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Ask to Join Johto Adventures

Piper usually would have smiled back at Becca but this time she didn't.
" Becca... You know, out of all people, once I have made up my mind, NOBODY can change it." Piper walked over to her Friend and hugged her for the last time for all she knew.
"Good bye Becca, tell Falkner I said bye as well." Piper was in tears now.
Became rolled her eyes.
"Your so dramatic. Dragonite please." The Dragon Pokemon hoisted her up onto his back and held her in place, not letting her move.
"I am 18 today, did you know that? That means I am your legal guardian. I don't want Jenny hearing about me letting you run off. Your 15! You can't even drive." She went on.
Piper didn't even flinch.
"Of course I know you are 18 today, I am your best friend!" Piper shouted
"Sorry about this dragonite." Piper let Ralt's out, and Ralts used Hypnosis.
" Good-bye." Piper said as she jumped of the now sleeping dragonite.
"Have a good life." Piper ran as fast as she could, which was pretty fast for her age.
"This is madness." Becca grumbled, and she was angered by Piper.
"This is a war. She'd better go home." She woke up Dragonite and sent Typhlosion though the forest and Aerodactyl over head to find her.
Piper knew Becca would come looking for her, so instead of hiding, she went into a shop, and completely change her look.
"Okay guys, what do you think?" Piper now had blue hair like Falkner, and blue jeans, and a black tank top, with black hightops.
"Bayleef!" Bayleef agreed it was a good look.
Becca says a few people in a shop nearby. She ran over to them to see if they saw Piper around.
"Hey yo! Lady! Have you seen a girl with black hair? With a Bayleef?" She asked a lady with striking blue hair.
"Oh no, sorry, I haven't seen anyone, I am new here." Piper said in a country accent to cover her voice.
"I only have a Flareon." Piper only let out one of her Pokemon, and she looked at Flareon to say not to do anything.
"I hope you find who you are looking for." Piper smiled, but it hurt lying to her friend.
"Thanks lady. But something is familiar... hmm." She said with a glance at Flareon. Then Typhlosion lumbered up and sniffed flareon and the lady.
"Stop it Ty! That's rude. I'm sorry miss." As she walked away Ty cooked his head at them, he knew these people... but he bounded off with Becca.
"It's quite alright, I have one of those faces." Piper smiled, but her heart stopped when Typhlosion sniffed her.
"I wish you the best of luck Miss!" She called after her friend.
"Oh man, that was hard." Piper said as a tear streamed down her face.
Becca went off in a sprint towards the Pokecentre. Minutes later, she came out with two fire dog pokemon. AKA, Arcanine and Houndoom. She had them sniff around and they picked up a scent near the same shop.
"Maybe she's in there!" Becca said excitedly.
Piper heard Becca again, but this time she wasn't alone, she knew she had an Arcanine, and a Houndoom, she LOVED fire dogs.
"Oh no." Piper waited until they came in to leave." Piper was trying to be as sneaky as possible.
"Okay, 1...2...3.." Piper ran out of the store and didn't stop until she reached the gym.
After hours she finally gave up and with a yelp she ran into a man with lavender hair.
"Hey watch it you!" He exclaimed in a cracked voice.
Beccan saw the R on his shirt and threw out a Pokeball. Out came her Dragon Type.
"Go Dragonite!" She yelled.
"Come on Wobbufett!" He threw his own Pokeball.
Piper wanted to battle Whitney, she had finished up stocking up on supplies.
"I am gonna battle you." Piper's look made it seem she was throwing daggers at the Gym Leader.
" Gyarados Let's go!" Piper sent out the huge Pokemon.
"Gyarados, use Dragon Rage!" Piper commanded.
"Use outrage!! You can do it Dargon!" She used his Nickname. Dragonite roared angrily and blasted his foe 2 times. The first time, Wobbufett took a hit and staggered, but the second time he blocked it. Dragonite became confused due to fatigue.
"Okay Wobbufett! Use hyper beam!" The man's nasal voice came out again.
"Gyarados, use Aqua Tail!" Piper commanded.
"Miltank, use drink!" Whitney said in a very happy voice." Piper was getting angry now.
"Ralts, use Destiny Bond!" Piper smirked.
"Miltank, use Power-up Punch!" Whitney is so stupid Piper thought to herself. Ralts fainted.
"Good Job Miltank! Miltank?" Whitney was horrified.
"I win." Piper said and held her hand out for a badge.
"Wow, you are really strong!" Piper said thanks, and left.
As Piper was leaving the gym she saw Becca and completely forgot she was suppose to be hiding.
"Becca! I got the plain badge!" She showed the badge, then remembered she had to hide.
"Wait, never mind, see ya!" Piper started running.
"Wha..? Never mind that. You know, I could set you on fire with my Typhlosion." She said, gripping the pokeball in hand. But she lowered it down.
"Take me to your leader." She whispered. The young man was startled, but he led her to a large black building, with a trademark red R in front.
Piper decided she should go back and apologize.
"Hey, Becca?" Piper looked around.
"Hey Becca, it's Piper, please pick up, or when you get this meet me at the next Gym...Please." Piper ended the voicemail.
So there she was, a Rocket Admin. Dressed in an all black pantsuit with an R on the front. She battled Giovanni and he was defeated. Afterwards, she was named his right hand man- erm.. woman. She was in charge. She was the boss. She made the choices, the rules, the decisions.
Piper didn't know what to do anymore, it had been over a month since she heard from Becca, every time she would battle team rocket, she would hope it would be her, but alas, she went on with her journey, she now had a Meganium, Gardevoir, Azumaril, Gyarados, Flareon, and she had one more spot on her team.
"Come on guys, we only have three more gyms to battle." Piper walked up to Chuck's Gym.
Becca was playing with Typhlosion. He wasn't sure what to think of the switch to evil, but he accepted the change. The only one who didn't approve was Dragonite. He didn't like it, but he still went with it.
Piper was disgusted by Chuck's protruding belly, but still, she went to battle.
"Gardevoir, I choose you!" Gardevoir and Piper had a mental connection so they didn't need to speak.
"Primeape, use Cross Chop!" The monkey tried to hit the Psychic Pokemon, but was too slow, Gardevoir used teleport to get away, and used hypnosis.
"PRIMEAPE!" The Pokemon was getting angry now, but fell asleep.
"Primeape wake up!" Chuck shouted. Gardevoir then used dream eater, Primeape was soon fainted.
"Fine kid, you want to play with hypnosis, let's play then." Chuck sent out Poliwrath and it used hypnosis.
"Gardevoir." She used teleport once more and used disarming voice three times without getting hit.
"I think you owe me a gym badge." Piper held her hand out expectantly.
"Team Rocket! Today is the day." She mused. She had waited for this day too long. Giovanni had put her in charge of the mission, and boy would she carry on. She was ready to go, and she assembled all the members together. They would take over.
Piper decided that she wanted Becca to be with her when she battled the Elite Four, today was the day she would find Becca.
"Gardevoir, can you sense Typhlosion, or Dragonite?" Piper asked her Pokemon.
"Gardevoir!" Gardevoir nodded yes, and closed her eyes to concentrate.
"Okay guys, here is the plan, when we find Becca, I am going to let all of you out of you Pokeballs, then we are going to show her our badges, and tell her why we are there, then if she says no, I am going to ask her why." Piper went on, but was interrupted by Gardevoir, she had found them.
"Come on!" Piper returned all of them, and ran.
"Today, we will take over Dragon Master Lance's power, and we'll show him who's number one!" She cheered, and the team rocket members before her whooped and hollered with approval. She began again but was interrupted.
"Boss! Someone's at the gate!" A grunt with blond hair and a concerned face informed them. She knew who it was at once, and rounded up a few grunts to flank her sides. She walked towards the gate, and threw it open.
Piper was still a bit hurt that Becca had joined the wretched team rocket.
"Um, Becca, I um, wanted to talk to you, it's kinda private." She said nervously as she revealed her Pokemon.
"It has to do with these guys."
Becca's mouth opened but she shut it quickly. She looked at the members behind her and gave them the signal to inform Giovanni. She was sad, but proud.
"So you've gone far." She gulped, and continued stiffly. "What do you want? It's dangerous here. There are thousands of people here who want to make sure you don't trespass. Which means they'd tear you to shreds." She swallowed again, not knowing how to continue, or if Piper was to reply.
"Becca, I'm not a little kid anymore, I know how to take care of myself." She said sadly.
"I am headed to Victory Road. I am going to battle the Elite 4. And, I want you to come with me. Even though this is the life you've chosen, you're still my best friend. Forever and always." Piper took a breath hoping her friend would say yes.
"If not that's fine, I was just hoping you would come, after all, this is the last time I will probably see you."
She sighed loudly, and let out, one by one, her Pokémon. Typhlosion, Dragonite, Raichu, Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, and a new member, Poliwrath. He was a gift from Giovanni himself. She inhaled sharply and mounted Aerodactyl's back.
"Let's go." Her voice was hushed and hurried. "I don't want Giovanni to know I left. Especially when I go with a little drama queen." She allowed herself a chuckle, and flew up, hovering, impatiently waiting for Piper to join her.
Piper was ecstatic.
"Come on guys, return!" She put away her Pokemon except for Salamence.
"We ride!" Piper couldn't stop smiling.
"Just like the old days." She thought to herself.
They swooped and soared, the air whistling as Fossil dived, and at the last second, flew up. She had been practicing, and she finally had mastered her trick. Trying to impress Piper, she waited until she and her fossil pokemon were about 500 feet in the air, then she leapt off his back, and stuck out her arms, and gleefully laughed as Fossil fell with her, and when they were about 50 feet from the ground, he swooped in and she landed on his back, arms outstretched.
Piper laughed to herself.
"Somethings never change." She yelled over the wind. Laughing at how her friend still wanted to impress her.
"It's a cool trick though!" Piper said as Salamence did a loop to loop.
"Aerodactyl- mega- oomph!" She spat as a flock of pidgeys hit her in the face. Aerodactyl screeched happily and used an ancient power on the tiny bird pokemon. She giggled guiltily as they all fell straight down.
Piper almost fell off her dragon at the sight of Becca being hit in the face with Pidgey's.
"Ahahahah. Oh man, that made my day ten times better." She said wiping tears from her face.
"Hey, I've got an Idea, lemme give you a little warm up battle, you know, before we start?" She grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She hoped she would agree, she wanted to see her skills.
"Go, Poliwrath!" She threw out her ultra ball. "Ice beam!" She commanded him happily. A thick beam of icicles shot out from his swirl, and they could tell Salamence took a hit.
Salamence snickered slightly at the thought of himself getting hit. Those acting lessons payed off.
"Salamence, use thunderfang!" Piper shouted. Salamence's jaws were covered in sparks of lightning, he chomped at poliwhirl.
PoliWRATH (ahem) smacked salamences jaw straight up with a sky uppercut. He quickly rolled back and struck again with a Thunder Punch.