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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

First Exam:

  • Written exam

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • ??? New exam

    Votes: 7 58.3%

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  • Poll closed .
I think I will be fleshing out one of those Hyuga characters I made after all...

Think I should have a decent bio for Furījia by tomorrow.

Scratch that, couldn't wait.
Name: Furījia Hyūga

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Jutsu type: Lightning Nature | Sōjutsū: Collapsible spear | Taijutsu: Gentle Fist

Description: Fur ījia is a rather petite girl and can look quite childish even when trying to act mature. She wears her hair in two pig-tails on either side of her head, with each of the two tails stretching well below her waist. As with most members of the Hyūga clan, Furījia’s hair is a deep black, with an inky sheen. As is in opposition to Sagisō’s Magenta eyes, Furījia’s a calming shade of Cyan.

Ninja Outfit: N/A

Bio: Born to Konoha’s Hyūga clan, Furījia has had a fairly normal life. Despite being a Hyūga, a clan renown for their unarmed combat, Furījia is much more at home with a weapon in her hand. Specifically, Riaju, a custom made collapsible spear capable of channeling her chakra. The spear’s segments are interlocked with chains and the whole thing can be quickly broken down into a pair of nunchaku and then reassembled. The name Raiju, meaning lightning beast, was given to the spear after Furījia had become well accustomed to battling with the lightning cloaked weapon. After watching one of the previous chūnin exams and seeing a suna-nin wielding magnet release, she spent the next two years honing her lightning chakra into a pseudo magnet release which she can attack to her spear. When the spear is in its segmented form, the repulsion between its segments can be used to increase the speed at which it descends.

Likes: Raijū, chewing gum,

Dislikes: Rubber, vegetables

Missions completed: (A – 0, B – 0, C – 12, D – 3)
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Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
New plan: Yasu's a cynical asshole to everyone except for when Tomiko and maybe Madoka are around.

Like Sasuke, but not as edgy or overpowered... or something like that.

He'll get over it eventually, but right now he's just gonna hate everything.


Previously 5DigitNeb
I’m gonna post but feel free to start the orochimaru attack afterwards or something... it’s not like he’ll really be fighting. Ps we still doing chase the sound four? Cuz how will that work? I thought they’re the barrier people
New plan: Yasu's a cynical asshole to everyone except for when Tomiko and maybe Madoka are around.

Like Sasuke, but not as edgy or overpowered... or something like that.

He'll get over it eventually, but right now he's just gonna hate everything.

Raiku: this is exactly why I planned to lose from the beginning.

Combat Strength
Decision Making
Field Effectiveness

Combat Strength

There isn't much to say about this one. Zaku's a loose cannon in every sense of the word, but particularly his attacks. His attacks have speed, precision, range, destructive potential. they'd be perfect if they weren't just variations of the same move. Still though, seeing that no one really found a good counter to him that can't be held against him.

"A cannon that only shoots different sized cannon balls- and his mouth. Effectively proven to have been a good weapon of war for those without counters and still a pain in the ass for those with counters."


Decision Making

Decisive... but I'm not really sure how many decisions there are to make when you've only really got one move in your repertoire. Nevertheless, considering he got to the semi-finals with nothing but that one move, and he's been shown to swiftly make decisive attacks, having managed to almost cripple one of the participants, then his decision making is probably up to par. That or everyone else is just really lacking.

"Can't really say he made any bad decisions, more like he capitalized off the bad decisions of his opponents. But that's also a skill."



I'm not sure if I should praise you for adopting one move to every situation or scold you for only having one move at all...

"The judge is conflicted."


Field Effectiveness

No observable issues. Seems to do well in every situation. The fact that his adaptability is questionable somewhat puts his field effectiveness into question.

"His control over the range, precision and even direction of his chakra bursts is admirable."



"Strength and speed to back a one track mind with a one-track jutsū... not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

23 + ?/40

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist


Combat Strength
Decision Making
Field Effectiveness

Combat Strength

There isn't much to say about this one. Zaku's a loose cannon in every sense of the word, but particularly his attacks. His attacks have speed, precision, range, destructive potential. they'd be perfect if they weren't just variations of the same move. Still though, seeing that no one really found a good counter to him that can't be held against him.

"A cannon that only shoots different sized cannon balls- and his mouth. Effectively proven to have been a good weapon of war for those without counters and still a pain in the ass for those with counters."


Decision Making

Decisive... but I'm not really sure how many decisions there are to make when you've only really got one move in your repertoire. Nevertheless, considering he got to the semi-finals with nothing but that one move, and he's been shown to swiftly make decisive attacks, having managed to almost cripple one of the participants, then his decision making is probably up to par. That or everyone else is just really lacking.

"Can't really say he made any bad decisions, more like he capitalized off the bad decisions of his opponents. But that's also a skill."



I'm not sure if I should praise you for adopting one move to every situation or scold you for only having one move at all...

"The judge is conflicted."


Field Effectiveness

No observable issues. Seems to do well in every situation. The fact that his adaptability is questionable somewhat puts his field effectiveness into question.

"His control over the range, precision and even direction of his chakra bursts is admirable."



"Strength and speed to back a one track mind with a one-track jutsū... not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

23 + ?/40

Ah most of these seems fair. Although the ??? On adaptability threw me for a loop lol. A lot of your statements are shockingly accurate (almost painfully so at times). Seeing as how Deidara, one of the Akatsuki only had one justu and simply Capitalized on it, I don’t think that’ll be very much of a problem :p your judging is appreciated Kyuu! Do you think Zaku deserves Chunnin?
Ah most of these seems fair. Although the ??? On adaptability threw me for a loop lol. A lot of your statements are shockingly accurate (almost painfully so at times). Seeing as how Deidara, one of the Akatsuki only had one justu and simply Capitalized on it, I don’t think that’ll be very much of a problem :p your judging is appreciated Kyuu! Do you think Zaku deserves Chunnin?

Deidara's explosions offer more variety than even Zaku's sound waves. Deidara used them for transport, melee combat (Clay fighters) and of course long range explosives.

But I get the comparison.

Also, would this matter much? Given the invasion is about to begin and I doubt they'd given an enemy a rank up XD. Also are the Sound Four moving to the four corners of the Kage sitting section Shen?

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Deidara's explosions offer more variety than even Zaku's sound waves. Deidara used them for transport, melee combat (Clay fighters) and of course long range explosives.

But I get the comparison.

Also, would this matter much? Given the invasion is about to begin and I doubt they'd given an enemy a rank up XD. Also are the Sound Four moving to the four corners of the Kage sitting section Shen?

Zaku is still a genin, he’s not going to be offering as much variety as Deidara right off the bad XD

Also, yeah this applies for Orochimaru’s judging on ranking as well, since he’s a Kage. The judgin process wild etermine weather Orochimaru ranks him higher. Also the sound four maaaaay be doing so. Maybe. Maybe.....
Ah most of these seems fair. Although the ??? On adaptability threw me for a loop lol. A lot of your statements are shockingly accurate (almost painfully so at times). Seeing as how Deidara, one of the Akatsuki only had one justu and simply Capitalized on it, I don’t think that’ll be very much of a problem :p your judging is appreciated Kyuu! Do you think Zaku deserves Chunnin?
Well, that's why I put it as ???. Naruto has literally one jutsū and he makes it work, and so does Deidara, but for people that counter their one jutsū they seem to flop against. Deidara does bad against lightning users since it nullifies his explosives (lightning beats earth) and Naruto...well he has plot armor so we won't talk about that.

I just couldn't really decide whether it was highly adaptable or exploitable. Either way, he deserves chunin.


Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Yayyyy Zaku is chunnin!

Getting the sense that it is a maybe. Though I cannot be too sure, just so subtle about it you know? XD

Also I am curious how Azumi will be judged. Given she didn't get the final match against Zaku/Katsuo.

I’m pretty sure we agreed the winner of the tournament would be given the rank of chunnin. Unless you WANT us to judge Azumi?
I'd give Zaku the rank of Chunin myself. He's a powerhouse who might be a one trick pony but clearly through Naruto & Deidara as examples you can still be a one trick pony and make it far in the ninja world.

Yayyyy Zaku is chunnin!

I’m pretty sure we agreed the winner of the tournament would be given the rank of chunnin. Unless you WANT us to judge Azumi?

Well, Azumi was the most efficient out of everyone in her matches. She came away with the least amount of injuries and showed that she could fight different ways using a completely different strategy against Taiyo & Kiro in her matches.

Though that's just my clearly biased opinion.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I'd give Zaku the rank of Chunin myself. He's a powerhouse who might be a one trick pony but clearly through Naruto & Deidara as examples you can still be a one trick pony and make it far in the ninja world.

Well, Azumi was the most efficient out of everyone in her matches. She came away with the least amount of injuries and showed that she could fight different ways using a completely different strategy against Taiyo & Kiro in her matches.

Though that's just my clearly biased opinion.

Azumi won the tournament, so I beleive she is automatic chunnin, but if I weren’t to judge her, we’d probabaly. come back to the same results she was good enough to be on top after all


Previously Swirled
Truly, this will start Taiyo's journey to become definitely Jounin rank, and maybe Kage strength. As for Tsuki, might as well let her become an Anbu.