I've got bio.
Name:Valerie Noguav.
Crush:None yet.
isces(Althouh she's just his Cousin.)
yrokenisis which she inherited from her mom's side, and her mom is also Pisces's Aunt. Also Invisibility which she got from her dad's side, as well as her weird last name.
Personality:She's a huge prankster and goes really salty when things go her way. However, Pisces knows she's just trying to make friends and this is how she learned it. She also is very good at hiding her feelings, but she can see right through Pisces and Pisces can see right through her.
Appearance:She has Ash-Grey skin, brown hair that's let lose and unkempt, and deep yellow eyes. She has a lot of Orange on her to make up for her burnt-dark skin, like an orange t-shirt, orange shorts, Orange shoes, and a orange wristband. She's a little short, at only 5ft.
Other:She's really good at hockey.