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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

Thanks! Maybe I will, but I don't know cause whenever I edit my signature it always glitches out for some odd reason... and in any case back to the topic!

If you want, Spade and Azure could have a little chat, cause I have nothing else to do...
Feel free to have a past relationship with the others from your region. Each were chosen by the professors for different regions so that's not necessarily the case. And as far as research goes, detailed notes and reports are fine. Along with catching many pokemon. For his bit of extra, Asriel is drawing a map, both a large scale version and a more detailed one for each zone they explore.
Oh nice, Azure likes researching moves. He's sending reports to Kukui (because you know, he researches moves too) of all the moves he's seen. He and Spade are currently engaged in a conversation because Azure yelled out his new catch way too loud. xD
Spade came to study environment, she pretty much wants to figure out what the world has to offer and doesn't like potions and stuff that much, she rather use berries and natural resources.
I was going to rotate some of them. Salamence, Pikachu, Pidgeot, and Aggron were going to be in rotation.

Also, my character is from Alola, too.
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Feel free to have a past relationship with the others from your region. Each were chosen by the professors for different regions so that's not necessarily the case. And as far as research goes, detailed notes and reports are fine. Along with catching many pokemon. For his bit of extra, Asriel is drawing a map, both a large scale version and a more detailed one for each zone they explore.
Then I guess it's about time I conveniently start using all those Poketch apps >~>

Hmm, Since I'm from professor Elm I'll be researching Habitats and Abilities.

Just checking the signatures I've got a lot to catch up on >~>
Litwick and Scribble being the most noticeable developments.

Oh, tagging @Glaceon trainer just in-case you haven't gotten any alerts.

Yellow= Desert
Yellow-Green= Plains/Grassland
Yellow-Green with Blue mixed in= Swamp
Green= Forest
Dark Green= Jungle
Light Blue= Ocean
Bright Blue= Lake
Reddish-Brown= Mountains
Red Capped Mountains= Volcanoes
White: Snow/Tundra

Soo, I'm at that Big Lake almost smack dab in the middle of the island. Spade and Azure seem rather close to me, and I'm kinda guessing you went to one of the smaller ponds that are scattered on either side of the lake. Am I guessing everyone's on the right side of the island? or something?
I imagined us on the left, that one slot where the mountains meet the coast of the left side. So you must have cut through the woods to get to the tip of that smaller lake.
Name: RilZ
Age: 16
Gender: male
Hometown (from a known region): Kalos
Appearance: Tall Well built, green hair, wears a hat (looks kinda like N)
Personality:Kind, caring, can talk to pokemon,brave
Galaxy/Riolu (power belt)
Extreme speed
Dragon pulse

NiN/Frogadier (Power belt)
Water shuriken
water pulse

Rose/Ralts(leftovers) (shiny)
will leard more later in game

Gender: Male all of them except ralts

Item (if any): power belt X2 leftovers

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When typing the message, click the little plus mark and it will give you a few options; the spoiler option is among them. And I should add that, for the purposes of this roleplay, none of the starters are that bad, let alone terrible. Even seedot, one of the weakest among them, can become a shiftry, which can be really good in an roleplay format.
Yes but if you read the rules, the levels don't really exist in the rp. They are numbers for us, the players, to keep in mind as organizational information so that nobody evolves too soon or uses overpowered moves. Things like that.
Name: RilZ
Age: 16
Gender: male
Hometown (from a known region): Kalos, Vaniville Town
Appearance: Tall Well built, green hair, wears a hat (looks kinda like N)
Personality:Kind, caring, can talk to pokemon,brave
Item: Eviolite till it evolves
.Poison Sting
.Toxic Spikes

Name: Annie (Mareanie) Lv.15 | Ability: Merciless
Shortened Name: Ann
Gender: Female
Parents: Toxapex,Greninja
Poison Sting | Toxic Spikes | Takle | Haze | Quick Attack | Peck | Bite| Toxic | Hale | Venoshock
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@LucarioAngel you still need an actual approval as well -_- also, this isn't a region where you just hop off a boat and run around; our only way here sank and there are people trying to hunt us down. I suggest at least skimming what's been posted already.
*Politoed sits on a lily pad while not knowing what to do as he uses some leaves as tissues apparently*

Still thinking of how to bring Chaud back since it's been 3+ pages... *croak croak*