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Private/Closed Naruto AU RP: discussion

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Move out the group? React to the dark clouds from the mist? Interact with Mori? Etc?

If its really agitating you so much ill post a reply getting a bit of interaction out of the way. It just simply wont be that important for a couple reasons.

1. Move out? Move out where? Guren's currently tracking area's with low but unnatural movement levels, a.k.a, people currently not in combat. I dont simply intend to run in circles, or 'accidentally' come across something story driving.

2. Not to sound rude, but why would any of Team Iwa care about the clouds at all? There not a threat to us, and these islands are loaded full of ninja from various villages, with various techniques. For all we know its just yet another random battle.

3. You got me there. I do need to interact with Mori. But thats not much dialogue, so ill do as I intended and wait for Koop to post with the Jinchuriki before making my next move.
If its really agitating you so much ill post a reply getting a bit of interaction out of the way. It just simply wont be that important for a couple reasons.

1. Move out? Move out where? Guren's currently tracking area's with low but unnatural movement levels, a.k.a, people currently not in combat. I dont simply intend to run in circles, or 'accidentally' come across something story driving.

2. Not to sound rude, but why would any of Team Iwa care about the clouds at all? There not a threat to us, and these islands are loaded full of ninja from various villages, with various techniques. For all we know its just yet another random battle.

3. You got me there. I do need to interact with Mori. But thats not much dialogue, so ill do as I intended and wait for Koop to post with the Jinchuriki before making my next move.
1. Team Kiro (Tayuya, Takato, Henshina and Kiro) isn’t in combat. They also have the jinchuriki with them. Right now she’s just listening to the discussion the others are having. Takato also has Kiro and Tayuya under shadow paralysis for now.

2. No comment lel

3. Koop hasn’t posted with Henshina mainly cuz she’s trying to stay neutral. So there really isn’t anything for her to actually do except to just listen.
1. Team Kiro (Tayuya, Takato, Henshina and Kiro) isn’t in combat. They also have the jinchuriki with them. Right now she’s just listening to the discussion the others are having. Takato also has Kiro and Tayuya under shadow paralysis for now.

2. No comment lel

3. Koop hasn’t posted with Henshina mainly cuz she’s trying to stay neutral. So there really isn’t anything for her to actually do except to just listen.

I'm aware of Team Kiro's location. I'm also aware that the entire area around them is very hot with action atm. Meaning it would be a bad idea to clumsily run in.

She doesn’t have much to say even if she does

I wasn't looking for a detailed post. I wanted the exact setting, hence why I asked for a brief summary. Simply where she was amongst the group and what she was currently doing. Retro already posted a reply though.
I wasn't looking for a detailed post. I wanted the exact setting, hence why I asked for a brief summary. Simply where she was amongst the group and what she was currently doing. Retro already posted a reply though.
She's currently watching as Takato keeps Tayuya and Kiro restrained with the shadow possession jutsu.

Maybe a couple of hundred feet away Team Kakashi is fighting Team Sound, and maybe a bit further away and in a different direction, Team Hyūga is fighting Team Mist.

Or...well, Shura is fighting Kai. That's about the only fight with an active effort from both sides. :?
Oh...so...I'm gonna spend the next few posts doing anything that isn't advance the Team Hina fight, so are you good if I auto to the next day for the Jail scene, @Retro Master , @Grand Master Koop

Then I'll...handle my other Nadeshiko girls or something.

Quick reminder, that Sagisō is a Nadeshiko Kunoichi & not a Leaf Shinobi. Make of that what you will, but it offers an interesting perspective.
Let me get one more post it before that
So, wait....Misa is a Yamanaka who uses Mind Transfer jutsu to steal bodies?

A few questions....

1. So Misa's real body is stored away somewhere being cared for?

2. Can you keep use of the targets body forever? Mind Transfer was never stated to have a time limit, but its almost always stated to work for, "a short period of time".

3. Yamanaka are capable of utilizing there own jutsu while switched. So I was curious as to what made you believe they could utilize a possessed bodies jutsu?

4. How did you even manage to obtain a Yuki Clan body? They usually travel in groups while outside the Mist, and I dont see you just walking in a jumping in a random person unnoticed.