"Huh, well at least he didn't get kicked out for being a freak, unlike I did." Abyss told her with a look of regret on his face.
Flackback story time:
Abyss was 6 years old at this time, he was a happy child, much like Zoro is today, his parents died sure, but he was raised by his loving grandparents, at least until January 9th when his life got ruined by an accident. He was sparring with a rival of his, as they were training for a youth fighting tournament when out of nowhere, an ice golem was summoned by the young Abyss and he killed his rival by accident. The village kicked him out, hoping to starve him and die, trying to survive is what made Abyss so cruel, so sadistic, so angry, but when he found put about this school he had hope or rather where there should have been hope, there was also malice, so that is why the cryokenetic boy behaves like a jerk
End Flackback story time.