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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

I'd have to let Chaud get with the Pichu first and I forgot where Halt is/went...

*Politoed frowns a bit before using the soft leaves to wipe his tears*
No, melody. Have Luke stumble across him, and we can have Halt join them. 'Sire' wanted to have some if us join them anyway, and being how Halt is alone IN THE MOUNTAINS hidden in a small flatlands there, it would be a good place. (If not, Halt's finding an eevee)
Hmmm... I'll coin toss it! *flips a coin* Darn it, I forgot to call! Uh...uh, heads is you find Luke and tails is the Eevee! *flips coin again* Tails... But after careful deliberation, I like your idea and will go with that anyway :) *throws the coin out a window*
@Melody-Jez is it fine if i catch another mon, or should i wait longer? Also, the shiny Roggenrola is, as of now, following Kaleb, but he hasnt caught it, it is a recurring wild Pokémon, like Jigglypuff in the anime.
Yep, i caught Turtwig and Nincada, Skorupi will be in my next post.

Quick Recap: Caught Turtwig, Nincada, and Skorupi, sent Nincada and Pidgeotto to the PC, reunited with Pikachu and Halt, and confronted Luke. No idea what happens next! Its all up to Melody.

My Mons and their abilities:

Ability: Iron Fist

Ability: Keen Eye

Ability: Static

Ability: Rock Head

Ability: Blaze

Ability: Overgrow

Ability: Compound Eyes

Ability: Sniper
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My character being left behind actually gave me a chance at two things i had forgotten: Bagon and the shiny Roggenrola. Cant believe i forgot them, my character will catch them before leaving the island.
*Toadman gives a light sigh*

Yeah but... wouldn't that require some feasible explanation though? (I mean... I can't have Chaud teleporting and he doesn't have a Psychic Pokémon for crying out loud!)
*Toadman gives a light sigh*

Yeah but... wouldn't that require some feasible explanation though? (I mean... I can't have Chaud teleporting and he doesn't have a Psychic Pokémon for crying out loud!)
Well, I mean, more like he could always just pop-up in a location near the group, after all, half the island is forest anyways. So not like you'd have any terrain inconsistencies.
Recap for kyuukestu: Kaleb catches a Charmander, Aron, Nincada, Turtwig, Bagon, and Skorupi (not in that order), and encounters a shiny Roggenrola and Darla's Noivern again, and Pichu evolved while catching Charmander, and Charmander evolved while catching Bagon
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Also, Melody introduced Luke and Finna, two new characters. Luke is the third in command of Darla's boss, and Finna is a girl who they tortured.

Also, question for Glaceon, does Halt really hate Kaleb, or was that an act?
Also, @Melody-Jez after some consideration... there was never really a rule saying trainers HAD to have 6 Pokemon and not a single one more. Sure the Pokemon League only allowed 6 Pokemon in matches, but.... since we're not actually in the league....

After a bit of research the Game and to some extent the anime seem to allow 6 pokemon on a trainer at any time, but the Manga just leaves it as "As many as the trainer can carry". Though like always it's only 6 Pokemon to league battles.
Run down, Halt plans on joining the bad team. Thats where we are on my end.
Recap for kyuukestu: Kaleb catches a Charmander, Aron, Nincada, Turtwig, Bagon, and Skorupi (not in that order), and encounters a shiny Roggenrola and Darla's Noivern again, and Pichu evolved while catching Charmander, and Charmander evolved while catching Bagon
Hmmm, I've read up to the capture of Charmander and Aron.

Also, Melody introduced Luke and Finna, two new characters. Luke is the third in command of Darla's boss, and Finna is a girl who they tortured.

Also, question for Glaceon, does Halt really hate Kaleb, or was that an act?
I was there for Finna, but I can't remember Luke.... Unless he was introduced way earlier and I simply didn't form an impression of him.

Wait, then what about the Mienfoo story? That was way after that
Nai wa, the Mienfoo story was around the same time Finna was introduced.
Well, you said when Halt was talking to the newly-evolved Lucario, that happened during the battle with Darla

Anyway, why dont we go back to the RP for a while, cuz i have to leave soon
Well, you said when Halt was talking to the newly-evolved Lucario, that happened during the battle with Darla

Anyway, why dont we go back to the RP for a while, cuz i have to leave soon
It's still newly evolved since not even a day has passed in the RP since it's evolution.

I'll have to read through this new stuff, and then make another Mienfoo story, maybe Mienfoo vs Gligar.
Agh, why does my sleep scheduled have to be so off! I'm becoming nocturnal, Its 12am and I just woke up D:

Also can someone catch me up again, I read everything but I'm still so confused..
  • Melody introduced another Bad guy (Luke)
  • Kaleb went on a catching spree and now has like 20 Pokemon
  • Halt's Joining the Dark Side
  • Kaleb's Charmander evolved into Charmeleon

That's the gist of it.
wait, wait, wait,
Kaleb's the only one who's with halt so no one else is supposed to know >~>

You might wanna edit that with something else...

You could always head up to the lake since Qin is there. Expand your team a bit? Catch a water-type? Spade can also help Qin with some research, their both assistants of Prof. Elm after all.