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Ask to Join Kalos Journey (Romance)


Previously Swirled
Bulbasaur congratulated himself for acting normal even though he was budding a small crush for Jade. He decided to wait until he got to observe more of the Snivy's personality to determine whether or not this whole crush thing would work out. Johnothan then decided to really capture the view on the rooftop, commenting in almot a whisper but loud enough for Callista to hear, "Now I can get why you love this place so much." Fennekin then got bored and wanted to talk to someone, she looked around and saw no one so she decided to fall asleep, looking cute while doing so.


Previously pokeyman
Froakie, and James, were now bored. James liked the nice view and all, but... James decided to walk around Lumiose for a bit, or play in the snow or something, so he said goodbye and left, with Froakie riding on his shoulder.
The girl decided, after making her reservation- and certainly following a lot of pondering- that she would go and visit Lumiose Tower. It was often hailed as a popular tourist spot and, since it was the evening, it would be all lit up. Leafeon following close behind her, Rho walked down Autumnal Avenue toward the tower. Her bright emerald optics lit up in awe of the sight, and her shiny smile yet again illuminated her face. "It's beautiful, isn't it, Leafeon?" Rho murmured, brushing her magenta hair back from her face so she could see the beauty of the tower properly.

"Let's get a little closer..."
"Jhonothan if you don't mind but is it okay if i dress your Fennekin up after we leave the restaurant?" Callista asked as she took another bite of her vanilla parfait

Jade took a bite out of her pokepuffs before using her vines to get two pokepuffs and handed them to Bulbasaur and Fennekin, she then smiled at Bulbasaur but then continued eating her pokepuff with delight
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Previously Swirled
"Sure I don't mind." John said as he realized he wanted some dessert himself, so he grabbed a waiter and ordered a banana split. Bulbasaur blushed when he saw Jade smile at him and he ate the PokePuff he got slowly, the Fox Pokemon woke up and ate the Pokepuff quickly and then went back to sleep, somehow looking cuter than when she slept before. John finally got his banana split and ate the bananas first, saving the ice cream for last.
"Well thats great sense we can go to my moms famous boutique here in Lumiose city sense she designs not only human clothes but also Pokemon clothes" Callista happily said as she ate some of the whip cream on top of the parfait she then looked at John and smiled at him "you know if you eat the banana with the ice cream it's going to taste better but that's my opinion" Callista stated as she fed a spoon of whip cream to Jade who happily ate the sweet fluffy cream off the spoon


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle didn't follow anyone where they went, he sat down in the winter on snow on a park bench. Even though the snow was magnificent while it was dropping he was bummed that everyone left him. "Well I guess we're on our own for a little." Kyle said too treecko.
Treecko nodded, this pokemon could understand his trainers sorrow. The Pokemon jumped on to his trainers lap and stuck out his hands like he was asking for a hug.

(Guys please don't rush post)
Rho began to further walk toward the Lumiose Tower, her face painted with the very picture of awe and amazement. Leafeon loved light and so was fairly in front of Rho, but looked behind her every now and then to make sure that her trainer was close behind her. A smile spread itself across her pretty features.the tower at night.

"Oh, Leafeon... it's beautiful!" Rho exclaimed. The magenta-haired girl looked quite cute, even if foolish, staring in awe at the illuminated tower, not even noticing the sheer amount of tourists who had come to see. Her obliviousness had always been viewed as rather adorable by all who knew her.
"Oh this parfait is just splendid" Callista said as she took another bite of her vanilla parfait she then looked at John before using her spoon and scooped some of the ice cream from Johns banana split on to the spoon then ate it "hmmm your ice cream is a bit too sweet" Callista stated as Callista started to pat her darling Snivys head


Previously Swirled
"Well I've been told I have a sweet tooth." John replied at he tried Callista's suggestion and ate some of the ice cream with the banana. He found that the two flavors complemented each other perfectly. He then told Fennekin, "When I'm done, your going with Callista to get dressed." Fennekin nodded, showing excitement at what she might get to wear.
"After we finish your going to go with us when we go shopping right?" Callista asked as she pouted, when Callista pouts it's her sort of trick to get whatever she wanted, "oh John please say your gonna go with us" Callista begged as she looked at John in his eyes with her blue ones


Previously Swirled
John blushed a little, "Okay, why not, I'm sure Bulbasaur and Fennekin will be happier that way anyway." The boy's two Pokemon nodded in unison agreement, Bulbasaur due to him wanting to spend more time with Jade and Fennekin because she wanted Callista around to help her pick. Who knows, he may even buy something for himself, and so he began to finish the banana split slightly faster for he somewhere to be now.


Previously Kyle From Hoenn
Kyle hugged his little partner and then put him back on his shoulder. "Well let's go explore the danger's of the thing people call 'The Mall'" Kyle said as he got up. The mall isn't something he was used to not ever been to so it was a new experience to him. Every now or then he would go ask a girl where to go for some good stuff and make flirted a little.
He had ended up in a so called Clothing store people and pokemon. Once he entered he immediately bought treecko a sceptile outfit. This treecko had put then looked stylish in. After this he bought a new hoodie that looked like treecko.
Going to the store for was an accomplishment and a life goal now achieved. Now he knew he had to go to this place everyday.

(Guys we are never going to get to gyms or Performances because we're stuck in one area)
Callista gave one last smile to John before finishing her vanilla parfait "alright Jade finish up your food Princess" Callista said to her Snivy who noded her head and stuffed the last pokepuff into her mouth which made the female trainer slightly laugh


Previously Swirled
After John finally finished his banana split, he got up and put Bulbasaur on his shoulder and asked, "Alright where is the shop?" Bulbasaur smiled at what Jade stuff the Pokepuff in her mouth, Fennekin walked over to Jade and whispered in her ear, "What do you think of Bulbasaur?"
Jade looked at Fennekin and slightly blushed " he's cute I guess" Jade admitted shyly

Callista walked down the stairs and into the restaurant with Jade right behind her, the female trainer then went up to Alfonso "charge the bill on to dad's card when he comes by here" Callista said to the man who noded his head and bid goodbye to Callista and Jade who walked out the door and waited for John and his Pokemon


Previously Swirled
Fennekin looked overjoyed, "What if I told you that Bulbasaur had a crush on you, you two are honestly perfect for each other." The Fox Pokemon loved romance, especially seeing two Pokemon het together, John wondered to himself what the two Pokemon were talking about and the Seed Pokemon seemed worried that they were talking about him.
Jade smiled at Fennekin and giggled "if Bulbasaur has feelings towards me I would rather appreciate if he told me himself sense Callista once told me when a man really likes you he will ask you personally and won't fear being rejected sense whatever choice you make that makes you happy will make him happy " Jade said as she looked at the ground and sighed before starting to walk sense Callista started heading towards the direction of the boutique

"I wonder what kind of clothes Fennekin would look nice in" Callista mumbled to herself as her heels clicked on the ground as she walked


Previously Swirled
John started to follow as Fennekin got a planning look, "I'm sure he planned on its I just happened to do it for him, anyway I plan on setting up a date for the two of you, truthfulky, you two belong together." The Fox Pokemon then began to fantisize about what she would buy at the boutique and more things relating to romance.
"Well I don't think it would work out honestly sense my so called parents are too overprotective of me" Jade said as she thought of her parents who were a female Gardevoir named Emerald who belonged to Callistas mom and a male Gallade named Ace who belonged to Callistas dad, but the two Pokemon weren't really her parents they were her adopted parents when she became Callistas Pokemon they cared for her like their own daughter but Jade was snapped out of her thoughts when she saw her trainer stop walking but then realized they were in front of the boutique


Previously Swirled
"Well I'm sure they'll listen to you if you care enough." Fennekin interuppted herself as she saw them arrive at the boutique. Her face lit up as she waited impatiently to go inside and try on some clothes. Meanwhile Bulbasaur thought to himself, I've decided, I'm confessing to Jade that I like her, but how do I do it? It needs to be perfect, she deserves it. John then asked Callista, "So now that I'm here, what do you want me to do?"
"Yes, well um in the boutique do not embarrass yourself but why don't you go find something to buy while Jade and Bulbasaur can go look around sense me and Fennekin will be busy" Callista said as the doors slid open by themselves to show a stunningly beautiful store filled with stylish outfits worth alot of money "buy anything you like I'll charge on to mom's card" Callista said as she walked into the boutique with Jade right next to her


Previously Swirled
"That's fine by me," John replied to Callista as he set down Bulbasaur and had him go with Jade, he then told Fennekin, "Behave please, this trip is for you after all so don't be too crazy." The Fox Pokemon nodded and went to the side of Callista's leg as Bulbasaur gathered the nerve to say to Jade, "I have something to tell you."
Callista led Fennekin to the clerk behind the counter "we're looking for the private collection of Mrs.Atarie" Callista said as she looked the woman dead in the eyes "ah,yes Ms.Callista I will bring it right over" the woman said as she walked away but only to come back with a fuschia colored dress with black laces and a matching now "how about this dress Fennekin?" Callista asked as she showed the dress to the fire type pokemon

Jade looked at Bulbasaur with her shining red eyes and smiled "oh, what is it that you want to tell me Bulbasaur?" Jade asked as a small smile became present on her face


Previously Swirled
Fennekin seemed pleased with the dress bit she shooed it away with a look in her eye telling the woman that the color was good, but it was way to big for her liking. She did however want the bow so she tapped Callista indicating that the bow was perfect.

Bulbasaur started to blush and just told her, "Jade, I have a crush on you, I hope you feel the same. I'm sorry that I never said this sooner, I was just too shy to say anything." His face began to turn red as his eyes met the Snivy's beautiful, red eyes.
Callista told the lady to leave the bow but to take away the dress, the lady came to the female trainer holding a pale pink dress with golden lace ruffles with a matching now and collar "how about this once my little princess" Callista asked the Fennekin

"Awww Bulbasaur I like you too but I'm not sure how my parents would react to this so could we keep this a secret?" Jade asked the male grass type as her crimson eyes looked like they were pleading him to keep it a secret


Previously Swirled
Fennekin was still looking for a certain kind dress but she loved the overall style of it. She wished to say what she was thinking but no one could understand so she waved her hand sideways as an indication that it was close to what she was looking for. She put on the bow however and felt that it for her perfectly, so she smiled at Callista for taking her here.

Bulbasaur looked overjoyed, "Of course I can keep it a secret, and I'm sure that your parent would be supportive of whatever you want." He then kissed Jade on the cheek and blushed a little due to how happy he was.
Callista thought for a bit until she walked away only to return holding a white dress that was similar to her own but for Pokemon she then gently put Fennekin into the stunning dress and took the bow off the fire types head only to replace it with a silver crown "oh, Fennekin you look beautiful you look like a little angel...my little angel" Callista said quietly hoping nobody heard her

"Hey, don't just kiss me like that it's really unsettling considering the fact that were in public" Jade stated in a annoyed voice but her face showed a diffrent reaction, Callistas usual smiling face was red in embaresment and her crimson eyes darted to the floor hoping she wouldn't make eye contact with Bulbasaur


Previously pokeyman
(Hey, can I just slide back in here?)

James managed to find himself in the same boutique that Callista and John where in while walking around with Oshawott and Froakie. James had talked to Oshawott now, so Oshawott felt a lot happier, and decided to actually be part of the crew again. In the corner of his eye, James spotted Callista and John, and decided to talk to them. "Froakie and Oshawott, you can browse around, I want to talk to Callista and John, or at least say hi." James then walked over to where Callista and John where. "Sorry to barge in, but hey guys!"

Oshawott decided to stick with Froakie, and maybe he could learn a bit more about Froakie. Froakie and Oshawott took a wrong turn and... bam. Froakie got there before Oshawott, and saw Jade and Bublasaur both blushing, and instantly stopped Oshawott from walking, as he got out of sight of the two grass Pokemon. "What is it, Froakie?" Oshawott was confused as to why Froakie stopped him. "Let's just... browse somewhere else..." Oshawott agreed, all though he was still confused. Froakie sighed in relief. One disaster solved before it even began.


Previously Swirled
Fennekin looked at the mirror, she felt like a queen, and to add to it she looked the part as well. She nodded with approval as to say, "This is the one." The Fox Pokemon also requested the bow for more causal situations as the dress and crown was for more formal environments.

Bulbasaur's face turned bright red, "I'm sorry, but how could I not kiss such a beautiful Pokemon?" His gaze was also set to the ground as he felt somewhat embarrassed as well.
"Yes we will take the bow and the outfit and also the crown" Callista said to the woman who noded her head in approval "Ms.Atarie there will be no need for payment considering the fact that your Mrs.Atries daughter" the woman stated with a happy smile, Callista saw James and walked up to him "Hey James what are you doing in my moms boutique?" Callista asked as she was confused why the male trainer was there

"Bulbasaur I'm not bautifull....I'm cute" Jade said smugly as a smirk made it's way on to the Snivys face


Previously Swirled
Fennekin would have exploded with joy but it was halted by confusion, he did however want to show her new outfits to someone. John then came back from looking at some of the new clothes, they all seemed nice, but he had no desire to buy new clothes anytime soon.

Bulbasaur then told Jade, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder." He decided not to kiss her again and then wondered to go back to his trainer, he decided not to as he realized that Jade's hint of arrogance only made him like her more.


Previously pokeyman
"Oh, I was just walking around the mall ((This is in a mall right?)), and looking in the stores, and I saw you guys in here, so..." James replied.

Froakie calmed down. He knew he could keep secrets, and he could, so Froakie kept that encounter secret.

Oshawott still wanted to knew what happened. He knew something happened. He decided to break away from Froakie. He walked over to where Froakie stopped him, and...Oshawott tripped directly into view of the two grass type Pokemon. He looked at them, and then regretted his life-decisions. He slowly backed away from the aisle entirely. He now understood why Froakie stopped him.
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(Nope, we are not at the mall)

"Oh well um okay" Callista said to James before walking away only to walk up to John, she then hugged him and smiled "John I made Fennekin look like a angel" Callista said as her blue eyes sparkled in happiness

Jade walked over to Fannekin and smiled at the fire type "I see that my trainer has made you her model, and I like that dress it looks just like mine" Jade said with her signature smile


Previously 5DigitNeb
Nathan stretched his arms and yawned. He just finished eating at a cheap restaraunt and felt a bit sleepy because of the food. Chimchar was grabbing the pokepuffs in front of his face and eating them quickly. Once he finished Nathan told the little monkey Pokemon that it was time to leave. Chimchar jumped onto Nathan’s shoulder and the two left the restaurant. Nathan felt a cool breeze go past him, but barely felt that much cold due to Chimchar’s flaming tail. He was just walking around, not doing anything in particular. He decided to buy something for Chimchar, since he had spare cash.

He headed into a boutique, since he heard those had a lot of clothes. He stayed with the same clothes for a long time in Sinnoh, since there weren’t too many shops for outfits there. He walked in and saw a couple of people with Pokemon talking. Nathan walked over to the girl near a Fennekin. “Uh excuse me, but do you know where I can get any clothes for my Pokemon? A scarf perhaps?” he asked the two. Chimchar stayed close to Nathan since he wasn’t used to the region or people. “It’s not like he’s cold, just wanted to get him something nice,” Nathan explained.
Callista released John from the hug and pointed to the second floor "up the stairs and the winter clothes are near the clear crystal sculpture of a Beartic" Callista stated

Jade looked up at her trainer and smiled sense she has never seen her trainer act this normal, the Snivy was actually really suprised sense Callista hadn't made a sassy or snobby comment


Previously Swirled
John blushed a little before being released from the hug and seeing how well this trip went, "You look amazing, but I think that would be for more formal settings, do have one for casual ones?" Fennekin nodded as she took out the bow, Bulbasaur was also there and was struggling to give Fennekin a thumbs up on the account that he has no thumbs, he instead just gave a smile of approval. John then asked his grass type Pokemon, "So, where did you go?" Bulbasaur began to blush which confused Fennekin due to the fact that she had no idea what happened.
Mika, Nervous to Be in this unfamilar place sits alone at a table drinking hot cocoa with her shiny eevee "Eevee this is way different from aloha." Eevee Nods in agreement. When she in done she sets her cup down and just sits there talking to her eevee. Bored She puts eevee in her pokeball and gets up and heads to a boutique needing some new clothes. After buying her new clothes she heads outside and get eevee out/
"wanna check the city" she asks eevee and eevee nods and they go for a walk around the city together.


Previously 5DigitNeb
“Thanks,” he simply replied. Nathan went up the stairs and saw the Beartic. He then saw a bunch of winter clothing and let Chimchar pick what he wanted. They ended up getting a light orange scarf that was luckily short enough not to get caught in Chimchar’s flame. The two left the boutique and wondered if he should do more shopping. After checking his wallet he saw he could only afford a couple of Pokéballs. "Welp, no point wasting my money. I already have 5 Pokéballs anyways," Nathan muttered to himself. He stayed in Lumiose City for one last look before he left. He began walking around and saw an Eevee and a trainer. He decided to sit down on a bench and stare at the tower illuminating a lot of the city. "Looks pretty, right Chimchar?" he asked. His Pokemon responded with a happy cry.
" John can we leave Lumiose City now?" Callista asked but more like pleaded sense she could see a swarm of Paprazi outside the boutique, "geez there are too many of them to glare at" Callista thought to herself as she groaned in exaughstion before hiding behind John in fear of the people outside holding cameras and microphones

Jade hid behind Bulbasaur and frowned "my goodness these people never give up" the Snivy mumbled quietly but inside her mind she was screaming in anger