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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Haiahu was planned since the very beginning alongside the Hü clan. And the Ikeda have stronger direct blood control and techniques the Hü don’t. Also, the Hü appear wiped out

And Blood Release has been a plan of mine since the Ikeda clan was first constructed. Lets not play the "who made it first" game, thats a bit trivial what with the sheer difference in the techniques ultimate outcomes.

And im aware of the difference in the Hu's Blood Release and the Ikeda's. I actually just finished editing my post to include that point.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
And Blood Release has been a plan of mine since the Ikeda clan was first constructed. Lets not play the "who made it first" game, thats a bit trivial what with the sheer difference in the techniques ultimate outcomes.

And im aware of the difference in the Hu's Blood Release and the Ikeda's. I actually just finished editing my post to include that point.

Then...if you don’t want to play this game why did you even bring up the Ikeda in that sense? Seems more like a red herring to me
1. I wasnt saying Katsuo was gonna manipulate Yuki Ice. This discussion was about Kai freezing Katsuo's water techniques and Katsuo's manipulation of his now chakra infused ice. but once again, this has already been settled. Please dont comment on a debate unless you know exactly what is being discussed.

2. Its an intentional flaw. Thats my view, you have your own. Thats fine.

3. Kai literally has a dormant bloodline that allows organic control, meaning blood and all. And no ones complained that that cheapens the Ikeda's Clans blood release, so please dont pull that with me. Ive literally had to discuss with Shen how the Ikeda's Blood release should be on a higher level than the Hu's, so the Ikdea isnt basically a lesser version of them. Im directly on the end of that stick.

I mean I am sure I complained about blood release in general...
Then...if you don’t want to play this game why did you even bring up the Ikeda in that sense? Seems more like a red herring to me

Because I was making a point with Jacob about what I had to do to make blood Release actually have significant purpose and a difference from Organic blood release, and then you interjected with a comment about how long youve have your technique planned, which had nothing to do what was being discussed.

Dont act as if im pushing a debate/point when your the one who brought up how long your technique has been made in the first place. I merely reciprocated.

I mean I am sure I complained about blood release in general...

Cool. Glad ive made yet another technique for you to complain about.

Think im about done discussing this. I apologize for pointing out how water users could theoretically control pre-existing ice, I was wrong. I dont apologize for defending the significance of my own blood release. I wouldnt consider me giving a rough idea of when the technique was created a red herring. You stated how long youve had your technique, so I did as well to acknowledge your point, but I still state that when they were created doesnt matter. But I shall take your advice and ignore any points I disagree with from now on. lol

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
That’s appreciated. Also bleeds into the problem of having 5 characters lol
Oh how times change @Godjacob ...
Jenna: But I haven't done anything yet, I'm so confused
Back when Tsuki was named Jenna
No, they have a brotherly bond. Kanshi would make an oath to never hurt Kai’s side, even if it’s agaisnt his. Though he would snoop low enough to dispose of his kin given how negative her actions appear to Kanshi
And thus deserted Kai after this arc for good
Mei's about to get a sweet deal for you ungrateful lots of the Yuki Clan XD

But I love this attitude they have.
Again, how times change XD
I'M MAKING A THIRD CHARACTER MAYBE, perhaps he could be Taiyo's rival character and a villain, since ya know, haven't RPed as a Villain and Zaku already has Yasu.
Huh...back when you’re wanted Seiun as a rival
Apparently I missed Reaver's introduction XD
And I forgot how much you little cheats skim my posts XD


Previously Swirled
Oh how times change @Godjacob ...

Back when Tsuki was named Jenna

And thus deserted Kai after this arc for good

Again, how times change XD

Huh...back when you’re wanted Seiun as a rival

And I forgot how much you little cheats skim my posts XD
Stop reading old posts please....they scare me....
(If this post gets enough likes Ill consider making an actual character named Jenna, or a japanese equivalent.)

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The only reason the Yuki has such a stranglehold is because no one has cared enough to study there plans and attempt to stop them. XD
Gives you an edge though. You could kill off Kou and Reaver, or have Kai knighted, and most wouldnt notice for a day or two. ha

Konoha should have reacted to be fair but hey Konoha is under Retro's & Scorch's control so I can't help with that XD

Also reading old posts I forgot when I grouped up my cast upon their arrival I had Kenji & Azumi together.
I wouldve, but I knew the objection wouldnt have mattered.

But have no fear, good always prevails in the end! Or.....uh....some shit like that.

Edit: Thanks @DarkHydraT for the like-spike.

Tomiko: I mean still waiting to see that in practice...

Also not to pressure Hydra during his like frenzy but eh @DarkHydraT if you can have Taji notice and react to Kenji lying in the middle of camp I would appreciate it. I want to do operation "Give this guy a character arc damn it" and kick it into gear.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Maybe, but I was busy and self-loathing at the time given the characters I had and lack of ability to work that in. So it's my fault as well apologies for not making it clear.

Yuki taking shit on Konoha soil XD
Are you talking about the Yuki invasion when Kai was in konoha after the chunin exams/ invasion arc? Cuz that’s all you.
Yes. Though I remember Kyuu making a trainer for Raiku... (?)

And last person using Itachi was godjacob
Well since you’re on my team, I don’t mind sharing most Konoha characters with you since we’re mainly going by your plans. Except the ones Jacob is controlling, nearly every Konoha character you need should be available for use.

As for Itachi, can I have him if you don’t mind Jacob?
"Unique personality"

Sagiso=Classic overly analytical, overly serious ninja.


Sorry, love you Kyuu, no flame. Im making a point and im sure youd agree.

In my opinion, a 'fleshed out' character isnt someone with massive screen time or a flash back in every other post. I mean Sagiso is as hardened Naruto shinobi as it gets, similar to many MANY characters from the show. Its how you display your characters in what little time they get 'on screen', despite there personality, views, etc.

And @Godjacob, you claiming your characters arent fleshed out is due to the same reason you think your so weak. Your basing most, if not all of your negative opinions of your ocs on 1 or 2 prior moments in the rp.
You're mostly correct. I went for the realistic in the setting type character but with a more flavorful personality. How she reacts might change though because she's a reactive character as she doesn't have much in the way of a goal of her own.
Being a Yuki allows you to generate your own supply of ice and manipulate it. Something obvious that no one really talks about is, water ninja could do almost exactly the same.
Example: A user infusing hair with chakra can manipulate that hair. A user infusing chakra into an explosive tag can detonate it remotely.
Point: A users chakra infused water being frozen doesnt change the fact that its still chakra infused water, and would still be able to manipulate it.

Scientifically, ice is just water in a slightly different state, meaning its virtually just as workable. Im actually surprised more water shinobi havent taken advantage of this obvious loophole.

Therefore, Katsuo is an ice-nin. XD XD

(Nah jk, but you get my point)
Honestly, it's something conveniently ignored for simplicities sake.
Erm no...that’s not how it works. It’s in a different state altogether, fused with wind chakra. It’s the equivalent of trying to start the car one half the gasoline in the tank is replaced by corn syrup. Two different types of energy here.
Strictly speaking, Zander is correct because base chakra is capable ot 'telekinesis' levitating objects completely unrelated to chakra nature. It wouldn't exactly be Ice release in the sense of being malleable with ice, but he'd be able to throw it around like an Ice brick.

It's in the same vein of logic as Wind Release and regular chakra being able to control Shuriken, but being unable to actually change the shuriken to the level of Metal release... if you get what I mean.

As I said, It's essentially more of a telekinesis thing, and even without that argument, Ice Release from the Land of Snow doesn't require actual Ice Release. Kakashi is shown using that type of Ice release (copied it with the Sharingan) but doesn't have Ice release.

Whatever you want to make of that is completely up to you though.
That is to create ice techniques from scratch. 'Infusing' air with water doest make Ice, even if the show says thats how it works. If you were to freeze Katsuo's water, all youd be doing is dropping the temperature, not pushing air into it. Unless you can scientifically explain why infusing wind makes ice and prevents a water user from manipulating there own water infused chakra, I totally plan to use ice if Kai freezes water generated by Katsuo.

Im tired of people pretending Ice release and Boil release make a shred of sense. THERE BOTH NOTHING BUT WATER AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. XD

Edit: And it would take you a bit of chakra to freeze Katsuo's tendrils. You couldnt simply turn them to ice as youve got no control over my chakra. Youd have to physically drop the temperature around my water enough to freeze it. By your logic, a fire ninja could make a water ninjas technique boil by heating up the water directly.

Also.....couldnt a water ninja technically just return there jutsu to its previous state? Even if you were to infuse wind chakra with my water to 'create ice', couldnt Katsuo and his superb chakra control simply separate his water from the foreign element? And by the same logic, couldnt a water user just infuse more water in the ice than the wind could handle, returning it to a liquid state? lol

There are a few ways for a water ninja to shut down an ice user, factually and via Naruto logic.
Boil release is actually different, it's not ...actually steam? It's sorta steam, but sorta not. There's are different types of boil release. Mei's boil release is like...a cloud of Acid...almost the same exact thing as her Lava release...which makes me wonder why they didn't just fuse them into one and give her Acid Release.

But alternatively, there's Kokuo's Boil release which also isn't steam, but instead, superheating chakra. By superheating the chakra, steam is produced, but it seems more like a byproduct that what the nature release actually does.
Yes. Though I remember Kyuu making a trainer for Raiku... (?)

And last person using Itachi was godjacob
Ah, yes, the Sarutobi.
You're mostly correct. I went for the realistic in the setting type character but with a more flavorful personality. How she reacts might change though because she's a reactive character as she doesn't have much in the way of a goal of her own.

Honestly, it's something conveniently ignored for simplicities sake.

Strictly speaking, Zander is correct because base chakra is capable ot 'telekinesis' levitating objects completely unrelated to chakra nature. It wouldn't exactly be Ice release in the sense of being malleable with ice, but he'd be able to throw it around like an Ice brick.

It's in the same vein of logic as Wind Release and regular chakra being able to control Shuriken, but being unable to actually change the shuriken to the level of Metal release... if you get what I mean.

As I said, It's essentially more of a telekinesis thing, and even without that argument, Ice Release from the Land of Snow doesn't require actual Ice Release. Kakashi is shown using that type of Ice release (copied it with the Sharingan) but doesn't have Ice release.

Whatever you want to make of that is completely up to you though.

Boil release is actually different, it's not ...actually steam? It's sorta steam, but sorta not. There's are different types of boil release. Mei's boil release is like...a cloud of Acid...almost the same exact thing as her Lava release...which makes me wonder why they didn't just fuse them into one and give her Acid Release.

But alternatively, there's Kokuo's Boil release which also isn't steam, but instead, superheating chakra. By superheating the chakra, steam is produced, but it seems more like a byproduct that what the nature release actually does.

Ah, yes, the Sarutobi.
The Tea liking Sarutobi if I'm correct
The Tea liking Sarutobi if I'm correct
Iced Tea, yes.
Name: Asuka Sarutobi
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Village: Konohagakure
Jutsu type: Fire Release, Weapons Specialist

Being of medium height an build, dark brown, shoulder length hair, a similarly brown eyes, Asuka isn't much of an eye catcher. She's rather average looking and is easily lost in a crowd, however, upon much closer inspection, the woman carries herself with an air of confidence that can be seen as rather charming.

Her hair frames her facial features composed of almost shaped eyes, a dainty nose, thin lips, and puffy baby-fat cheeks, the combination of which makes her look rather young for her age. Matched with her less-than-curvy body and average height, and Asuka easily passed for almost 10 years younger than she actually is. Despite her appearance, you would do well not to treat her like a child, she's a master of Fire Release, specializing in the Hiden techniques of her Clan, one which she takes great pride in for having produced splendid shinobi such as Sasuke Sarutobi and Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third Hokage and Shinobi god of his Era.
Bio: To much work for a background character, no? Might fill this in later though.
Likes: Beaches, Ice tea, Darts
Dislikes: Yogurt, Sweets, Alcohol
Missions completed:
A - 19
B - 58
C - 204
D - 107