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Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

"Bye, Sophie!" Nashi exclaimed.

Nashi then looked back at Janine, and exclaimed, "With pleasure!" Her hands then abrupted in golden flames, and her face looked so serious and excited at the same time. Nashi then jumped over to Janine, causing a crater on the floor and completely ignoring Gale, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon Iron Fists!" She aimed her attack at Janine's face.
For Meliai their conversation did not make any sense. From her awkward hearing all they seem to be discussing were numbers. There suspicion made it difficult for her to look at the two, but from what she is hearing they are somewhat familiar which brought up a new question. Why do they no each other? Even with her head down it was obvious that Meliai was trying to focus on hearing.
Once Jasmine put her hoodie back on Devin and her exchanged a quick hug.

"It's been such a long time, I didn't...didn't think anyone else made it to be honest." Devin said which caused Jasmine to let out a small smile.

"I thought the same thing, though I held the belief that the 13 of us were able to survive. Seems our cloaked savior moved us apart after we were rescued. What have you been up to?" Jasmine asked as Devin grinned ans showed off his Guild Mark of Fairy Tail.

"Joined Fairy Tail recently." Devin said as Jasmine looked on in aww.

"Joined a mage guild? Gotta say things are looking up for you." Jasmine said as Devin frowned and decided to ask a different question.

"Are the others...are they okay?" Devin asked as Jasmine shook her head.

"Hard to say, I haven't met another of the 13 until I met you just now. Until today, I had thought that...but now I see that If you made it, I have to belief they are out there somewhere. And I aim to find them." Jasmine explained.
Janine smirked and her body glowed as she partially requiped into her Flame Empress armor passed down from her mother, she only needed the gauntlets for this sparring match so that's what appeared on her.

Janine grabbed Nashi's fists so they wouldn't hit her face and threw her back a little, she then drew the sword from her Ocean Queen Armor, it had a golden hit that swirled at the cross bar and a sleek, glossy, blue blade. Janine pointed the blade at Nashi and a vortex of water was shot at her, engulfing some tables and chairs at the same time.
Their conversation did not make that much sense but essentially, she deduced that one, they were old friends and two they came from the same group. With just that knowledge Meliai was a little satisfied relaxed a bit. It is not like she could confront anything odd they say either. She decided she will just wait till the train ride was over to talk about it. She peered off into the window and watched the night sky brighten into morning.
The sun would shine through as Devin and Jasmine had fallen asleep after their late night conversation. Devin let out a yawn as the sunlight shined indicating morning had come. Devin glanced over and noted Jasmine was asleep still, given the time the train would be making its stop very shortly.
Nashi was thrown aback by Janine, and she then glared at the incoming vortex of water coming her way. "You're strong, Janine, but I've observed every single armor and weapon that you have!" Nashi then abrupted her whoe body in flames, the heat in the guild hall increasing as well. The water vortex then started evaporating, and wasn't able to attack Nashi.

"Ya' see, Janine!" Nashi exclaimed, "I'm not the same like I was back then! I've been training my ass off to get stronger, and all of that training will pay off right now!" Nashi then ran towards Janine with great speeds, to the point where she was right in front of Janine and exclaimed, "Why don't you have a taste of a vortex!? Sun Dragon ROAR!" Nashi then let out a vortex of golden flames out of her mouth, aiming for a direct hit at Janine.
"Wow, Nashi, I'm impressed!" Janine said as she began to requip into the full set of the Flame Empress Armor and exchanged blades for her Flame Sword.

Janine turned the flat side of the sword toward the incoming vortex of a fire and began to absorb/deflect it. Janine had to admit this was no easy task and a few times she was almost overwhelmed by the attack, but she didn't want to lose her first sparring match back.

After she had successfully defended herself, Janine decided to go on the attack. The mage requiped into her White Winged Armor, this armor focused on more on aerial speed but the Blade still boosted her attacking power. Janine shot at Nashi with incredible speed, spiraling through the air, blade at the ready.
Nashi tried her best to dodge the attack, but she was too slow, and got hit devastatingly. Nashi spat out from the hit, and said, "You're just like your mom, you both don't know how to hold back. But I don't either!"

Nashi would then aim to kick Janine in the stomach with a "Sun Dragon Crushing Claw" spell, as she was in direct contact with her. The kick would send Janine flying if landed; Nashi would use this time to charge up an even stronger Sun Dragon's Roar, and aim it straight at Janine in the air.
Janine reacted quickly and pulled out a secondary blade and crossed it with the other one to try and block the kick, which ended up succeeding for about half a second before the pure force of the kick sent her flying back a few feet, "Nice one!" Janine exclaimed with a smile on her face, she was surprised that Nashi was able to keep up with her.

The mage noticed Nashi charging up the Breath Attack and began soaring through the air, spinning and twirling all around, so Nashi wouldn't be able to get a clear shot on her.
Nashi noticed Janine just basically swimming around her attack, and she then started swaying her head. Her spell then started swaying the same way as her head as well. Nashi then started aiming her attack towards Janine.

Nashi noticed that her attack wouldn't hit Janine, even if it is following her, so she started powering up her magic, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon....RAGING ROAR!" The fire of the spell then started getting bigger, and it started obliviating more stuff from the guild hall. The spell would aim straight at Janine, with no open spaces for her to dodge.

If the attack got a straight hit then Nashi will be the winner, but Nashi had used up way too much magic today, and if the attack didn't hit, then she would lose.
Meliai's face looked like a mess. She got much less sleep worrying about Devin. She peered out the window and noticed the train was reaching their destination. She got from her seat and shambled around from her area. She was sure if it were not for the fact that everyone else was asleep they would find this annoying. In her head she was planning potential strategies and outcomes for efficient ways of taking the frogs down. Feeling as though she came up with a sufficient plan, she walked over to a semi-awake Devin and nudged him with her staff.
"Alright lets go. The trains about to stop and i'm not doing this mission alone." She turned towards the door. "If you need to say goodbye to your friend, do it quick and lets go."
Devin, waking up fully from the nudging of Meliali simply gave a nod though was a tad curious as to Meliali's assumption that he and the girl next to him were friends. None the less a yawn from Jasmine signaled she was waking up as Devin turned to her.

"It was good seeing you. Hope we get a chance to talk some more later." Devin said as Jasmine let out a tired smile and nodded.

"Indeed, I look forward to that. Good luck on your mission." Jasmine said as Devin got up and would follow Meliali towards the door.
Meliai hopped down from the train and had a sudden realization she forgot about Taylor, but then decided to just let him be. In her eyes if he is able to completely sleep through a mission he doesn't deserve the money all that much. With a small glance behind her just to see if Devin was still behind her she trotted into the swampy area. It was a dank, misty place with uneven trees, roots poking out of the surface, and random patches of water that could sink three people. Melias knowledge of swamps was basic except for the flowers, but for her it was just enough to maneuver around.

"Alright, Slayer" she says with a groggy barely awake tone. "The way we do this mission is simple, stick together and look for these frogs, don't touch any plants without my permission. Know that I will be messing with the trees so any where you walk will be uncomfortable. And finally" She turns directly to him with a little more serious tone. "When your around me just. Don't. Mess with bugs. I have my reasons" she turns back around awkwardly. "Anyways lets go."
Devin, who had been a combination of drowsiness and sickness (Having held in his usual motion travel sickness for the most part), gave a weak nod as he tried to recover.

"I...I understand." Devin repeated, his face a little green as he pressed on. Devin knew this would die down quickly but it never did feel nice. Devin had to wonder how Jasmine kept herself so composed. Maybe she went to vomit as soon as he left.
The first thing Meliai did was press her hand on a nearby tree. Her hand begin to slowly sink into the bark as though it was a part of the bark. After a few seconds the tree began to shift. The roots and branches began to expand and shrink as though testing its movement. A couple of seconds more and other trees began doing the same thing. Then they stopped. Meliai was now halfway into the tree, but then walked out as if it was nothing. "there's a lot of movement over there" she points northwest and starts heading that direction before turning around to check her teammate. She looks at her sick companion questioningly. "Hey,..question." she tried to contemplate how to bring up the subject about the other person, but couldn't. "Why did you join Fairy Tale? i'm curious"
Devin had to admit, that question caught him slightly off guard. However, once he thought it (And, settled his sickness) over he would answer the question.

"W-well, a person who I have...great admiration for. One I owe my life to, was part of a mage's guild. I desired to join one after he had shared his experiences with his own guild. I heard lots of stories of the amazing adventures of Fairy Tail so I sought your guild out." Devin explained, keeping a certain other reason he desired to join the guild to himself as they walked.
She waded through the uneven wet ground as she contemplated his answer. It seemed off but it does not seem like he is going to explain anymore this way. "Okay..then just tell me about yourself. I guess start with your abilities. What can you do in a fight." She surveyed the area they were traveling for any marks or frog sludge.
"W-well, I use Rainbow Dragon Slayer Magic. I usually prefer melee combat, though my magic does provide me long-distance options. I'm sure having been around Nashi, you know all about a Dragon Slayer mage." Devin explained, feeling better and better from the motion sickness of the train trip. Devin assumed Meliai knew about Dragon Slayers from being guild mates with Nashi.

"I a-assume you use some kind of tree magic?" Devin asked, making a guess on Meliai's abilities based on her phasing partly into a tree moments ago.
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"Yes, I understand what slayer magic. No one has given me a reason to like it yet." Her tone turns sour when saying this. But returns to a more tired sound when she notices frequent animal activity in this area. Here mosquito's and other bugs start to surround the two. Ignoring the bugs Meliai sticks her staff into a lake of gross water and began to stir it.

" The Great Tree Ark, apparently its lost magic but my father knew it well. To describe it briefly, I have full control over wood and trees, can make them, grow them, even blow them up." After a bit of stirring from a distance some of the water begins to bubble and a slight wave starts moving towards her.

"Alright, get ready. No doubt that's a one of the frogs we need to deal with."
Devin gave a nod, putting aside her comment regarding slayer mages aside for the moment as he prepared himself for what is assumed to be one of those monster frogs. Devin knew he'd have to prove himself, so this was his chance to make his mark.

Just give it my all and don't screw things up for her. She seems to have some negative perception of Slayer mages, I just gotta show I'm more than that.
The water ripple approached her staff and then halted. At first there was complete stillness. Melia pulled her staff out of the water, Tossed it into the air and a gigantic frog, the size half the trees, jumped out of the water and gobbled the staff. Meliai ran behind Devin as the frog splashed back, creating a massive wave. "Alright, that's one beast at our attention."
The frog now had its eyes perched above the water staring intently at the two mages, readying to strike again.
“I’m not in the mood for this,” Taylor mumbled, being silent up until now. He had been behind the others at about 10 feet, without them realizing he was there. He was antisocial for sure. “Twin Solar Sabres!” He announced as two golden curved blades appeared, with one in each hand. “This must be a straggler. They would most likely travel in a large pack to keep each other safe.” He mumbled, leaping forward. He jammed his right Sabre through the lower jaw of the beast, jabbing it sharply in the brain. It’s eye’s glazed over and Taylor pulled the blade out, and it collapsed. Taylor had leapt away and landed beside his teammates, huffing quite audibly.

“Thank god you’re here!” A bearded man who looked to be middle aged, shouted rushing towards the three wizards, waving a cane. “I am the village elder for this village. Thank you for coming. The frogs are just north of here. They seem to sleep in until noon, which is odd. But nevertheless it’s lucky, as if you attack now, you can catch them by surprise.”

“Um,” Taylor said scratching his head. This man seemed too young to be a village elder. Not to mention, why would frogs sleep till noon. The entire prospect seemed fishy and odd. “Um, okay. Thank you sir. Head back to village. Where you would be safe.” Taylor added, trying to have the man leave.

“Thank you all so much.” He cried happily, before rushing away, with a speed that a town elder wouldn’t normally have, only increasing his suspicions.

Taylor looked at the carcass of the frog, and gave it a kick. “It wasn’t that hard.” He said, quietly. His mind was still thinking about the elder.
Devin, who had inflamed his hands to fight, was stunned to see Taylor show up from seemingly out of nowhere and just decimate the frog. Devin turned to Taylor.

"Wow, that was...impressive. Though that is a bit reassuring, seems like these frogs shouldn't be too much trouble." Devin said, before he listened to the "village elder" explain about the situation.

If he is a village elder, then this village must have a high mortality rate. Yet, I can't seem to shake this...odd feeling about the guy. Oh I'm probably just being paranoid.
"I'll say. But i'm not complaining" Meliai looked out the now dead frog. She snapped her fingers and the staff inside of it began to grow inside of it and until the frog and staff exploded into pure ash. "Just making sure it's dead. Anyways, wheres the village? I feel like I need some actual shut eye." Meliai picks up a stick and shapes it into a staff similar to her last one.
“I’m surprised it went that well to be honest.” Taylor said shrugging as Meliai destroyed the Boyd of the frog. Then he raised an eyebrow at her later statement. “Didn’t you just sleep the entire way here? How are you tired so fast? But I don’t really know where the village is. But since that guy went east, that’s probably where the village is. I’d say we should head to the nest before noon, I guess. I mean if they wake up then, then they could cause problems when they are awake. Taking a nap, might give them some time to do something. Attack or whatever these mutate frogs do.”
Devin would just listen to the two talk. Devin figured it'd be wise to let the veteran members plan things out.

Devin would think about nest and the elder during the planning session.
Meliai completely ignored Taylors question except for the village would be east. Without responding she started pacing towards the direction of where the nest is supposed to be with a look of disappointment.
Janine smiled to herself as the raging roar charged at her like a freight train, Nashi had really grown strong and she was truly proud of her.

The mage took in a deep breath and requiped into her mother's Adamantine Armor and slammed the two shields together before they were hit by the force of the attack. Janine was surprised she was being pushed back by the attack and when the roar was finally over, her entire shield was almost completely melted.

"Wow, that was incredible, Nashi!" Janine exclaimed as she requiped into her regular clothing and walked over to Nashi, "Let's say we call it here?" Janine offered, holding out her hand.
Nashi landed unto her knees out of full exhaustion, that last attack used up way too much of her ethernano. She then looked up to see that her attack didn't do much to Janine. Ah, dammit! I was hoping my training would've finally made me be able to beat Janine in a fight!

"Thanks," Nashi said as she would shake Janine's hand, "but don't think this is over, yet. I'm just getting started!"

Grey Jr. would look on at the fight, and grunt. Looks like Nashi is on Janine's level...which means I am too! WAIT! I'm not Nashi, I won't fight just for the hell of it! Grey Jr. would then take a sip of his drink.
Without saying a word Devin would follow Meliai towards the direction of where the nest was supposed to be. Devin was just happy the two came to an agreement. Now it was time to go fight some frogs...

I hope they're all pushovers like the first one, but I have this feeling it won't be that easy...
At some point in her walk, Meliai felt a wave of drowsiness. It caused her to stammer and she had to lean on staff as though she has aged and needed it to walk. As she halted Meliai realized she was not exactly sure where she was supposed to go. A single direction is not much. She rooted her staff to the ground and used her magic to sense any far away movement. Fortunately she could sense the movement of multiple giant feet in the distance. This striked her curious as they were more active than they should be given the elder's information. She was filled with annoyance realizing he was wrong. The idiot probably dosn't even know where they are much less when they sleep she thought

As she uprooted her staff, Meliai her fingers cramp. As she looked closer she noticed that some parts of fingers were turning brown. A symptom of using too much magic. Since she could still move them she relaxed her body for a second and turned. "Devin, come in front of me. You will be leading the way. Taylor, follow behind him." She cracks her knuckles as bits of wooden skin crumble off her fingers.

"I need a quick break."
Devin would simply nod, not questioning Meliai as he took the lead. Devin would lead the group, though he glanced back at Meliai with some concern in his eyes.

"You okay?" Devin asked.
Her knuckles felt sore as she cracked them. Her breathing was a little slower but she kept her face the same bored expression. " I just need a moment." As she tried to play off pain as just stretching, she looked up into the sky. The sun was slowly beginning to rise. She did not pay much attention to it as she already assumed the elder was wrong about the time the frogs maneuver, but still she was getting impatient of how long their travel is taking.

"Just go." she waved him off with her stronger hand and stare at the new bruises in her hand. She layed next to a tree and closed her eyes. " if you actually need me with you, you still have that twig i gave you, or just shout, ill hear." cross-legged, she leaned back and closed her eyes.
However, Devin would not just go.

Devin took note of the bruises on Meliai's hands, as well as her general exhaustion and decided to watch over her till she was good to go. Devin would remove his jacket and place it over Meliai like a blanket before he would scout the area, senses on high alert in the event any troubling creatures might be lurking in the unknown.

Taylor probably is gonna get scold me for delaying things, but I refuse to just leave Meliai alone.
She slightly lifts her eyes to see Devin helping her. For a brief second her face lifted into a smile, then returned into expressionless gesture. "Thanks, but I do want that money. You shouldn't be wasting time like this". Meliai tries to get up but she is more tired than she thinks. "Hey, on that train... you knew her right?" Meliai figured she might as well ask now.
"It's not wasting time if I'm doing what I want to do. And don't move around so soon, you are clearly still not fully alert." Devin countered, before he heard Meliai ask him about Jasmine. Devin let out a sigh.

Damn it, why would she ask about that? Did she overhear our conversation? I could've sworn we we discrete. Maybe it was just our goodbye indicated she was more than a stranger I had a pleasant conversation with. How to go about this...

"Yeah, she was an old friend..." Devin said, not adding any other details then that as he made sure Meliai was comfortable as he would then scan the area again; so far not seeing anything that would cause trouble.
Meliai sighed at his obvious attempts of concealing information "Okay." she says this in a kind of defeated manner.

With a second to relax, she puts the jacket to the side, scoops up a chunk of mud and lathers her hands with it. The cool dirt began to soothe her bruises and she feels less pain. She brought her left hand up to her face and licked a bit of dirt. It was disgusting, but also awakened her from her dreary daze. As Meliai spits out the dirt from her gross attempts of waking herself up, she pinches the jacket with her muddy hand and tosses it back to Devin. Meliai then grabs her staff and began to walk as though nothing happened.

"Lets just get this over with." The sun was rather close to noon, but that did not stop Meliai from changing her speed. All she focused on was to receive her jewels and leave.
Devin would dust off the jacket before he put it on and gave a nod, following Meliai and doing his best to keep pace with her.

Devin felt a tinge of regret for keeping his history with Jasmine a secret, but it brought back memories he would rather forget. So Devin would just focus on moving forward to complete the mission.

Instinctively he tightened the scarf around his neck as he followed Meliai.
While Melani had stayed behind, along with Devin, Taylor had walked ahead to scout the nest. HE reached the edge of a hill that overlapped the entrance to a cave. Inside, Taylor saw a peculiar thing. Giant Frogs, bigger than the one he killed where lined up in fences. They had food, water, and all the necessities. Someone was raising them.

“I gotta warn the others,” he mumbled to himself as he began to turn and run towards the other. But as he spun around and took a step, the ground at his feet cracked. In a shower of collapsing stone and dirt, he fell down. He crash landed on a mountain of hay, that laid in one of the pens.

As he stood up, he had attracted the attention of the frogs who looked much more violent and fearsome. They all began to hop towards him.

“I could use some help here!” He shouted, before summoning his two blades. This was going to be much more complicated.