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Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

At last Meliai spotted the location of what they were looking for, with a slight head gesture to Devin she headed towards a hill. Surprisingly shout from Taylor indicated that he is currently already dealing with the frogs. As she approached the cave entrance her pacing began to slow. Her new staff slowly started to break away into a trail on the ground. Each broken chunk began to form as a miniature sapling with its roots expanding out of the ground.

"Devin, you might want to jump in now, I need a second to prepare." Her voice gave no form of excitement but in her eyes were a little spark of ferocity and readiness to battle.
"Rainbow Dragon Claw!"

Devin would jump in and slash at one of the frogs to keep it away from Taylor as he went to back up the Requip mage while Meliai made her preparations.

"Sorry we're late." Devin said as he faced the monstrous frogs before them; having noted they seemed bigger and more dangerous than the one Taylor had decimated earlier. None the less Devin had his magic claw at the ready prepared to fight a war.
“It’s fine. But keep you guard up. They have been trained.” Taylor grunted, as he leapt upon the back of one of the frogs. It began to hop, and the boy struggled to stay on it’s slippery body. By the third hop, the boy had lost his grip, and fell off. The frog tried to flatten the boy, it he began to roll, avoiding the frog.

“Let’s go. Apollo’s Raidant Blades!” Taylor’s voice was harsh, as the sword blades became enveloped in a golden light. They grew longer, with the blades that seemed to be made of this light. Taking fast leaps, eh charged at the nearest one. This just so happened to be the one who had targeted him earlier. He slashed at the leg, expecting it to disconnect. But that was far from what happened. It left a faint mark across the skin, but didn’t even break it. It seemed like the frog had some kind of thick hide upon it’s skin.
"Kick of the Rainbow Dragon!" Devin called out as he charged and delivered a kick right between the eyes of one of the monster frogs, who only looked mildly annoyed at beast before it smacked Devin across the face with its tongue which sent it flying. Devin was quick to recover and he began to think a new battle plan.

Darn it, these things are tough...
"I have your back guys" she watched as the two boys valiantly fighting off in the cave. The time they spent fending off the frogs gave Meliai ample time to gather her magic power and begin her spell. The trail of small roots behind her grew to massive size and spread out through the cave and around the frogs, thickening as they got closer.

"Hopefully they wont move around as much" extra roots also spread to the top of the cave. "This is all i can do without killing you guys."
Devin took note of several roots than began to wrap around the cave and frogs which would limit their movements. Devin was appreciative of the gesture as he took a deep breath.

"Scales of the Rainbow Dragon!" Devin called out as he fired dozens of inflamed scales from his arms at the frogs all around them, careful to avoid the roots as Devin aimed to take advantage of Meliai's opening to do as much damage to as many of the frogs as he could.
“This is nuts. There has to be someone behind this!” Taylor shouted, as he was smacked in the stomach by a headbutt crazy frog. He slammed against a cave wall, and he leapt forward. After every attack, the frogs still seemed to be immune to attacks.

“Wait, let me try something. Meliai, I need you to get me and one of these frogs an opening to get out of the cave. I have a theory.” He shouted, at the top of his lungs. Then as he said it, another frog lunged at him. He rolled to the right, and backed towards an opening, after jumping over one of the fence.
Trying to follow Taylor's order Meliai destroys a portion of her branches to create an open path for Taylor and one frog. Meliai then blows a branch just behind the frog to get it moving towards the outside. Even with the miniature explosion, Meliai noticed the small blast causing a tremble in the cave.

"Taylor, please me you know what your doing." concern was starting to get to her. she thicken the other branches but has already made a mini-vow not to us explosions while there still in there.
“I think so,” Taylor shouted, as he left the cave, being sure to have the frog follow him outside the cave. The frog leapt at him and smashed the ground he landed on. Taylor was lucky enough to have moved last second. He rushed forward, and slammed his blade at the frog’s foot. The blade sank, into the foot, with a bit of effort. It was the cave. There was someway that the frogs weren’t dying while in the cave. Something was off. But now at least he could kill some.

He jammed his other blade into the frog’s throat. It began to chock and began to thrash, knocking Taylor away. He lost his grip on his swords, and tumbled backwards. The frog began to spit blood, and it shook furiously. But it was still ready to fight and wanted to finish off Taylor and get some revenge for the whole stabbing thing.

It hopped forward, and as Taylor began to get up, swung at Taylor. By ducking and rolling, he rolled himself over the movement and aimed a kick at the sword in the frog’s throat. It went in deeper with a satisfying thunk sound. The frog began to fall forward. Taylor grabbed his swords, one from the throat and the other from the foot, and east out of the way of the frog’s corpse. He was soaked with sweat, but at least one was finally dead.

“There is some kind of magic keeping them safe from our attacks. But it can’t go beyond the cave!” Taylor shouted cupping his blood stained hands over his mouth, to make himself louder.
"So get them out of the caves? I think we can manage that." Devin said, having heard Taylor's call before he delivered a kick to the eye of one of the frogs; this action angered the beast as it chased Devin outside the cave where Devin's hands became inflamed once more.

"Twin Claw of the Rainbow Dragon!" Devin called out as he delivered a pair of powerful slashes which sliced through the flesh like butter. Devin took note of this as he examined the corpse.

Taylor's right, whatever is giving these frogs protection only works so long as they are in the cave. We bring them out, we can beat them.
With the revealing of the frogs' weakness, Meliai used the branches inside the cave to thicken and wrap around two frogs. Then with a physical and mental heave she forcefully pulled the two out into the open. once they were in open air she began her violent form of magic. "Great Tree: Deforestation." with her command the branches along with the frogs violently exploded into a glorious form of smoke and ash. With that she felt her body aching from that much of magic use. Doing that again would not be a good idea.

"Hey Taylor, do you think whoever is doing this is inside the cave. Cause I'm considering to just blow the whole thing up." as she said this a part of her was hoping he says no just so she would not need to use more magic.