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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Aha, clever there with that twin lion step into the Topaz Basitidon, woulda never have expected you to use an explosion as a catalyst for stop momentum...! Nice

Also, noticed you stole the hammock idea XD
Actually, you stole mine. I had Hina in a Hammock since February xD


"Roasting s'mores round the campfire...they sure were enjoying life."

Discontent filled her voice, her berating monologue directed at a team that clearly didn't understand that this was a high-risk mission where they could lose their lives at any moment. They were acting like this was a camping trip, gallivanting and cajoling with the Jinchuriki as if a bunch of academy children on their first outing. All they needed to complete the scenery were campfire songs and warm snuggly sleeping bags -god forbid they sleep on the ground, or worst...got cold while sleeping! Hina had half a mind to march right over there and whap the lot of them right upside their thick, oblivious skulls. The other half of her mind, however, told her otherwise.

This, more pleasant part of her mind, whispered for her to pull up her blanket, spin around in her hammock, and get a few hours more shut-eye. This was a mission after all, and far away from the stresses and workload of village politics. Where else would she have an opportunity to sleep in till noon? It would be a crime to waste such a godsend! Besides, Raphtalia was more than perceptive enough for both of them.
Alright, so before I even attempt a post.

@Swirled, considering the height they're falling at, Sagisō and Furījia that is, broken bones would be the least of their worries. Thus, I wouldn't have them hit the ground at all.

So Seiun's attack which aims at the moment they land...well, it isn't aimed at anything since they'll never actually reach the target zone.


Previously Swirled
@Swirled, considering the height they're falling at, Sagisō and Furījia that is, broken bones would be the least of their worries. Thus, I wouldn't have them hit the ground at all.

So Seiun's attack which aims at the moment they land...well, it isn't aimed at anything since they'll never actually reach the target zone.
Perhaps I misworded my post, I should have just outright said that the lightning shots are like homing missiles as I originalky ontended but I thiught that was inplied. On this end I apologize but that still means that Seiun's attack WILL hit its target unless blocked by a chakra cshield or something on the like. At worst, youd be looking at a rougher landing than intended.
See, there is some logic behind my choices, its just that usually others have more logic than me.
Perhaps I misworded my post, I should have just outright said that the lightning shots are like homing missiles as I originalky ontended but I thiught that was inplied. On this end I apologize but that still means that Seiun's attack WILL hit its target unless blocked by a chakra cshield or something on the like. At worst, youd be looking at a rougher landing than intended.
See, there is some logic behind my choices, its just that usually others have more logic than me.
Yea, leaving it as homing missiles would've been less confusing. It was implied at first, but then the addition of a specific location went contrary to it.

Well, I'll dice up some lightning then...

Also, swap with me Hyō for Tsuki. She's almost incapable of fighting in this forest because of the Oil-fire burning below. She can't use large-scale water release because if the water touches the fire it'll blow them all sky-high, and the heat from the flames means a mist can't settle over the forest, and that moots her genjutsu.

She could do close-combat, but not while Seiun is shooting thunderbolts + I'm in no real hurry to fight myself.

We could not swap too, but I'm probably going after Tsuki anyway. Remember that one time when Kai held someone hostage to blackmail Sagisō?

Well, karma is a bitch.

Nothing personal though ^^

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
He has fast reaction speed, or am I overestimating skill limits again

I made an edit to show better how Shura noticed the centipede
Great, that solved most issues.

But I think you are confusing wyvern with the humanoids, because the wyvern had the bomb attached
Yea, leaving it as homing missiles would've been less confusing. It was implied at first, but then the addition of a specific location went contrary to it.

Well, I'll dice up some lightning then...

Also, swap with me Hyō for Tsuki. She's almost incapable of fighting in this forest because of the Oil-fire burning below. She can't use large-scale water release because if the water touches the fire it'll blow them all sky-high, and the heat from the flames means a mist can't settle over the forest, and that moots her genjutsu.

She could do close-combat, but not while Seiun is shooting thunderbolts + I'm in no real hurry to fight myself.

We could not swap too, but I'm probably going after Tsuki anyway. Remember that one time when Kai held someone hostage to blackmail Sagisō?

Well, karma is a bitch.

Nothing personal though ^^

Nah, Kai would definitely freak over a Yuki being threatened.

I have faith in Tsuki. She can do a lot more than you give her credit for. And don’t think that you’ve had seen the last of that honey comb~