit Halt. Asriel and Qin, upon finding out about Halt is trying to get everything they can from Finna who Qin and Asriel are quite suspicious of. And to top everything off, Finna has given a brief run down of two more villains.
Not that it's a problem to me but, wow, @StormingCobra55

In literally two post Kaleb evolved not one, not two, but FIVE pokemon!
I read it and it just felt weird to see everyone evolve a mon every 20 posts or so, and you nearly every post at least one haha xD

Now, go on rping lol. xD
Well, we've been here a day or two. I say just show yourself surviving the boat attack, maybe catching a pokemon or two, and run into the rest of the group.
Yes, that's the whole premise. We are explores in what's thought to be a new frontier. We are the people who were meant to discover if this land can be inhabited at all.