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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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There is no defense, you're not being attacked.

You initiated a conversation, what else are we supposed to react to? Anything else would just be simple padding, and though it might provide a bit of insight into the character its in no way necessary. There's nothing to apologize for, and nothing to defend yourself from. That statement is final and I'll have none of your arguments about it.


Previously 5DigitNeb
There is no defense, you're not being attacked.

You initiated a conversation, what else are we supposed to react to? Anything else would just be simple padding, and though it might provide a bit of insight into the character its in no way necessary. There's nothing to apologize for, and nothing to defend yourself from. That statement is final and I'll have none of your arguments about it.
Is Kyuu mad or something? I’m confused on why the... “stronger” response. This is such a new experience that even my phone is auto correcting when I tried to put mad xD
She might do something similar depending on how the interaction with Tomiko goes. I haven't had the chance to show the non-violent-rage aspects of Sagisō's pride, so it was a good opportunity.

Okay I cam curious what Tomiko can possibly do to make Sagiso mad at all unless the possible idea of losing to low-tier "trash" is such a blow to her pride she snaps or something ^^'
Okay I cam curious what Tomiko can possibly do to make Sagiso mad at all unless the possible idea of losing to low-tier "trash" is such a blow to her pride she snaps or something ^^'
lmfao, she's not mad at all though.

what she's doing is stating her intent to assert herself as the 'Big Sister'. Think of it like in an anime where the leader of a group of girls, or the leader of a female gang will be called Onee-sama, Aneki, Aneui, or some variation.
lmfao, she's not mad at all though.

what she's doing is stating her intent to assert herself as the 'Big Sister'. Think of it like in an anime where the leader of a group of girls, or the leader of a female gang will be called Onee-sama, Aneki, Aneui, or some variation.

Ah, interesting.

Well, you are gonna find Tomiko "submitting" to Sagiso and referring to her as that might be kinda impossible ^^
Ah, interesting.

Well, you are gonna find Tomiko "submitting" to Sagiso and referring to her as that might be kinda impossible ^^
Frankly, I don't see Tomiko eliciting that sort of desire from Sagisō either. She doesn't come off as the time that would cause Sagisō to state her intent in such a direct way. With Tayuya, it just feels more correct to be straight forward rather than beat around the bush, and Tayuya's subsequent outburst would feel more like an acceptance of Sagisō's challenge, whereas Tomiko might calmly decline and kill the mood entirely.
Frankly, I don't see Tomiko eliciting that sort of desire from Sagisō either. She doesn't come off as the time that would cause Sagisō to state her intent in such a direct way. With Tayuya, it just feels more correct to be straight forward rather than beat around the bush, and Tayuya's subsequent outburst would feel more like an acceptance of Sagisō's challenge, whereas Tomiko might calmly decline and kill the mood entirely.

Tomiki's attitude about that would more or less be: Nah, I've got a family. I've already got brothers and sisters of my own and I wouldn't trade the "rat pack" for anything. Even an invite to the Hyuga Sisterhood.

How she words it might swing Sagiso's reaction.
I was really feeling the nostalgia with this one


though it was kinda annoying to go find an image of the Kai face. Had to crop it out of another meme image. Speaking of that though...I think I might have a plan brewing.
*Sees Raiku and Taiyo foolishly bathing at a lake in potentially enemy infested territory*

If I had a water-style user somewhere nearby... Oml lmao I could mess with them so badly!

In fact, are there any abnormal creatures in that lake by any chance? I’m not gonna do anything, I promise XD

*remembers Hyo exists*
Oh no...

Well...Kyuu you lured them into the water with your bathing suggestion XD sneaky devil


They didn't even think twice about the water clone Hyō sent out earlier. It's already too late for them. Now all that's left is to wipe the floor with the rest of team Konoha.

lmfao, jk, it's actually just coincidence xD