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Private/Closed Exploration of the Froena Region Sign Ups

*hugs my copy of Beauty and the Beast* No...not like that at all. And yes, she is but also no. She enjoys seeing suffering in her targets but to those she sees as family, she genuinely doesn't know better. She has only been in two family like units and in both of them, her behavior is perfectly acceptable.
I can't really have a trainer card for Chaud since he does have a Fakemon of mine... (And I'll probably have him catch up sooner or later and if there's a time skip... well time to get writing like crazy.)
well Sleipnir evolves soon. After his next battle most likely. Jitter just needs a boost to but he'll be hard to make a Nidoking because I need a moonstone!
Even though I wasn't asked, I feel Tailgate should wait awhile or until a large battle in the night as that's when they evolve..
Oh, I thought you were waiting for the Razor Claw, or does Spade already have one?

well Sleipnir evolves soon. After his next battle most likely. Jitter just needs a boost to but he'll be hard to make a Nidoking because I need a moonstone!
Moonstones are pretty common in mountains, but I don't think Asriel's gonna be happy about heading back there ~
I will post it tomorrow as it is late for me to :p but it is complete so don't hold yourself back from a pokemon because trade evolutions can be tricky in roleplays :)
Holy dingus! I am away to eat at a restaurant and then I go to sleep, and suddenly I missed almost FOUR pages in this discussion thread. I have missed almost 150 posts! xD I'll try to catch up as much as possible. I have read everything so I'm ready to go again!
Quick Recap: My character caught an Aron, met the recurring shiny for the first if many times, and found a Charmander. I will add the results of the battle in my next post, but im gonna wait for a few more posts to come in.

Is anybody here?
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I personally work all day five days a week. Then I get home and take care of my elderly aunt, running whatever errands need running and taking care of our apartment. I get on when I can. I'm sure it's the same with the others @StormingCobra55 just be patient and you'll get replies :)
And introducing my new character who has been introduced because of plot reasons :) Guess I should take this time to say if anyone want a second character, feel free to make one but you have to keep up with every character you make and give them all adequate screen time.

Name: Finna Brady
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Hometown (from a known region): Castelia City, Unova
Appearance: On the taller side of average, Finna stands at 5'7". She has a fit figure, muscular and strong. She does still have a petite build, though. She has a short, thick mane of almost cherry red hair. Her eyes, large and stoic, are a light aqua. Her most notable feature, besides the slight boniness of her face, is the late scar that covers a large part of the right side of her face. Covering the area around her eye, and leaving her eyesight hindered in said eye, her skin is heavily marred by scar tissue. The most prominent being the large dark pink scar in the shape of a claw mark that crosses her eye and never healed.
Personality: While stoic and very goal oriented, Finna is loyal and devoted. She comes off as cold and nearly emotionless but she is actually capable of great sympathy when she allows her emotions in.
Pokemon: Zebstrika
Gender: Female
Nickname: Storm
Item (if any): None

Yes she has a fully evolved pokemon. As she wasn't chosen by the professors, she has been a trainer for much longer and thus should have a bit of a stronger pokemon. Again, it is all for plot and I will not spoil.
So i added more where Kaleb catches Charmander, and Pichu evolves into Pikachu after the battle. The next few Pokémon i catch wont be caught for a while now, but i know which Pokémon they are. Also, im not planning on evolving Pikachu into Raichu, because i would like it better as a Pikachu.
That's fine :) it's your team, develop it how you wish as long as they don't become too overpowered or evolve too soon or anything like that. I always saw Pichus and Pikachus as affectionate but even so, it happened a bit fast. But Pikachu doesn't really get too powerful so I suppose it can slide.
Also, will any legendaries be encountered at any point during the RP? Not necessarily caught, but will our characters see maybe a Suicune, a Zapdos, an Azelf? Any legendaries?