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Ask to Join Fantasy High School

Aubrey listened, her brow creasing in concern. But she broke when he brought his arm to hers in comparison. Dazed with worry, she studied his forearm intently, the worry leaking onto her face. But none of them were fresh, as far as she could see. Good. But seeing how many he had- the pain he felt.. made her feel a little insignificant. She’d hoped nobody else had do go through that. Just her. But here she was, tears reluctantly falling down her face in slow succession, still silent.
She lunged forward, hugging him, and it wasn’t a brief one. She was practically clinging to him like her life depended on it, taut with worry. She didn’t pull away when she spoke.
“I- God, I am- I’m so..” and that was all she managed.
Ari didn't really know what to say, so she turned to Valerie and Pisces. "Actually, that voice...I heard it just now. Not that it's important or anything," she added. More important things were happening right now.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker leaned into her hug and gave a small one back, with his one arm around her and his other helping support him against the tree. "Just know that you're not alone like I was Aubrey, you have me and your other friends too. I still find myself in that dark place from time to time, but for the most part it gets better. Don't be afraid to talk to me, okay? I'll always be here to listen to you." Parker let go of Aubrey and stood up, offering the girl his hand. "We should probably get back to my dorm room and change, we look like a couple of crazies sitting out here crying against a tree in pajamas."
Valerie smiled. "Just take good care of him," she said to Violet, and slung Pisces over her shoulder. He wasn't on fire anymore, but his face was a burning red. "Let's get to class....and wait fir Parker and Aubery... Ehe." She said. Another high-pitched sound came from Pisces again.


Previously Swirled
She nodded and replied to Valerie, "I will, though he takes care of me more than I do him." Now Abyss was very confused, "Wait....WHAT JUST HAPPENED?" Oma had her guess, "I think Violet and Picses are a thing now." Zoro laughed and shouted, "I'll think of the ship name!!"
Aubrey chuckled a little bit, allowing him to help her up, lightly wiping at her tear-struck face.
“Yeah, yeah.. probably...” she murmured, looking back at the school. She did not want to go back in there, but obviously she had to. Her steps were timid, and her head was down, but the taunts came quicker than she could walk.
“Hey! Spots! Did’ja have a fun time out there with your boyfriend?”
And something.. happened. It wasn’t confidence, and it wasn’t her being ticked off.
It was sort of a combination of both.
“Yes, I did actually.” She replied sweetly. “Did you have fun cheating on your girlfriend?”
And then a girl’s loud voice could be heard, shouting and yelling at him, ending with a loud, vicious breakup.
Aubrey ducked her head, walking faster now through the crowd. “...oops.”
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Valerie smiled. She arrived back at the schoolyard and people began to take notice of the fainted Pisces. They began to gather around.
"How do we wake him up?" "Why's he all red?" "Why did he get knocked out in the first place?" "Am I the only one who notices his hair is singed."
Valerie stay him down on a bench. "If you want him to wake up, you have to say the magic word." "Please?" "No, Bacon."
Pisces say up, and his blush was completely gone and his face was grinning. "YES!" He yelled. Everyone laughed. "Hehe." Said Valerie.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Aw c'mon Aubrey, did you really have to do that?" Parker chuckled lightly and increased his pace to keep up with her. When they arrived back at his room he slowly opened the door to find that the hole in his roof was already repaired. They were certainly fast with that. "Hey Aubrey, you brought clothes right? You can shower first if you want, but we should probably hurry up. I think 1st period starts within the hour."
Aubrey shrugged sheepishly, looking back at them. She knew anyway.
“Oh-! Yeah, I did- but- didn’t we have today off?” She asked briefly, a vaguely puzzled look on her face, but it didn’t seem like she expected an answer, as she quickly grabbed a handful of clothes and disappeared into the bathroom.
Aubrey’s showers were quick and hot- like.. scalding. Usually she forced it as hot as it would go, which was amazing for the perpetually cold girl.


Previously Swirled
When Abyss, Violet, Oma, and Zoro walked back to school, everyone was talking about them, "It's that jerk that called the weird skinned girl weak."
"Kinda hot though."
"Who's that girl, does she have a boyfriend?"
"Hear that the demon girl is with the jerk."
The group didn't care and Violet giggled when Picses perked up at the mention of bacon, Picses is such an adorable idiot.
Pisces looked at Vioekt and blushed a little when she giggled. Valerie took out a slab of High-Quality Bacon and gave it to Pisces. He cooked it with his fire, and ate it. "MMM, deliciouso." He siad, smiling,


Previously Swirled
Violet went over to Valerie and asked, "Could I have some?" People saw Pisces blush and made the connection in their head, one of the people in the crowd mocked, "Hey, let's give these lovebirds some space." Abyss facepalmed and whispered in the mocker's ear, "Listen, just because you never had, and never will have love in your life, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for others." The mocker walked away and pretended that he didn't care, actually planning to get his squad to attack Abyss. The boy went to a nearby bench to nap, Oma taking a seat next to him to wake him up soon.
Aubrey was quick to finish, leaving the steaming room in maybe ten minutes with fresh clothes and damp hair.
“Hey, sorry that took so long,” she apologized with a small smile, even though it was rather brief. “I’m not used to the showers yet.”
She was wearing a long sleeve shirt, as usual, which was now explained, although she still wore a pair of shorts. “So- now what?”
"Yeah, sure. Pisces, cook it." She said. She took out a peice of bacon, and Pisces cooked it. "There you go." He said, and blushed a little while doing it. It was pretty small, tho.


Previously Swirled
Violet took the bacon and ate it and said, "Thanks, I wouldn't mind if you cooked food for me more, in case if you were wondering, bye," She skipped away, being back to her usual overly cheery self. Abyss woke up, said to Pisces, "You have a major crush on Violet, don't you?", and then he fell asleep again. Zoro was still thinking of ship names for the two, he was putting in more effort than he believed was nessesary.
Pisces looked away, blushing. "Maybe." He said. Valerie giggled "And I can guess what happened in the forest, even if it wasn't on the lips." She said. Pisces blushed even more. "Stoooop!" He said.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"I'm not really sure, if we really do have the day off then I guess we can figure something out..." Parker collected the clothes he had ready from the top of his dresser. "In the meantime, I need to shower as well. Also, I got some breakfast ready for you if you wanted to eat. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and your choice of waffles or pancakes. There's also milk or orange juice in the fridge if you want it." Parker showed Aubrey to the kitchen where there was a couple plates of food on the counter. "I'll be out to eat in a second, I shower pretty fast."
Aubrey looked at the little kitchenette, a look of faint awe on her face.
He gets his own kitchen? WHA-
She gathered her thoughts, and casted a look back towards the kitchenette, a vaguely excited look crossing her face. She brought her hair up into a small ponytail as to not get it in her food, and a determined look crossed her face. Never one to really be good at cooking, she was going to make...
A bowl of cereal.
Aubrey was a simple girl. Give her a comfy place to sit, a game of Mario Kart, and a bowl of cereal, she’d be delighted.
The only sound she made after that was an almost silent sound of occasional crunching, and she was satisfied with that.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker got out of the bathroom and saw Aubrey sitting on the couch near the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal? I mean, whatever she wants."Okay Aubrey, when we finish eating we need to figure something out. I'm willing to do whatever you want to do. If you want to go out that's fine, but I'll also stay in and we can just kind of hangout or whatever..."
Aubrey looked up at Parker, whose face looked a little weirded out but also somewhat amused at her food choice.
“We should stay in. I’ve been awake for maybe an hour and I’m already done with today,” she commented firmly, grinning in a way that was almost cute. Maybe. “Unless there’s anything else we could do, but this school seems pretty bland event-wise. So, I vote stay in.”


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel sat in a chair in his dorm. He had waken up a while ago, and he was dressed in a blue, sleeveless shirt, beige shorts and black socks. He was a bit bored, and having the day off, he had to do something to pass the time.
Then, he had an idea. He brought out his phone and placed it on top of the desk. His eyes flashed blue, and an big hologram appeared out of his phone.
It was a piano.
He put his hands on top of the keys, and started playing. It was a pretty good song, and it could probably be heard from the neighboring dorms.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Parker took a seat next to Aubrey on the couch. He leaned back a little bit, his head hanging over the back of the seat. "Yeah, that's fine. I'm kind of done with today too, already too crazy." He sighed and sat back up correctly. "Sorry if I don't have a ton to do, I live alone so I usually just listen to music or read." Wow that made me sound really boring...
“No, it’s okay-! Its a lot better than my dorm.” She insisted quickly, looking a bit flustered, because in all honestly that dorm was hell.
Aubrey perked up at the sound of piano, slipping through the walls into the room for them to tune in to.
“I mean- sounds like the music part is covered,” she murmured lightly, going quiet to listen. Whoever was playing was surprisingly good, better than she could do. She could play the ukulele, but she hasn’t touched hers in years.. she sent herself out to seek out the player- and to her slight surprise, it was the Techie- Manuel?
“He’s pretty good, hm? I used to play, but that’s.. that’s really good.” She noted.


Previously Swirled
Abyss went back to his dorm as he remembered that they had a day off. Zoro and Abyss sat down on their beds, once they arrived at their dorm, and then the latter told the former, "Hey, I gotta ask you something, and I need you to be honest,"
Zoro replied, "Sure go for it,"
The cryokinesis user inhaled sharply and said what was on his mind flatly, "Okay, I wanna ask out your sister, and I know it's only been one day but-"
Zoro cut him off, "It's okay, but, if I had one piece of advice, ask the girls, we have plenty in our little "group" surely one of them could provide good advice, right?"
Abyss nodded and then went looking for anyone that could give him advice on girls. Zoro waved bye and told him, "I wish you the best of luck, and one more thing, if you hurt my sister, I will personally destroy you, in real life or Smash Bros. take your pick." The boy shuddered at his demon friend and went away in a bit of a hurry.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"Oh yeah, I hear the piano from time to time. Sometime I even chime in..." Parker stood up and went into the other room, the one where he slept, and returned with a pitch black bass guitar. "I don't claim to be the best, but I don't think I'm bad either." Parker plucked and tapped the strings causing the low tones of the instrument to reverberate through his arms. "I played for a number of years, but I stopped when Owen died. I've picked it back up within the past few months though. I retained most of the skill somehow, and I'm even better now than I was before."
Valerie was dragging Pisces along and saw Abyss. "Why you in such a hurry?" She yelled over to him. "Stop dragging me. I'm recovered, you hole." He said. Valerie let go of him and he massaged his hand that had a mark on the wrist from where Valerie held onto him. "Abyss, say anything smug and I burn your face." He snapped at Abyss.


Previously Swirled
Abyss turned into his liquid nitrogen form and smugly said, "Need your big sister to carry you around, how are you supposed to take care of Violet if you can't even take care of yourself?" He then turned to Valerie, "I need to talk to you in private, I'll find Violet to keep your baby brother company if you want,"
Aubrey nodded, a clear interest in her eyes, as music always was one of her comforts in life, but her mind was currently elsewhere. She hid a small chuckle, her eyes glinting in amusement.
Oh, god. Abyss was trying to ask Oma out. After a day. And he was trying to get advice from Valerie.
“Hey- I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go get my ukulele- I haven’t played in a while, and it certainly won’t pair with that too well-“ she glanced at the bass with a little grin, “but I’d like to pick it up again.” She briskly left, with the intention of coming back just as quick.
She saw Abyss, liquid nitrogened, and her tiny smile spread to a coy one.
Smothering a giggle (god i hate that word), she mused, “Girl trouble?” With the intent of sounding oblivious, although it was obvious she knew the whole thing, because-
Cough cough. Mindreading.
"Shut up." He said, getting up in defense. "Yeah. Yeah. Okay." She said, and then heard Aubery. "OHHH! So THAT'S what this is about. Picses might need Violet for company, as were going to be talking for a loooong time." She said. Pisces made a little smirk, finally getting it.


Previously Swirled
This was a mistake..... Abyss thought as he went back to normal. He pulled out his phone and called Violet, "Hey, keep Picses company for me, I'll give you 10 dollars for every hour." Immediately, she flew out of her window and landed next to Picses and asked innocently, "What are we talking about?"
"I'll tell you when they leave." He siad. Valerie grabbed Abyss and pulled him off to another area, and motioned for Aubery to come with. I need all the help I can get. She said in her mind.
"Yeah, apparently Abyss wants help asking out Oma." He said, making a small chuckle. At least he wasn't flustered. What do you take him for, some kind of vegetable?
Aubrey looked back the way she came, towards Parker’s dorm, opening her mouth to interject- she really ought get back to him, disappearing without a word would be rude..
“I’ll give my own slice of advice later, Parker’s waiting on me back in his dorm,” she explained ruefully, and then realized it could be taken one of two different ways..
Before they could say anything else, she apologized with a little grin as she ducked her head and hurried away, grabbing the ukulele from beside her dorm and coming back. She poked her head through the door, with a small smile on, settling herself back into the little couch.. loveseat.. thing, the small instrument in her lap.


Previously Swirled
Definitely a mistake, this is why I had no friends, Abyss thought as he faceplamed and was embarrassed to be dragged away like some sort of play thing. "Oh, that's nice," Violet said as she smiled to Picses, "Though I can't say the same for a certain someone," She was referring to Picses and in the back of her mind she asked herself, Does Picses have a crush on me?
Aubrey plucked vaguely at the ukulele string, earning a soft chime of a note. She continued to fiddle with the strings, not enough to make noise but enough to vibrate on her fingertips. She glanced back at Parker curiously, the piano still accompanying the silence.
“Is there anything specifically you play? Or do you write your own?” She asked softly, quickly realizing that it was probably really annoying for her to just ask so many questions, so she went quiet, a faded pink making it’s way to her face. Honestly she felt sort of silly, with her tiny ukulele, compared to the black bass guitar, but it was whatever.
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Pisces made a small blush, and a small smile. "Well..." And looked away. Crap. I really don't know what to say. Ugh.
"Okay. What do you want advice in. I have a life to live." She said, letting go of him as they arrived at a bench around the corner. "I would've brought Pisces, but he's not ready. He'd probably ruin your relationship because he's too much of a stinking chump to ask out Violet." She joked, making a small chuckle.


Previously Swirled
"Welp, firstly, how do I approach her?" Abyss told Valerie as he laughed at her joke, "Well, that's true, but I'd bet she'd say yes anyway." Violet smiled and told him, "You know, if you were to ask me out on a date, I may be open to saying yes,"
"Yeah.... But don't have a lot to tell you. Mostly, people just wing it. But if I had one piece of advice, it's to not be a dope about it, okay?" She said, and left around the corner.
Pisces blushed really hard. He tried to find words, but couldn't really. Valerie came around to he corner and saw him. "Classic Pisces." She sighed.


Previously Swirled
Abyss nodded, "Okay, I'll plan it out today and ask tommorrow," Violet giggled and hugged him, "Well, first I'll let you build up confidence, She then kissed him lightly on the cheek and skipped away, she then went to Valerie and asked, "What's it like,living with that adorable idiot of a brother you have?"


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
(Magically he's now in his room)

Kyle sat on his bed watching YT. Normally watching some anime because everyone likes anime but for now he was watching Swoozie. Talking about being Curved. You text someone after they text and then a few months later they're like "IDK *laughs*" . That's annoying....
Pisces blushed, but he didn't pass out. "Ugh, all this romantic tension is really weighing me down. I'm going to my dorm." He sighed, and went into his dorm.
Valerie shook her head. "He's a little nut, but he's pretty mature. You should see him chew out people on gamer chat online." She said, smiling. "But, he's my adorable little idiot. By the way, we're cousins. I'm sure you knew we were related in some way." She said.