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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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    Votes: 5 41.7%
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    Votes: 7 58.3%

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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Not denying it, interesting.

Jokes and crackships aside, it is nice to see that there is a softer side to Kai besides his Xenophobia
Thanks! I’ve been trying to showcase more sides of Kai, like how he was during the chunnin exams. People trigger him so often that he seemed in that state for the longest time XD
Crazy to see this in your trash pile. One of your best pieces IMO.

One of my best pieces?? Are we looking at the same thing? XD

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I admit the face is a bit off, but the body isn't a problem. In the anime Zaku really takes that kinda arms, legs, and head sticking out-stance.
I think the body/hair looks great. Just needs a touch up in the face and headband department.

Well I didn’t think about it like that...thanks! I might give Zaku another try here soon
Oh lord...OH LAWD

Everyone changing appearances lately XD. Looking at you Sagiso
I'm changing it again after this arc too >~>

After having megaabsol draw it...I don't like the sweater as much as I thought I would. So it'll have to go, and I'll probably rework her entire wardrobe in the process.
I have...no idea XD

Kai: *scoffs* good luck Xeno

Also... @Nukas are you will a thing?
think he's got irl issues. will have to check up on him again. I did almost sorta convince Smug to come back xD but I haven't quite gotten there yet.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I'm changing it again after this arc too >~>

After having megaabsol draw it...I don't like the sweater as much as I thought I would. So it'll have to go, and I'll probably rework her entire wardrobe in the process.

think he's got irl issues. will have to check up on him again. I did almost sorta convince Smug to come back xD but I haven't quite gotten there yet.

Ah that would be nice to see him back. I’d call it pulling a Zander XD
So she can't be shocked? Not a bad idea

It does offer resistance, so at the bare minimum the gauntlets are not just big red flags for lightning users to say "here shock me!"

Kinda like the Kiro fight they were, and since Tomiko insists on using the same gauntlets the slum's craftswoman wanted something to help mitigated the issue knowing Tomiko's reckless tendencies.
@Godjacob No Tayuya response to Sagisō or Kiro in flashback? Or are you saving it for later?

I've been advised to handle it two sections at a time by kyuu and Shen. So I divided my cast into 6 pieces (Azumi, Tomiko, Tayuya & Takato, Sakura & Kakashi, Madoka & Pakura, Kenji Darui & Aisha) and responding to 2 sections at a time. Apologies I will get a Tayuya response next time.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
I say, jolly good job on that last flashback!

I need to steal some of your dialogue, I'm downright awful at writing character interactions. So that's definitely something to brush up on. A pleasure to read that scene though, and a nice song to end of the night since I'm headed to bed.

Aw thanks! I tried to put more of a family bond between rat mamma and Kou, so it required a little effort haha.

I’ve been thinking of a scene like this for a while, and never got around to doing it, but hey, at least it’s liked XD
And with that one flashback Kou is now officially (As if he were not already) a far more fleshed out and compelling character than 90% of my cast...

Excellent work :)
Tomiko and Azumi are pretty fleshed out, Aisha, Takato and Kenji can be fleshed out now that they will get more screentime. I think you're kinda underselling yourself. You have some of the most fleshed out characters in this RP