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Ask to Join Fantasy High School

"Hey, what's up?" He asked, going up to Aubery and Parker. "Hey, any friend of Aubery's is a friend of mine." He said, seeming a new kid. "I saw you with Aubery earlier, but I didn't get the time to properly greet you. My name is Pisces, and I came from a dumpster." He said, smiling. "I definitely hope I'm on your guy's team." He said, smiling and tilting his head a little.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro rubbed his head together and sighed. “Uhhh what happened,” he muttered. Suddenly, a flash of the events before he fainted appeared to him and he muttered a simple “oh.” He looked around and noticed he was in a hospital bed. “Oh Zoro! You shouldn’t be getting up yet!” the nurse nearby said. Surprisingly, Zoro didn’t feel any pain. “I’m fine, thanks. I think I just needed a bit of rest,” he replied with a smile. “So I ran out of energy,” he thought a bit sad. He turned around and saw Abyss. “Hey! I’m all good, now! Sorry if you got into more trouble because of me. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again tomorrow, right? You won’t cause more trouble?” Zoro asked.
W-What... Really? Class already over? Zack questioned as the teacher angrily dismissed the class. He wasn't going to argue. With everything that just happened on the other side of the gym he was happy to get out of there.
As usual, he was one of the first to lunch. He picked something up from the lunch line, and sat down at a small table in the corner of the room where he hoped no one would join him. Zack sighed and took time to think while he ate.
"Huh, and to think this is still only the first day... God," Zack said as he though of everything else that would happen throughout the year. Before he could finish the thought, however, the principal came onto the loudspeaker. May I have your attention students. I would like to remind all attendants that the Christmas Holiday Dance is upcoming tomorrow, so make plans quickly! We apologize for such a late notice, but to be fair, it's your fault for checking the website... Oh! And it is required you attend, and suggested you bring a partner. Thank you! The man said before cutting off. Everyone in the room went from dead silence and whispers to loud panic and babbling.
"Oh for the love of Christmas... These guys need to grow up and calm down. These dances are super overrated," Zack complained to himself. He sighed and continued to munch on his lunch.


Previously Swirled
"I won't, unless something like Austin's crew coming back." He then left the nurse's office, only to be met by the very people whom he was talking about. He inhaled before summoning an ice ball for each member and knocked them all out, he then wondered where he would go next. He found the lunch room and saved a spot for Zoro in case he actually came.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Well well well I guess you seem like you help for once-" Kyle was cut off. The principle just announced a holiday dance on the second day. How wonderful and yet weird at the same time. His guy "instincts" told him to ask this girl to the dance as friends. Then again he thought it was a little weird so he looked away as turned red. "So uh.. where do want to be dropped off since it's break time?" Kyle said.
"..." He said, contemplating. "Who should I bring to the dance...." He said. Really, the only girl he knew was Aubery, but.... Eh. He didn't know. He frowned, and blushed a little.
"... Uhh.... So, are you talking about, that one... Incident..." He said, bringing his mind of his recent thoughts.

“Yeah, I hope so. Then I could just hide behind you and just tell you whenever someone thought about hitting us,” Aubrey chuckled, bringing a hand over her mouth to hide her laugh. She hated her laugh. The girl looked up as Pisces greeted them, and waved lightly. She opened her mouth to say hello, when an announcement cut her off, explaining violent social anxiety in event form.
Er- a dance.

The girl deflated slightly, a sigh working it’s way past her lips. At least I don’t hsve to dress formal. That’s not a requirement. Right? Dresses are off the table?
She noticed most of the people around her immediately thought of people, and her mind had drawn an utter blank.
And then-
She heard her name in someone else’s head, but she hadn’t been paying attention so she didn’t know who.


Previously Swirled
Abyss realized that no one else was there cause lunch wasn't time yet, but he did hear the announcement, I might go, but who would want to ask out that one guy who insulted Aubrey and then talked back to the gym teacher? Speaking of Aubrey she is definitely put of the question for who I am going to ask. At that moment Violet came into the school, looking as cheerful as always and she then found Zoro in the hospital and asked him, "Are you okay?"
Pisces faceslapped multiple times. "Ugh, I hate my semi-normal life." He sighed.
He took a giant-sized bag of cheese curls, opened it, and stuck his face in it, and screamed.
CRAAAAP! I'm never thinking again. Wait, That's not possible. He thought and sighed.



Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro began leaving the room when the announcement said that it was mandatory to attend the Christmas Dance tomorrow. “I don’t know anyone enough to ask them to a dance,” he muttered. Then a girl came and asked him if he was okay. “Yep, just needed some rest,” Zoro answered with a smile. Meanwhile Oma was walking around looking for the hospital. She heard him go berserk and fainted. Eventually she found it and saw Zoro talking to a girl. She rushed over to him and gave him a tackle hug that made him fall onto the ground. “I heard what happen, how are you?” Oma shouted in his ear. “Good. It’s nice to see you li’l sis,” Zoro responded with a smile. The two got back up and Oma faced Violet.


Previously Swirled
"Hi," Violet said awkwardly, not nowing if In a is mad at her, "Can I help you?" Abyss began walking around aimlessly before remebering that he left Z9ro alone in the nurse's office. He went back only to find another Demon and a girl who looked a little like an angel, "So Zoro, who are your friend and presumed relative?"


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oh hey Abyss. This is Oma, my sister, and... I actually don’t know who you are,” Zoro told Violet. Oma turned to face Abyss. “So you’re one of us Zoro’s friends huh? You don’t look that interesting,” she stated bluntly. “Well, now that I’ve seen Zoro I’ll be leaving,” she said walking away. Zoro felt a bit awkward but didn’t really care. “I’m Zoro, by the way. In case you couldn’t tell,” he said.


Previously Swirled
"Well, I'm only a human that can manipulate ice, so nothing too special." Abyss then turned his head to Violet who later introduced herself, "Sorry about that, I'm Violet, and I don't think that your sister likes me." The boy then thought to himself, Think?! I'm pretty sure it's passed the thinking stage, but that is just me. The angel cheerfully waved goodbye to the boys and left while walking in a skipping fashion, happy that she knows someone.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oh... I gotta go Abyss. I need... to do stuff. Oh and can you tell Violet Oma acts like that to everyone? Thanks!” Zoro said. He left the hospital and started walking back to his room. Oma was walking around and not really doing anything. She went to lunch to wait and sighed. “Why do I have to be so mean. I could have friends to talk to right now. Like Zoro does. Not like I know where he is now though,” she muttered.


Previously Swirled
Abyss nodded and went after Violet to tell her the message that Zoro requested her to, "Oh, it's fine," Violet responded after the bpy did what he was told, "It doesn't bother me, I forgive her completely." She then went around the school to see if there was anyone else to talk to. Abyss went to the lunchroom, mostly cause he saw One there as well and wanted to learn more about Zoro's family, "Hi," The cryokenisis user told he in a casual, but cheerful tone, "How are you?" Inside Abyss was disgusted, I guess her cheery attitude must be contagious or something.
‘A school dance?’ Mallory thought to herself. ‘What kind of school has a dance on the second day of school? Weirdos..’ She heard what Kyle said and grit her teeth, blushing harder, “Oh, shut up. I only need help because I can’t get this freaking wheelchair to move. Just take me wherever the next class is, if there is another class.”

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Oh god, a mandatory dance? I hope It's not a problem if I sit in the corner the whole time. Dancing was not exactly something Parker enjoyed. In fact, Parker rather disliked dancing. He wasn't good at it, and was extremely embarrassing when he was the only one who couldn't dance. "Hey Aubrey, do you think it's possible to get out of the dance tomorrow? I'm not very fond of dances and I would rather stay in my room and watch anime or something..."
Aubrey thought for a moment.
“Well.. they said that it was required.. maybe we could all just try to sneak out or something,” she suggested with a small laugh, because honestly she would not want to go, although she would probably be too nervous to carry that plan out. Still, though.. there would be so many people...
I mean.. we don’t have to dance, though. Right?
“If anything, we can just go..” she mumbled, horrified by the idea, before her face pinkened and she straightened her back. “-as- as friends,” she corrected herself, “maybe- all three of us. Or something.”
Her voice had depleted to mumbles and the pink in her face had increased to a solid red.
"Smhas lihja pflam." He said, muffled up by his cheese curls bag. Then, he took his face out and said; "Sounds like a plan." And laughed a bit.
"By the way, I gotta go to the bathroom. My head is engulfed in flames, and I must extinguish it." He said, and just after, his heaped was set on fire.
"Bye bye!" He said, and left around the corner.

Hey, who are you guys to Judge.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Oma looked up. “Oh. It’s that weird kid that’s friends with Zoro,” she thought. “Nothing much. Break’s pretty boring when you got no friends to talk to,” she replied casually.

Zoro was washing his face in the sink, despite the fact and water hurts his eyes. He left changed into a black tank and cargo pants. Then he left the room and went to the gym. He was mostly on the treadmill till he got tired. Then he grabbed one of the towels he had taken and cleaned his face of sweat. Zoro was whistling as he was walking back to his room.


Previously Swirled
"So what's it like?" Abyss asking Oma, trying to get to know her better, "I mean living with Zoro? He seems to he a nice guy at school." He then went into the lunch room and motioned Oma to follow him. Meanwhile Violet saw that people were slowly going into the lunchroom and were talking about some kind of dance, she hoped to meet someone else before she found Picese in the hallway and wondered, Where is he going?


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Oh, Zoro’s fine. He usually just eats snacks, plays games, and tries to act cool with magic. I mean, sometimes he gets in trouble but it doesn’t look like he cares. I can do whatever I want since I’m “daddy’s little girl.” Anyways, long story short, Zoro’s lazy,” Oma replied. Zoro took out his briefcase and got tiny miniature pieces of what looked to be a console. He then unshrunked and grabbed a game disc. “Time to play some Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4,” he said to himself.


Previously Swirled
"Huh, well at least he didn't get kicked out for being a freak, unlike I did." Abyss told her with a look of regret on his face.
Flackback story time:
Abyss was 6 years old at this time, he was a happy child, much like Zoro is today, his parents died sure, but he was raised by his loving grandparents, at least until January 9th when his life got ruined by an accident. He was sparring with a rival of his, as they were training for a youth fighting tournament when out of nowhere, an ice golem was summoned by the young Abyss and he killed his rival by accident. The village kicked him out, hoping to starve him and die, trying to survive is what made Abyss so cruel, so sadistic, so angry, but when he found put about this school he had hope or rather where there should have been hope, there was also malice, so that is why the cryokenetic boy behaves like a jerk
End Flackback story time.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
(I decide to leave my great fumbled up words because it seems like a good finishing touch totally intentional .-.)

"There's no classes just a relax time then dinner then lunch. Since I have only 2 friends including you, I'll just hang just hang with you since your 1 of them!" Kyle said with a smile. Even though they weren't officially friends it still counted. Now all he had to was get rid of the way they treated each other and then it would be a little easier to talk to her. "Where to?" Kyle said as he stopped blushing.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Hey I don’t think you’re a freak. Any friend of Zoro is a friend of mine,” she told him. “Speaking of Zoro... He’s probably being lazy right now.” Zoro sneezed and paused his game. He turned the console off and began walking around. “I sorta wanna do stuff,” he muttered. Then Zoro had a great idea, well he thought it was great. “Maybe I should just walk around! That’s how I became friend with Abyss,” he said aloud which got him a couple of stares. He chuckled awkwardly and frantically ran off to the hospital. “Maybe I can help some patients,” Zoro thought. He just entered the hospital when he saw someone with a girl on a wheelchair. He assumed they were a couple, but decided not to say that. “Hey... uhh I was in this hospital, too. I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” he asked awkwardly. “I guess it’s harder to talk to two people you don’t know at the same time than one person that’s in your classes at that moment.”


Previously Swirled
"Thank you.." Abyss said as he began to blush, not knowing why, And great, now I made it awkward, how will she respond to this? Violet was still walking around happily before she stumbled upon Austin's crew, twitching with pain and trying to crawl to the nurse's office. The half angel shrugged and left to the hospital to visit some patients and make them feel better.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Lol you’re face is as red as Zoro’s skin,” Oma said with a smile. (Also yes she literally said lol)”Well nice to know I really do have at least ONE friend. At least, I think you are my friend. Do you?” she asked.


Previously Swirled
Don't make it awkward, Abyss mentally yelled to himself, don't make it awkward don't make it awkwad DON'T MAKE IT AWKWARD!! "Yes, I believe we are." Abyss sighed with relief in his head. Violet made her way up the floors, talking to the patients in there in an attempt to make them feel better.
“Whatever, just-“ The brunette looked over at the boy who spoke to them. “Interrupting? No, w-wait.. what?? NO!” Mallory blushed hard and glared at the boy. Inside, she wanted to die. She HATED showing feelings; it embarrassed her beyond anything else. “Ugh! I don’t care where you take me, just get me out of here!!”


Previously Swirled
Violet heard Mallory's shouts of embarrassment and as such went to investigate. She found the demon she met at the nurse's office, a half ghoul, and a girl in a wheelchair, so a very unusual group to the average human eye. "Is everything okay?" The part angel said to them in a naive tone, not knowing the previous tone of this situation. Oh hey it's that one guy that I met from the nurse's office, strange, Violet thought to herself as she wondered why Zoro was here to begin with.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Uhhh no idea. I just got here,” Zoro told Violet. “Also chiiiiil. I just wanna be friends. Maybe we can go to the lunch room, that’s what’s next after all,” he told Mallory. Oma giggled and said,”Wow, so formal. Anyways, break should nearly be over. We should probably head over to the line so we get our food first.”


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
"Zoro was it? I'm sorry... about all.... this. I bet I'll make it up to you somehow anyways I'm gonna go hang with this gal, Bye!" Kyle said. He shivered as he said 'sorry' and basically owe the person something. Then while he was talking a half Angel shows up. He tried avoid eye contact because of natural knowledge he knew. Young women can sense fear. Quickly as possible he grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and ran more or less. To lunch. "Cya later bois and gals!" Kyle said.

(Yes I felt cringe writing this)


Previously Swirled
Violet seemed confused, Oh, this boy must think I have a crush on him, well that's silly, I don't even know his name. Meanwhile Abyss took Oma's advice and told her, "Well I'm not always this formal." He seemed somewhat embarrassed and wondered why. Violet was very confused as why the boy was avoiding eye contact, but assumed he feared her, for some reason, she then asked Zoro, "What's your name?"


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Zoro. Hey break is nearly over. Wanna head over to the lunch room... Violet?” he asked remembering her from the previous encounter. “Lol you’re so weird. You blush too much,” Oma teased. She sorta felt bad for Abyss. She would hate to feel that embarrassed herself.


Previously Swirled
Abyss felt even more embarrassed, Oh God, this is awkward, I need an excuse out of here. But that would be even worse, snap out of it, regain composure, and act normal. Abyss stopped blushing and ignored that comment for now even though he secretly enjoyed the teasing and changed the subject, "So, what do you think is for lunch?" Violet nodded as she skipped out of the hospital, seemingly living in her own little world.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Zoro shrugged and teleported to lunch. Though this costed quite a bit of energy, Zoro didn’t seem to mind. He saw Oma and Abyss talking, but decided to let them be. He also saw another freshman eating alone in a corner. Zoro went over to him and asked,”Why are you eating in break? Ya really that hungry?” Oma shrugged and said,”I don’t know. Hopefully sweets! I love them.” She was too busy talking to Abyss that she didn’t notice her brother come in.


Previously Swirled
"I never had sweets, or at least any that I remember," Abyss thought out loud as Violet looked at them from a distance and told Zoro, "Seems that they are having a good time talking to each other, what do you think they are discussing?" The cryokenisis user thought to himself, Why am I acting so weird, I think I should have used my break to get my head together.
Zack snapped from his thoughts as a fellow student approached him. The boy looked, unusual. Not normal, at least. Which was something uncommon at the school surprisingly. Dammit. He thought. Why would anyone come talk to me? Zack wondered, not realizing he'd been eating through break and not lunch.
"Oh... Was I? I don't have a schedule so I never am sure what is going on... So uh, can I help you?" Zack asked, in a questioning and confused tone.


Previously Swirled
Violet went over to Zack as she had no one else to talk to as well, "Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" She was pointing to the seat across from him and seemed as she had no other intentions, at least, she thought so. "Wait," The Half angel realized before continuing, "Do any of us even have schedules cause I sure don't."
Aubrey shrugged as Pisces left, glancing back to Parker.
“So- I think we kinda wasted break,” she muttered sheepishly, a small grin cracking onto her face. “We should probably head to lunch. But- either way- if you wanna go to the dance or try and sneak around it to avoid it, I’m down for whatever.” She chimed softly- she was trying to get into the more “go with the flow” demeanor instead of staying to a strict schedule. She outstretched her arms and pulled up her sleeve, staring at her oddly pigmented skin with a huff of annoyance.
“Besides, any excuse to not show this off would be great.” She grumbled, clearly not fond of her.. condition.