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Ask to Join Johto Adventures

"Guess I won't get a gengar... But I do have 6 badges from hoenn! Does that count? Can I challenge you?
Aiden said, showing the gym leader 6 badges, not from johto, but from hoenn. "Wait, lapras is a super strong pokemon, does that mean im... OH MY ARCEUS!"
"So basically, he thinks I am super weak?" Piper asked.
" I mean like, Marill is cool and all, but out of all of these guys, Lapras is the strongest, and Becca is the strongest trainer, look at her Pokemon!" Piper said exasperated.
"And we all know, that Aiden is certainly not the strongest. Piper frowned.
"Vaporeon, jump into the water!"
The others were confused.
"What is she doing?" Muttered Morty.
"Do it Vaporeon!" The vaporeon turned into water and disappeared. Then she appeared again and used Rock Smash on the Lapras' stomach. It was super effective. The Vaporeon disappeared into water again.
Piper sighed.
"Guys! You can battle on the way! I want to battle the gym leaders!" Piper shouted at them.
" And Becca, I think that Typhlosion has a little crush on Vaporeon." Piper nodded at the now swooning Typhlosion.
Aiden used a super potion. Lapras was healed.
"Lapras! Blizzard!" Lapras froze the water, and vaporeron was stuck inside.
"Lapras! Now!" Lapras used zap cannon on the ice. It went through and hit vaporeron. It was super effective.
Becca glanced at him.
"Awwwwww that is too cute!" Typhlosion was jumping around, and Vaporeon was distracted. Then Lapras struck Vaporeon with it's horn. Typhlosion growled and fire blasted Aiden and Lapras and lumbered over to Piper and sat down.
"Typhlosion! Apologize."
The fire type stomped over to the fried pair.
"Ty." He grumbled.
"Like you mean it!" Becca scolded.
"Typhlosion Ty ty.."
"Ouch!" Aiden flew back. "I'm burning! I'm burning! AHAHHHAHAHAHH!!!"
He returned his pokemon to his pokeballs to protect them from the deadly typhlosion.
"Typhlosion, you can't do that!" Piper said non enthusiastically, she petted his fur.
"Come on guys, lets go!" Piper laughed, and turned to Morty.
"I will see you when I have beaten the next gym leaders.!" Piper went over to him, and took out a pen, and wrote her Pokegear number on his arm.
"So I can tell you when I am coming!" Piper's heart was beating a so hard, but she managed to flash him a smile.
"See ya Morty!"
"TY!!" Typhlosion yelled triumphantly. He blasted fire from his neck and roared.
"Good boy!" Becca patted him. He went over to the Vaporeon and started to show off. Becca and Piper rolled their eyes.
"Watch this." He whispered to piper. "Lapras! Water gun!" Typhlosion got hit, and fell and broke the ice.
He was in the lake now, all wet and embarrased.
Piper snickered, then resumed a serious face.
"Typlosion, do you need help drying off?" Piper offered help.
"TY!" He used eruption and evaporated all of the water, and threw molten rocks at Aiden, and Lapras.
"Welp, I tried to help him, but he didn't want it." Piper tried to hid her grin.
"Worth the laugh." Aiden said as he was heating up under the heavy rock.
"So, morty, you didn't answer! do my hoenn badges count?" Aiden asked him via the pokegear.
"Hey! Typhlosion! Are you okay?" The Pokémon was embarrassed in front of the Vaporeon.
He sent a blast of fire to the lapras.
"Good boy!" Becca cheered. He burned the lapras again.
"I suggest you retrieve lapras." Becca advised him.
"A responsible trainer knows when to stop." She walked off with her Pokémon, to the next gym.
"Bayleef, help Aiden out, and remove the rock." Bayleef used her vines to move the rock.
"Good girl! Oh, I almost forgot! Flame, and Bayleef, meet your new team member!" Piper let out the Marill.
"I want you to welcome him into our family, besides, every Pokemon is welcome here." Piper told her Pokemon.
"Lapras, return." Aiden retrieved lapras.
His pokegear got smashed under the rock.
"Becca! You gonna pay for my pokegear! I got this for my birthday!"
She waved her hand absently.
"You get money when you beat gyms, pay for it yourself. Now! Let's go!"
She jogged on, into the forest, out of sight. The ferns quivered and stilled as she passed through. A red beam buzzed through the air, and Typhlosion and Vaporeon were returned to their ball.
Piper almost died from the remark that came from Becca.
"Okay guys, let's get going, I am gonna DESTROY the bug gym." Piper said as they headed to the next gym.
"Hey Becca, do you think Morty is a good guy, i mean you know him..." Piper asked quietly.
Becca slowed to a swift walk. She turned and grinned.
"He's fine, I mean, are you guys going steady already?" She snickered. Then as she kept walking they came into a clearing, a town! She flashed a smile to her friend and ran on, leaving Piper alone with her thoughts.
When Aiden and Piper walked up, two men in black outfits were sizzling at the feet of Becca and Typhlosion. She glanced back.
"Team Rocket." She explained lamely. Then she glared at the men and they scrambled into the forest behind them. Then Becca's gaze brightened.
"Come on Piper! Let's get you to the gym!" She opened the doors to a room with foliage all around. There was a large tree in the middle of the room.
"Meet Bugsy!" She exclaimed.
Piper looked confused as she saw two guys that were sizzling.
"Umm." Becca said they were team rocket.
"That is a stupid name." Piper thought to herself.
"Okay, sounds good!" :)
"Nice to meet you Bugsy, I am here to challenge your gym." Piper smiled as she was introduced to Bugsy, then she nearly ran out of the gym.
"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG, NO NO NO NO NO, PLEASE NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!" Piper saw a bunch of Ariados, and Spinarks.
Phew, glad I got outta there, those spiders are horrifying.
Becca shuddered as she thought back to when she had to ride an Ariados to the gym leader.
She let out all her Pokémon and had them rest.
"Come on out! Typhlosion, Vaporeon, Dragonite, Fossil! I want you all to train!" She shouted, and they all started play fighting one another.
"This is actually the WORST!" Piper was actually dying inside.
"Becca no, I can't do that, there is no way I am riding a giant spider." Piper's heart was racing, and her hands were sweaty.
"Guys NO. Becca, you know me, I can't do this."
Becca heard Piper's terrified wails and decided to give her some backup.
"Go Ty." Typhlosion bounded in and let Piper hop onto his back. Piper looked extremely relieved. Typhlosion sizzled all bug Pokémon that went near.
Piper was relieved and started to calm down.
"Thank you Ty." She looked at Becca gratefully.
"Okay, I am ready to battle you know." Piper regained her composure and confidence.
"Flame, I choose you." Piper sent out Flareon.
"Maybe you can't, but I can!" Aiden jumped onto the ariados.
"Weeee! This is fun, guys! Come on!" the ariados led aiden to some pretty tough trainer battles, but he made it all the way to the gym leader.
"Alright, let's do this! Go, jerry!"
Becca shuddered.
"REMIND ME TO NEVER TOUCH YOUR SPIDER INFESTED BODY AGAIN!" She yelled t Aiden. She walked over to Bugsy and started to watch as they battled.
"Not bad!" Bugsy conceded as his Kakuna fainted. Then he sent out his metapod.
"Harden!" He cried. Becca groaned and slapped her forehead.
"Here we go."
The Metapod was barely touched by the flames and was only slightly hurt. "Now you understand my strategy!" He crowed proudly. Then his Metapod used tackle, and it smacked Flame in the face, sending it reeling.