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Open Kalos Wildreness

December Lewis (Goes by C.C thank you very much.)
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lb.
Personality: Perky, usually optimistic, prone to mood swings when upset, but overall a calm and pleasant person to be around, can have a sarcastic 'bite' like a winter storm, and a pretty good sense of humor.
Likes: Snow, early morning and night, chilly weather, being out in nature, simply spending time with Pokemon
Dislikes: Pain, selfish anything in general, feeling helpless or being stuck in perilous situations, seeing others in pain, causing other's pain
Pokemon team:
1) Flayke
Glaceon: Shiny
Level: 50
Moves: Ice Beam, Hail, Frost Breath, Blizzard
Held Item: Icy Rock
Ability: Snow Cloak
Other: Wears two bronze cuffs on front legs and a bronze chain necklace, inlaid in the cuffs are a single smooth turquoise stone, attached to the bronze chain is the icy rock

2) Iglis
Level: 50
Moves: Punishment, Hone Claws, Beat Up,
Held Item: Razor Claw
Ability: Pickpocket
Other: Wears silver wire headband and necklace, the wire is twisted into vines and swirls with some small leaves welded on, the Razor Claw is attached to the necklace.

3) Fross
Level: 30
Moves: Aurora Beam, Icy Wind, Calm Mind, Round
Held Item: NeverMeltIce
Ability: Refrigerate
Other: White gold string with delicate white flowers are carefully wrapped around her sails and neck, wears tiny pearl anklets and bracelets, the NeverMeltIce is woven into a small head crown piece she wears like a tiara

4) Glace
Sandslash (Alolan)
Level: 40
Moves: Defense Curl, Ice Ball, Iron Head, Swords Dance
Held Item: Metal Coat
Ability: Slush Rush
Other: Wears a metal helmet with one spike in the middle of his forehead, has similar metal cuffs on his arms, parts of him are covered in a silvery coating from applying the metal coat

Light brown hair with a gold-ish sheen, also wavy with some curly strands and lots of flyaway hairs, skin isn't pale but not tan either, but skin is a little on the olive side, Left eye is green with the right being brown

Wears dark grey all purpose boots with steel toes, matching fingerless gloves, dark wash jeans, light icy blue tank top, wears a dark blue winter jacket over it with the left sleeve purposefully taken off, the jacket has a white/grey speckled fur lined hood, her belt is black with two pouches where she keeps all her stuff (applying Pokemon infinite space inside the bag logic here) including her other jacket sleeve, her teams balls are all strapped to the back of the belt. She wears a simple, dark blue beanie, and has black ski goggles around her neck with polarized glass.

Often times she wears a white bandana around her mouth when in storms, sometimes when Flayke uses hail, and always wears her goggles in any type of storm. (Flayke using hail included)
Occupation [Job (Ex. Shiny hunter, scientist, photographer, etc.)]: Her parents wanted her to go into the shiny breeding business, she actually goes around as a trainer. Officially, her license lists her as an Ice Type trainer, and she is somewhat well known for being able to find rarer Pokemon. (Hidden abilities and certain IV's, shiny hunting is another matter.)
Other notes:
Has algophobia (Fear of physical pain, so she does take meds to help)
Aspires to somehow, somewhere, get an ice type gym
Painted all her team's balls to have a dark blue top, light ice blue bottom, and the center button is now the center of a snowflake she painted on the front. There is a different one for each team member to help her remember which ball they're in.
Doesn't like fighting battles she knows she can't win since her team will just get hurt.
C.C yawned, traveling through the forest. Listening to the rustle of the forest around her, she grinned at the peacefulness. She was trying to forget her discomfort with the warmth that day, but Flayke managed to keep the temperature around her at a manageable level in front of her. She smiled at the shiny, chasing a Fletchling not too far ahead playfully, and it reminded her of why she left her home in Alola. This was why, it was completely worth it, watching Flayke jump about joyfully on the pleasant day, rather than be cooped up on her parents' shiny farm. It was a big change, but with a small apartment on the edge of Lumiose City, and a tiny income from part time work at the grand hotel there, she lived comfortably with her Ice Type team.

She giggled as Flayke growled excitedly in front of her, pawing at the little bird Pokemon who didn't seem to mind playing with the tame Glaceon. Listening to the ice crunch beneath her boots, ice that gathered beneath wherever the Glaceon's paws had landed thanks to their lowered temperature in an effort to keep his trainer comfortable, C.C continued on, completely at ease.
The zoroark's ears twisted around in alarm at solid footsteps - not a Pokemon, she noted mentally. Her mind flew into a panicked frenzy and she blasted the sandcasttle Pokemon with another flamethrower out of sheer panic. Her body rearranged itself as she took the form of a Persian and shot in a different direction.
With a rapid chirp, the Fletchling darted into the trees at the call of what C.C recognized barely as a Fletchinder. Flayke huffed in annoyance, but sat down to wait for C.C, who he had left behind after he sprinted to catch the flying Pokemon. A few moments later C.C emerged huffing and puffing, "I... told... you... to stop... doing... that..." she pants out in a hoarse and airy voice. She dramatically flopped onto the ground face first, and Flayke poked her head, chuckling. "Not my fault you don't get out as often as you like, honestly how you got this far surprises me."

Naturally, C.C didn't understand a word Flayke said, but from the tone of his yips and barks, she lifted her head to glare at him gently. "I didn't ask for your opinion, sparkles." the nickname caused her starter companion to growl, and he pounced onto her head. With a yelp, C.C jerked up right, and managed to forcefully shove the giggling 'mon into her lap. She crossed her arms and pouted, choosing to ignore Flayke as he continued to snicker.
Her claws sunk into the bark of the nearest tree as she fled up it like a Pachiraisu. The fur along her spine bristled furiously as she scrambled for the higher branches. She clung to a particulary strong branch and attempted to catch her breath as the urgent panic subsided.
It grew colder, and Dawn relaxed a little bit. There must be other ice type pokemon near, so as long as she wasn't near their trainer, it would be fine.
Patrick sensed the air, it was colder than normal. He knew there were ice types nearby. He was worried for his own safety because of them.
He was also puzzled because ice type aren't common around here. He new that a trainer was here.

"Great," he muttered "I don't want to be some 10 year old's slave."
Her claws locked themselves into the bark and her tail lashed as she looked back towards the forest floor. Her fur slowly laid flat as she realized she wasn't being followed - as far as she knew.
Patrick turned himself into a dumb-trainer trap. He hid his entire body except for his shovel and made a sign saying " Free Sandcastle Making Area!"

"This better work." he said.
The 15 year old sighed, picking the Glaceon up, dropping him across her shoulders like a scarf. He silently purred into her ears, and C.C took a look around the forest, noticing, first off, the random pile of sand. She tilted her head at the sign, shrugged, and started off towards one of the larger trees near the river. She pulled out her map, humming. "Whaddya think, Flayke? Should we keep going or try to find someplace to camp tonight?"

"What we should do is get back to the route." Flayke huffed worriedly. "You may love the outdoors but being this far from the path, alone, not a good idea girlie." C.C listened to Flayke's babbling, only hearing 'Glaceon'. "We'll find someplace safe to camp then, might as well go closer to the main route anyways."
Dawn peeked out at the trainer, realizing with a shock that there was another Glaceon with her. This one looked different, though. It appeared to be wearing cuffs and a collar, and it had a different coat than her. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but it sounded like the trainer would leave her and the others alone.
Ember balanced herself on the limb as it became evident that everything was safe, for now. Her muscles relaxed and her ears twitched as a Pokemon's voice came into earshot, followed by a human's.
"Well, no one knows surf... and I never got a freaking Ride Pokemon Pager... I guess if we follow the river we'll get closer to the route. I hope." C.C muttered mostly to herself, Flayke couldn't help but overhear her, he was a makeshift scarf after all. He half sighed and half groaned at his trainer's unsureness on their current route. But he didn't have any idea where they were anyways. He was distracted by the Fletchling, which in hindsight, probably wasn't very smart anyways. He should have paid attention to where they were going, and unfortunately the hot day had melted away the ice trail he left.

"I swear to Arceus, if only you could understand me, you'd be getting a harsh chewing out by me and the team, December..."
The trainer seemed to be leaving now. Dawn sighed with relief and surfaced, taking a closer look at them. She saw the trainer and odd-looking Glaceon following the river. Wondering where they were going, she let the current drift her in their direction, only allowing her nose to stay above water.
Patrick emerged. He realized it was just some trainer who got lost from the main road.

"The trainer's leaving, that's good to know." He slunk back into the ground.
Name: Renai
Gender: female
Species: Minccino
Age: 15
Nature: Naughty
Personality: sarcastic, messy, scornful, selfish, unappreciative, lazy
Level: 26
Height: 1' 2"
Weight: 11.6 lbs.
Moveset: Tickle, Swift, Sing, Tail Slap
Ability: Technician
Shiny: ✖️
Trainer's name: N/A
Accessories: She wears a galaxy snapback, usually backwards.
Other notes: N/A

Is it alright if I have two characters? Just say the word, and I'll get rid of one of 'em.

Gender: male
Species: Phantump
Age: 14
Nature: Modest
Personality: melancholic, opinionated, paranoid, regretful, overly-cooperative
Level: 18
Height: 1' 5"
Weight: 16 lbs.
Moveset: Ingrain, Growth, Astonish, Tackle
Ability: Natural Cure
Shiny: ✔️
Trainer's name: N/A
Accessories: He wears a snappy, navy blue bow tie with white polka dots around his neck.
Other notes: N/A


On the other side of the river sat a small Pokemon, eyeing the Trainer and her team lazily. The other wild Pokemon that were nearby seemed tense at the Trainer's appearance, and she couldn't help but laugh about that. "What're they so worked up about?" the Minccino asked, glancing over to her Ghost-type friend before returning her gaze to the group. "What're you so worked up about? They can't get to us, y'know."

From behind a rock, a Phantump poked his head out, silver bark shining in the sunlight. "You don't know that," he retorted, whimpering, retreating back to his hiding spot. "If she sees us... if she sees me... she might change her mind."

Raising a brow, Renai scratched at her stomach, yawning. "You saying she wouldn't want me?" she chuckled, noticing that the Trainer already had a shiny with her. "Besides, just look at that Glaceon."

Again, Quigley poked his head out for a second or two, eyeless sockets widening at the sight before him. "Oh. Would you, uh, look at that. That doesn't mean she wouldn't want me, though. Better safe than sorry."

Loudly, Renai sighed, dragging a paw down her face. She re-positioned her hat so the visor was above her eyes, shielding them from the sun, before speaking again. "Literally look at her team," she emphasized, standing up and basically throwing her whole body in their direction. "They're all Ice-types, idiot. She probably wouldn't want a non-Ice-type like you, anyway." When she didn't get a response, she continued, sighing again. "Want me to go talk to her?"

"No!" Quigley called, loud enough for mostly everyone to hear. He floated out from behind the rock to hold on to Renai's paw as she threatened to swim her way over to the group. "Don't go, Renai! Please!"

A smug smirk crossed the Minccino's lips as she fell to the ground, covering her face with her hat. "Ny'alright. I'll stay here. Now shut up before you cause a scene. I can't sleep with all the racket."

"O-Okay..." Quigley stuttered, face growing a bright red color, as he backed up, unsure of what to do while he waited for Renai to reawaken. He finally decided to lay down next to her, in her shadow, so nobody could see him from the other side of the river. Closing his sockets, the Phantump tried to calm his nerves and fall asleep. The light snores coming from Renai's open mouth actually helped him, but he just wasn't tired. Staying down, he reopened his sockets, deciding on watching the clouds until that Trainer was out of sight.
C.C grumbled as she continued along the river, "Why is it so hot today!!!?" she moaned, continuing along the bank. Flayke sighed, "Girlie, its not even 80 degrees Fahrenheit yet, you need to get out more." C.C ignored Flayke, huffing, and trying to stick to the shade. She wasn't sweating thanks to Flayke, but the sun felt uncomfortably hot against her skin. She continued for a few more minutes, finally reaching a relatively shaded and flat bank.

"Let's stop here and continue on in a bit." She stated, unceremoniously dumping Flayke onto the sand by flinging him from his spot inside her hood. Flayke yowled in protest, landing with a thud followed by C.C's snickering. She rather quickly pulled a quilt from the pouches on her hips, laying it on the ground. She pulled out various other things that defied all physics as she pulled them from the nearly bottomless bags, and finally had laid out a picnic like spread.

She sighed in relief as she removed her coat, and sat in the shade in her light tank top. Tossing her other three teammates into the air, they appeared in blue white flashes of light. They each dug into their various meals, and at various places. Fross sat apart from the others, turning her nose into the air until they stopped looking at her, and only then did she start eating her meal daintily. Iglis chose to eat on C.C's shoulder, chattering away about anything and everything. Flayke curled up and ate against C.C's hip, and Glace prowled the perimeter of the quilt as if he was on guard. While eating of course.
Name: Kaisa
Gender: M
Age: 14
Height: 1.5 M
Weight: 39 KG
Personality: A bit of a pokemaniac, always catching what he can.
Likes: Pokemon, shinies.
Dislikes: Cruelty to Pokemon, Bullies
Pokemon team: Just his trusty Aegislash, but has a whole bunch in his PC
Appearance: Blue hoodie, black tracksuit trousers, brown hair
Occupation [Job (Ex. Shiny hunter, scientist, photographer, etc.)]: Trainer/shiny hunter
Other notes:

Kaisa walked into the forest, breathing in the air with Aegislash floating beside him. He came upon a river, and Aegislash let out a strong hum. "Hey, there's a Vapoureon here? In the river? Now... Aegislash! Use psycho cut." Aegislash dived into the water and sent a strong Psycho cut into Dawn
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"Aegislash, dodge! Weakness! Use shadow claw on the palosand, that should take it out, and I'll handle it from there." Aegislash used Shadow claw on the Palosand, and Kaisa chucked an ultra ball after Aegislash had finished.
Dawn yelped in surprise, jumping out of the stream and dashing behind a tree. It had grown warmer, and she shivered. That sword-like pokemon had attacked her and the Palosand seemed to be defending himself against it and another trainer. The trainer gave orders to its pokemon, then she saw him throwing something at Palosand. "Oh no... he'll be trapped in that light box if he doesn't escape..."
Patrick used shadow ball on the pokeball and barely survived the shadow claw.

"Well, you win. You might as well catch me." *uses shore up* "Ha! I didn't know trainers were so gullible these days!" *uses earth power*
C.C looked over hearing the sounds of what could have been a battle. Flayke twitched his ears upon seeing a blue form rush out of the water a little further up. The shiny Glaceon had finished his food already, and leaped to his paws rapidly, dashing off towards the commotion, concerned with how close it was to C.C. Said girl wasn't as curious, however. "Flayke! Where the heck are you going! Urk-Get back here!!"

Glace, ever protective of C.C, curled into a spiky ball and rolled after the Glaceon, "Not you too Glace!" C.C groaned. Fross shrugged, she couldn't be anymore concerned with what was happening. Iglis stayed behind, however. As curious as the Sneasel was, he knew Fross wouldn't choose to defend her trainer, so someone had too.

Meanwhile, the Alolan Sandshrew and shiny Glaceon had entered the general area of the battle. Glace looked around for signs of the fighters, claws shimmering while he was on defense. Flayke, however, was searching for that blue shape he saw. If he wasn't mistaken, this was that same figure he saw following them earlier. He had chosen not to comment, but now that they were attacked, and had run off, he had his curiosity piked.
Dawn couldn't decide what to do. Stay here and meet more ice types, or risk being seen by two trainers. Thinking it would be a better idea to hide, she ran a short distance, then scrambled up a nearby tree.
While the battle raged on the opposite side of the river, Renai wrinkled her face in annoyance, not walking up from her sleep. She tried to roll onto her side, but succeeded in flopping onto her face. Still, she didn't wake up. She rolled again-

-straight into the river.

Quigley had looked up when he saw and felt the Minccino move away, but the loud splash of the water knocked him out of whatever trance he was in. As quick as lightning, he shot up, over to the body of water, where he could see Renai just waking up as she hit the bottom. Man, she was a heavy sleeper. Her form began to struggle back to the top, but the Phantump noticed that she was quickly losing consciousness. Growling quietly to himself, Quigley sucked in a deep breath and dove into the water, shivering as the cold liquid hit is body.

Down, he swam, sockets full but unblinking. Renai's body fell limp as he finally reached her, struggling to pick her up from the base of the river. He couldn't do it. Now what? He had to make sure she's okay, but he can't get her back to the surface...

"HEEELP!" Quigley shrieked, hoping the sound would make it to the top of the river for someone to hear. The water began to take him over, and he accidentally sucked in a breath of it. Choking, the slightly larger form of the Grass/Ghost type fell limp next to his Normal-type friend.
Ember hissed at all of the sudden commotion, annoyed and startled at the same time. The shriek of a Pokemon stood out to her, and her ears perked. A Pokemon in trouble? She slithered down the trunk hurriedly as anxiety pooled in her gut.
Flayke turned sharply at a loud cry, catching the last of a shining piece of white bark slipped under the water. Noticing a trainer from the corner of his eye not to far off, he opted out of exploring the mysterious blue figure scrambling up a tree. "Watch my back." he barked as he passed Glace, and with two easy bounds and a leap he dove into the water. He kicked his legs expertly, forcing himself deeper into the water, finding the shiny Pokemon and their friend passed out on the riverbed.

He growled in his head to himself, since he couldn't utter a growl of determination whilst underwater. He maneuvered the Normal-Type so she floated briefly, and slid his head under her, and hooked one paw on the bark of the Phantump. He kicked his legs trying to reach the surface with the extra weight, but that was proving to be very difficult.

When it seemed like he would be joining the two lower leveled Pokemon, Glace had dove into the water, and hooked Flayke's necklace with a claw. The larger, yet heavier Pokemon, was thankfully able to pull all four of them onto the bank thanks to being so close to shore.

Dumping the waterlogged duo onto the ground, Flayke and Glace wordlessly began efforts to try and revive the two. Although it was looking like they might have to drag the two wild Pokemon to C.C and possibly use some of those Revives she always carried.
Dawn heard the Zoroark running toward the stream, and became worried. Were there pokemon in trouble? She leapt down from the tree, running back to the stream quietly, still afraid of the trainers. Her eyes widened with alarm when she saw a Mincinno and Phantump passed out on the other side, with the weird Glaceon and a Sneasel trying to help them.
Name: Casys
Gender: Male
Species: Golisopod
Age: 19
Nature: Adamant
Personality: Intelligent, observant, and cunning.
Level: 42
Height: 5' 9" (10 inches shorter than average)
Weight: 201.1 lbs.
Moveset: First Impression, Razor Shell, Leech Life, Sucker Punch
Ability: Emergency Exit (For the purpose of a wild Golisopod, it functions as Casys' body glows, blinding his opponent, so it can escape)
Shiny: ✖️
Trainer's name: N/A
Accessories: N/A
Other notes: Dislikes not trainers themselves, but the use of Poke Balls.
Backstory Stuff: Casys was a happy Wimpod living in a colony of other Wimpods. One day, he was swimming in a stream when a trainer approached. Casys heard stories of trainers capturing Pokemon with their "Poke Balls", and he tried to run. He felt something hit his back and he was sucked into a "nothingness" is the only way he could describe it. Eventually, he was released from the Poke Ball and a dish of spheres was set before him. Good smells wafted from them, and he began to dig in. No sooner had he eaten ten than he felt his body growing, changing. He was evolving into a Golisopod, but this evolution didn't feel natural.
His body felt horrible, and he used one of the only moves he knew, Razor Shell. It smashed the trainer back, and it broke Casys' Poke Ball as well. Seeing the opportunity, Casys fled into the forest...


About a mile away from where the action is happening, a Golisopod is resting on the banks of the river. His name is Casys, and he has been watching with his small eyes what has been unfolding, all the way up to those Pokemon jumping in the water to save those other two Pokemon. He was waiting for the situation to take a toll for the worse, and the sight of what must have been a shiny Zoroark appear made Casys make up his mind: It was time to join the fray. Diving into the water, Golisopod began speeding toward the group of Pokemon and trainers...
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Flayke grimaced as no reaction came from the two passed out Pokemon. He looked at the Alolan Sandslash next to him, "The only option is to take them to the Mistress. Despite her somewhat unaware nature, when it comes to Pokemon injury she is, as always, the best place to return to." Glace rumbled in his deep voice. Flayke tilted one ear, knowing C.C would have a field day if she knew that Glace regarded her as a Mistress. C.C was like that, she hated being put on such a high pedestal, Arceus that girl needed someone to knock some self confidence into her.

Flayke picked the Minccino up by the scruff of her neck, and Glace held the Phantump in his claws. Flayke quickly dashed up the river, followed by the ice and metal covered Sandslash, towards where C.C had finished cleaning up their lunch. Her frown and scrunched up eyes widened in shock and worry almost immediately as her two wet teammates burst into the clearing with two soaked and passed out Pokemon.

Without hesitation she quickly wrapped the two in spare blankets she had, and pulling out two revival herbs mashed and mixed them into water. She knew of their extremely bitter taste, and because she didn't want to force the flavor onto her team and especially not two wild Pokemon, she added a healthy amount of Sitrus Berries to cover it up.

She motioned for Glace and Iglis to help her, the Sandslash propping the duo's heads up, and C.C and Iglis used an eyedropper like tool to get the revival liquid into the mouths of the wild Pokemon. C.C knew it would perk them right back up, but as for when they would wake up she didn't know. They might have to leave them, so she was fully prepared to find someplace safe to hide to blanket wrapped Pokemon until they woke up.
Casys slowed his speed as he approached the big group of Pokemon and the trainer. He peeked his head out of the water, scanning the area. He couldn't see the Zoroark, but the Glaceon and what looked like an icy Sandslash were visible with their trainer and the twwo Pokemon that fell in the river. Casys decided to bide his time and observe the situation, to wait for an opportunity to strike.
The zoroark followed the strange Sandslash and Glaceon quietly, keeping herself out of sight to the best of her ability. Her purple mane dragged in the leaves, causing them to rustle. Her ears twitched at heavy footsteps, which were still some ways off. She tensed and looked towards them.
Dawn saw the two pokemon being cared for, and sighed with relief. She turned around and saw a large bug type watching everyone. She tried quietly slipping away again, hoping it didn't see her.
Submerged, Casys finally caught a glimpse of the purple mane that belonged to the Zoroark, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a Glaceon but paid it no mind. With a speed most thought him incapable of but his smaller size allowed him, Casys jumped out of the water, sights set on the Zoroark as well as the group of ice types and their trainer, and prepared his fist to use his most powerful move, First Impression.
C.C yelped as the calm was disrupted from the large Bug Type leaping from the water. "Shoot! I thought Golispod were native to Alola!!" she shouts in surprise, cradling to two wild Pokemon, she scrambled towards the trees, maybe she could find a tree and hide these two in the branches. Meanwhile, three of her four team members got into a defensive position, along with various growls. When C.C had looked back, noticing Fross could care less whether the rest of the team or anyone else got hurt, she frowned and returned the troublesome Pokemon to her ball.

She then made a mad dash into the underbrush, weaving a little ways in and out of sight before scaling a tree with difficulty, she was carrying two Pokemon after all.
Dawn saw the trainer dash off with the fainted pokemon, and made a split-second decision. She followed the trainer at a distance, just in case the Golisopod chased after her. She wanted to help protect the pokemon, but also wanted to avoid any possible attacks, or worse, Pokeballs.
A sudden cold rush was felt across his face as Quigley's consciousness slowly slipped back into his body. Weakly, he opened a socket, looking up at the human that was holding him- only to realize that it was the Trainer he was so worried about before. He whimpered quietly, but he was too weak and still not entirely there mentally, so there wasn't much else he could do. For a moment, he looked over to Renai, who jerked violently but still managed to stay asleep. He wasn't entirely sure why he was so surprised about these actions. Noticing the now-steady rise and fall of her chest, Quigley allowed himself to calm down as he closed his sockets again, unsure of why the Trainer was scaling a tree but not bothering to ask, which was very unlike him. Now he was tired, so he tried to fall asleep alongside his Minccino friend, hearing only fuzzy, distant things from behind them.
C.C finally pulled herself up onto a wide branch a good distance up the tree, pulling smaller twigs together to help keep the two Pokemon stable, at least until they woke up. One of them had started wriggling a little bit, but she smiled softly to herself, they were recovering and that was the most important part. As she looked down, she frowns again. Clearly she didn't think this through very well, because how the heck was she supposed to get down without that horrid feeling of her legs absorbing the impact of her fall.

Thank goodness her medication helped with the thought of having to jump from even a low hanging branch, but the thought of landing still made the poor girl shudder. If that Goliospod found her in the tree, well, with Fross being her only means of defense if the Bug-Water type defeated the other three members of her team, her chances of... surviving an encounter, encounter meaning attack, well they were less than slim.