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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

I have 9 Mons, not 20. -_-

Also, r we allowed to have the same mons as each other? Because Kaleb and Azure both have a Pidgeotto now.
Just an exaggeration :'|
I just checked, aron evolves at lvl 32, may I repeat 32.... I feel your pokémon are over leveled a bit. But that's just what I think..
We're not being too strict on the level thing, so I think second evolutions should be fine. Though Lairon to Aggron should take at least a few more Days in RP.

Btw, am I like the only one without an evolved Pokemon!?

Oh, there's Melody too, she hadn't evolved anything yet.
I mean, thats true, but man! Litwick is going to take forever to evolve, same as Staravia , why do I chose pokémon who evolve at such high lvls D:
pffft, and you're not even gonna catch Mienfoo & Larvesta/Rufflet

I'll still be trying to evolve them when everyone's getting Final evos :D
I fell asleep while typing my reply... I feel so ashamed...

Also, Luke isn't leaving the island. The King is in Froena. I have to get back to work now. I woke up late so I needed to spend my first 15 minute break eating breakfast.
Can we have the same mons as each other, or is that prohibited, except evolving?

As in, Spade cant catch a Gligar and Asriel cant catch a Chimchar, but Azure's Pidgey evolving even though i already had a Pidgeotto was still good
I've got nothing against having the same Pokemon as someone else.

On a side note, @StormingCobra55 It's waaayyy too soon for Charmeleon to be showing signs of evolutions. Since we're still on the same day that it evolved in Charmeleon from Charmander, and going from Charmander to Charizard in less than a full day is way too fast.
I was about to say the same thing about Charmeleon. And not just Charmeleon but Bagon as well. Salamance is a psuedo-legend. The balance to that much power is how late you have to wait for it. And you can have the same pokemon as someone else, I just personally don't prefer it because I like to have a unique team.
It was going to take forever for Shelgon to evolve, and i will write out Charmeleon there

Also, the other characters will go to the place where the king, Luke, Halt, and the Auralians r at later in the story right? Cuz i want my character to go there and possibly even destroy Luke's team to get revenge on him, but maybe not that, but at least go and help the others (when the team has developed more, preferably when they r in their final evolved stage)
Name: Sukoku
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Hometown (from a known region): Fallabor Town, Hoenn
Personality: You're going to see as the RP unfolds.
Backstory: Sukoku born in Fallabor Town, and after many years, he received his first Pokémon - a Torchic, he traveled around with his Torchic, and, after 2 years of training, it finally became a Blaziken.

Sukoku had a strong bond with that Blaziken, but he heard of a region with many dangerous adventures, right what he loves! He left his Blaziken with Professor Birch and took Seedot in order to restart his journey!

After getting his Seedot, he had to travel all the way back to Lilycove, but! Sukoku got his Seedot stole by Team Magma members! He battled many Team Magma members before getting to Maxie, which was the one with his Seedot! And, during their conversation, Sukoku found out his Seedot wasn't a common Seedot, it was a Shiny One! They wanted to evolve it in order to make it a Shiftry and start their evil plan, but his team managed to beat Maxie's team. Maxie even tried to run away, but Sukoku and his Pokémon stopped him, getting the Seedot back!
Pokemon: Seedot
Gender: Female
Nickname: Seedie
Item (if any): N/A
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Well here's the thing. The professors, even if they can get another boat ready are not going to be able to find another crew willing to go to this place. And unless everyone is okay with dodging people who, as far as they know, want them dead, then they only way out is through the harbor that the Auralian Order has, which means going to the place Luke took Halt.
@Sukoku please provide an actual town or city from the region; it can be fanmade or from the anime. As long as it's from the region. And if you want to be mystery personality, then please start a conversation with me and let me in on the secret :p
I said I cannot explain how he acts, I'm not worried about backstory spoilers! :( (I said that when there is no backstory, I feel a bit useless.)

Why does everyone refer to my mienfoo as 'the mienfoo' orz, did I give her a name for nothing!?!?

Ah, oh well. Think I might change my final 3 Pokemon, and edit mienfoo into my Signature.

Why does everyone refer to my mienfoo as 'the mienfoo' orz, did I give her a name for nothing!?!?

Ah, oh well. Think I might change my final 3 Pokemon, and edit mienfoo into my Signature.
I just don't want to go back and copy paste the name. Even though, im kinda not with you.
My character has finished catching mons, now i just need to train.

Hey Melody, how about Asriel, Finna, Kaleb, and Qin have a Battle Royal to train their mons? Asriel and Kaleb r both from Alola, and Kaleb lives on Royal Avenue, theres four of us, it seems fitting. How about it? Also, Asriel may need to catch some more mons, he still only has Sleipnir and Jitter.