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Ask to Join Fairy Tail RP

Ash Devin ran he heard that critique coming from a feminine voice and turns over to see, who he guessed, was another mage looking to tag along with them. Devin frowned at her comment.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I'll avoid causing anymore trouble. I apologize." Devin said, guilt over getting into a fight on his first day and (As far as he knew) getting off on a bad foot with this mage.


Previously Sarah316
Gale continued his search before he began to hear some...footsteps. Odd, he figured he was away from Aspen and Lucas so what were those footsteps coming from? Gale conceded there was only one way to find out as he began to move in the direction of that sound in the hopes it might lead to a clue, rather than a fight.

Probably wishing for too much...
Meliai makes a short huff that could be considered forgiveness. She increases her speed a little and when she gets close to Devin she puts a small yellow twig around a fold of his scarf. "It looks like your going to hold onto that cloth so here. If anything goes awry during the mission, pull that out and slap at whatever you need.Oh, and my names Meliai." She then quickens her speed and begins to close the distance between her and Taylor.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lucas wandered through the frozen, cold cave to see if there was any sort of treasure to be found for their client. It was honestly a dumb request, since if they did bring back treasure they get the reward, if not, then no reward. But, it was the only good one left, so he decided to pick it anyways.

As he kept walking the cold pavement, he suddenly heard some sort of...footsteps? Not possible.... The group only split up minutes ago, they couldn't have possibly already met up with each other. Just to be on the safer side though. "Gate of the Maiden, I open thee: Virgo!" A woman with a bob lavender haircut appeared with whip by her side. "Punishment time?!" Virgo screeched thirstily. "Chill Virgo." Lucas told his spirit. "Just need you as a body guard, you can punish anything that tries to attack me."
Aspen then finally made it to this strange cavern from following the sound of the footsteps. It seemed like no one was in the cavern, which seemed suspicious. Aspen entered the cavern, and kept his guard up for any possible danger.

This is all too dangerous. A strange sound coming from a strange area. Maybe it would've been best if all of us stayed together.

Meanwhile, off in the distance, a pair of red eyes glared at every single mage.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Draxon saw Zack enter the house and closed his book. “Good thanks and you can talk to me about whatever you want,” he told him. “Make yourself at home,” he added. “I wonder what he wants with me. It’s not like we share similar magic or anything. Then again, I wanted to talk to Lauren and she’s a lightning demon slayer. I guess I’ll find out,” he thought.
Zack walked inside and took a seat opposite Draxon and spoke "I need you to do me a favor, do you mind looking after Sophie for a few day's I need to look into something about our parents and I would rather not get her involved as she would really hate what I'm going to do seeing as if I find a certain person I won't hold back. I sewer that I'll find their killer and bring him to Justice and Sophie would be a prime target for them if They have a grudge against my family."

Meanwhile at the Guild Sophie was sat down at a table Half asleep then she said to herself "Where did Bro go I'm Bored to death with nothing to do."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Draxon’s eyes widened and then he nodded. He of all people would understand about bringing justice to a family’s murderer. “I’ll do it, but you should probably head to the guild now. I’ll make sure to keep her safe, but why didn’t you ask someone like Fuego or Lauren? They’re both older than me and S-Class,” he said.


Previously Sarah316
Gale would arrive at the cavern, seeing no one else besides Aspen walk inside. Was Aspen responsible for those footsteps? Well there was only one way to find out Gale thought to himself as he walked next to Aspen.

"Say, did you hear any...footsteps?" Gale asked Aspen, hoping to hear Aspen explained that they came from him and nothing more.
"Simple really Draxon I know that I can trust you," Spoke Zack as he got up and walked to the door " Oh and Draxon I'll send Sophie here as soon as I get to the guild hall as It's a long walk were I'm going and I need to be there by dawn, if that's alright with you. Also If Sophie asks where I am tell her that I'm on a Tough Job and not to worry about me cause I'll have Cerberus with me."
Nashi was bored out of her mind. Agh, there's nothing to do! Nashi then noticed Sophie out in the distance, who had the same expression as her. Nashi walked up to her, and said, "Hey, Sophie. You wanna have a little sparring match? I'm so bored that I went to talk to Grey of all people."


Aspen noticed Gale, and answered his question, "Yeah, I did. But I don't seem to see anything in this room. It could've come from you, but we were all far away to be able to hear each other's footsteps, so it is very unlikely."

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
“I swear I heard something....” Lucas mumbled to himself. “So did I.” Virgo replied even though Lucas wasn’t talking to her in the first place. Then Lucas heard voices. Virgo did too. Her whip suddenly glowed a blue with yellow crackles. “Punishment Time!” Virgo exclaimed as she proceeds to whip the strangers.

“Force Gate Closure!” Lucas cried out loud as he held Virgo’s key in front of him. “That was close.” Lucas mumbled as he realized who he was confronted with. Aspen and Gale were together again. But Lucas wasn’t very pleased, more suspicious than ever. “Guys, I have a feeling we’re being followed.” Lucas talked loud enough for hopefully Gale and Aspen to hear.
Aspen looked on at Lucas, and said, "I have the same feeling. The only logical conclusion I've made is that whoever has made those footsteps can use some sort of invisability magic, as there is literally no place to hide in here, and we all definitely heard the noise coming from here."

A voice then came out of nowhere, and in a chuckling manner it said, "Right you are, boy. None of you will ever leave this area after I'm done with you!"

Aspen then grunted, and then started looking around the room. Nothing. And before Aspen could do anything else, he was attacked from the back, and was sent flying into a stalactite.


Previously Sarah316
"Aspen!" Gale called out before he quickly generated a Steel staff using his Steel Make and tried to slash the spot that Aspen was kicked from, hoping whoever did it would still be standing there.

Fighting an enemy we can't see, what the hell are we supposed to do?

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
The moment Lucas heard the voice, Lucas pulled out his Silver Key. “Aspen!” Lucas called out to his teammate before using his magic to summon a spirit.

“Gate of the Giant Eagle, I open thee: Aquilla.” A red eagle flew out from its gate with a screech. “Aquilla! Feather Storm! 360 range.” The eagle gave a caw before throwing a fury of sharp feathers out in a bircular motion, hoping to hit whatever it was supposed to hit, according to it’s owner’s order.
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Just like Gale could've guessed, his attacks weren't hitting the invisible figure whatsoever. The invisible figure then went behind Gale, and hit him with an attack on the back just like Aspen.

Aspen fell unto the floor, and was trying to come up with a plan to beat this thing. Dammit. I need to come up with a plan quick, or else this guy will beat us.

The invisible figure was going to attack Gale, but then noticed the Celestial Spirit's attack, and was barely able to dodge the attacks. Then out of nowhere, the feathers started dropping unto the floor. Aspen noticed this, and immediately came up with a plan. "Gentle Winter Breeze!" Aspen exclaimed as he aimed the magic spell at the area he saw the feathers dropping. This snow magic is able to lock unto any opponent, but is completely harmless when come on contact.

The invisible figure then started laughing, and said, "What was that supposed to do!?" Aspen chuckled, and then said, "Why don't you look for yourself?" The invisible figure looked confused, and then looked down to see that he was completely covered in snow, and was visible. The figure then started screaming out of pure panic.

Aspen smirked, and then exclaimed, "Raging Blizzard!" and aimed it towards the figure.


Previously Sarah316
"Steel-Make, Steel Canon!"

Gale prepared a cannon, loaded with a cannon ball, both made of steel as he shot it and the now snow-covered attacker. Gale had to rub his back from being sent flying with that kick, but he knew now wasn't the time to dwell on pain. They had their chance, they had to seize it!

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
"Nice Aspen!" Lucas exclaimed at Aspen's tatic. Aquilla dove towards the white figure and shot more sharp feather projectiles at the attacker. As for Lucas, he charged behind the attacker. As a Celestial Spirit Mage, he didn't really have any versatile long ranged attacks. But luckily, Miss Yukino, a good friend of his mother, taught him martial arts. Lucas sped towards the back of the attacker, aiming to sweep the attacker's leg, to make him lose balance.
The figure got hit with all of the attacks, and immediately fell unto the floor.

Aspen was a bit tired, and was a bit slumpy, but he walked up to the figure, and asked, "Why did you attack us?" The figure scowled, and then said, "It was to...protect my treasure." Then out of nowhere, an altar appeared with a golden crown. "I am the sworn protector of this treasure. I've been guarding it for generations. You should just kill me, as I've failed my mission," the figure added. Aspen looked down, and started walking away. "Lucas, Gale, let's go," Aspen said. The figure looked confused, and exclaimed, "What!? Why are you leaving!? I heard you and you're partners talk about having to get a treasure and a reward! Why would you just leave this oppurtunity?" Aspen looked back at the figure, and said, "Simple, really. Taking that treasure would basically be stealing, right? I'm not the one who'll be as petty as a theif." The figure was so overjoyed, that it started tearing up.

Before Aspen started walking away, the figure grabbed his shoulder, and said, "Please, take this with you." The figure then put chunks of gold on Aspen's hands. "But..why?" Aspen asked. "It's the least I could do for your kindness. Good luck on your travels," replied the figure.

And like that Aspen, Gale, and Lucas headed off unto the train, and back to to the guild.

Crimson Sun

Previously Crims0n
Lucas and company made it back to the guild and sat down at one of the tables. "Ehh, sucks to not get any rewards, but whatever." Lucas said aloud. His father and mother did teach him about decent human morality after all. It was good moral to not take a protected treasure after all. Lucas looked around the guild to see if there was anything different or new while those 3 were gone.
"We should probably get a move on!" The train leaves in a few minutes." Taylor shouted as he ran ahead. He ran past the teller and quickly bought his ticket, before dashing onto the train. He assumed that the others were behind him, for he didn't wat any of them to miss out on the mission.
Devin quickly purchased his own ticket, as well as Meliai's as he turned to her.

"Figured this would be a decent first step to make up for that impromptu fight I had earlier in the guild hall." Devin explained as he held out one of the two tickets he purchased for Meliai to take.
Meliai took the ticket and hoped on the train without as much as a nod. She got hold of a seat that provided her vision of Taylor and an immediate exit and quickly dosed off.
Sophie got up out of her chair and put her hands on Nashi's shoulder and spoke "If you want a match your Nashi but I'm not going easy on you because we're friends got it so Let's start shall. Impact!" Then Sophie began to send a Vibation as strong as an earthquake towards Nashi and spoke again "What are you going to do Nashi."
Nashi smirked, and said, "I wouldn't want you to holdback anyways!"

Nashi jumped back as she was able to hear the vibrations from the air, and was barely able to avoid Sophie's attack. Nashi started chuckling, and said, "I'm all fired up, now!" Nashi's hands then abrupted into flames. She glared at Sophie, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon ROAR!" And a whirlpool of fire was streaming straight at Sophie.
Devin would enter the train and found a seat next to a figure in a hoodie as he began to relax and prepared to get some sleep. Before he could...

"I have to use the restroom, do you mind scouting over?" The figure, a female by the voice, asked as Devin gave a nod and stood up and allowed her to move from her seat as she turned back to him.

"Thank you." The girl in the hoodie replied before she walked to the restroom as Devin would just relax.
Suddenly a Large Cyclone formed around Sophie blocking the attack but creating a hole in the roof then she yelled "Hey Nashi have a Taste of my THORNS!" Then thorns began to curl around Nashi's arm's and legs as Sophie walked toward her slowly as the tornado continued to destroy the roof then once Sophie was close enough to Nashi she once again yelled the word "IMPACT!"

Meanwhile Zack had just walked outside of Draxon's house and upon seeing he screamed thinking his sister could "Sophie what are you doing you know that it's dangerous using your Cyclone."


Previously Sarah316
Gale let out a sigh as he watched the battle unfold. This was what, the second battle Nashi had gotten into today?

I guess this is what mom went through being in a guild with Natsu. There are differences between him and Nashi, I'm sure, but that fiery passion burns bright in the both of them. What a pain...
Nashi's limbs abrupted in flames, and she was able to burn off all of the thorns, but she got hit with the "Impact" in the gut. Nashi spat out a lot from the impact, and was blown into the back of the guild.

Nashi got up, with a smirk on her face. "So, this is the power of a 'Curse' user? It makes sense my dad and everyone else had trouble fighting them off. But....there's one thing I have to prove. That I can surpass my dad, and become a legend among legends in Fiore!" Nashi exclaimed.

She then ran up towards Sophie with blinding speeds, and exclaimed, "Sun Dragon Iron Fist!" And aimed to hit Sophie in the face.
Taylor leaned back in his seat, and watched as the world rolled by. The train lurched forward and he felt somewhat at ease. So to help relax himself, he fell asleep, with his head, leaned against the window.
Zack quickly turned toward a rock and chanted " Beast that once guarded the castle, Be born a new the brother of Cerberus the two headed hound Orthrus."

Suddenly the rock came to life becoming a two headed dog with yellow and blue fur and a snake's tail the first head spoke "Master what is wrong you don't seem so good and were is your book of chant's?"

Then the other head spoke "Master what do you want I'm Bored of this already. Don't bother with his question."

"Orthrus go to the guild hall and stop the fight Sophie's in and also stay close to her and watch her. Furthermore bring her to Draxon house once you have stopped her cause she's staying there for a few days. " Moaned Zack and without saying a word the Dog teleported to the guild.
Upon it's arrival at the Guild however Orthrus was punched in one of it's two head's by Nashi's sun dragon iron fist. Then one head growled in anger after being punched "Mistress Sophie stop fighting This instant or there will be consequences."

"Indeed there will. Also your brother has ordered us to watch over you and take you to Draxon's house." spoke the calmer more reasonable head.

After the two Head's had spoken Sophie quelled her Cyclone and ran over to Orthrus and said "Ok I'll stop. Sorry to cut it short Nashi."
The hooded girl would soon return as Devin sat in silence, not quite tired enough to sleep but having nothing else to do. Devin then decided to try and start a chat with the girl sitting next him. What was the worst that could happen?

"So, um. Nice hoodie." Devin said, cursing himself for using that as his opening line. Devin really needed to work on interaction with others more. The girl glanced at Devin with an eyebrow raised.

"Thanks, I guess..." The girl replied, but when she got a decent look at Devin's face something clicked in her mind. Something was...familiar about him. Devin had the same view when he got a better look at her face, though what this familiar feeling was eluded the both of them.
Meliai's dreaming was an unpleasant time of scenarios that could happen during the mission. She dreamt the the frog was too strong and ate the new guy, that there would be others there with malicious intent trying to kill them, that they could cause serious damage to the environment and not get paid. But the worst dream was that a swamp is home to bugs and if those bugs belonged to- She snapped out of her sleep and glanced around the train. She noticed that Devin was talking to a shrouded figure. Meliai folded her robes, covering her hands and began to meld her hands into the chair in a inconspicuous manner. Since the seat was not entirely wooden the process was sloppy and felt awkward to her. A small bulge grew underneath Devin's seat but not enough to be entirely noticeable. With her hands combined with unsteady, manufactured flooring she tried her best to use her tree magic as means to eavesdrop on them. She never used just her hands like this before, and trying to hear through them felt to uncomfortable.
Devin and the girl sat in silence for a bit, Devin unaware of the bulge under his seat, as they tried to figure out where this sense of deja vu. Devin decided to try something.

"Tell me, what is your name? Mine is Devin Draydon." Devin said, introducing himself. The girl's eyes widened at the name.

"J-jasmine. Jasmine Quartz. Say, the number em...zero wouldn't happen to mean anything to you?" Jasmine asked, speaking with a whisper no one (Outside of Meliai though they were unaware of that) which caused Devin's own eyes to widen, glancing around to make sure no one could hear him.

"Y-yes. And would you happen to be familiar with the number seven?" Devin asked, as Jasmine glanced around to double check for peering eyes before she lowered her hoodie and revealed a scar of the number "7" on the back of her neck for only Devin to see.

As far as they knew...
Nashi was shocked from punching Orthrus, and jumped back after he growled. "Uh....I'm sorry, Orthrus," Nashi said as she sheepishly laughed to hopefully ease the tension.

After Sophie said they would have to end their duel, Nashi pouted, and said, "Fine. But promise me we'll finish our sparring match one day, kay?"
A girl of the age of 15 approached the city of Magnolia, her purple hair flowed in the wind. She belonged to the guild in this town, Fairy Tail, and was finally back from her job.

After walking a while, she finally reached her guild hall. The mage smiled to herself and pushed the doors opened, "Janine is back woooo!" She exclaimed with a grin, Janine then looked around. "God, what happened here?" Janine asked to herself, "And what is that thing?" She asked again, referring to Orthus, not paying noticing that Nashi and Sophie had just been fighting.
Nashi noticed the arrival of Janine, and immediately ran towards her. "Hey, Janine!" Nashi exclaimed. Nashi then pointed at Orthrus, and said, "And that's one of Zack's Etherion's, Orthrus." Nashi then looked back at Janine, and said, "But that doesn't matter! Janine, let's have a sparring match! I just had one with Sophie, but she has to go. But now I'm all fired up, and I need to blow off this steam! So, how about it?"
"See you tomorrow Nashi," yelled Sophie as she walked out the door "Hurry up Orthrus or else I'll Leave you behind after all you are supposed to be watching me."

"Mistress Sophie wait!!!" Shouted the two Heads in unison as they ran after Sophie and Toward Draxon's house.

Upon Sophie's arrival she opened the door to the house and said "Hey Draxon look's like me and Orthrus are staying here for a while,"

Meanwhile Zack was long gone and on his way to the town where he and Sophie were born as thought to himself I hope Orthrus actually does his job and watches over Sophie and not the other way round.
"Hey Nashi! Good to see you." Janine said, smiling, "I see." Janine continued, looking back toward Orthrus.

Janine turned her head a little, "So your telling me you had a sparring match inside the guild hall and now you want to challenge me?" She asked. Not waiting for a response, "Alright, I'll take you on, but you'll have to clean up this place after I win." Janine said with a smirk.

"You throw out first attack." She said, standing there, she was still even wearing her casual clothing.


Previously Sarah316
"You know, and maybe this is just a crazy idea. Maybe you two can fight outside the guild hall rather than tear the place apart...again." Gale said, with a glare directed at Nashi as this would have been the third spar she had inside the guild hall today.