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Ask to Join Kanto Journeys (Reboot)

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"Alright but it'll be your mistake, Spike let's heat things up!" Landon yelled as he threw a Pokeball into the air. A Blaziken burst out of the Pokeball and onto the field. "Let's go Spike start off with Flamethrower!" Landon yelled, Spike shot a flamethrower across towards Greninja.
"Greninja block it with night slash, then use back to back water shuriken!" Robby yelled as Greninja cut through the flamethrower and threw two water shurikens right at Spike.
"Use Flamethrower as a defense!" Landon yelled, Spike countered with with Flamethrower, just barely in time, and created a thick cloud of smoke.
"Not bad! Greninja Double Team!" Robby yelled. Dozens of clones of Greninja surrounded Spike as the smoke cleared.
Casys continued scribbling notes into his notebook. Starmie Moveset: Ice Beam, Psychic, Double Team. Counter for Double Team...Shiver can use her ghostly abilities to see the shadow created by the real Starmie. Apollo/Starmie Psychic counter with Night Slash.
"You aren't to shabby yourself," Landon said, "Spike use Flamethrower to get rid of the fakes and hurry!" Spike began to use Flamethrower to take out the fake Greninjas.
Starmie was launched up into the ceiling by the attack. "Star!" it cried as it hit. "No! Starmie!" Misty cried as it fell back down into the water, fainted.

And thats that...
Levi thought to himself.

Misty sighed deeply before returning Starmie, Good job...come back" she said before walking around the arena to Ry. "Your very strong, and for beating me in a gym battle, I grant you the Cascade Badge" she said handing him a badge that looked like a drop of water. "Good luck in your journeys" she said with a smile. She looked over at Levi. "You were waiting in the gym when we arrived so you can challenge me next but right now I have to heal my pokemon, ill be back very soon, you can wait here if you'd like" with that she left.
Spike took down all the fakes but Greninja was no where to be seen. Greninja then appeared above Spike. "Ariel Ace!" Robby said as his movements started become more like Greninja's.
"Look out!" Landon cried but Spike could not move out of the way in time. Spike had been smashed into the ground and had taken some major damage. "Spike get up!" Landon cried, Spike got back up and roared with a burning passion, "They are strong!" Landon replied, "Let's show them our strength, now Spike Thunder Punch!" Spike shot across the field to Greninja with Thunder Punch.
Spike's thunder punch hit Greninja directly. "Greninja get up I know we can win this match!" Greninja got up and stood the same way Robby did. "Alright, Let's go" Robby said as he and Greninja raised their fists. A giant veil of water covered Greninja and he seemed to have changed forms. "Greninja water shuriken!" Robby yelled as he and Greninja did the same movements.
With Brief who was still in route 24 after the others went with Misty to the gym training hard with Bang trying to teach him a new move. " Ok Bang focus your energy into your arm and then smash the boulder" Bang does as ordered and strikes the large rock for the hundredth time he was pacing heavily. "Come on Bang you can learn Brick Break" after seeing Fuego's battle Bang wanted to learn a fighting type move. "I wonder how the guys gym battle is going."
Levi walked over to Dhalin. "Hi, I saw you taking notes and was wondering if I could take a look at em'" he said with a smile. I dont have anyone who will be amazing against Misty so ill have to fight smart he thought to himself while sitting next to Dhalin.
"Spike block with Flamethrower again," Landon said in a panic as he was in shock of what had just happened. Spike shot a Flamethrower blocking the Water Shurikens again but Landon could tell the attacks were getting stronger. "Use Brick Break!" he cried, Spike began charging at Greninja with Brick Break.
Brick Break hit Greninja directly. Greninja was sent flying, but held on. Although Greninja was fine. Robby was not, holding his stomach (the area the brick break hit Greninja). Robby fell to the ground and passed out.
"Your looking for a quick sweep huh?" Levi said impressed with the stragety Casys came up with. "I think im gonna try and not go with the obvious choice for the win, its a way of challenging myself." he said proudly. "Im looking forward to my fight with her, ive got some ideas in mind. I know I dont know you that well but you seem nice enough, could you watch my egg when I fight her?"
"Yeah, I would use my Lurantis but Gyrados has Hurricane and Starmie has Ice Beam." Casys said. "Oh, and yeah, I''ll watch your egg for you."
"ROBBY!" Landon yelled as Greninja changed back and fell as well. "Spike grab Greninja, I'll get Robby," he told Spike, "Let's get them to the Pokemon Centre," the two began rushing to the Pokemon Centre. Landon and Spike entered the Pokemon Centre trying to catch their breath "Nurse Joy please help our friend and his Greninja," he said. "Oh my, what happened?" she asked. "I don't know, we were battling and the two just passed out in the middle of our battle," Landon replied. "Alright I'll help the best I can, Chansey get two stretchers and fast," she said, two Chanseys came rushing in with one stretcher each, Landon and Spike placed them on the stretchers and they were rushed off.
With his new badge in hand he got up and sat by Casys and Levi. Then Misty walked back up to her spot and sent out Gyrados, who was fully healed. "You're up," said Ry looking at Levi. He sent Baxter out of his pokeball who sat down beside his trainer.
Robby awoke in the pokemon center, "Woah, where am I?" As he started to get off of the stretcher. Robby then look over and saw Greninja he thought to himself,"It must have happened again, dang it." Robby said. "Thank you Chansey, please take care of Greninja." Robby said as he left the room. He then entered the main lobby to see Landon and Spike, he asked,"What happened?"
"Well during the battle you and Greninja fell unconscious so me and Spike rushed you here," Landon replied, "I'd say you were out for about 20 minutes, and, hey where's your Elekid by the way?" Landon asked as he looked around.
"Oh shoot Elekid!" Robby exclaimed, just as he said that Greninja came out fully healed. "Alright, Greninja return! I think Elekid may be at the gym. Let's go Landon!" He said as they ran out the doors and headed toward the gym.
Once they had arrived at they gym Robby pushed the door opened and Elekid jumped right into his arms. "Elekid I'm glad you're safe!" Robby exclaimed, elekid replied "Elekid!" Robby then turned to Landon and said, "Thank you for bringing me and Greninja to the pokemon center!" Robby then look toward the battlefield and said, "Seems like Levi's battle will start soon lets watch."
"Alright im ready!" Levi said making his way to the field. "Go Cronus!" he yelled releasing Blastoise. 'Lets start off strong, use Skull Bash!" Cronus charged at Gyarados with the powerful attack charged. Gonna take this battle step by step...
Brief is currently walking to the gym and sees Robby running toward the gym followed by some other trainer. "I wonder what going on with the gym?" Brief asked himself he continues toward the gym.
"So, water on water. This will defiantly be an interesting match, lets see how he uses the field." Robby said as he watch the pokemon clash.
"I wonder, should I use Greninja in my gym battle. What If I pass out again?" Robby said, thinking out loud. He then rolled Greninja's pokeball around in his hand.
"Counter with Hydro Pump!" Misty shouted. Gyrados fired a blast of water straight at the charging Blastiose.

Ry turned to face the newcomers. "My name is Ry," he said facing them. Meanwhile Baxter squirmed around in his seat. "Tyrouge."
"Hehehe....Hydro Pump huh? Cronus! Keep going and counter with Hydro Cannon!" Cronus fired the large blast of water clashing with the other water attack.
"Man I'm starving," Landon said, "I'm gonna head over to the Pokemon Centre for some food, anyone wanna join me?" Landon asked as he got up.
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