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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel gave the girl a soft smile as she flapped her wing as a way to say hi. Samael was more intrigued by the house mechanics. He heard about these from his father Vladislav. ‘I’ll easily be in the chimera house.’ Samael thought to himself as he looked to Marcel. ‘So will be with his demonic abilities.’ Samael thought again as he looked back up, not even greeting the newcomers.

“Hi, I’m Marcel and this is Samael. Come, join us.” Marcel whispered to Fuyuko and pulled out a chair for her to join them. ‘She seems really nice, I hope I get to know her more.’ Marcel thought to himself with a smile forming on his face.
(@Red Gallade @Cmeriwether )
Frederick was in the middle of eating his burger when he heard Fuyuko mention him being nervous, he swallowed his bite and reluctantly replied. "I dunno... wasn't expecting to meet so many so soon." He said as he looked over at Marcel and gave him a small smile and a light wave, just as he was about to take another bite of his burger, he noticed the lights dim as Principal White made her entrance and explained everything that would happen with the students here. When she mentioned the houses, he began to ponder which one he might join, his eyes turned to Fuyuko and Marcel as he curiously wondered what houses they would join as well.
Dean and Braedyn listened attentively to the principal. Houses? This reminded them of their old primary school in Australia, and Dean was... intrigued, to say the least. "I'm gonna be in the Chimera house, for sure," both said to themself. Dean was confident he would be the best asset for the Chimera house... until he realised Pamela and Omar would be in a different house. "I'll just fuckin'... charge people's phones to take it off my mind," he said to himself. Surprisingly, it worked for a while. Jumping into people's phones and charging them was fun. Braedyn was... confused, to say the least.


Asuna's whisper and its contents came as such a shock to Orion's system that he began coughing violently on his untimely gyro. He hoped from the bottom of his heart that nobody would notice, but at this point the Principal had stopped talking to answer any questions; it would have been more difficult not to hear it, unfortunately, especially once he began reflexively slapping his chest in desperation.

He felt like the combined shock of Asuna's compliment and the pure embarrassment of coughing like a car engine in front of the whole school was genuinely just going to kill him right there and then, if this gyro wasn't going to take him out first.

He tried as hard as he could to get it out and regurgitate it back onto the plate, but the gyro seemed invincible, and wouldn't budge a slight bit!

Whatever will he do? Is this the end?!
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"I don't think one needs to turn this to an eating contest. Pretty sure even this school only has so much resources." Kim said back, with a slight bit of dry sarcasm at the "impression" of her before she clarified about some genetic lottery though she seemed to speak faster than she allowed breath needing a chance to catch herself as she sighed.

"Individual imperfections are easy to correct. I speak from experience, as it is expected of each Takahashi to keep their body and metal facilities in top form." Kim said, with a bit of formal seriousness as if giving advice but also a slight show of her own bit of ego given her background.

The Principal then came in and began to introduce himself, going over stuff Kim had already well memorized far as the House system was concerned. Kim cared little where she'd be sorted, she just knew whatever House she ended up fitting into she'd shape it into the top House of the school. Though that topic was touched upon by Pamala as she asked about her expectations of the House assignment.

"I merely hope I am paired with people who have a drive to succeed and do our House justice. Will be a pain if I have to drag them kicking and screaming to glory." Kim said, perhaps taking this more seriously than the school intended but on the topic of question she polietly raised her hand to the Principal and decided to speak up.

"Will we have any weekly or least arranged meetings with members of our House or Heads of our House?" Kim asked aloud.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Blotch'd


Previously Night's Shadow
Fifi, not one to approach others without reasonable desire, had engaged in the entertaining pastime of people-watching. Her gaze followed Pamela and Princess Perfect (though her opinion of the latter was softening slightly, judging by how the two seemed to be getting along now), and continued to hop from student to student. She watched as Dean and the Wassup Bitches Kid talked for a few seconds (and exchanged blows? Confusing to Ffion, but nonetheless comic relief) before the tech jumper vanished into some unsuspecting soul’s mobile device.

Now and again, she would stop the deft handling of her chopsticks to ease the burn brought by the rice cakes with a drink of water. Fifi had to appreciate the authenticity, even if it did make her nose run. And it doesn’t even have legs, she thought idly as the principal made the announcements. She wasn’t paying all that much attention, but surely it couldn’t have been that important, right?

While Fifi had simply happened to sit before finding someone to talk to, whether previously met or not, Jaime had taken great pains to sit alone. Once his meal was safe, he intended to keep it that way, and had chosen to sit at the edge of a table at the very back of the cafeteria. Luckily, the falafel was good — not too oily with just the right crunch — so Jaime supposed the evening had not been a loss, despite the close brush with disaster.

Speaking of close brushes with disaster — it seemed some other kid was having a small disagreement with his own food. It seemed like tonight was just not the night for Greek. Jaime watched him hack and cough for a few seconds from where he sat several tables over. If he can’t defeat a sandwich, what good is he? Mau mused in Jaime’s head.

A gyro is not a sandwich, Jaime thought automatically, nor is it a taco. Do not insult the culinary masterpiece. At the cat demon’s silent laughter, Jaime rolled his eyes. Just for that, I’m gonna help the idiot. Oooo, goodwill, the bane of your existence. He didn’t wait for Mai’s response before standing and walking over before he made an even bigger scene (ignoring the figure of authority asking for questions, as you do). “In need of a whack?” he asked the boy dryly, before aiming a slap at his back to dislodge the stubborn not-sandwich.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Having left her stuff in her dorm after arriving late due to unforeseen circumstances (a.k.a. abysmal traffic) she hurriedly made her way to the cafeteria shifting into Nekomata mode to boost her speed she whizzed through corridors bouncing from wall to wall until she reached the cafeteria. She landed gracefully in the doorway and then walked in calmly shifting back to normal as she entered. She glanced around the cafeteria looking for a good place to sit and saw a girl sitting by herself eating with chopsticks, she quickly grabbed some food, which consisted of mostly sweet stuff and a cup of coffee and then walked over to the girl placing her food and drink on the table she smiled wide, her ears twitching at every conversation around her. "Hi there, may I sit here, it's cool if not, the names Jaqueline, but nobody calls me that, so call me Jack or Jackie, I'm cool with either, just anything but Jaqueline" she said not really processing how much she was rambling until she finished "oh sorry that was a bit much wasn't it" she said sheepishly rubbing the back of her head.

Talking with Edric was an enlightening experience. Not only was he a fun person to talk to, but unlike any other peer her age, he was willing to learn about her interest over some nice food. Plus, he was improving her mood with his cheerful attitude.

"So this Ben 10 show has two sequel series with cool new aliens? Man, Zach should have told me more about it, sounds like a banger. Speaking of cool new faces, this cafeteria is filling up with some new ones." He chuckled as he ate some grilled meat and took a quick sip of iced tea. "If only it wasn't so awkward to talk to people."

"Yeah, I deal with that a lot. You are probably the only person I'll talk to on a friendly basis, I'm quite the shy gal." She replied after eating a bite of lechon and rice. No matter what anyone thought, Filipino food was always her favorite. The best kind was the adobo her mothers made, if only she could savor it again.

"Utter nonsense, I think you're cool. Sure you've got quirks, but that's the whole point of this school right?"

He made an excellent point. After all, everyone here was extremely special and odd compared to people she'd met at home. Why was she so afraid, what was the worst that could happen?


"Man, this meat could use some flavor. Have you ever tried turning into something like an Argentavis?" He muttered as he reached under the table. He was hoping to pull out some barbecue sauce, but instead, he pulled out a seasoning bottle of green powder.

"Catnip?" He said in confusion, not knowing what the powder was. He put it on the very edge of the table, having nowhere else to place it.

"Not really, never found a use for a giant vulture. I just turn into stuff like crows, cats, and whatever else gets me out of sight. Maybe if I were to fight somebody." Maria chuckled a bit. She seemed to be just opening up, so he was cautious with her.

But not cautious of his table space as he reached under the table again, and finally pulled out the barbecue sauce bottle. "Nice! About time." He said in an excited tone, but he accidentally knocked his elbow into the catnip bottle, knocking it over the table. It shattered on the floor, releasing its contents.

"Whoops! Guess spatial awareness isn't my thing." He chuckled, trying to pass it off.


Asuna was quite shocked when she heard Orion cough. Did she say it at the wrong time? She then looked at her classmates, blushing immensely in embarrassment. She then heard someone ask if he needed a whack.

"Not too hard, please," Asuna whispered, "I don't want Orion to die, from either of these. I may have timed my words wrong."

Asuna then started steaming slightly.

Please don't die, Orion.

@RhythmThief @Cryronn the Mudkip @=Nightshade=


Fuyuko found a seat with Frederick, Marcel and Samael. As such, when she sat down, her stomach roared again. She then looked at Freddie, Marcel and Samael.

"Hi, I'm Fuyuko Redtail," Fuyuko responded to Marcel, then her thoughts betrayed her, "Cute."

Fuyuko was blushing, but her demeanor changed when a bottle shattered on the floor some tables away, looking to make sure she didn't see a fight inbound. She then calmed down to her current self. She then heard the principal was open for questions.

"I am wondering about Facility size, especially with my one ability." Fuyuko responded, "I have a Takeover ability that takes up a large amount of space."

@Red Gallade @MarcelGalliard790 @Cryronn the Mudkip

Fuyuko looked at Marcel with the most blushy face one could ever see, her face almost matched Marcel's hair. If Freddie could see her face, it would be even redder than when her stomach gave its Roar. Fuyuko shrunk as she realized her thoughts betrayed her. Wisps of Dragon Spirit energy started forming from her hips, face and midsection.

Melanie had been eating and listening when she saw her sister, with the wisps of her Dragon Spirit starting to form.

"Oh shit!" Melanie whispered loudly.

"Calm down, Fuyuko, Calm Down."

"I did," Fuyuko responded, "It was on my mind and must have slipped."



Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel looked to her as small spirits came off of her. “O-Oh. W-Well, you Um….look cute yourself.” Marcel spoke softly as he looked away slightly before looking back to her. “E-Especially with the blush on your f-face.” Marcel spoke as he touched the tips of his index fingers softly. He never was a good flirt so he tried his best.

Samael slugged his arm and smiled. “There ya go bud.” Samael smiled as he took a swig of water while waiting for the little ceremony to continue on. Samael didn’t think his brother in arms would never find someone he was interested in.
(@Cmeriwether )

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
Jasper grabbed some food from the stalls in the cafeteria, specifically from the Chinese stall. It looked like it was the stall with the most food, and it didn't seem like anyone was going to be taking it much. After grabbing his food, the principal of the school, who introduced herself to Principal White. She talked about the different events in the school, and the "Housing" system. It was a nice way to help people be able to make friends, but that wasn't on top of Jasper's list. What he wanted to do, was get as much information on whoever he talks to, as much as he can. It was smart that he'd touched Omar on the shoulder when they left for the cafeteria earlier, so the blue screen was still open.

He scrolled through the screen, reading up on Omar's information, just in case he was holding back about some of his powers. From what it looks like, it's just like what Omar had explained, so that was definitely a disadvantage on Omar's part. He gave away too much information immediately. Enough of that for now, he hadn't eaten yet, and he should focus on looking for a place to sit. After a few moments of turning, he sat at a table that originally Jaime was sitting in, but Jasper wouldn't know. He started to eat his food, as he scrolled through his phone, reading posts of his favorite gaming streamers and content creators.


Previously Shadow_Pup
She stood waiting for a response from the girl, taking the occasional sip of her coffee when a smell tickled her nose causing her to perk up, her ears twitching as her tail lowly made an appearance. She was filled with a sudden surge of euphoria as she glanced around as her pupils dilated, "um, excuse me, I don't mean to walk away before you can introduce yourself, but I um need to check something" she said as she started to walk towards the smell, she eventually found the source and without even a word to the people near the catnip spillage, she simply walked over and the lay down in the catnip, purring happily as she stared at the ceiling.
@=Nightshade= @Abra Kadabra Alakazam!

"What the fudge? Is she high? Uhh..." So this random cute blonde girl with cat ears just walked over and lied down in the spilled catnip just in front of Maria and him while purring. He was beginning to think he might have discovered a green version of cocaine, but he was spitballing.

"Um, I think she's just experiencing the effects of catnip." Maria explained quickly, standing up to stare at the girl. She seemed to have much more knowledge on the topic than him.

"Is catnip a drug?" He had never heard of it before and still wasn't sure if it was legal.

"Well, only if you're a cat. I have one, and I bought some to get her to explore my house." She said, standing up and attempting to nudge her aside, but failing. "She seems to be completely under it. What's your name?" She said as she rubbed the girl's neck. "I believe this makes cats more relaxed." She explained as she politely pet the girl on the floor.

Edric thought about it for a while before reaching behind him and attempting to pull out a vacuum cleaner. But the Pocket Dimension decided otherwise as he pulled out a realistic raccoon plush.

"Ugh. Not what I was looking for." He said as he threw it aside, and reached into his pockets, pulling out a mug with a cat on it. "Mew-sical. Heh, pretty funny." He said putting it on the table, but closer to the middle this time. As he reached under the table, he finally pulled out the vacuum cleaner, the same one as earlier. He got to work, sucking up the catnip.

"I'm not a cat person Maria, I'm more into exotic animals." He muttered as he continued his work.



Previously Shadow_Pup
Jack was having a great time, she didn't care why the catnip was there she was just happy to have found it. She enjoyed catnip as it mellowed her out and she often used it when she was stressed or worried. She heard the girl talking and the felt her move over and pet her slightly, usually she would only let certain people pet her but she was too calm to care. She sat up, letting the guy attempt to vacuum around her as she turned to the girl, "hi, my name is Jack, well technically Jacqueline but I hate it so just Jack is fine and encouraged" she said as she cleaned some of the catnip out of her hair and off her ears. "That was probably a weird way to introduce myself but I smelt the catnip and just had to come over and see" her pupils were still a bit dilated and they would be for the next 10 or so minutes until the catnip wore off. Every breath she took had a twinge of a purr to it as she brushed herself off, getting distracted every so often as catnip blew upward near her face from her movement or from the vacuum, "anyway what are your names" she asked politely "oh..I must remember to find out that girls name in a sec, I kind of left her and my food" she muttered to herself.
@Abra Kadabra Alakazam!


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel covered his face as he looked at Fuyuko. “Sorry. I’m not good at responding to this kind of stuff.” Marcel spoke as he peaked at her through his fingers. “I didn’t know how to respond without sounding like I was coming on too hard.” Marcel spoke as he looked at her.

Samael smiled as he took a drink of his tea. ‘God he’s bad at this. He’ll need some help about those kinds of things.’ Samael thought as he looked over and saw a kid sprawling on the floor. ‘I don’t want to know.’ Samael thought to himself as he rolled his eyes and drank his tea.


Previously Night's Shadow
Fifi blinked and offered a grin to the blonde girl who approached her, then couldn’t hold back a surprised laugh as she almost immediately turned and walked away to investigate some spilled green substance. Weed? Ffion was pretty sure that had a stronger smell, but she wouldn’t know for sure. The kids at her old school were all pretty straight and narrow, so cutting class to climb a tree or get an ice cream was pretty ‘bad’. Fifi didn’t think she’d ever even caught a whiff of marijuana.

After a second or two, a few snatches of overheard conversation came to her. Catnip, along with a few other words, as a girl near Jack began to… pet her? Ffifi could only guess her power was very heavily cat related. At the same time, some other guy across the room was choking on something, Ffion could hear him coughing, if with some difficulty over the buzz of conversation. Yeah, this was going to be an interesting school year…

Omar had gotten his breakfast food finished after the principal announced a House Event, and a tournament.

"Damon would have loved the tournament, especially with that Dragon Spirit of his." Omar whispered, "The House Event, though, might be interesting."

He saw Various events, such as a Red-haired girl whisper into the ear of the boy next to her that made him react, while eating his food. He then saw a girl on the floor behaving like a cat on catnip? As such, he saw his Roommate accidentally drop a bottle of catnip on the floor. He then saw a girl who he had no idea who sitting with Edric, then Fifi Approached the group. He then saw a red-haired boy and a dark skinned girl seemingly flirting, and another boy trying to help the first one. Both were a bit blushy, especially the girl. His roommate suddenly had the following items appear on their own, a realistic Raccon plushie, which almost hit Omar in the face, then a mug with a cat, which was put closer to the middle of the table, then a vacuum cleaner. Omar had a very shocked expression on his face. Where did a vacuum cleaner come from? And did that riot shield come from wherever that vacuum cleaner came from as well?

"What is going on?" Omar whispered under his breath, "Also, I almost got hit by a raccoon plushie."


Fuyuko was still intensely blushing, made worse when he said she was cute blushing like that. She then saw the other boy come over. She then looked at Marcel.

"I-I-i was not expecting you to r-respond," Fuyuko whispered into his ear, the blush slightly calmer, "M-most p-people would h-have ran off b-by n-now."

She then started pushing her index fingers into each other, as she kept herself trying to calm down as her spirit energy went away.

Melanie, from several tables away, gave a "Phew!" That could be heard from the entire room.
Dean was surprised to notice some spilled catnip on the ground. "Well, I guess someone's pocket dimension glitched," he said jokingly as he saw it. Basically everyone in earshot distance heard it. Braedyn laughed. "Bro, is that fuckin' catnip?" he said quietly. Dean stared at Braedyn for a second, sighing. "Really?" he said quietly, "Of course it's catnip." Braedyn sighed and sat down... only to realize he was sitting with a firecracker up his ass. Braedyn screamed. Dean snickered. "I wish I was recording this," he said, laughing. Braedyn continued screaming, but then he suddenly stopped. "FOR REAL NOW," he said LOUDLY and started flying at Dean, only for Dean to turn Braedyn towards the ceiling at Mach 50 and, in turn, Braedyn flew his fiery face into the ceiling. And he was stuck. "God fuckin' dammit," he said. Dean burst out into laughter. "Don't worry, I'll help you down," he laughed, "That was funny as shit though."


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“W-Well, I figured I’d at least give it a shot.” Marcel whispered as he looked at her again before smiling slightly. “You do really look cute, I hope I’m not coming on too quickly. You do look really cute. I hope we can be really good friends.” Marcel spoke a slight bit as he let his cape drop revealing his royal attire underneath (his base appearance on his bio).

Samael smiled, this was perfect for his brother in arms. He couldn’t help but be his morale boost through this. ‘He’s finally going to get that special someone.’ Samael spoke before rolling his eyes and drinking his tea. ‘Though, it is too early to describe them like that.’ Samael thought as he shook his head with a smile
(@Cmeriwether )

"Oh, it's fine. I'm almost done anyways." She said, picking up the raccoon plush from earlier and squishing it. Both it and this feline-like girl was incredibly cute, reminding her of Chanel. She quickly adjusted her glasses as she stood up. "We'll just follow you. I'm Maria, and that's Edric." She pointed at him, but he was still vacuuming up the catnip.

"Yo Jack, nice to meet you." Edric said as he finished up vacuuming, and went to sit down, quickly finished his food.

"Aww.. She's kinda cute right?" She asked Edric, who was busy chilling.

"I'm not really a sucker for furry pets, but she's nice. More into reptiles. I have a picture of my pet snake, If you wanna see..." Edric muttered as he got up, dusting himself off.


Both her and Edric looked up to see someone slam directly into the ceiling at high velocity. They were both shocked to witness such an incident. She hoped they weren't completely wrecked.

"That was hilarious, but is that person alright? Seems they aren't fully in control of their powers." Edric snickered to himself as she quickly shook him. It seemed like he thought it was funny, which it kinda was, but that was a bit unfair.

"That's rude, we should go help." She reasoned as she finished her food as Edric pulled out a fishing pole with a hook and line already attached.

"I think we can catch him if you turn into something tall enough." Edric muttered. At least he was planning on helping the poor guy.

@Void_Nugget @D34N.U5R
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Previously Shadow_Pup
The sudden movement of the guy blasting off alerted Jack who turned to see what was going on, she dusted the last of the catnip off her and then continue to stare at the guy, "I mean I could probably jump up to him but that catnip has made me really tired, I think I'm gonna go finish my coffee" she said with a mini yawn as she walked to where she'd left her food and drink, ignoring the food she grabbed her coffee and walked back with it to continue to watch the commotion as she took a few sips.

Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair

"Oh," Vincent's reasoning was... surprisingly sweet. "Yeah, I'm good now. I was pissed for a minute or so, it wasn't a big deal." Gwen lied, attempting to conceal her lingering disappointment. She mustered a weak smile. "Don't suppose you would have another pizza for a pretty girl, would you?"

Before she could utter those words, what she thought to be Vincent's stomach turned bright red, emanating heat. To her astonishment, a pizza emerged from the top of his head, assuming that was where her gift had came from. "Damn. So, uh, how does... that work?" She asked, gesturing to Vincent's stomach. She wasn't sure how to ask properly, not wanting to appear rude. "Because by the looks of it, it seems like you can single-handedly solve world hunger." She indulged in her now questionably-sourced pizza, observing from her corner as events unfolded.

The cafeteria fell momentarily silent as a woman with large, white wings stepped onto a stage, introducing herself as the principal and mentioning houses. Gwen hadn't an idea which she'd be in, soap and bubbles didn't seem very catergorizable to her. The room hushed in anticipation as she offered to answer any questions, but this was short-lived.

In what felt like less than a minute, chaos ensued. Someone attempted to ask a question, followed by sounds of choking, some guy getting stuck in the roof, it was all just a commotion, to say the least. Despite all this, the headmaster appeared to remain level-headed. Chaotic was an understatement to describe these people...


As Marcel started asking questions, she was quite surprised about what was about to happen next.

"I hope so, and thanks," Fuyuko was still blushing heavily.

Fuyuko looked at Marcel's clothes after he dropped the cloak. She was surprised, but had a question.

"Are you some sort of important person, like a noble or royal?" Fuyuko asked, a bit nervous, but otherwise blushing.



Omar was watching the events of the room. He then saw Dean stick a Firecracker up someone's rear end. What? Why would Dean put a firecracker up someone's rear end? He then saw the Raccoon plushie that nearly hit him in the girl's hands. The girl with the cat ears got up, looking rather tired after the guy with the firecracker blasted off, literally. Omar had an even more shocked face. He then looked up to see the guy in the ceiling. He then rolled up his sleeve.

"Now there's two of them." Omar muttered, revealing twelve of the Bars for his cage power.

He had seen a lot for one day. He hoped the principal did something about those two.


Melanie was watching the interaction between the boy, and Fuyuko. It seemed from Melanie's point of view, they were flirting their rear ends off, and Fuyuko seemed to be blushing her face off. As she looked around, more events were happening, such as a guy now in the ceiling.

"Way to go, Fuyuko! I never thought I'd see the day."

Then Melanie looked at the guy on the ceiling.

"If I could get up there, I could have The Scientist possess me to use his ability."
As Dean jumped up to help Braedyn down, Braedyn fell down by himself... and landed right in front of Dean. "You OK?" Dean said with a hint of concern in his voice, "That looked... painful." Braedyn got up, seemingly uninjured. "I'm fine," he said. Dean sighed in relief. "Alrighty, I'm heading where it's less chaotic," Dean sighed, "Just... need some time to myself." Braedyn nodded. "Sure, why not?" he said as Dean ran to the other end of the room and laid his back on the wall. It was calm here. Dean didn't feel like a bigger idiot than he already was.

And then something struck him in the back. It was enough to send him flying into the ceiling. Then right in front of Omar.

"Who the fuck hit me in my blind spot?!" Dean shouted. Then he noticed Omar. "No, I don't need to be caged," he told Omar, "Braedyn, on the other hand, maybe."

(OOC: Stupid autocorrect said "cages" instead of "caged" ;-; )
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel blushed a bit as he nodded at her question. “Yes, I am a royal. I’m a prince to my father. I know this is a sudden rush Fuyuko.” Marcel paused as he looked her in her eyes and smiled. “But there’s no need to do anything that you would normally do with a royal. Just treat me as if I’m a normal person.” Marcel smiled and blushed a bit


Marcel’s attention went to the one who crashed into the ceiling. “Seems that was…’crashing’ to say the least.” Marcel awkwardly laughed as he proceeded to drink some of his water. Before turning his attention back to Fuyuko. “But yeah, don’t panic about the whole royalty thing. Just treat me like a normal person.”

(@Cmeriwether )

"Yeah, we need to leave. This is too much chaos, even for me." He muttered as he carefully put down the fishing rod, making sure it was somewhere that nobody could trip over it. Considering all that happened, he hoped he'd get out of there before he was injured. Besides the guy who hit the ceiling had been saved already, and he was done eating.

"I finished my food already, so I'm outta here. This place is getting crazy, and I need to be up in a tree." She said, quickly morphing into a pigeon and flying towards the exit.

"See you later, I guess."

Edric realized he was a bit hungry, so he was planning on getting himself desserts before he left. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bag of Swedish Fish. He grabbed one and ate it, humming a song he heard from a game as he left.

As Fuyuko tried to remain calm, to which she did, and nodded.

"I will to the best of my ability, it's not easy, despite meeting British Government officials because of Melanie's sword." Fuyuko responded.

She then heard a crash from the ceiling to see two people, one on the ground, one standing. She then saw one get hit from behind, hit the ceiling, which caused another crash, and finally land in front of who looked like the last person he should have landed in front of outside of teachers.



As Omar saw Dean land in the ceiling then right in front of him, he then saw Dean's friend over by the area that was hit. He was lucky he had finished his food or otherwise it would have been in his face.

"Did you want me to lock him in a cage?" Omar was annoyed, "If so, let me know, and what put him in the ceiling?"

He was hoping he didn't have to use his cage power on day one. Maybe the principal was unusually patient, he was hoping so.

@D34N.U5R @Cryronn the Mudkip
Dean chuckled. "Well, I might've gone a bit overdrive... I only meant to send him flying up... 2 metres, not into the ceiling," he said nervously. He wasn't lying. Braedyn, meanwhile, was scared shitless. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!" he screamed.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go calm guess-who down," he said, holding the back of his neck in pain. This is not how he planned day 1 to go. He went to calm down Braedyn, who... let's just say he was still scared shitless for a while.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Wait, you had to meet British government officials? That sounds interesting.” Marcel was curious about what she meant by that, but he really wanted to continue his flirting with her, he liked it when she was blushing. Marcel knew he had developed a crush for the girl he met, what would his father think. ‘I think he would be happy I found someone like Fuyuko. But of course, he and the others would obviously tease me about it.’ Marcel thought to himself as he softly smiled looking at Fuyuko.

“You are really cute Fuyuko. I don’t want to make too many advances just incase if your uncomfortable. Y’know?” Marcel knew that he couldn’t just be like other people when it came to relationships, he wants to know the person first and then start to build the relationship.
(@Cmeriwether )


Previously QueOne
For Petra, the day had been rather uneventful. She’d said goodbye to her family, unloaded her luggage, and now was sitting silently in the cafeteria. She’d witnessed quite a few interesting powers of course—one’s far more useful than her own, which she considered to be more of an unhappy accident—but she hadn’t really tried to talk to anyone yet. There’d be plenty of time for that later, she figured, and truth be told, she was feeling a bit out of it at the moment.

She was idly glancing at the welcome letter in her hand when a loud sound—namely some fellow being blasted onto the ceiling—caught her attention. Instinctively, she brought her right hand up to brush her dark hair out of her eyes. Unfortunately, she swung her hand a bit too close to her letter, and immediately felt a sharp pain in her index finger. A papercut. For most people, a cut like this would be at most a mild inconvenience, but before Petra even had a chance to curse, a flash of blue fire erupted from the place where the paper’s edge had made contact with her skin.

Damn it! Not now!” Petra thought to herself as she watched the letter incinerate before her eyes. It was a small cut, so within a few seconds her finger merely looked like an innocent blue candle. More troublesome was the fact that the table seemed to have caught on fire after the initial burst, and it was spreading fast.

She jumped onto her feet in instinctual avoidance of the wave of flickering orange before her. Of course, because of her power, she wasn’t particularly worried about herself getting hurt, and her clothing was also fireproof to an extent. However, she figured that most of the people in the room were probably prone to burning to death, so she began to scramble for some way to put out the fire.

After Dean went to Calm down his friend, he then saw a flame from the other side of the room. He got up from his seat and headed over to see what was wrong. When he got there, he activated Wall after seeing the fire. He saw a dish cover, and picked it up from a nearby food stand. He then saw it was empty of food, but had water. He picked up the pan and dumped it on the table. He then looked at the person near the table.

"Sorry about that, but I saw a table catch fire and responded accordingly." Omar responded, "Omar Shieldson."

Omar's train of thought was as follows about this girl in front of him.

"Why is she so cute? Now's not the time for this, however, focus on making sure the fire's out."



"My half-sister has a historical Artifact that is tied to part of her Powers, that is the reason," Fuyuko responded, still blushing, "And don't worry about it, you're the first person that hasn't ran off when I've tried to flirt with them."

As Fuyuko was talking, a burst of fire went off, but she saw someone out of the corner of her eye try to calm it down. She then focused on Marcel.

"Why are you so cute, Marcel?"



Previously QueOne
The water managed to put out most of the flames. Petra used her palms to suffocate the few lingering traces, stepping back with a sigh once she was satisfied.

“All that fright just from one drop of my stupid blood. I need to be more careful…” Petra thought to herself with some relief. She didn’t dwell on it, and instead turned to the boy who helped put out the fire. Her blue eyes didn’t quite meet his, and her face was still flushed red with embarrassment (for establishing herself as an active fire hazard on Day 1 wasn’t quite the best look).

“Thank you… I suppose you’re the cool-headed type, huh? Sorry about that, I should have been able to handle my own power,” she said with a nervous laugh. Then, with a small squeak, she realized that her finger was still burning, and quickly wrapped it with some fireproof bandaging that she procured from her pocket.


Omar looked at the short, cute girl and then at the table, then back at her. He blushed at the embarrassed look of the girl.

"You're welcome, I've dealt with crazier stuff than this today, and almost broke up a potential fight earlier." Omar responded, slightly blushing, hand behind neck, "That was your power? It was a good thing I activated Wall, so if the Flames jumped onto me, I would be mostly fine. However, this table is not in the best Shape."

Omar looked at the table, which for sure needed a new cloth and possibly a new top. He'll let maintenance staff know about that later, if he remembers to keep his map right side up.

"Don't worry about your power, there is, from Rumor, someone with steam powers as well, and that caused a massive mess from what I heard. This is nothing, I've seen someone with Druidic powers, a lightning Wielder, a guy with a fist that weighed as much as a large pickup truck, and a guy with immense strength try to fight a Dragon Spirit Wielder, four on one, and the Dragon Spirit Wielder wrecked them all, solo, on the first day of last school year. We are here to learn more control of our power. Sorry if I seem rambling, but I didn't get your name, Miss?"

He then heard the small squeak, which he thought was cute as well. He then noticed her putting a bandage on her finger. He wondered if the finger had something to do with her power.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Huh. That actually sounds kinda cool not going to lie. Having an ancient sword be linked to her power sounds cool.” Marcel spoke as he saw the fire and facepalmed. Of all days, why is it today it had to turn like this rather quickly. Marcel then heard what she said about flirting and turned in surprise. “People run off when flirting with you? Why? You’re so unbelievably cute and beautiful that I am surprised people would run.” Marcel partially flirted while being genuinely curious about the fact that people would run from her.

God she is so adorable, I want to hold her hands and give her the world. She has yet to even met Zalthereon. That is one of our first dates. Showing her an ability between me and Zal.


Previously QueOne
“Oh yeah, that’s right, I never introduced myself,” Petra replied. “It’s Petra.”

She gave Omar a small smile. Despite the recent nearly-dodged calamity, she found that he was putting her at ease, which she appreciated. Normally she didn't like to talk about her power—it really was a bit of a point of shame for her—but in this case she felt that Omar deserved at least a little explanation.

“My power is my blood. I bleed three-thousand degree flames—most of the time, at least. I sure hope I can learn to control it eventually, because a paper cut was all that caused this.”

Then, curious about the “Wall” that Omar had mentioned previously, she decided to ask.

“What’s yours? Some sort of extra-resilience of some sort?”

She was looking at him straight on now, having been captivated by his strange looking eyes which she found rather pretty.


"Well that was one, that one was inherited from my mother, another involves the tattoos on my arm," Omar explained, showing his right arm, with all thirty bar tattoos showing, "That power is called Cage, six bars disappear when I make a cage, almost used that one twice today, and my last, which explains my eyes, was the power that derived from my father's side, may he rest, I can analyze a situation, and come up with a way to counteract a not so good part of the situation, which between Analytics and Wall, I pretty much put out the fire without getting hurt. Your power would explain how the table caught on fire."

Omar was now looking down at her, her eyes were a shade of blue that reminded him of the sky.

"Her eyes are really pretty, like a sky at high noon. Wait, What!? Why is this in my head?"

Omar then looked down at his pendant and then back at Petra.

"If my mom and my sister were here, they'd be laughing their heads off."

He then grabbed his pendant, holding it close.



"A lot of people picked on my half-sister, Melanie when we were younger, it led to a final Confrontation in which my Power completely wrecked her bullies. Most of the bullies had a power somewhere above Melanie's Spirit Seeker, but below mine." Fuyuko was blushing over the fact she was called Beautiful, "I had felt Lonely outside of my half-sister and eight Half-brothers, so I was hoping to bond with someone, but they realized who I was and ran off. They bothered her less after she got the sword and I wrecked the one leading the bullies."

Fuyuko had seen the fire Calm down as the two over there conversed. As she then looked down as her face became even redder at that beautiful compliment.

"I've never been called beautiful before." Fuyuko's face was still very red..

"This prince is so cute and handsome, but I'm not ready to let myself be taken over by the Gold Dragon Spirit."



Previously Shadow_Pup
Wandering around a bit after the mayhem seemed to die down a little Jack was nearly singed when a table caught fire and she dashed to the said yelping slightly before the fire was put out by some guy. Remaining nearby she ended up overhearing their conversation and decided to introduce herself to the pair, "hi there, names Jack, good to meet you Omar and Petra sorry for eavesdropping but that fire nearly trimmed my no existent whiskers and I happened to be close enough to hear you guys" she said grinning widely before yawning, "that damn catnip has damn near drained me, I could do with a nap" she muttered.
@Banan-chan @Cmeriwether


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Oh really? Huh. I see. I can’t really relate…well I guess I can. But without the siblings aspect of it. I am an only child. But I mean back at Calypso, Me, Samael, and a couple of my friends helped a girl get out of a toxic relationship. The guy was a frost user and used her blood magic against her by freezing it and hurting her with it. We gave him a warning but he didn’t listen and Me and Samael hounded him until we got him back for her. The other friend did ours held off his little cronies.”

Marcel explained as he sighed a bit. “Which is why if, and a big if we end up…y’know. Dating. I would do nothing but make sure that you are safe. I will never stoop so low as to hurt a girl like he did to her. That is depraved behavior, and I won’t stand for it.”

“But you are beautiful. Even if no one has told you, you are absolutely gorgeous Fuyuko.” Marcel smiled softly as he looked at her with blush on his face as well
(@Cmeriwether )