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Ask to Join Fantasy High School

Ari sighed as she set her stuff down on the bed that had been designated as hers--a bed that had just been moved in for her arrival. "No one's here..." she said, to herself, and decided to pull out her notebook and draw. She normally didn't let people see her drawings, and was thankful no one was around to ask her to draw them or ask to see her pictures.

(OOC: Sorry if I messed up, just let me know and I'll fix it!)


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle twisted and turned in his sleep as if he was having a bad dream. Being carried by sleep patrol didn't help either. Their cold hands made him shiver while they carried him.
Valerie grabbed all three of her friends and they all went invisible. "Quick! Into that reserve pipe!" She whispered, and led them into an old, rusty pipe. "I heard a rumor about an undetectable safe room in here that supposedly opens with a special word." She whispered.


Previously Swirled
At this point Abyss was fully awake and had noticed that Violet was with them, "Oh hey we found her, nice." The half angel seemed confused, "Yeah, you guys found me, don't you remember?" The boy shook his head, "Nope, all I remember is that we were heading down a basement and getting a headache, the rest is a blur." The angel shrugged, thinking it was better for him not to know. The agents noticed that their targets were gone, they assumed invisibility and as such put on goggles that allowed them to see as such.
Violet got behind a wall so the men couldn't hear them, and she whispered; "Makaluku." And then, the floor gave away into a bouncy mat. The floor closed up again, and lights came on. It was... An undetectable stone saferoom. "Whew. We're safe. And... You got possessed, dude. You attacked us and broke my leg." Said Pisces, looking at his twisted Calf.
Zack woke up.
He'd been having terrible dreams and the bed didn't sit right with him. He sighed accepting he wouldn't get the sweet embrace of sleep he so desired and got up, peering out the window.
"Wow, still night? Sometimes it feels like time is slowed down around here..." He muttered to himself, miserably remembering how to walk and hobbling into the bathroom. He looked in the mirror after rubbing his eyes, seeing he was still a mess. Hair still smudged with frosting, clothes still stained with beverages. Zack let out a sigh. He knew he couldn't take a shower now without waking up every dorm in the area, so decided to deal with it and walked out into the eerily quiet hallway.

He raised an eyebrow as one of the dorms on the girls had there lights on. I know some students like to stay up late, but this late? Well I guess I shouldn't be talking. Zack thought to himself, staring down the hallway. He then realized how weird that was and shook his head, starting to think on where he should even go. He needed something to tire him.

Out of the blue, a strange dark cloud flooded into the hallway, forming into a figure. It let out nothing but a prolonged and unnerving breath, and suddenly flashes of horrifying images flared in front of him, leaving him dazed. When he recovered the figure returned to it's misty state and shot down the hallway, and into the only lit room he'd previously been questioning.

When Zack recovered, he bolted down the hallway in hopes of catching the figure, and without a second thought burst into the strangers room. Instead of catching an evil ghostly dude all he found in the room was a girl drawing, and no sign of black smoke. He could only imagine what the girl would think of him.
Oh crap.


Previously Swirled
(I'm gonna assume you meant Valerie when you typed that, otherwise that would be bad.) When hearing this, Abyss got very angry and the air around him became increasingly cold, "I swear..... I AM GOING TO KILL THE PERSON WHO POSSESSED ME, MARK MY WORDS!!" Violet became a little scared when he became this angry.
So. She was found.
As of the current moment, Aubrey was limp in a stranger’s arms, being taken to wherever Violet was previously held captive. Had she been awake, she would’ve felt forgotten, but probably a bit relieved at the same time, but also terrified.
But that didn’t matter, because she wasn’t awake, and therefore she couldn’t think these things. It was eye for an eye.
Or in this case, angel for a mindreader.
When she finally did wake, she found herself alone. Terrifyingly alone. Being alone never used to scare Aubrey Hill- in fact, she used to favor it- but now. Now, in a cold, dark room, with the coarse, scratchy feeling of rope digging into her arms.
Well, that changed things.


Previously Swirled
The sleeper agents found the place where the sanctuary was but since it was hidden, it halted their progress momentarily. They started to decode the word that would give them access to the safe room. Since they couldn't detect nor decode the area, they decided to instead blow it up, the agents then planted the bombs and set it off. Violet and Abyss felt it from the safe room which only made Abyss even angrier, summoning the ice blade that he used in his time of being possessed.
(Pisces's leg is 'Broken.' Later, he'll find out it's just sprained.)
"Whoa dude, chill." He said, trying to calm down Abyss. "Okay. This room is made of Balsalan Stone, which resists explosives." Said Valerie, studying the wall. "Okay. So.... We need to form a plan of attack." Said Pisces, while Valerie began to check his leg to see if it was really broken.


Previously Swirled
Abyss was still angry that he even said, "LET THEM COME, I DON'T CARE, I'LL KILL THEM EVEN!" Violet wasn't okay with Abyss when he was angry and even told him as such, "Look, you may be pissed, but there are people out there waiting to do who knows what." When the bombs didn't work, they sent an orbital strike that fired a laser that evaporated any material on contact, but it would take an hour to charge and thirty minutes to hit, so the kids basically had 90 minutes to plan their attack.
"Okay. First, we need to devise a way to put all our powers into affect." He siad. "First, we'll need to use Valerie's invisibility. They won't be scanning for invisibility at every moment, but we just have to make sure to be very quiet. Then, we'll need to follow their group to wherever their leader is. Then, we kill him. Although, you guys gotta help me wring out the flaws of this plan." Pisces said. "It's just sprained. It's not broken." Said Valerie. "We've got enough time. Just lay it on this pillow and ice." She said. Pisces nodded, and did what he was told.


Previously Swirled
"Firstly, I can provide the ice," Abyss noted the obvious as he created a couple of common ice cubes, "And secondly, I, by myself, will kill the man who has done this, especially if he was the one that possessed me, also, when I was possessed, did I try to kill Oma?" Violet flinched when he asked, as she knew he was going to be even more pissed than he already is.
"... Yes." They both said. "Okay. So that's our plan. Abyss, you can kill." Pisces said. "Me and Valerie will gaurd the door. And finally, Violet will nutralize all threats. Agreed?" He asked. Valerie nodded, as she had nothing better.
Ari looked up at the person that had busted into her room. He looked...disturbed. She should have been mad at him for busting in on her, or at least frustrated or embarrassed, but instead, she got a...weird vibe from him. Maybe it was the fact that he looked like he had just dive-bombed a birthday party? "Um, hi?" Ari said after a brief and awkward moment of staring at the boy. She closed her notebook and put her pencil away. "Is something wrong?"


Previously Swirled
Violet and Abyss both seemed happy with this, with the latter getting a creepy grin on his face, and began to wait for the agents to come. Violet drew her sword of light, the same one she used to fight Abyss when he was possessed. The orbital strike was fired, and it began to vaporize the entrance, soon they could deliver the targets to the boss.
“Buh-um, the-the ghost-s-smoke,” Zack tried to explain. To his surprise the girl didn’t seem ready to punch him in the gut or scream loud enough to wake the school. Zack took a moment to calm himself.
“Look, I’m really sorry for disturbing you. There was this weird shady figure who flew into this room, and I thought I’d catch him hurting you or something... I swear I’m not a lunatic, despite what my attire might tell you,” Zack finally managed to spit out. He ran his fingers through his hair, which he’d already forgotten was a mess.
“Eck,” he said wiping cake off his hands.
Ari's brows creased in confusion, "'Ghost smoke?' What?" she asked, then added, "Does that have something to do with why you're covered in cake and whatever else?"
“Oh, uh no, it doesn’t. This was from, ah, accident earlier at the dance... Which I wish I hadn’t gone too,” Zack replied looking at the mess of himself. He sighed, and then realized what an awkward position he was still in.
“U-Uh, well I guess I should get out of your hair now, this probably isn’t what you wanted out of your first day here,” Zack noted, noticing the bags on her bed that hadn’t been unpacked.
Ari smiled a little. "Yeah, I was actually just about to unpack," she said, gesturing to her bags. "I hope I didn't wake you up or something." Ari then realized that she had been drawing, there was no way that she could have woken anyone up unless they had hyper-hearing or something along those lines.
“Ah, no, just... Nightmare,” Zack said, not wanting to get into to much detail as to what it was about.
“Oh, and, I’m Zack. Zack Hunter. Nice to meet you, regardless of... How,” he commented, hoping for once in his school year he’d actually get someone’s name.
Valerie turned the group invisible, and sent them through the secret backdoor. She closed it, and they began the plan. Valerie led the group around to the swarm. "Okay, all we have to do is follow them." She whispered.


Previously Swirled
Abyss and Violet nodded and followed Valerie and hoped that she knew what she was doing. The former was feeling guilty of letting himself be used for other people's gains and knew that until he got revenge on these people, he wouldn't forgive them or himself. The latter of which wanted to be done with these people who were after them and wanted to know these people better.
After meaningless prompting of who her kidnappers were that got her nowhere, Aubrey was slowly losing hope. She wondered where Parker was, she hoped he, and everyone, were okay, she was confused about Abyss’ pep talk to her, and she didn’t even really know who Oma nod Violet were.
Needless to say, the girl was confused, not to mention petrified.
They probably don’t even know you’re gone, they didn’t notice because you’re not important, they aren’t your friends-
“This one is puny! Even if we did corrupt her, it wouldn’t be of any use. Possession by the most powerful demon ever wouldn’t aid this one in combat. We should just throw her back.”
Aubrey perked up. Were they seriously discussing their plans with her while she was in earshot? How morbidly cliche.
“But we could use her.. as a gambling chip.”
Aubrey’s heart dropped. No, no no no.
“It- it won’t work,” she tried past a hoarse voice, and her kidnappers looked up, appalled that she’s been listening although it was obvious she could. “I’m just the useless one in the corner. Nobody wants to save the helpless weird girl,” she argued, forcing her mouth shut before her voice could waver.
What if that was true?
“She could be right.. did they even notice she was gone..?”
“No- nonono. I know your game, kid.” One of them interjected, walking over to Aubrey. Her eyes adjusted to see a woman in a dark coat, her platinum blonde hair up. “Do you really think we’ll give you up that easily?” She smirked. Her voice was soft but.. menacing, almost like a purr, and Aubrey hated it.
The woman leaned closer to her. “But who would you be most valuable to? The girl that you tracked down? Or perhaps the ice-ridden boy with a heart of gold? Or maybe the quiet one, nervously sticking back in fear of ruining things, hurting people..?” She suggested devilishly. Ice shot down Aubrey’s spine as if Abyss had sent it down her nerves. How did she know-?
“Leave them alone,” she tried, her voice quivering, “I already told you. I’m of no use, so drop it, you sick freak,” she hissed, trying to keep her lip from trembling. The woman looked at her and grinned, looking back at her companions.
“She’s the one. Maybe not important to them, but they’re very important to her.”

((wow. this is a LOT longer than my usual posts. sorry.))
The group followed some of the dissapointed workers to the base. It was a cold, desolate building with lots of gaurds. They slipped past, and found an area called; 'Confinement.' "Change of plans. Pisces, you rescue those who have been confined. I'll keep watch myself. You two, stock to your roles." She whispered. Pisces nodded, and slipped into the room, and found.... Aubrey. He kept on his peice of Skyfire p, knowing that Aubery would react and he'd be found.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel woke up slowly, starting to remember what had happened before he had passed out. He noticed that the pain in his head was still there, as he looked around, finding himself in some sort of cell, his movements being blocked by chains. He could hear voices from not far away, although he couldn’t make out what they were saying.
“H-hello?” He asked to no one in particular, probably to the voices he had heard. He shivered a bit, feeling the cold air in the room.
Last edited:


Previously Swirled
Abyss looked at the place of confinement with disgust, not pleased with how they just keep kids in here as if they were test subjects. Violet, in the other hand, was completely horrified that she was back here, "Not again, not again, not again," She hyperventilated as she hoped that she never had to be here again. A couple of agents who were searching for Oma and Zoro found Manuel disoriented and they shot him, putting him to sleep, later teleporting him to their boss's base. They finally found their demon targets, shot them and teleported them to their base along with themselves.
Pisces shot the alarm in the East Wing, where the group wasn't located. The Gaurds quickly Locked all the cells and left. Pisces knocked out the remaining gaurd and stole his key-card, unlocking the cells of his friends. "Aubery, it's me." The invisible Pisces hissed.
Aubrey looked up at the sound of a faint whisper to her. Relief flooded through her, expressed through a sharp exhale of a sigh as she clasped a hand over her mouth. She would hug him, really, if she’d been able to see him.
They came back for you you’re safe you have actual friends who care about you they didn’t leave-
“You imbeciles!” The woman from before screamed, her voice high and shrill. “The bargaining piece is getting away!
Aubrey immediately turned to the source of the noise to see her sprinting at them, full speed, platinum blonde hair a spiraling mess behind her. Still rather fatigued, Aubrey attempted her getaway, hoping the invisible Pisces followed, her hands still tied, but naturally the poison that had induced drowsiness upon the girl was still present and slowed her down.
A surprising amount of strength forced her to the wall, leaving her face to face with the woman, who was holding the girl’s face up by her chin, her fingernails digging painfully into Aubrey’s cheeks. One managed to cut skin on her cheekbone, where tiny beads of blood began to form. (Is that ‘gory’? I didn’t think so- I could write a loT worse, but I dunno.) “You think you can escape? You’re hopeless! Even with your friends...” the woman whispered darkly, a sick smile on her face. Her grip on the girl’s face tightened, her nails tiny blades.
And then a memory struck her. Her first friend’s initial thought of her.
‘She’s really quite pretty. It’d be a shame if anything were to scar her.’
Scar her.
Scar her.

Tiny drops of blood forming around a cut on her cheek.
Funny how memories always intruded at moments like these, she thought. But it wa s a lovely reminder of what she was fighting for. Her friends.
Pisces. Valerie. Abyss. Mallory, even. Kyle. Oma. Zoro. Violet. Hell, even Manuel and that one kid who crashed into the table- Zack.
And Parker.
With them in mind, Aubrey reared back, spat in the woman’s face, kicked her in the stomach, and kept running.


Previously Swirled
Abyss sneak attacked the woman, arrogantly saying, "Come at me, guess what, I don't care." He was acting as a way so that everyone else could escape, but not before freeing Oma and letting her go. Violet joined the fight and drew her sword and waited for the woman's response to this. The boy appreciated her help, but didn't need it and as such shoved her aside and made her free Zoro and the others and the angel ran with the demon.
The woman scoffed.
“Aelis! Seamus! Madeleine! Dean!” She shouted, and a group of people shuffled to her side, bearing strange looking weapons. One looked like.. a taser. And a gun.
The others wielded bats and swords.
“Bring it, kid.”
(NOTE !! please dont make the children overpowered they are chiLDREN— seen some old roleplays where this like.. eight year old boy wiped out an army without breaking a sweat. Like. No.)
Now, Aubrey wasn’t the strongest person. At all. Thin and small, the most she had for her was her nimble speed, although she had a brief history of athletics behind her- soccer and track, so naturally her legs were much stronger than her upper half. However, being kidnapped sent a ball of pent up.. fury, per say, into her, and this seemed like a beautiful way to release this.
But.. seeing how Abyss dismissed Violet of all people.. there was no way he’d allow her, and even then he was just doing this to aid their escape..
So she continued running, occasionally bringing her shoulder up to wipe at the cut on her cheek.


Previously Swirled
(Kay, won't do that, I plan on making him balanced somehow.) Abyss didn't want to deal with these minions of all people, but knew it was necessary to buy time. He tried to use his liquid nitrogen mode, failing in result. Adapting to his failure, he shot a large ice ball at the minions to slow them down and break their "guns" he rushed to the woman yelling, "You seem hurt, COME GET SOME ICE!" Violet saw her friend fight and admired the courage he had, but went on as she couldn't let herself be captured again, especially to avoid making Abyss's sacrifice useless.
Pisces watched the fight. He grabbed the walkie talkie. "Valerie, just un-invisible everyone except Abyss. They know we're here. Over." He said. "Rodger that." Said Valerie, already at the boss's door. Pisces appeared, and went twoard the woman. Blaze shot!" He yelled, sending in a ball of fire at the woman.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel looked up, seeing his cell door open as an alarm began to sound, and then chaos unleashed everywhere. He tried to get up, but then realized he was still chained to the wall. He sighed. "Damn it..." He muttered. Then, he looked at his mechanic hand, and had an idea.
Please work please work please work please work-
"Sonic Blade."
He said. He looked at the hand again, which seemed to be shining. Sparks began to come out, and then something pierced through the chain holding his hand.
A sword attached to the mechanic hand had appeared.
Manuel smiled, and then slashed at the remaining chains, breaking them. He got up and joined the fight, aiming for the person with the taser/gun weapon. Manuel's eyes flashed blue, and the person's weapon shot a few sparks, then stopped working. Well, at least the taser part. He then slashed at the person, hoping for the best.
“What the hell-“ someone shouted, as their weapon was firmly disabled. Their immediate comeback was to throw their mangled weapon at one of the kids, which was.. smart?
“They’re getting away!” Someone else roared, clearly horrified that they were completely getting beaten by children.
It was a mess.
Aubrey had made it to where the rest of the group was, hopefully with not-anymore-invisible-Pisces in tow. A feeling of overwhelming relief flooded her at the sight of them.
Being kidnapped, even for thirty minutes, was a horrific event that she didn’t want to have to live through again.
“Guys!” She shouted over the chaos to get their attention, making her way to them.
The sight was a messy one.
There she was. Splotchy skin that was bruised and scraped and smudged in certain spots, messy black hair that was even more disheveled than earlier, dull blue eyes wide with the rush of adrenaline, a bleeding cut on her cheek and wrists binded together with rope.
“Please tell me one of you can cut these,” she said breathlessly, a light smile on her face as she gestured to the ties on her wrists.
She didn’t expect them to leap out for joy at the sight of her. That was obvious. But holy hell did she want to.
Pisces had on a cast and a few scars and stains from the sewers. There were black splotches on his hands from the stone in that safe room. But otherwise, he looked fine. "Glad to see you're okay." He sighed. "By the way, if you want me to ever wake up, just say the magic word." He said, smiling. But then, he looked around. "Okay. Let's take over a point we can use as a stronghold, most likely one with cameras so we can see Abyss's activity.


Previously Swirled
Violet nodded as she went over to Pisces to figure out how to turn the machine on. Meanwhile Abyss was pushing the woman back who was fighting with her own sword to keep up, "What's the matter old woman," Abyss said arrogantly, mocking her inability to handle a child, "Can't keep up?" This enraged the woman to the point where she pushed him back and kept him on the ground, whispering in his ear, "I swear I will make your time here miserable." Abyss didn't intend to finish this fight and as such, he lept off the ground and ran. The woman shouted, "GET HIM!!!" Her men recovered and ran after Abyss, in which he responded by spawning large ice balls to block their way.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel dodged the useless weapon that was thrown at him.
He then tackled the person who threw the weapon, knocking him down to the ground, proceeding to deliver a couple punches. He then got up, and saw Aubrey running back near the action. Her wrists were tied by a rope, and she was asking if someone could cut it.
Phew, she’s okay. He thought as he ran over to her.
“Here, let me handle that.” He said, looking at her, then at the rope. He concentrated, trying to not cut her. He raised his hand in the air, and then slashed down with the sword, cutting the rope with a clean swipe.
“And... There you go.” He said as the cut rope fell to the ground.
Pisces readied a machine. He had a bit of technical know-how from the tech company he had a part-time job for a while. He then messaged Valerie and Abyss. "Valerie, turn Abyss back invisible. He's 2 left turns from the boss's office. Get ready to take him out." He siad. Valerie nodded, and did what she was told.
It seemed- no, it didn’t even seem-
It was obvious that Aubrey flinched as he raised his hand and brought it down on the ropes, clearly with no intention of hurting her, but she was feeling particularly jumpy after being kidnapped.
But the rope was cut, and she rubbed the red spots where they had scratched and scorn into her skin, in an attempt to soothe them. She looked back to Manuel when they were sliced, a gracious look on her face.
“Thanks,” she sighed gratefully, looking back up at the chaos. “Okay- we- we really need to get out of here. Now, preferably, considering all of these people want us chained up or potentially worse.”
She’d started to ramble. Oh god.
“Um- do you guys know where the exit is?”