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Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

"Oh you don't need to worry. Whenever I travel to cold places, I often use my magic to keep myself warm. I'll be fine and thank you for allowing me to come. I promise I'll do whatever I can to avoid screwing things up." Devin said, a little nervous being paired with a couple seasoned members on his first mission, but he was determined to prove himself.
Nashi looked at Draxon, and said, "Yeah, I don't have to worry about cold places with my magic." Nashi then looked back at Devin, and said, "Don't sweat it, and don't worry about a thing. From what I've seen, I know you'll do great! Now let's go!"

Nashi then ran out of the guild hall, and heading towards Mt. Hakabe. She was running so fast, that just like a vehicle, she left behind a black trail.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Draxon nodded to know that Nashi and Devin would be alright, but sighed when Nashi left running. He noticed a bit of nervousness in Devin’s voice and said,”Don’t worry, I promise nothing bad will happen to you.” Then he took out a dagger and grabbed Devin’s hand. In a few seconds, Draxon ran so fast he easily caught up with Nashi. “Cmon now, you forgot us,” he told her.
In a flash Devin found himself pulled by Draxon as they caught up to the speeding Nashi. How? What did he just do? Devin put those questions on hold as he would pace himself so he wouldn't overtake the other two nor would he be overtaken by them.

Well, guess this is what hit the ground running feels like...

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lucas headed over towards the request board to find a decent job with a decent pay for the three to go on. Scanning the massive board, one job particularly stood out to him. The job claimed: Undiscovered Ravine.

It seemed simple enough. They just had to venture out into this ravine and find treasure for this guy.

Lucas headed back towards Gale and Aspen with a small jingle from his key pouch. “This job seems decent. We just have to find treasure in this ravine.” Lucas claimed.
Nashi sheepishly laughed, and then said, "Sorry. I'm just so excited about this mission!"
Aspen looked at the request, and said, "It does seem rather difficult, but I think all three of us can use our wits together, and come up with a plan."
After a few minutes, the Nashi, Devin, and Draxon finally arrived at Mt. Hakabe. "I love hanging out here! It's mostly where Grey, Aspen, and I go sparring, and that is always so relaxing. But no time to dwindle on that, we must find the Dragonbell Fruit! Draxon, did the request give us any clues?"


Previously Sarah316
Gale sighed as he dispelled...well what was left of his steel wall before he turned to Lucas and heard what their mission was gonna be.

"Seems easy enough. I'm for it if everyone else is." Gale said as he glanced over to Aspen to see where he stood. Once that was clear, they were good to go as they would focus on making a plan.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Well the flyer said it’s near the top parts, so I think we should split up. I’ll do the bottom part of the top, Devin can do the middle top, and you can do the coldest top. Shouldn’t be a problem since you’re a fire wizard, right? The fruit is supposed to look like an apple with a lemon shape or something, but it keeps the color of an apple. Also if either of you encounter trouble, throw a huge fire in the sky or something,” Draxon said. “I believe Nashi will be fine, and if Devin has an issue, we can both reach him faster then if he was in the opposite side,” he thought. He began walking the rest of the way from that point.
Once Nashi had ran off to go on this job, Sophie walked over to Gray (Jr) and questioned him "Hey Gray what's up you don't look to good did something happen on your last Job?"

Meanwhile Zack walked over to Laxus and spoke "Hey Master how are you doing on this fine day, Other than that Dragon slayer fight just now."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
“Alright it’s settled then.” Lucas claimed. “Meet me at the train station in half and hour. Go pack or whatever.” Lucas called out to Gale and Aspen before heading to the Dragneel home. He packed a small backpack filled with necessities and essentials for the mission. Lucas clasped the key pouch that’s always beside him, making sure it was there with him before heading on out.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Thankfully, not much has happened. Nashi hasn’t been on many missions recently, so I haven’t been getting that many complains about destruction. Lucky for me, her next mission is on Mt. Hakabe,” Laxus answered. Draxon stopped at one point and began searching. He often looked back at the sky to see if there were any signals. “I can’t let my team mates get hurt. At least not without a fight. Should I use my magic on any enemies? No, my daggers should be enough,” he thought while continuing his search.


Previously Sarah316
Gale gave a nod and went to pack his things, whatever he needed for what he was gonna play it safe and say was a long-term trip, before he'd make his way over to the train station and wait for the others to arrive.
"Thanks Laxus it was nice speaking to you." Spoke Zack as he noticed a request with a fifty thousand Rupie reward. Then he ran over pulling it off the bored and It asked that a Minotaur be slain that had made it self at home in a forest on the outskirts of magnolia so he yelled over to Sophie " Hurry up sis were going on a job you can talk to your friends later."

"One minute," Sophie shouted back as she wanted to cheer Gray she asked him politely "hey Gray do you want to come on this job with my brother and me after all we are friend's?"
"Christ," Taylor Farland breathed as his eyes scanned the mission board. His hands were in his pockets and he arched his back a bit. He had been a member of Fairy Tail for about 3 months, but hadn't really socialized, or done any missions until now. He hadn't really thought about it, until now. Young and old wizards alike all were placed within various parts of the room, talking, chatting and socializing. This was never Taylor's thing, but that wasn't the point. He needed to figure something out. Going in solo on missions may make some aspects of it, easier, but other aspects, harder.

He quickly pushed thes thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand; finding a decent first mission. He had decided he wanted something challenging, but too much for him. "Ugh! This is so hard!" He moaned audibly grabbing the sides of his head.
"Okay, I understand." Devin replied, which seemed basic enough. Go search that area and hope you come across the fruit. Devin took a mental note to remember to signal for aid should that situation come up before he would begin to search his area that was assigned to him.

All right, first mission. Don't screw it up...
Nashi exclaimed, "You got it!" Both of her arms were then covered in golden flames, and she then smashed her fists unto the ground. The impact was able to send her flying into the sky, and she made it to the top of the mountain.

Alright, it's time to start searching. Nashi covered herself in flames, which was melting the snow, but she didn't seem to see any fruits. Agh, this is so boring.

Aspen had packed up all of his stuff, and headed towards the train station. He noticed Gale, and said, "Hey there, Gale! Has Lucas arrived, yet?"
Grey Jr. looked back at Sophie and Zack, and said, "Fine, I'll go. I have nothing better to do anyways." Grey Jr. then got up, and then he asked, "So, what's the job?"
"The Job is simple slay a Minotaur in a forest just outside of town," Spoke Zack " The reward is 50 thousand rupies but you get 25 thousand and me and Sophie get 25 thousand to share between us both so you still up for it Gray also when we get back I'm hoping that Draxon is back from his job I need to talk about something with him."

"Blah, Blah, Blah," moaned Sophie as her Brother Explained the job to Gray "Come on you two let's go it's boring just sitting here I want to get rid of the Minotaur then have some fun with everyone when they all get back from there jobs."


Previously Sarah316
Gale noticed Aspen and gave him a shake of his head.

"Not yet, though I'm sure he'll be here soon enough." Gale said as he quickly pulls out a book to begin to skim read to help pass the time.
As Devin explored, he soon found what appeared to be the desired fruit dangling from what appeared to be a lone tree in the distance. Devin could hardly contain his excitement as the area seemed to be clear as he began to tip toe his way forward.

When loud footsteps caught his attention, as soon enough a giant Wyvern began to walk out. Seemed the beast was guarding the fruit which caused Devin to quickly hide himself behind a rock.

That thing is huge! Fighting it alone might be a bit troubling. Better play it safe...

Devin would ignite his fist and fire a rainbow fireball in the air to signal for Draxon and Nashi to come. The second the fire shoot in the air the Wyvern took note of where it came from and charged. Devin jumped back as the rock he hid behind was smashed to pieces before Devin would respond as the battle had began.

"Claw of the Rainbow Dragon!"
Grey Jr. sighed, and then said, "Alright, let's go and do it. Oh, and Sophie, please try to be more patient." Ugh, sometimes I feel like Sophie and Nashi are related because of how similar they act.

Nashi noticed the signal in the air, and was excited. Most people would've taken this situation seriously, but Nashi saw this as a time for her to attack.

As soon as Devin used his attack, Nashi came out of nowhere, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon: Iron Fist!" Both her attack and Devin's hit the monster simultaneously.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lucas came to the train station, seeing as his other two teammates have arrived first. "Great! We're all here! Let's go!" Lucas exclaimed before buying all their tickets and boarding the train. As soon as they got seated, Lucas caught Aspen and Gale up on the mission specifics. "So apparently, there is a ravine below Mount Hakobe, but no one had actually researched or technically discovered it yet." Lucas paused a bit to let his teammates take the info in. "It's undiscovered, and our mission is to basically find any undiscovered treasure in the ravine." Lucas leaned back as he finished the information-giving. "Like I said, it's undiscovered, so we don't really know what would be down there and what we would encounter, so keep a lookout during that time."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Draxon noticed the signal and headed to where Devin was as fast as possible and saw Nashi and Devin attack a Wyvern. "I guess he found the fruit," he thought. After they hit the dragon-like beast, Draxon jumped and grabbed the two of them and safely got them to the ground. "Listen, that thing is destructive and can fly, so we have to be careful. I'll use my daggers on him, and you two combine your Dragon Roar attacks," he whispered to them. Then, he took out both of his daggers and jumped once more into the air. He began slashing the dragon with his extended dagger while he put the other one away. It seemed to do a lot of damage since the Wyvern began roaring in pain. Draxon jumped on the Wyverns head and dug the dagger he was using onto its scales, bringing the beast to the ground. "Now, attack!" he shouted.
Aspen looked at Lucas, and then said, "So basically anything rare? Should be simple enough. I can easily get rid of any excess snow with my magic. But what should we do if we encounter something?"


Nashi seriously hated when people carried her around, so when Draxon carried her, she felt like punching the snot out of him. As soon as he put them down, and explained his strategy, Nashi really just wanted to exclaim "Don't tell me what to do!" But she was too late, and Draxon already started his attack. Nashi grunted, and then said, "Fine. Devin, you can use your roar. I want to take that thing head on!" And before anyone could stop her, she ran over towards the Wyvern, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon: Iron Fists!" She then started punching the Wyvern repeatedly.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lilac Strauss and Lauren Dreyar were both gossiping and talking, more so Lilac than Lauren, but still. Lauren peeked around the guild and noticed a young man in front of the request board, seemingly struggling with something. The Thunder Devil Slayer excused herself from Lilac's stories and headed over to that general direction.

"Something wrong?" Lauren asked the unknown male as she arrived. Lilac Strauss was intrigued at her cousin and followed along as well. "Yeah! Something the matter?" Lilac asked energetically.
A grin plastered Layri's expression as she stared up at the guild's doors, it was a simple mission the one she had just been on, yet it was far away and she had spent days form the guild hall. Slamming the doors open she rushed inside the find it half empty, but that was better than nothing. After waving high to a few heads that turned she slumped forward before going right the the request board. In all honesty she wanted more of a challenge this time around, and she'd prefer it to be a team activity do to her lack of spending time with the guild-mates recently.

Charlie's pink gaze held an innocent tone as he watched the pacing of an older man who rambled on and on about the reward money without actually giving the boy any. Without speaking up though it seemed that the man wouldn't stop his talking, with sigh Charlie stood and the man chuckled- "Oh yes the money!" his requester grinned before handing him 20 jewel. Charlie blinked, he had been promised 100- looking up at the much taller male he scoffed and his gaze traveled to the the brown dog who lay at his feet- it wasn't the first time he had been ripped off. He was a small, quite boy who wouldn't take advantage? But when Genrou growled the man quickly bowed as if it were an accident and payed him the rest of the cash.
Devin gave a nod to the plan...and was shocked to see Nashi go off to bash the Wyvern with her magic-enhanced fists. Did she normally go against plans given to her? Not that it mattered, Devin had a job to do.

"Roar of the Rainbow Dragon!" Devin yelled out as he jumped in the air and blasted the Wyvern with his powerful rainbow fire that shoot from his mouth, in a place away from Nashi, as it knocked the creature against and through the mountain wall. The creature fell to the ground unmoving, the blast having defeated the monster it seemed.
The sudden help of the girl surprised Taylor. He blushed and stuttered, "Um, yeah. I can't find a good mission to do." He said, with his voice trailing off in embarrassment. "He scratched his head and looked down at the floor, taking a quick breath of hair. He raised his head and looked at her. "I'm a newish Guild Member. I've been apart of the guild for a while, but have been training. This is my first mission." He was a bit more collected now, but talking quite quick. However the initial embarrassment had died down but this point.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Draxon sighed when Nashi used her Iron Fist attack instead of a Dragon Roar attack. "Well at least she still helped take down the Wyvern," he thought. He smiled when he saw Devin take out the Wyvern with his roar attack. "Nice job, Devin. Your first mission was a success, plus you got the final attack," he told him. He found the fruit on the tree and quickly snatched it up. "I'll take this to the client, you guys should probably head back to the guild hall. Don't worry, I'll pay you the third you deserve," he said as he quickly speeded away from them and headed back to Magnolia.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lauren gave a slight smirk while Lilac was laughing her childish butt off. "Alright here's what I would do." Lauren began. "First: Find a job that your magic could support. So like fire magic wouldn't work really well for requests having anything to do with water. But fire magic would come really useful for missions that requires burning down a structure, or something related to fire. You see what I'm saying?" Lauren paused to let the new member take in the given information. "Then sort out the job that you want, or the pay you want. Nothing to hard about it." Lauren claimed. Meanwhile Lilac was examining the board herself to see what request she wanted to take on this time.
Nashi scratched her nose with a smirk on her face, and said to Draxon, "All in days work! I'll see you back at the guild hall!"

Nashi then turned back to Devin, and said, "Good job back there! Sorry if I confused you with not going through with Draxon's plan. I extremely hate it when people carry me, so I was filled with rage as soon as he put me down. I'd probably would have followed the plan if he didn't do so. Also, it's a good thing you delivered the last blow. You seem to be more 'careful', or at least that's what Grey would tell me. If it was me on the other hand, this mountain, and most likely the fruit, would've been destroyed." Nashi said this ignoring the calamity she caused below the mountain, however.

Nashi then had a bigger smirk on her face, and she then said, "I'll race you to the guild. What do you say?"
"Okay, well I use Requip magic, so that leaves a lot of things as possibilities. Maybe some kind of slaying quest," Taylor mumbled scratching his chin. His eyes scanned the request board furiously. "Here's one. A slaying quest. There is some kind of giant front terrorizing a village north of here. The pay isn't massive but its still something. Plus I could help people out." He ripped the request off the board and examined it.

"Wait, he gets to fight the frog. Man, that sucks. I had my eye on that one. It looked fun." A man said walking over, taking a peek at the sheet. "Plus barbecue frog meat, sounds tasty. Hey, Lauren, Lilac. How does that sound? Delicious huh." The young man's nickname was Fuego and he was one of the more rambunctious guild members. He was known for the messes he have been know to make in his short year and a half here.
Devin had to admit, the girl's "fire" was growing on her. She could be reckless, yes, but that energy and passion she had was infectious was something the more closed-off Devin almost envied. With that, how could he say no to this little challenge?

"Sure, I don't see why not." Devin said with a smile, instinctively clutching the back of his scarf as he accepted her challenge.
Nashi cracked her fingers, and then said, "Alright. I'll countdown to three. One. Two. Three!" And like that, Nashi was running faster then she ever had in her life. I can't lose! If I lose even won battle before I fight dad, how am I ever going to prove to him that I got stronger!

Nashi was running so fast this time, that she left behind flames from her tracks. Many bystanders just stared at awe, and others were putting out the fires Nashi caused.
At the sound of three, Devin charged forward at blazing speeds much as Nashi had done as he raced along side her, trying to get the edge. Much like Nashi, he also left flames in his tracks though Devin was at least subconsciously aware of this as he gave a single word response to the panicked and shocked citizens.

Nashi looked on as she noticed how Devin was able to catch up to her. Oh no you don't!

Nashi quickly reverted her body behind her, and she exclaimed, "Sun Dragon's.....ROAR!!!" A giant whirlpool then came out Nashi's mouth, the force of the roar was strong enough to push Nashi, and catapult her all the way to the entrance of the guild.

Nashi was about to land, but let's just say she landed.... ungracefully, as she landed on her face. All she did was give a thumbs up, and said, "I'm okay."
"Let me see." Meliai the great tree member loomed over Taylor's shoulder without so much as a trace of sound. In her usual attempts to avoid the more rambunctious guild members she subtly sneaked over to the request board. But after not finding anything good she decided to just go with whatever the guys were looking at. " I could go for frog" she says like she was there the whole time.
Devin arrived soon after Nashi, shaking his head at her tactic to win the race. This girl was crazy, and fearless to say the least.

"Congrats, though aiming a Dragon Roar might not be the safest option." Devin said with a sheepish grin.
Nashi got up, and brushed herself up. She then looked at Devin, and said, "Really? Because I feel fine! Anyways, let's head back into the guild. Oh, and I forgot. You and Draxon can split up the pay between yourselves, I don't really want the money."

Nashi then headed into the guild, and sat at a table relaxing. Sometimes she would have a drink with Cana, but Cana didn't seem to be in the guild today, so Nashi didn't really do anything.
Layri turned to see Meliai beside her, the female seemed to be sneaking around in a way. Tilting her head Layri looked over Meliai's shoulder before pointing to a poster right in front of the guild-member's nose. "How about that one!" she grinned leaning into the girl before ripping the paper off of the board and jumping backwards, "It says that it recommends more than one mage. Something has been terrorizing a little mountain town, something big it seems. They don't describe it very well, but I bet we could take it down." she grinned already forcing Meliai to agree.

Charlie rested a hand on Genrou's steady head, while the rest of the silky dog's body bounced his head was kept completely still with golden eyes forward and tongue lolled out of the mouth. On his way back Charlie spent half of his earnings on food for himself even though he ended up giving it to his dog, it's not like Genrou would starve- he simply couldn't resist his companion's begging features. The walk back wasn't long though, it was quite peaceful yet he knew the tranquility wouldn't last long. From the edge of magnolia he could feel the intensity of his guild hall, heaving a sigh he ran a hand through his hair before watching Genrou pad ahead of him and to the door of the guild-hall.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Basically." Lucas replied to Aspen. It was a quiet trip after that conversation. Sooner than expected though, the team had arrived near the base of Mount Hakobe. "We're here." Lucas said aloud to no one in particular. "First off, we find the ravine." Lucas claimed. As he stepped off the train, he instantaneously felt the cold weather. "Pretty chilly." Lucas said shivering. He knew that it was going to be cold, but he never though it would be THIS cold.
Both Lauren and Lilac turned to see who it was that was speaking to them. Lauren widened her eyes slightly. "Oh! Hey Fuego." The Thunder Demon Slayer greeted the fire mage. "Hey Fuego!" Lilac called up in a more, joyful mood. Lauren then turned around again to continue speaking to the male. "I'm sorry, I just noticed: I never caught your name!" Lauren asked. "My name is Lauren Dreyar, and here is my cousin Lilac Strauss." Lilac turned to wave to the man before doing her own shenanigans again.