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Ask to Join My Hero Academia(RP)

Ken looked at Veno. "No its nothing like that." He said as he listened to Yukino introduce him. "Yukino invited me here." He added. He then looked past the door frame. "Nice place you got."
Yukino looked at Yumi, and said, "Hi there, Yumi! Glad you could make it!"

Yukino then noticed someone else, and said, "Who the heck are you!?" She was too shocked to give a formal greeting.

Everyone seems to be here, but.... Yukino then took out her phone, and sent a text message to Kaz's phone, stating, Are you coming to the party?


Previously 5DigitNeb
"My dad helped me out a bit. He's a nice guy, you should meet him someday," he said as he got hit in the head. "Ow chill, god why does this always happen when I'm trying to be funny? Anyways, some of my friends are already here before helping out. Nice to meet you Ken, I feel like I met you before in the exam but I can't remember when, thanks for the compliment. I cleaned up a bit, and I probably will in a couple of hours. Nice to see you Yumi, at least I think that's your name? I don't really remember you or that other girl's name. And we have another person that's in here. You were the one with the injured arm right? I don't think anyone invited you to the party or that I remember your name but feel free to stay. No problem with me," he told all of the newcomers. He frowned when Kaz didn't come with the rest of them. Then some more of Veno's friends came in and brought things. Someone put on a disco ball, a boom box for music, and someone brought their own beverages in their own cooler. "Told you guys it would be packed, I hope you invited some of your friends," he said as he went to his room. He was unsettled by the fact Kaz wasn't there and decided to call her.
"I'm just saying sir you could have handled this situation better."

"I don't want to hear it, you went behind my back."

"Yes, because I respect miss Kazumi's wishes and what she wants to be. You control almost every aspect of her life, however even you cannot stop her now. She's been accepted and will go to the U.A."

Kaz's father and Charles had been having a discussion since the dinner table fight. During this, Kaz had paused her crying and had her phone out to call Yukino to let her know she wouldn't be able to come. However...she just couldn't go through with finishing the call and set her phone aside.

It doesn't matter. I'll just bother her with something unimportant. They'll have fun without me, probably won't even spare me a thought...nor should they.

Kaz then buried her hands in her knees to cry some more. However, she soon got a text message from Yukino. And a call from Veno. Kaz tried to calm herself as she would answer the call first.

"H-hello?" Kaz said, some sniffles could be heard through the line even thought she didn't want people to know she had been crying.
"same here,but I never got your name,hey the 1980s called they want there disco ball back,heh"Daigo walked up to yukino"what's Kaz saying is she going to be at the party?"Daigo leaned against the wall, Wondering what Kaz was saying


Previously 5DigitNeb
"Hey, it's Veno. I thought you might be coming, I guess your dad said no. But hey, we can bust you out of your room or wherever you are. If you want you can even stay in my house for a while. I'm worried and I think the others are, too. Anyways, it's still your choice, but all I'm saying is that this party would be a whole lot better if you were here," he told her.
Ryuji walked into the apartment and grabbed a drink from one of the cooling boxes. Then he spoke "If you want to know my name it's Ryuji, Ryuji Shoku and also just saying Daigo I kind of like the 80's so don't be so offensive to it cause hell they started the disco trend and still have them today."
Kaz was stunned at Veno's suggestion, doing her best to wipe away the tears as she stopped making snuffles.

"N-no, that is...unnecessary. I...I'm just...sick. Yeah that's it. Have fun without me. Please, I'll be fine." Kaz said as she hung up her phone and buried her head in her knees. It was an obvious lie, but Kaz didn't want them to waste time with her; they had a right to have fun and not worry about her.


Previously Sarah316
Yumi walked over to Yukino, curious if she knew anything about where Kaz was. This party was only really gonna be fun if all her friends were here. She hoped Kaz was just being fashionably late.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno was a bit shocked after Kaz ended the call. He came outside of the room looking depressed. "Nice to meet you ryuji..." he said as he lumped into the couch. He felt bad for the girl. "Guys, Kaz or whatever her name is, I don't know, isn't coming. She says to have fun without her. I bet her dad is forcing her to stay home or something," he told them with a sigh. His old friends looked at their depressed friend sadly. Even if they didn't know the girl, what Veno said made them feel bad, as well.
Yukino sighed, and said to Daigo and Yumi, "She hasn't responded, yet. I think her old man got mad at her, but I wonder what."

Yukino then looked at Daigo and Ryuji, the two seem to be having a fight about....80's music? Yukino didn't really care, all she was worried about was Kaz.

Yukino grabbed a beverage, and slouched near a corner. Even if Kaz was really sick, Yukino didn't want to have fun if one of her friends was missing all the fun themselves.
"heh,no problem,nice to meet ya ryuji"Daigo heard what Kaz said"she's obviously stuck there because of her dad,how would she get sick so fast,she was just fine earlier"Daigo had an idea"instead of busting her out and potentially getting Kaz in more trouble,we can convince her dad to let her come to the party"


Previously Sarah316
"That's a load....sick my behind." Yumi grumbled as she guessed, like others, her dad kept Kaz from going rather than her being "sick" or some excuse. She then heard Daigo's suggestion.

"Heck yeah! But...does anyone know where Kaz lives?" Yumi asked.
"How do you plan to do that Genius," spoke Ryuji calmly as they all showed some concern and where generally worried about her "I'm just gonna take a guess here and say that her Dad's probably a stubborn Jackass and won't listen to reason and she probably has to do what ever he say's."
"I don't think he would agree." Ken said leaning against a wall with crossed arms. "I mean, I don't know her personally, but from what I'm hearing from you guys, her father is probably a very strict person." Ken said. "And from what I heard from Veno's call, she's making an obvious excuse which definitely mean she doesn't believe her father will let her no matter how much she begs." Ken said. He was missing his right ear.


Previously 5DigitNeb
"That's a guess made like someone who knows the situation, just saying. Do you know her or something? Anyways, people that enter U.A. aspire to be a hero right? If her dad doesn't want her to achieve her dream career by working hard, then what would convince him to go to a party celebrating a step to that goal? Think about it, he probably won't care, it's just like Ken said. I can probably search for her while flying, but even then there's seemingly no way for us to know her address without she telling us. She might text one of us her address, but probably if we trick her. No matter what plan we do, she'll probably disagree with it because she would be scared of her father still being mad at some teenagers barging into his home for something he disapproves of," Veno explained.
Yukino looked at Daigo, and said, "True. Reasoning with her father could make things better, but...I was really hoping to go on a rampage. And I know where she lives."

Yukino took out her phone, and started looking through her notes to find Kaz's address. Here it is!

Yukino then headed out towards the exit, and exclaimed, "Come on, follow me if you want!"


After some time, she finally made it to Kaz's....house?

This place is too huge to be called a house!? Man, she must hit the big bucks.

Right outside were a couple of guards, and Yukino walked up to them.

Yukino looked innocent, and said, "Could we please speak with the master of this house?"

The guards looked at Yukino, and said, "No, the master is extremely busy."

Yukino quickly dropped her good-girl persona, and grabbed the two guards by the collar. "I'm not going to ask again!" she exclaimed, "Let us speak with the master of this house, or your teeth won't be the only thing missing!"

The guard was intimated, and let Yukino inside the mansion.

Once inside, she couldn't help but admire the place. Wow, she's got a good place. Yukino then exclaimed, "Hey, where is the headmaster of this place!?"
Ken saw Yukino leave. "She seems to know where this Kaz girl live. I'll go with her." He said before following her. He arrived at the mansion. "Wow this place is big." He said, he noticed Yukino threatening some guards. "I better be more sneaky." He said before turning into a puddle of slime and sneakily followed Yukino.
Hiro woke up in the hospital bed. He cursed at himself. how could he be anything if everytime he tries to do something his quirk just fucks him over. he got out of the bed before being discharged and walked out. He went up to the roof top and looked out over the city. He sat down as he thought about everything that could've happened. " I need better control of my quirk.' he thought. " I can't have it to where every time I use it I almost end up dying. He stood up. " There's only one way to try this." He let out a shallow breath as he jumped off the roof.
"Well if she's going on a rampage I'm gonna go and Join her." Spoke Ryuji as he ran out of the door and followed Yukino


Ryuji had walked in through the gates at same time as Yukino and he too was shocked by how nice the place was and exclaimed "Damn I could easily train here for hour's but anyway I'm guess that Her father probably has an office here somewhere and that's where we'll find the headmaster of this house."


Previously Sarah316
Yumi grinned and followed Yukino outside and walked with her to the....mansion!

Holy crabs this girl is loaded!

After Yukino threatened some guards, they made their way inside.
"Sir, some...guests have arrived."

"I said no guests at this hour Charles."

"Sir, they've let themselves inside."

Kaz's father pinched the bridged of his nose as he got up and entered the main room of the mansion, seeing Yukino and other children around Kaz's age there.

"I am Akira Fujiwara of the Fujiwara Household. What business do you youths have with me?" Akira asked the group, Charles already coming out with some assorted snacks and drinks to offer to the "guests" present. Kaz heard some commotion and placed her ear to the door of her upstairs bedroom.
"well its worth a shot I'm not going to let Kaz be controlled like this for the rest of her life,we've seen Kaz ride in a limo so she's probably rich,maybe she could live in the mansion near town,I'm not certain but it's the best we got"Daigo stepped out of the door,yukino ran off to Kaz's home,and Daigo stayed put,"I'll just stay put,if to many people go they'll think we're an angry mob"Daigo walked back to the house with Veno
Yukino glared at Fujiwara, and exclaimed, "Yeah I have business with you. I'm here to knock some sense into you!"

Yukino didn't care who it was, if they made her friends sad, then she'll beat them to a pulp, but she knew she couldn't do that with Kaz's dad.

Yukino then continued with, "We've all figured out that you won't let your daughter come to our party, for whatever dumb-ass reason! And we're here to try to reason with you to let her go."
Akira let out a sigh, Kaz heard the yell and was shocked.

What are they doing here!? I told them not to worry!

"What I do with my daughter is quite frankly none of your business. Making threats doesn't change that. She went behind my back and hid her letter from the U.A. from me, she must be punished properly." Akira said matter of factly.
Yukino then exclaimed, "I'm sorry, but all I can do is worry about your daughter! So she hid her acceptance letter, what does that have to do with anything! She's only trying to figure out what she wants to be when she grows up! She might be under your control right now, but will you do when she's older!?"

Yukino hasn't been the furious in a long time.
The fall was much quicker than Hiro anticipated. He stretched his hands outwards as he tried to propel himself at the last possible moment so his brain matter didn't go everywhere. He closed his eyes. ' would it really be so bad to just hit the pavement?" He thought. He shook his head as he tried to push himself to slow the rate of speed.
He slammed into the pavement. " ow." He said as he stood up. He looked at where he dropped from. He let out a breath as a little bit of blood dripped form his nose. " Again." He said.
"Hey Old man Listen up cause I'm only saying this once," Yelled Ryuji up to Kaz's father "I get you want to protect her, I come from a family who had High expectations of me and control my whole world but guess what I hate them for it so I moved in with my aunt and guess what I don't regret it, So I'm gonna say this stop Being a stubborn Jackass and Let her Live Her life the way that she want's to and Not the way you want her to because one day you'll regret that you didn't Let her see the world her own way, She need's to stand on her own two feet."
Akira glared at the pair, how dare they speak to him in such a manner. Charles, the butler, let out a chuckle.

"They do have a point sir. She's already made it clear she will go to the U.A. with or without your consent. Keep pushing her away from her goal and you risk pushing her away from your life. One way or another you won't be able to control her forever." Charles explained as Akira's eyes widened for a moment.

Kaz, on the other hand, had been crying from the other end of her upstairs bedroom door.

Why? Why are they...doing this? Why are they trying so hard to help me? Why?


Previously Sarah316
Yumi gave a nod and noticed Akira seemed to be almost...considering their words?

"Yes, a father should only want to see his daughter happy. Denying her her dream is that excat opposite of that. Do you want your daughter to be sad and unhappy all the time?" Yumi asked Akira.
A puddle of green goo slipped under the door in Kaz's room and reformed back into Ken. "Phew that took a lot of energy." He said before turning to Kaz. "Your friend care a lot about you huh." He said casually.
Yukino smirked, and said, "Thanks, butler."

Yukino then glared at Fujiwara, and said, "And if you still don't think your daughter has what it takes, let me show you this." Yukino then took out her acceptance letter, and showed it to Fujiwara. Yukino then pointed at it, and said, "Look. You're daughter made it to the top five best students from the exam. You can't tell me that that isn't damn impressive."


Previously 5DigitNeb
Veno sighed as Yukino and the others went to Kaz's house. "I guess I have to go as well," he said as he followed them.

Veno's eyes widened as Yukino and Ryuji shouted at Akiri. "You guys need to chill the fuck down. It's not like he doesn't care about his daughter. He just wants what's best for her. Even if what he's doing makes it worse. I'm not agreeing with anyone, I'm suggesting we compromise. Mr. Fujiwara, I understand that you feel like this, but your daughter is feeling sad because of this. I don't know any family business between you to, nor do I want to interfere. But your daughter has to live her life the way she wants. If you want to help her, you should assist her in achieving her dream. If you still want to punish her, you should make her train tomorrow. But right now at this moment, she wants to celebrate a huge step in achieving your dream with her friends. She's a great person and very good with her quirk. Let her be happy," he told Kaz's father.
Kaz yelped as she saw Ken enter her room from a puddle of goop. Kaz worked quickly to wipe away the tears.

"H-how did you...why are you all here?" Kaz asked Ken.

Akira shook his head, sitting on a couch as he held a hand to his forehead.

"Do any of you know what you are getting yourselves into? Do you not understand how dangerous the world of heroes is? Heroes die each day, and you all expect me to sit here and watch as my little girl enters that profession? If I see a news report of the worst case scenario that happened while she was in the line of duty...I'd... she's my little angel. I...I'd never forgive myself. I...I don't want to lose her..." Akira said, trying to suppress his own tears
Ken looked at Kaz . "I may not know you that well but I can see you have some very caring friends. You should stand up for yourself, stop letting your father control your every action and decide them for yourself." He said trying to sound motivating.
Yukino then glared at Veno, and said, "I never said that he doesn't care for his daughter! Of course he does! I'm not a fucking idiot!"

Yukino sighed, and she then started having her thoughts.
Mom! Dad! Where are you!?

*We're okay sweetie, this is just taking longer than we would like*

Please tell me you'll be okay!

*We're going to be ok......~~~~~~~* (phone loses service)

Mom! Dad! Anyone! NOO!
I know more than anything how important family is, but...still!

Yukino then looked at Fujiwara, and said, "I'm sorry for being so rude, but...your daughter really wants to be a hero. You're right, heroes die every single day, but... you never know if you don't let your daughter try. I feel like if she thinks that it's dangerous, then she can quit the school whenever she pleases, but if she thinks she's up for it, then why not let her?"
" Guess what I do know after all my Father run's a large company who Support heroes and My mum is guess What a hero but she always tried to push me away and leave me to an abusive Father which is why I hate them," spoke Ryuji after calming down and then he looked at the man "I know heroes die every day to capture villains but I want to be one to show my parents I've changed and the thing about My father is he's immune because of connections so I can't even get a someone who I know is a villain arrested but I do know That Lot's of Villain's are out there and I want to stop them even if it costs me my Life."
Kaz glanced at the ground to avoid eye contact.

"You make...you make it sound so easy. To just g-go against your family's wishes..." Kaz said with a frown.

Charles placed a hand on Akira's shoulder.

"I understand how you feel sir, but they are correct. You can't allow your fear of what might happen to bottle up your daughter's dreams." Charles said. Akira sat in silence for a little while before he let out a sigh.

"Fine. Take her to this party." Akira said as he just got up and left, he turned to Charles.

"Give them a ride there. Make sure you tell Kazumi to be back before midnight. We'll...talk this over in the morning." Akira said as Charles gave a nod. Charles went upstairs and began to knock on Kaz's door.
Ken heard the knock. "Well that my queue to go." He said before turning into slime. Before he left, He told Kaz: "Think about it, I'm sure you can find your own answer." He said before swiftly slipping out the door.
Yukino smiled widely, and exclaimed, "Yes! Thank you, Mr. Fujiwara!"

I probably shouldn't act so happy around him, though, I don't think he likes me.

Yukino then looked at the group, and said, "Looks like we'll be riding a limo! Sweet!"