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Private/Closed MHA: Next generation of Heroes discussion

Class 1-A’s teacher?

  • Hitoshi Shinsou

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Fumikage Tokoyami

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • Tenya Lida

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Mezo Shoji

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hd

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Previously AceTrainerGold
Mitsuru isn't that big, he's just meant to be normal sized, or are you referring to someone else?

Benjiro is, idk about everyone else.
I was referring to Mitsubishi, I thought i read in the bio that he was big, must’ve been thinking of someone else sorry.

I feel like we should enter by now, @PrincessPika~chan mind introducing Ruriko during the exam or the lecture? If not we’ll wait.


Previously PrincessPika~chan
I think we should decide who is playing certain heroes and actual cast characters.

I’m willing to play Red Riot and Bakugou I guess. And any other characters that people don’t wanna play.
I'll think about someone I might want to play... Camie and Ochaco are the only ones that come to mind...
I was referring to Mitsubishi, I thought i read in the bio that he was big, must’ve been thinking of someone else sorry.

I feel like we should enter by now, @PrincessPika~chan mind introducing Ruriko during the exam or the lecture? If not we’ll wait.
Yeah, shortly, I was planning to post today anyways~


Previously 5DigitNeb
Name: Furuya Tsuneo
Age: 15
Height: 5'10"
Physical Appearance: Furuya has short spiky purple hair and hazel eyes. His skin is moderately tanned and he has a decently-built body.
Personality: Furuya is usually very passionate when it comes to things, though it brings his mood down if you try to calm him. He's a very extroverted guy, curious about everything and everyone and loves learning about new things or people. Though he's usually satisfied even if he doesn't learn that much, as long as he gets something he's happy.
Casual Clothing: When in public Furuya usually wears a white hoodie and black jeans with black sneakers. He also wears an undershirt which he keeps on when he's at home, but he doesn't wear his hoodie in his house. He also swaps his jeans for sweatpants at home.
Hero/Villain outfit: (Hensu's outfit actually works with this character so I'll use it, mostly cuz I'm lazy :p) Black and white suit with a white mask and gloves. (the mask is just around his eyes) 6 Knives attached to his waist faced upright. His mask actually helps increase his vision to allow him to use his quirk more, and his suit has hidden contraptions in it which he can use for the appropriate situations.
Quirk and description of it: Portals- Furuya can open portals from anywhere that's in his field of vision. He can currently open up to 4 man-sized portals at once but he can increase that amount by training. Maintaining the portals puts a strain on his body which increases on the amount of portals he has opened. He can open more than 4 portals if they're small since it puts less strain on his body. Furuya can open up his portals instantaneously and and close them at will, or if he's unconscious. If there's something in between his portals and he closes one, it gets cut off by an invisible force. He can also control which portals his portals lead to.
Occupation: U.A. Freshman


Previously AceTrainerGold
Name: Furuya Tsuneo
Age: 15
Height: 5'10"
Physical Appearance: Furuya has short spiky purple hair and hazel eyes. His skin is moderately tanned and he has a decently-built body.
Personality: Furuya is usually very passionate when it comes to things, though it brings his mood down if you try to calm him. He's a very extroverted guy, curious about everything and everyone and loves learning about new things or people. Though he's usually satisfied even if he doesn't learn that much, as long as he gets something he's happy.
Casual Clothing: When in public Furuya usually wears a white hoodie and black jeans with black sneakers. He also wears an undershirt which he keeps on when he's at home, but he doesn't wear his hoodie in his house. He also swaps his jeans for sweatpants at home.
Hero/Villain outfit: (Hensu's outfit actually works with this character so I'll use it, mostly cuz I'm lazy :p) Black and white suit with a white mask and gloves. (the mask is just around his eyes) 6 Knives attached to his waist faced upright. His mask actually helps increase his vision to allow him to use his quirk more, and his suit has hidden contraptions in it which he can use for the appropriate situations.
Quirk and description of it: Portals- Furuya can open portals from anywhere that's in his field of vision. He can currently open up to 4 man-sized portals at once but he can increase that amount by training. Maintaining the portals puts a strain on his body which increases on the amount of portals he has opened. He can open more than 4 portals if they're small since it puts less strain on his body. Furuya can open up his portals instantaneously and and close them at will, or if he's unconscious. If there's something in between his portals and he closes one, it gets cut off by an invisible force. He can also control which portals his portals lead to.
Occupation: U.A. Freshman
Is Hensu still around or did you get rid of him? Accepted either way?


Previously AceTrainerGold
Yusuke has an ok relationship with his mom. But his father cares nothing for him being he didn’t inherit his quirk, and Yusuke wasn’t very skilled growing up.
And the father doesn’t really care for the other siblings either, only about strength. He’s essentially a piece of shit. Especially because of something I’m thinking of for waaaay later.


Previously AceTrainerGold
I'm alright with playing any pro-heroes. I'll likely play whoever my characters go to for their agency, to make it easier for myself. But I'll do anybody who needs to be done :D. I like RPing with a diversity of characters so please do sign me up for any character who doesn't have and RPer.
I need someone to be Deku, I’m not really good at playing the nice inspirational guys. More the cocky guys. You wanna be Deku?
No, not exactly...
It's just driving me mad that I can't explain it properly.

he becomes super mega handsome?

Shall we allow small interactions between the villains yet? As a small set up for the league.
in my opinion it would be neat to see the hero and villain just walking down the street not as a hero vs villain encounter ,but more along of them just casually walking down the street in civilian clothes and maybe they glance over at one another from across the street before going in opposite directions or possibly bumping into each other with a small dialogue exchange... (both unaware the other is a hero/villain)

while I'm asking that question I wanna follow up by asking...

I know its early to ask this question ,but later on when the students meet the villains its to be expected that they will eventually beat the villains ,but what happens afterwards? do they somehow get away? are they arrested and sent to jail never to be seen again? (it would kinda be a shame to no longer be able to RP a oc villain due to the fact that they are in prison... (I say that because i kinda like my villain character... being evil is fun... don't judge... :arr:
I feel like their first encounter should be a simple walk past one another as they mind their own businesses, not giving a second thought about one another. Kinda wondering what would happen if the encounter was villain and villain as well, maybe they could find each other familiar from the news or so.

As for the last thing, I agree on not having the villains stopped permanently so we can't RP as them, sometimes it's good to be bad.
Tomura agrees...


Previously AceTrainerGold
If Reigen ever met Tomura in person id bet that's the first thing he would ask him... that and why he was wearing his hoodie and walk circles around the guy pointing out various flaws... mob would have to come in to save the day probably...
Yeah Reigen would say that before salt splashing him. That and grape rush are the two most op attacks.
So, I'm kinda curious as to what the villains are with their motives for evil. Mitsuru only embraced being evil so he could do whatever he wanted, he isn't afraid to go with the flow or join organizations so long as they have similar motives to his own.
Angi is a sadistic person and loves to see people squirm underneath the effects of his quirk, he basically became evil because he could. No one would stop him, so he just does what he wants.


Previously AceTrainerGold
Shin was told all his life he couldn’t be a hero, this is because he was thought be quirkless for a long time. When his quirk finally manifested, it killed people. As a kid he was more interested that he finally got a quirk, he ran to his parents to tell them and they were ashamed (obviously) due to him committing murder. People told him he couldn’t become a hero so he became a villain.
I'll bet Angi will enjoy watching Mitsuru make people melt, and I have a feeling they may get along with their similar motives: Do what you want and all that.
I can certainly see that happening. Angi might not see Mitsuru as his equal, but he can certainly tolerate him. Pride and respect can clash at times, although he'll be kind enough to warn his allies to not breathe in the gas when he uses his quirk. They won't be of any use of him when locked in fear after all
Part of me can see Mitsuru just go to Angi after they do a crime and just say. "Wanna grab lunch?"

Although I can understand what you mean on how far Angi will go in terms of 'respect' for others. Mitsuru's more laid back and carefree.
It feels somewhat fitting that post 666 is about villains, yet ironic that the person who posted post 666 has the most chill villain.

Yeahh, Angi can be a bit...difficult to work with but Mitsuru should be fine once he sees his quirk in action. After all, seeing someone melt before your eyes before having your own worst nightmare come to life fit together very well


Previously AceTrainerGold
Are we still going through with the obstacle course? If so will they be retrieving flags or people? and what kind of traps do you think they should expect to see?
I decided to go through with the normal defeating robots sort of thing. Although it brings up a problem for people with none combat based quirks, I’ll find another way to earn points though. Maybe there can be civilians scattered around and if you save them you get points, even without defeating the robot.
Every time I read Mitsubishi I just think of the car company, and it's making it really hard to take anything about him seriously xD

Tsk, I wanna make an OC named Mitsubishi and then make him a Mitsubishi brand transformer or something.
I decided to go through with the normal defeating robots sort of thing. Although it brings up a problem for people with none combat based quirks, I’ll find another way to earn points though. Maybe there can be civilians scattered around and if you save them you get points, even without defeating the robot.
Well, the Robots weren't terribly strong given people like Asui passed, so with relatively normal abilities, you should be able to damage them. I'd suggest offering practice weapons that can be used during the entrance exam, like staves or wooden swords.
I'll put it here for you. ♥
Name: Mitsuru Kurogane.
Age: 17
Height: 5'11"
Physical Appearance: Mitsuru has Pale skin that could easily be mistaken for white, somewhat messy Gray hair with a bang that completely covers his left eye, speaking of which his eyes are a pale Orange shade with his left one having no sign of shine in it as he is partially half blind. His body build is decent; no sign of fat nor muscle and has pointy fingers.
Personality: Mitsuru shows no sign of emotion at first glance, never happy, sad or angry unless the situation is "that serious to show them" which makes him extremely blunt in the way he talks. He cares very little about how the government and society works and simply walks around as if he owns the place. However, Mitsuru does display a level of cruelty, rarely hesitating to use his quirk to kill someone and tends to show a smile every time he watches his quirk in action. On rare occasions when things go exactly how he wants, he'll show a terrifyingly wide slasher smile that would make even the most fearless people flinch at first sight. He won't hesitate to attack anyone be they friend or foe if they're the ones who landed the first punch, believing people who provoke others deserve what comes to them... even death.
He didn't become a villain because he had any bad moments in his life, he just wanted to.
Casual Clothing: His normal attire consists with a bright Beige jacket with white fur linings along the hood, sleeves and bottom, Black jeans and Brown loafers. He always has his hood up.
Hero/Villain outfit: His villain attire consists of a Silver plain looking mask that covered everything except his right eye, a jet Black ankle long duster coat, Black baggy pants and Brown combat boots.
Quirk and description of it: Liquification; Any form of solid matter that Mitsuru touches will become a liquid, he can change between how large or short the vicinity is, even able to completely melt all solid matter of the human body if he so desired to. He is able to touch something and not liquify, indicating that he has complete control of the usage of his quirk thanks to years of "practice."
The setback of his quirk is the harder the solid matter is, the longer it will take to be liquified like cold ice cream on a hot summer day, despite being able to melt metal in seconds. And the more he uses his liquification in one go, the weaker it'll be until he recharges.
Occupation: Villain
Other Details: His villain name is Meltdown.

Quirk Power: 5 (If he uses it too much and too often, this will get noticeably weaker.)
Physical Power: 1
Intelligence: 3
Technique: 5
Speed: 4
Cooperation: 4
You can find it near the top of Page 15