I'm gonna go ahead and drop my bio here just in case you for some reason decide to say yes instead of no. I think I touched everything. I don't think I'm missing anything. Is it okay if Dolan's slowpoke is a shiny slowpoke? Its fine if the answer is no. Just curious.
I'm not sure if Dolan should live on the coast of Seafare City, Petrichor CIty ,or that town north of Petrichor City. Thoughts?
I'm not sure if Dolan should live on the coast of Seafare City, Petrichor CIty ,or that town north of Petrichor City. Thoughts?
Name: Dolan Larch
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description: icey blue hair eye brow length. somewhat messy hair. random spots of baby blue in his hair. His eye brows are fairly bushy. Despite being raced on a fishing boat he's a fairly pale boy, his eyes are bright blue, he's 4'10 1/2. It's important to note he isn't 4'10 or 4'11. He will argue with you all day long that he is 4'10 1/2. He is a fairly thin boy at 87 lbs. He always wears a goofy grin. his dimples will show if he grins big enough.
Dolan wears a white and blue striped tanktop with a yellow circle in the middle shaped like the sun. Inside that yellow circle with orange letters says "I sea u". He loves this shirt and owns eight more shirts that look just like it. He wears a mint green wet suit with pale blue and pink lines on the side. He wears his wet suit underneath his clothes in case he ever comes across a body of water that looks like it needs swimming in. His wetsuit is sleeveless ,and stops at his ankles. He wears khaki shorts on top of that ,and plain blue flipflops. theres pictures of waves on the flipflops ,but you can't see them because his feet cover them up when he wears them. He wears gogo goggles on his forehead ,and had a waterproof shoulderbag he takes with him everywhere.
Personality (Optional): Dolan is a calm friendly laid back guy that likes sitting by the ocean whether that be toes in the sand or feed in the water. Dolan is a very nice friendly guy ,but because of his somewhat lack of social interactions he can be a bit awkward at times. Despite this he isn't nervous to be around people as being the simple guy he is he tries to avoid overthinking situations. Its bad juju maaan... I dunno. Either way he tries to socialize when he can ,and will occasionally act weird or just straight up silent when he can't think of a response. He enjoys photography so if you ask him about that grab a couch, some snacks ,and a pillow cause your not leaving till he finishes his story. He tries to be a cool dude. He thinks he's a cool dude.
History (Optional): Dolan grew up in a boat house with his father(Daniel), two older brothers(Derrick and Don), his uncle(Doyle), his son(Doyle Jr.) ,and his dad's best friend(Also a guy. His name is Donnell). Dolan didn't interact with many girls in his life so his experience with them is very limited. His mother died when he was four years old so he didn't know her too well. Because his family loved the ocean so much she was buried by sea.
Dolan's father Daniel is a kind, friendly ,and charismatic man who hasn't married since his last wife passed. He been on a few dates ,but they always ended poorly ,and now he just focuses on his career. Maybe later on in his life he will find somebody special. Then there are Dolan's two older brothers. the eldest Derrick was named after his grandfather ,and Don was named after Daniel's best friend. Derrick is a smart sensible boy who looks after Don, Dolan ,and even Doyle Jr. He's a good kid ,but he wants to become a librarian one day. Own his own library ,and everything. Don wants nothing more than to be just like his father living off the coast like the fisherman his father is. Dolan's uncle Doyle is a bit of a lazy man ,but when push comes to shove he will put honest hard work in what he does. Unlike Doyle's more responsible brother Daniel, Doyle is still married ,but his wife travels from region to region as a business woman. Doyle can put in a good days work when he choices ,but often time just does the bare minimum. His son Doyle jr. is similar ,but over time he's started to become better then his father in ways. For starters he's less lazy. Perhaps when he's older he won't be any bit lazy at all. Then theres Donnel. Donnel is also kind of a bum. He's never married ,and has no kids. Daniel puts up with his friend living with him for several reasons. Donnel saved his life a couple years back when he fell in the ocean one day ,and there were sharpedo out in the water. Also his best friend always puts in a good days work every day.
Lastly is ya boi Dolan. Dolan is a friendly kid who never really knew what he wanted to do. He just takes photos ,and never worries about a thing. His father one day made a sarcastic joke that he should become a photographer ,and so he did. Really. He even got his own website started too. He's uploaded pictures ,and stories with those pictures two years ago ,and has aquired a small number of fans along the way. After spending so much time taking pictures within the area he lived he yearned to see more places ,and more people. More sights ,and more attractions. He wanted to adventure ,and explore as well as take more pictures and share them online. Preferably with cool stories attached to them. Dolan loved embellishing stories of excitement and wonder when posting his pictures. It made him feel good to share his experience traveling ,and sight seeing with others.
Likes/Dislikes (Optional): He likes relaxing at the beach, taking photos ,and adventure/ He hates thinking about things he doesn't understand which is basically a lot of things, the cold ,and when people don't share.
Inventory (5 Items Max, excluding essentials): roller blades he can just snap on the bottoms of his shoes, map, 3 cameras(digital cine camera, polaroid ,and a cellphone. All three cameras waterproof of course) ,and poffins.
Starter Pokemon
Name: Skol
Species: Slowpoke
Ability: oblivious
Gender: male
Description/Other (Optional): Dolan's water/psychic best friend is a calm equally laid back pokémon as he is. Dolan knew Skol ever since he was 10 ,but didn't catch him until he was 12. Every day Dolan would walk to the beach ,and relax at the beach toes in the sand as the waves creeping up the shoreline got his feet wet. Sometimes he would make a sand castle, sometimes he would take a nap ,and sometimes he would feed wingull bread ,or watch the waves surfers 'catch some gnarly waves man'. Regardless as to what he did a slowpoke would always greet him ,and they would just chill by the beach. Not a single concern between the two of them. He eventually decided to catch the slowpoke. He knew the thing two years. Might as well right? Why didn't he catch him two years ago when they first met?! Like... who cares? It was a nice time. Please don't ruin the story... It was a good time ,and now they are officially best friends since then.
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Description: icey blue hair eye brow length. somewhat messy hair. random spots of baby blue in his hair. His eye brows are fairly bushy. Despite being raced on a fishing boat he's a fairly pale boy, his eyes are bright blue, he's 4'10 1/2. It's important to note he isn't 4'10 or 4'11. He will argue with you all day long that he is 4'10 1/2. He is a fairly thin boy at 87 lbs. He always wears a goofy grin. his dimples will show if he grins big enough.
Dolan wears a white and blue striped tanktop with a yellow circle in the middle shaped like the sun. Inside that yellow circle with orange letters says "I sea u". He loves this shirt and owns eight more shirts that look just like it. He wears a mint green wet suit with pale blue and pink lines on the side. He wears his wet suit underneath his clothes in case he ever comes across a body of water that looks like it needs swimming in. His wetsuit is sleeveless ,and stops at his ankles. He wears khaki shorts on top of that ,and plain blue flipflops. theres pictures of waves on the flipflops ,but you can't see them because his feet cover them up when he wears them. He wears gogo goggles on his forehead ,and had a waterproof shoulderbag he takes with him everywhere.
Personality (Optional): Dolan is a calm friendly laid back guy that likes sitting by the ocean whether that be toes in the sand or feed in the water. Dolan is a very nice friendly guy ,but because of his somewhat lack of social interactions he can be a bit awkward at times. Despite this he isn't nervous to be around people as being the simple guy he is he tries to avoid overthinking situations. Its bad juju maaan... I dunno. Either way he tries to socialize when he can ,and will occasionally act weird or just straight up silent when he can't think of a response. He enjoys photography so if you ask him about that grab a couch, some snacks ,and a pillow cause your not leaving till he finishes his story. He tries to be a cool dude. He thinks he's a cool dude.
History (Optional): Dolan grew up in a boat house with his father(Daniel), two older brothers(Derrick and Don), his uncle(Doyle), his son(Doyle Jr.) ,and his dad's best friend(Also a guy. His name is Donnell). Dolan didn't interact with many girls in his life so his experience with them is very limited. His mother died when he was four years old so he didn't know her too well. Because his family loved the ocean so much she was buried by sea.
Dolan's father Daniel is a kind, friendly ,and charismatic man who hasn't married since his last wife passed. He been on a few dates ,but they always ended poorly ,and now he just focuses on his career. Maybe later on in his life he will find somebody special. Then there are Dolan's two older brothers. the eldest Derrick was named after his grandfather ,and Don was named after Daniel's best friend. Derrick is a smart sensible boy who looks after Don, Dolan ,and even Doyle Jr. He's a good kid ,but he wants to become a librarian one day. Own his own library ,and everything. Don wants nothing more than to be just like his father living off the coast like the fisherman his father is. Dolan's uncle Doyle is a bit of a lazy man ,but when push comes to shove he will put honest hard work in what he does. Unlike Doyle's more responsible brother Daniel, Doyle is still married ,but his wife travels from region to region as a business woman. Doyle can put in a good days work when he choices ,but often time just does the bare minimum. His son Doyle jr. is similar ,but over time he's started to become better then his father in ways. For starters he's less lazy. Perhaps when he's older he won't be any bit lazy at all. Then theres Donnel. Donnel is also kind of a bum. He's never married ,and has no kids. Daniel puts up with his friend living with him for several reasons. Donnel saved his life a couple years back when he fell in the ocean one day ,and there were sharpedo out in the water. Also his best friend always puts in a good days work every day.
Lastly is ya boi Dolan. Dolan is a friendly kid who never really knew what he wanted to do. He just takes photos ,and never worries about a thing. His father one day made a sarcastic joke that he should become a photographer ,and so he did. Really. He even got his own website started too. He's uploaded pictures ,and stories with those pictures two years ago ,and has aquired a small number of fans along the way. After spending so much time taking pictures within the area he lived he yearned to see more places ,and more people. More sights ,and more attractions. He wanted to adventure ,and explore as well as take more pictures and share them online. Preferably with cool stories attached to them. Dolan loved embellishing stories of excitement and wonder when posting his pictures. It made him feel good to share his experience traveling ,and sight seeing with others.
Likes/Dislikes (Optional): He likes relaxing at the beach, taking photos ,and adventure/ He hates thinking about things he doesn't understand which is basically a lot of things, the cold ,and when people don't share.
Inventory (5 Items Max, excluding essentials): roller blades he can just snap on the bottoms of his shoes, map, 3 cameras(digital cine camera, polaroid ,and a cellphone. All three cameras waterproof of course) ,and poffins.
Starter Pokemon
Name: Skol
Species: Slowpoke
Ability: oblivious
Gender: male
Description/Other (Optional): Dolan's water/psychic best friend is a calm equally laid back pokémon as he is. Dolan knew Skol ever since he was 10 ,but didn't catch him until he was 12. Every day Dolan would walk to the beach ,and relax at the beach toes in the sand as the waves creeping up the shoreline got his feet wet. Sometimes he would make a sand castle, sometimes he would take a nap ,and sometimes he would feed wingull bread ,or watch the waves surfers 'catch some gnarly waves man'. Regardless as to what he did a slowpoke would always greet him ,and they would just chill by the beach. Not a single concern between the two of them. He eventually decided to catch the slowpoke. He knew the thing two years. Might as well right? Why didn't he catch him two years ago when they first met?! Like... who cares? It was a nice time. Please don't ruin the story... It was a good time ,and now they are officially best friends since then.
assuming the trainers are allowed to catch pokémon ,and have 6 ,and possibly even evolve them along the way this will be Dolan's team.
(he will catch a majority of his pokémon within the ocean beach area ,and the others within the swamp areas.
(he will catch a majority of his pokémon within the ocean beach area ,and the others within the swamp areas.

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